Sonder: A Solangelo Story

By therichbxtch

350 27 3

Your Name (Kimi no na wa) au. Nico Di Angelo is a young city boy who wishes to get his life out of a rut. Wil... More

Author Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

27 3 0
By therichbxtch

First thing Nico did when he woke was observed the dimly lit room, his tired eyes gazing over the familiar pictures, messy dresser, and water-damaged wallpaper. Once confirming that this was, in fact, his own run-down apartment bedroom, he slipped out of bed and prepared to dress for school. Honestly, that surfer looking teen from Kansas was lucky. He probably would still be asleep for another hour or two, maybe four depending on the time his school starts.

Fifteen minutes later, Nico was dressed in his typical baggy jeans and random rock band t- shirt, listening to the same band while walking towards his high school. A black haired, light skinned male was clearly teasing a blonde female, in a way that only couples would, while they walked. Nico removed an earbud once the male noticed him, though his content expression showed he was preoccupied with something pleasant for once.

"Annabeth, do you see this?! He's actually smiling, for the second day in a row. Do you think he's broken?" The male said, his sea-green eyes showing a mixture of bewilderment and pride.

"No, he's most likely found something in life that brings him joy, Seaweed Brain," She stated bluntly, ruffling the male's hair before snapping her fingers in front of Nico's face.

For the most part he hadn't really registered what the other's were saying, but definitely heard them talk. It was in that instant Nico truly understood what people meant when they said listening and understanding were two different concepts because he was totally listening but didn't understand a single word he heard.

"Huh? Were you talking to me?" He asked, his focus back on the two in front of him as his smile slowly faded. The pleasant thoughts having been brutally murdered by a bitch named reality.

"Yeah, Percy still thinks you're broken as you were smiling again."

"Yep! Your mind has finally shattered," he said, earning a slap to the back of the head from his girlfriend.

"Percy shut the fuck up. Anyways, I personally think you finally found someone who makes you happy" she said, giving a pouting Percy a gentle peck on the cheek as Nico quietly contemplated his response.

"Mostly, the idea of something. Like traveling to the world or seeing a life of a stranger through their shoes. Knowing that a simple person at a bus stop or in a train has just as complicated of a story as I do." He responded, the smile appearing again. "Knowing I only get to see a glimpse into their life."

"You mean sonder?" She said, smiling as they walked through the door.


"What does that mean?" Will asked Piper, her brown hair in a waterfall styled braid, and blinked at the huge smile suddenly appearing on her face as they took their seats in the class.

"Sonder is the realization that everyone's lives, even people you see in cafes or walk past, have just as complicated of a life as yours. Full of hardships and complications you may never know about." She said, in all too eager tone. "I'm sorry, I just got really excited when you asked as it is my favorite word" Honestly, the word fit the feeling he had every time he thought of Nico. A random stranger he knew nothing about and suddenly he gets to experience part of his life. Only to discover it's full of things that shouldn't have taken place.

", it's perfectly fine, I'm grateful to have a word for this now," he said, grinning as widely as he could at her and giving off an optimistic appearance. It honestly wasn't hard, as everyone seems relieved he was himself. Travis and Connor talked about how shocked their mom was to be berated by Will in the middle of class. Which meant he immediately went to Mrs. Stoll and apologized repeatedly.

Then, Jason explained how he was getting detention for Will's behavior. Which then lead to another apology followed by a promise to leave him out of his punishments. The blonde didn't need his life effected by a third party he didn't know existed, honestly it was kinda creepy if he thought about it. With no explanation, he just suddenly becomes a stranger overnight then went back to his usual self. It was as if he were possessed, which wasn't all that inaccurate as his body was being controlled by a spirit independent of his own control.

"Well, that's good. It's an interesting feeling to describe isn't it?" She said, turning around to face the front as soon as the teacher walked in. Will had wanted to talk longer to Piper but decided it was best to wait as Mrs. Stoll had already viewed him in a poor light thanks to the New Yorker.

Honestly, Will wondered if the raven haired male was actually focusing in class or slacking off again. He wondered what expression the other made while studying, was it of intrigue or frustration? Probably boredom. Definitely, boredom if he cursed at a teacher for disrupting his sleep, though it wasn't Nico's fault that both of Mrs. Stoll's classes were dull. Even Will fell asleep on occasion as the classes got repetitive and disinteresting fast. For example, right now, He was quietly resting as Mrs. Stoll discussed human immigration.

Eventually, he woke to someone shaking his shoulder, an expression of confusion appeared on his face while gazing at darker skinned, curly haired girl with a gentle smile.

"Nico, you slept through class again. You're going to fail at this rate," Her voice was full of concern and love, allowing Will to determine that this was Nico's sister.

"....Hazel?" His voice was groggy and his eyes were struggling to stay open, a pout appearing on his face once the other girl started to laugh.

"How exhausted are you? Did you forget about me that quickly?" She responded while Will stumbled out of the chair, his eyes darting to the chalkboard. Huh? Someone put the wrong date.


Welp, Nico was pissed. First off, he hadn't been expecting to wake up to someone smacking the back of his head -a curly-haired, caramel skinned male had done it- and immediately shot up straight in his seat. Secondly, he was confused as to why he was in a history class instead of his math class. Finally, the cocky male who had woken him was laughing like a maniac to the point that Nico just glared at him.

"Woah, Will? Jez, you don't have to look at me like that. It's not like I killed your sister or something," He said and immediately, Nico was struggling not to strangle the male. It looked almost like he might cry if he didn't hit the other. Why? Why that example out of all them?! He could've said pet, brother or even parents. In one swift motion, Nico stood up and pulled the shorter male out of his seat before shoving him against the wall.

"Do NOT joke like that again or else I WILL beat you into a bloody pulp," He threatened before dropping the other on the ground, glancing between the teacher and students. Shit.

Welp, Nico was outside the principal's office thanks to the incident that occurred with Leo Valdez, he learned his name after what happened, and seemed clearly pissed that he couldn't properly explain why he did it. Who would believe him if he said that it was because he mentioned a sister dying? Nobody knew that it was still a sensitive topic for him. Well, nobody knew it was him. They saw Will, acting out in anger for no reason, and not Nico Di Angelo, the 15-year-old still stuck in the past. 

"Will Solace?" Welp, hopefully, he doesn't get Will suspended.


"X equals 45, you have to divide both sides by 2 after subtracting the 18" Will answered immediately, causing the rest of Nico's classmates to stare. He was guessing some of their thoughts at the moment. 

"Woah, He's so smart!"
"That quiet kid is so short."
"He's kinda cute!"

Or that's what he would like to believe, He wanted to give Nico a positive image beside the quiet kid who lost his sister. Based on his homework and the response from the teacher, Nico was very intelligent but none of his classmates knew due to him quietly sitting in the back. Some must've thought he was slacking because he sleeps in class, but he actually tries his best to pass and that made Will smile a bit. 

"Good job, Di Angelo. Would anyone else like to answer the next question?" That made Will grin a bit wider, this is good for Nico. Maybe, if he slowly builds up the male's reputation, He'll have more friends than just the group he sits with. Or at least be a bit respected by other members of the class. It didn't take long for Will to be curious about how Nico was doing, hopefully, he didn't stab someone yet.

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