Loves a Fight

By Loonlore

221K 4.9K 1.2K

What would you do if your life turned to complete and utter shit after just one day? Would you breakdown and... More

Chapter I Noels P.O.V
Chapter II Kain P.O.V
Chapter III Noels P.O.V
Chapter IV Kains P.O.V
Chapter V Noel P.O.V
Chapter VI Kain's P.O.V
Chapter VII Noels P.O.V
Chapter VIII Kains P.O.V
Chapter IX Noels P.O.V
Chapter X Noels P.O.V
Chapter XI Adrians P.O.V
Chapter XII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XIV Kians P.O.V
Chapter XV Kains P.O.V
Chapter XVI Kains P.O.V.
Chapter XVII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XVIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XIX Noels P.O.V
Chapter XX Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXI Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXIV Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXV Vincents P.O.V
Chapter XXVI Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXVII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXVIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXX Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXXI Joeys P.O.V
Chapter XXXII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXXIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXXIIII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXXV Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXXVI Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXXVII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXXVIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXXIX Noels P.O.V
Chapter XL Kains P.O.V
Chapter XLI Noels P.O.V
Chapter XLII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XLIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XLIV Kains P.O.V
Chapter XLV Noels P.O.V
Chapter XLVI Dravens P.O.V
Chapter XLVII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XLVIII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XLIX Noels P.O.V
Chapter L Noels P.O.V
Chapter LI Kains P.O.V
Chapter LII Noels P.O.V
Chapter LIII Kains P.O.V
Chapter LIV Kains P.O.V
Chapter LV Kains P.O.V
Chapter LVI Kains P.O.V
Chapter LVII Noels P.O.V
Thank you!?!

Chapter XXIX Kains P.O.V

3.1K 74 24
By Loonlore

Once I close the door behind me a feeling of regret fills the air around me.
Everytime we fight she points out something I did wrong, and I always end up throwing something right back at her.
When she was out I just sorta lost it.
They wouldn't let me see her.
I was locked out.
I went on a rampage.
Protests were only the beginning.
The girls and the drugs.
I was spiraling out of control.
They knew what I was trying to do.
I don't know why I actually started doing it.

When she mentioned the fact that I was with that girl I was blindsided.
I had almost forgotten what she caught me doing.
When she said that it hurt her...
God I almost lost it.
I am pissed off.
Not at her, myself.
Why am I such a worthless piece of shit?

When she said she would have waited for me forever...
She was telling me that she cared a whole lot about me, and I just shit all over it.
Her tears...
I promised I would never hurt her again, yet here we are.

She should just leave my sorry ass behind.
I thought I lost her before when I slapped her.
She stayed.
Then she got kidnapped, stabbed and shot, yet she still cares about me.
All I did was disappoint her when she finally came around.

I realize I haven't left from the spot that I had paused to think.
Right out front of her door.
Her cries have died down.

I place a shaky hand on her door.
I need to see her.
She needs to know I am so fucking sorry.
When I turn the nob the door doesn't open.
She locked me out.
I sigh and slide down the door.
Getting out my phone and checking the time I see that I have been standing here for almost half an hour now.
She must have gone to sleep by now.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper even though I know she can't hear.
I feel obligated to apologise for what I have done.
Treating her like shit.
Making out with girls.
Well thats not all I did while she was out.

"I don't know what to do anymore..." I speak freely.
I don't know what to do anymore.
She should just leave, but I know that I will fall apart.
She needs more, but I'm to selfish to let her go.

"I don't mean any of the things I say to you..." I admit.
I don't mean any of the hateful things I say to her.
I just know she is the only person with the power to destroy me.
It scares me.
The knowledge of what she can do to me makes me act out irrationally.
I want to push her as far away as possible.

"I just don't know how to show you how I feel..." I tell my truth.
I don't know how to show her.
She is nothing like any of the other girls I have known in my life.
She doesn't want fancy things.
She doesn't care for complements.
All she wants is to know that you are there for her, and I have never shown her the only thing she needs.

"You don't make it easy..." I laughs slightly.
I may be bad, but she fights back.
Everytime she snaps back.
All the times she pushes me away.
It makes it harder to show her how I feel.
I always think she doesn't feel the some way when she pushes me away.

"I hope that when you wake up you can forgive me. I don't want to never see you again. I know that if I let you think that for even a day, you would never forgive me. Your trust means the world to me and if I lost it... I hope I didn't loose it..." I speak truthfully.
If I lost her...
God if I lost her I will lose my mind.
I am to deep now to push her away anymore.
I have to work for her.
Now that I have completely fucked everything over I have to work even harder.

"Noel if you can even possibly hear me. I.... I don't know what to say..." I can't finish that sentence.
I shouldn't have told her that I thought I loved her.
That must have really hurt her.
I basically said that I didn't like her anymore.
I clench my fists in anger.
Standing I hear a faint voice through the door.

"You could have just told me the truth Kain..." She whispers probably thinking that I can't hear her.
Her words leave guilt embedded in my mind.
I fell like an asshole.
Well I am an asshole.
Don't worry Noel, this is the last time that I will ever make you feel that way.
I know I have said that many times, but this time it's for real.
I need her.


I lay in my bed just staring at the ceiling.
Kian keeps on hurting me.
Why do I always let him back in?

With that thought I hear a noise near my window.
Panic sets in.
I slip form the bed with extreme silence.
Walking slowly to the window the noise comes again.
I jump in shock.
I move to the window and slowly peal back the curtain.
The night sky is lit with large and beautiful stars.
I look to the ground and see a dark figure.
My heart rate increases.

Even though I know I shouldn't I still open the window.
I shine my phone flashlight down.
The light catches white-grey hair.
My eyes widen is shock.

"What's up weirdo?" The boy laughs up at me.
An ear splitting smile lights up my face.
I lean further out the window.

"Nothing much joeboe" I whisper while tears gather in my eyes.
I hear him laugh, but I let a little cry escape my lips.
I see his brows furrow.
He looks angry.

"What wrong Noel?" He whisper yells from the ground.
I wipe my tears of joy and just smile down at the first boy to ever show me what it was like to have someone love them.
I shake my head and watch him smile again.
Gosh I missed that smile.

"I'll be right back..." I whisper and run to the door.
I unlock it and slowly exit my room.
I run down the stairs and almost fall straight on my ass when I find Kain standing and staring at a wall.
I sneak past him to the front door.
I swing it open and run around the yard.
When my eyes find his body I jump into his arms.
He wraps his arms around me and laughs into my neck.
He releases me and frowns down at me.
I continue to smile like I haven't in a while.

"You look like shit..." He whispered and placed a hand on the scar on my cheek.
I shrug and just look up at him.
He looks from that scar to all of the others.

"I'll kill him..." He growls.
By him he means my father.
He doesn't know that my father is dead yet.

"You promised that you would...." He stopped realising that he ignored me for so long.
I roll my eyes and continue to stare into his ice blue eyes.
Still not believing that he is here.

"Joey I'm fine really" I laugh as he tilts my head to examine me even further.
His eyes darkened when he sees the slashes coming up from my back.
I know what he wants to see now.
I watch as the vain in his neck bulges out.
He is pissed now.
He spins around and walks towards the house.
I try and grab him, but I am too late.
He bursts through the front door.

"Where are you you sick bastard!?!" He yells.
I try and grab him before he gets himself killed.
Too late Kain has a gun in hand walking towards us.
Kain flicks the light on and sees Joey.
He cocks the gun and I panic.
I slip infront of Joey.

Kain looks shocked.
Then he looks really pissed off.
He uncocks the gun and slides it in his jeans.
His entire body was flexed as he refrained from killing Joey.

"Who the fuck are you?" I hear Joey ask with distaste.
My eyes widen as I watch Kains eyes get even darker.
Kain moves forward to kill Joey.

"Kain!" I yell directing his attention to me.
His eyes snap to mine.
He watches as I walk to him.
When I stop directly in front of him he looks relieved.
Then he remembers Joey.

"More like who the hell are you..." He growls and shoves me to the side.
He slowly stalks towards Joey.
I know what's coming.
Kain punches Joey as hard as he can.
I rush and try and pull Kain off of Joey.
He continues to punch Joey.

"Kain stop!?!" I scream trying to rip him off of Joey.
He ignores me until I actually get a good grip on him.
He shoves me back forgetting that I have no strength.
I couldn't catch myself and I smash into the wall.
My vision fills with little black dots.

The punching stops and someone is trying to help me.
When I realize it's Kain I shove him off.
Then Adrian, Blake, Luke and Liam all enter the room.
They see a seething Kain.
A bloody guy.
And an angry girl.

I ignore them all and rush to Joey's side.
His eye is definitely going to be black within a few more minutes.
His lip is split.
He smiles a cocky smile up at me.

"God Joey..." I whisper and gently touch his face.
He closes his eyes.
Anger settles in my stomach.
Fuck Kain.

"What the hell were you thinking!?!" I yell and stalk towards Kain.
He looks surprised but covers it up.
I try and shove him but fail miserably.
He grabs my arms and hold me in place.
His grip on my wrists is painful.

"Who. Is. That. Guy" he growls out looking straight into my eyes.
I am so angry right now.
The fact that I can't kick his ass is pissing me off even more.
With the little strength I have I rip away from him.
I flip him off and turn to Joey.
He is trying to slowly sit up.

"Damnit..." I walk to him and wrap my arm underneath his.
I slowly help him stand up.
We both look to Kain when we hear him approach us.
He looks even more pissed off.

"Fuck off Kain!" I yell and lean Joey against the wall.
Kain doesn't stop until he is inches away from me.
Why aren't the boys doing anything?

Kain doesn't care about what he is doing right now.
He is acting on pure rage.
He tries to move around me, but I stand in his way.

"If you want to get to him, you will have to get through me first..." I whisper challenging him.
His eyes dilated on mine.
He raises his arm to have it ripped away by Adrian.
Luke and Liam also grab him and pull him away.
Blake stand infront making sure that if he gets free that he can grab him.
They pull him away.
I turn to Joey.

"God you boyfriend is a dick..." He groans wiping the blood the drips from his lip.
I groan and roll my eyes.

"He is not my boyfriend..." I wrap my arm around him and feel him put his weight on me.
He must not realize that I am extremely weak.
I struggle to hold him up.
He must get the hint because he eases up on me.
I walk him up the stairs.

"This is a nice house..." He slurs and laughs.
I don't say anything and just carry him into my room.
I walk him to my bed and set him down.
He sits dramatically.
I laugh and exit my room.
When I exit I find a fuming Kain.
I lay my body against the door protecting Joey.

"Move..." He growls and tries to move me.
He must remember what he did earlier because he drops his arms aways from me.
He looks lost.
His arms slowly raises showing me that he wasn't going to hurt me, and he placed his hand on my forehead.
I hiss and lean away form him.
His eyes fill with regret and guilt.

"It ok..." I whisper knowing he was getting mad at himself.
His eyes soften and his body relaxes.
I take note and slowly get off the door.

"I need a first aid kit..." I say trying to gage his reaction.
He looks shocked.

"I didn't hurt you that bad did I..." He sounds scared.
I realize he thinks I need it for myself.

"Kain you didn't do anything to me but that" I smile and point to my forehead.
When I say that he gets the hint.
His features darken.

"No" he says and crosses his arms.
He is just trying to piss me off.
Is not going to work.
I am sick of his shit.

"Ok, I'll just go and get it myself..." I try but I catch his sinister smile.

"Then you would leave him unprotected" he smiles down at me.
I roll my eyes.
Memories of what happened the last time I did that flash through my mind.
He must remember as well because he backs away.
He sighs and turns to a closet.
The door opens and he pulls out a medium sized box.
He spins around and hands it to me with hesitation.

"Thank you..." I whisper and wrap my small arm around his larger waist.
He seems shocked but hugs me back.
I smile up at him before I open the door.
He grabs the door and stops me from closing it.

"If he hurts you I will kill him..." He growls and searches my eyes for something.
I nod.

"You have my permission to kill him if he hurts me..." I smile and hear Joey protest from deeper in my room.
Kains face relaxes.
His brows return to a more relaxed position.
He smiles down at me.
I smile back and walk deeper into my room.
I close the door and turn to my big retard.

"I will not let that sorry excuse of a man kill me!?!" He yells with a smile.
He was just fucking around.
That's why I love him.
He can take any horrible moment and make it beautiful.

I walk to him and address his wounds.
I see that he has bruises all over his face.
A large one where Kain laid his first punch, his left eye.

"Your boyfriend really knows how to fight" he smiles trying to make conversation.
I groan and poke is bruise hard causing pain.
He hisses and falls away from me.
I burst out laughing.
He glares playfully at me.

"Me and Kain are not a thing..." I whisper as I stitch his lip up.
He doesn't answer because he doesn't want me to stab him in the nose.
Once finished I look for anything else I need to fix.
His eyes are locked on my shoulder.

"What did he do..." His eyes snap up to mine.
I know he will stop at nothing until he knows what me father did.
When Joey left my dad hadn't yet carved or whipped me.
My father had only hit me.

"I didn't want you to worry..." I whisper and see his eyes fill with anger.

"Where is he..." He growls and tried to stand.
I don't try and stop him.
He is almost to the door when I speak up.

"He's dead..." I speak and watch him freeze.
He turns and looks at me.
He is searching me for something.

"What..." He sounds shocked.
I shrug my shoulders preparing myself for what is to come.

"How?" He asks coming to stand right infront of me.
His eyes full of guilt.
Why is he guilty?
He did nothing wrong.

"Kain killed him..." I close my eyes remembering what Kain did.
How he ignored me when I needed him most.
I remember all the times he treated me like shit.
Realization hits me.
Kain and been nothing but cruel to me, yet I still trust him.

"He did what!?!" He is shocked.
I lead him back to the bed and begin to explain.

"I was coming home late and I knew I was in for it. I hadn't expected him to stab me" I lift my shirt and point to a scar that was on my stomach.
His hand reached out and traced the scar.

"Kain was supposed to already be there to save me, but he ignored my calls" I see hate rise in his eyes.

"He busted down the door and called Adrian to came and get me. He walked up the stairs and shot my father" I whisper as I relive that night.
He looks kind of happy.

"Would you like to see what he did while you were gone?" I also hoping he would say no.
He nodded and waited for me.
I stood and turned my back to him.
I slowly took off my shirt.
I heard his sharp intake of breath.
His shaky fingers traced the words carved in my back.
Then the whip slashes.
After that he went to the other small scars.

"Noel..." He whispers and I can hear the tears in his voice.
I throw my shirt back on and turn to face him.
He looks guilty.

"You couldn't have done anything Joey" I smile at him trying to make him happy.
He took everything that happened to me to heart.
He would always try and kill my father, but I would always stop him.
I knew my dad would just end up hurting him.

"I left you alone to deal with it on your own Noel... I should have been here for you" he looks between my eyes.
I could never be mad at him.
What he did was nothing for me to be mad at him for.
He shouldn't have to babysit me.

"I handled it myself for a long time Joey... That night he just lost his shit" I laugh and see his mouth twitch with a smile.
I look at him and really memorize him.
The last time he left I almost forgot what he looked like.

"We should go introduce you to the guys" I say and stand up.
He stands with me and wraps is arm around my shoulders.
We walk to the door and open it.
No one was in the hallway, so we made our way downstairs.

Blake, Adrian, Luke and Liam were all sitting around the tv mesmerized with what was on.
Luke heard us and looked our way.
A small smile danced at the corner of his mouth when he saw how happy we were.
I was smiling ear to ear.
Joey was one of those people in my life that no matter what I would still love him.

Kain walks around the corner and freezes when he sees us.
His eyes scan over Joey's arm that is wrapped around me..
His face darkens, but he doesn't advance towards us.
He turns and walks back in his office.
A frown comes to my face.

Joey nudges me with a look that I knew all to well.
I shook my head.
I was not going after him.
Not this time.
Not ever.

Joey glared at me until I gave in.
A huge grin lit up his face as he walked to the boys.
He jumped on the couch and stole Blake's chips.
Blake looked mortified, but soon the Blake I knew came back.
He snatched back his chips while glaring at Joey.
Joey laughed out loud.
I found myself smiling widely at that sound.
Oh how much I missed Joey.

I am suddenly aware of a presence behind me.
I spin my head to see Kain looking at me funny.
He looks from me to Joey.
His eyes searching for something.
Steel-grey eyes full of concern.

I spin to face him fully.
He stares into my eyes.
Turning away from me and heads back into his office.
Confusion clouds my mind.

I open the office door to find a dark room.
A huge dark wood desk with a large bookshelf.
So many books.
In my amazement I missed the fact that Kain was so close to me.

I jumped out of my skin when he touched my forehead.
His eyes closed off.
What was he shutting me out for now?
I should be the one who is angry.

"Who's the guy?" He asks with a hollow voice.
I ignore the way he is acting and decide to be civil even though he almost beat the living shit out of Joey.

"His name is Joey Carpenter" I smile as I say his name.
Memories from when we were kids flash before my eyes.
Kain huffs angrily.

"Are you in fucking love with him..." He asks with a dark look in his eyes.
I internally roll my eyes.

"Yes" I say fucking with him.
To make it even more real, I sigh dreamily after answering.
I watch as the veins in his neck bulges in fury.
His eyes black with rage.
He staggers towards me with a look of disgust.
I watch him carefully.

"What about what you said before? How you said you would wait for me forever... Now you are in love with him? I told you..." He sighs and runs his hands through his hair and down his face.
Let's keep going.
It my turn to fuck with his feelings.

"I loved him first. He was there for me before you were even a thing in my life" I say looking away from him.
I sense his eyes locked on my face.

"So your just going to throw me fucking away!?!" He smashes his fist through the wall.
My eyes bulge.
Maybe this wasn't the best idea.

"You have another thing coming..." He moves toward the door.
I panic and block his path.
He pushes me against the wall angrily.
My arms pinned to my sides with a painful grip he has on them.
My eyes never leave his.

"Don't fucking get in my way... I am sick of you stepping out of line with me. I am a gang leader. You seem to forget that alot" he leans closer to me.
I lean away from him.
His eyes aren't the same.
They hold nothing.
Cold and angry is all they are.
He squeezes my arms tighter.
I don't wince.
That would mean he won.

"How does it feel...." I whisper and watch his head tilt like Adrians.
He isn't himself.
This side of him is a monster.
Why do I always trust monsters?

He looks confused, but he still looks empty and cold.
I lean forward and place my mouth right above his ear.
I feel him freeze up.

"How does it feel to have the one person you cared about with someone else Kain..." I whisper and watch the hair raise on his neck.
I lean back and watch his eyes show me emotion again.
He looks guilty.

"Joey is like a brother. I have known him for years. He was there for me when my father was a dick and he is here now. I will always choose him over you. After all you've done, you still think that I am on your side. You tried to kill him Kain!" I yell as he pushes away from me.
His eyes sad.
I see his eyes looking broken.
My mind is screaming at me to stop, but my heart keeps on fueling the fire with a sick smile.

"I appreciate what you have done, but that doesn't help all of the wrong you have done. Joey being back shows me how I should be treated by someone I trust. You don't treat me like you care. This is how I know every word the comes out of you fucking mouth is a goddamned lie. You never loved me. If you loved me you would never touch me in a harmful way which you have done so many times..." My heart is racing with every word I finally tell him.
All my feeling that were bottled up are out and the air now, and I am not done yet.

"You wouldn't have been taking girl after girl home with you while I was unconscious. That isn't what you do when you love someone. When you love someone you do everything in your power to make sure they are ok. You only want to see them smile, but you make me cry so much Kain. This isn't love you feel for me..." I speak with a shaky voice.
He is just waiting for me to say it.
Wishing that I wouldn't, but I have to.

"You don't love me Kain. I do strongly care about you Kain. You know I don't even know why it feels like to love someone, but when ever you were angry at me or angry at anything in general I was there for you. When you were upset after something I said I would fix it right there on the spot. You just keep going. You just keep making me feel even more worthless than I already do..." A tear slips from my eye.
I watch Kains eyes follow the tear down my cheek.
His eyes were slowly shutting down.
I knew what was happening.
He was preparing for the worst.

"Kain I know you don't love me, but no matter what you will forever hold a special place in my heart. I just can't be near someone like you. I grew up with man like that my whole life..." I stop when I see him eyes snap to mine.
He is suddenly really pissed off.
He grabs me roughly and drags me out of the room.
I search desperately for the boys.
They must have went upstairs.
My throat closes up and I struggle to breathe.

Kain drags me with him.
His shoulders rising and falling as he silently rages.
He opens the basement door and drags me down.
The boys aren't down here either.

He drags me closer to the door I wanted to go in last time.
Regret fills me.

He throws the door open and my nostrils fill with the stench of blood.
My stomach flips in fear.

He throws me in a chair.
I struggle against him, but he throws me down.
He straps me in and I watch him in terror.
His hands fly to his hair as he pulls at the roots.
He flicks on the lights.

A table sits in the corner and I am dragged back into Vincent's basement.
It's a table of tools....
I tighten my grip on the chair while clenching my jaw shut.

Kain is shaking in anger.
His head snaps to my direction when I inhale shakily.
He looks deadly.

He stalks towards me and I sink further into the chair.

"You think I am like your father?" He asks with a devils smile.

"Oh honey I am way worse..." He reaches a hand up and slides the back of his finger down my cheek.
I watch him look at me like that.
My body shuts off.
My mind is empty.
My heart rate slows.
Eyes empty.
I turn into a robot.
This is what I would do when I was for sure my dad was going to cause me great hell.
Kain was inducing the same fear that I felt for my father.

He leaves me and walks to the table.
He scans his tools and smiles when he finds a small a carving knife.
Vincent flashes through my mind.

"I will show you how bad I can get..." He places the knife on my cheek.
My panic mode fails and I begin to shake with so much fear.
I stop breathing.
My eyes fill with tears of pure terror.

He continues to slide the knife up and down my arm watching me with a crazed look.
I hear people calling for us.

He looks at the ceiling then back to me.
His eye lock onto mine.
I watch as he stands up sharply.
The movement scares the shit out of me.
I cry out in fear.
My body collapsed in on itself.
I was shaking with so much fear right now.
Tears fell as I remember everything that had ever happened to me.
Instead of my father doing it Kain was.

I hear a knife fall to the floor.
The ropes around my wrists loosen and fall from my arms.
I don't move.
My eyes are clenched shut.
My heart is hammering against my ribs.

A hand gently touches me and I cry out in fear.
I jump away from him.
Standing in a corner as he watches me like a wounded animal.
I slide down the wall and wrap myself up in a ball.
Rocking myself to try and calm down.
Shaking and trying to breathe.
It won't stop.
Everything burns.
Like all of my scars are on fire.
I scream in agony.
It hurts.
Why does it hurt so fucking bad?

I hear people rushing down the stairs.
Kain rushes as far away from me as he can.
He looks like he shocked at what he had done...

Fists bang on the door as they yell.
I hear a pleading Joey.
Kain looks to the door.

The door caves in and in rushes all of the boys.
They see the chair.
Kain standing against the wall looking at me like I was a ghost.

Joey rushed in and found me.
He ran to my side and wrapped me up.
I wrapped him in an body crushing embrace.

"Please don't leave me again..." I cry and hold onto him for dear life.
He slowly begins to rock me trying to calm me down.
He whispers soft words to me in an attempt to calm me.
I can feel his presence and it makes me sick.

Adrian yells angrily.
I don't hear anything else as my vision fills with small black dots.

"Please Joey! It hurts! Please..." I scream into his chest.
I feel more arms on me and I cling to Joey even harder.

"Back off!" Joey yells taking note of my increased panic.
The person leaves my side and I relax a little bit more.
Oh the pain.

"Joey if fucking hurts..." I cry and hold him.
He is panicking, I can feel it.

"What hurts Noel?" He whispers brushing my hair away.
I can't move.
My body hurts.
I cry out when he tries to make me look at him.
His hand flies away.

"They all burn..." I can't seem to make it stop.
I know is not real, but it feels like it is all happening again.
The knife slowly slicing through my back.
The whip riping through my skin.

He seems to get the hint and tries to leave me.

"You sick son of a bitch..." He growls and goes to leave.

"Nooo!" I panic and grip him as hard as I could.
My heart is manipulating everything.
All the pain it has ever felt is ripping though me.

He wraps me up in his arms again.
He carefully picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.
I hold him as he takes me some place.
He opens a door and I feel that man's presence vanish.

"It's ok Noel I've got you..." He held me as my body gave in.
I slowly fall into a completely numb state.
Everything feels fuzzy.

He releases me and I burry myself in the bed.
I wrap layers of blankets over myself in an attempt to hide myself.
All of the scars burning made me realize how many there were.
How ugly I am.

"You are still beautiful to me...."

I hear his lies ringing in my ears.
I run to the door and lock it before he gets in.
I run to the window and look down.
Far enough to break a bone.
Should I jump?

Someone shakes the door nob forcefully.
I panic thinking it's Kain
Sticking one leg through the opening, I look back at the door.

"Noel!?!" I hear the monster yell.
He sounds scared.
Like I give a fuck...

I glance down at the ground and slowly swing out the window.
My hands clasp the window pane.

The door bust down and a hand grips mine.
I nauseous feeling fills me.
He makes me sick.

"Noel what the hell are you doing!?!" He screamed trying to pull me back in the window.
I decide that I have to let go.
I glance at the ground then at Kain.
His eyes are full of panic and regret mixed with guilt.

My hands leave the frame and I look at Kain freak out a little more.
He is gripping my hand with dear life.
My hand slowly slipping from his.
His eyes look for something that will help him.
The only thing that will help is if I let him pull me up.
His hands get even sweatier as he fears the worst.
I watch as my hand slips from his.

"No, no, no, no!" He yells trying to grab me as I fall.
As I hit the ground a loud snap rings though the night sky.
I scream in pain.
My leg is definitely broken.
I rush to my feet and run to my bike.
I jump on ignoring the extreme pain in my leg.
The front door bursts open and Kain rushes out.
His eyes lock on the bike then my leg.

My baby purrs to life.
I see him start to run towards me and I lock the front tire and rip the back one.
The bike spins around and I look out into the night.
I hear him yell for me to stop.
My hands rev the engine and I speed out of that driveway.
I drove away as fast as my bike could go.
It's a Ducati.
That means I was going stupid fast.

I sped through every intersection and listened to all of the cars honk in protest.

I drove for hours and finally had to stop.
The bumps were brutal when your bone is completely split.

I find a hospital and pull in.
Getting off my bike I place my broken leg on the ground.
I can't use it.
The leg slides around causing me even more pain.
I have to ride my bike into the hospital.

Slowly I pull up to the doors and watch them open.
When the people hear my bike they all snap there heads to looks at me.
I struggle off of my bike and people look to why I was having such a hard time.
My pant leg was rolled up so it wouldn't even slightly touch the wound.
Nurse yelled and ran to me.
I furrowed my eyes brows.
It's not that bad right?

Looking down I see my bone protruding from my shin.
They get me a wheelchair and wheel me to a room.
They give me a drug and my vision blurs.
Everything goes numb.

The last thing I see is Kain.

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