Set Up ( O2L/ Jc Caylen )

By untimely

37.9K 1.2K 144

What happens when Jack(thatsojack) and Kian set up Jc and Alex, Jack's bestfriend? The two meet in California... More

Schedule Update


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By untimely

Asdfghjkl, I helped out at this running club thing today and was attacked by kids. Why? If you didn't know, I'm not a big fan of kids, or people touching me. Here's a quick little update, well I feel like my chapters are short anyway.

Hurt: Chase Goehring

"You are much stronger than you think so don't wait for something easier to come along."


Alex's POV-

"What are you doing?" I asked, fumbling with my black and white bracelet. I always did it when I was nervous. Bad habit. Did he really just- what?

He paused, trying to come up with an excuse for what had just occurred "Uh gravity, you know?"

I rolled my eyes before I joked, "You're supposed to hate me, not fall in love with me."

Jc ran a hand through his hair, looking down at his feet sheepishly. I walked out of the closet before draping the giant blankets over the couch.

"Hey- wait, I got an idea come upstairs and follow my lead!" Jc screamed, grabbing my hand and dragging me up the stairs eventually letting go of it once we got to the main room.

The main room somewhat had an open concept. There was maple hardwood that flowed through the whole floor. By the front of the house, right when you walked in, was the living room across from the kitchen. Towards the back entrance, is a formal dining room that is hardly used.

I followed him as he made a mad dash into the living room where Kian, Jack, Sam, and Ricky were all sitting down talking until they all turned to look at us with shocked faces once they realized why Jc was storming over.

"I can't stand her anymore! Why do I have to be downstairs stuck with her?" Jc shouted at the boys while glaring at me. I knew what he was doing, he was starting up the plan.

"Me? You're the one who can't stop talking all the time! Jack! I can't deal with your stupid friend!" I yelled back at him and pointing at Jack. To emphasize my point, I flailed my arms around to show how 'mad' I was.

Jack stood up, trying to hold me back, "Alex, really? Control yourself. I know you don't like a lot of people but I thought you and Jc got along? Plus he's your friend too."

Jc scoffed, "Me and her? Like that would ever happen! I would rather lick the sidewalk than ever date that thing!"

Immediately after Jc said the word date, Jack and Kian locked eyes for a second- our plan was totally working. Sam ran over to Jc and set him down on the couch. Ricky's eyes went wide.

They were taken aback from Jc and I's surprising outburst.

"I'm not done with you, Caylen!" I muttered loud enough for all of them to hear before turning around to go into the room I share with Kian and Sam.

I could her the noise die down soon enough. Jc walked by the door, flashing me a smile when the guys weren't looking. He mouthed something that I picked up as 'See you downstairs after babe' along with a wink.

I was sitting down on Sam's bed when him and Kian walked in with confused looks on their faces. "What just happened?" They asked.

Sam plopped down next to me, tossing an arm around my shoulders while Kian sat perched at the end of the bed.

"Jc is such an egotistical, narcissistic jerk!" I exclaimed, getting back into character.

"English please." Kian told me, clearly not understanding the extremely intense words that had just came flying out of my mouth.

Sam leaned over closer to me, I could feel his breathe on my cheek as he rested his head on my shoulder. "Just chill out. He can't be that bad. You only have to be down there with him for 2 days, 3 tops."

We had some time before bed so we dealt out closet space, drawer space, as well as bathroom space. The room configuration would only change slightly once my bed came in.

I yawn ,leaning back on Sam's bed. "Why can't I just stay up here?"

Kian smiled then responded "Suck it up Princess, go join your Prince downstairs."

I knew he was talking about Jc so I stuck my tongue out at him. Sam picked me up bridal style, running with me all the way downstairs where Jc was sprawled across the couch, covered in blankets searching through channels trying to find a movie.

Sam put me down and Jc's head turned to face us once he heard all our giggling, I guess we were kind of rambunctious at the moment.

"Prince Charming, I have brought back your Princess. Night Alex." Sam joked as he kissed my forehead lightly then took off back upstairs. I shut and locked the door so that no one could hear Jc and I talking.

He put the remote controller down for a moment before assessing the day, "Nice acting Princess. You really acted like you could barely be in the same room as me."

"That wasn't acting." I joked, causing us both to laugh.

"So you want to watch a movie? Or are you tired?" He asked after I came out of the downstairs bathroom in some gray sweatpants and a tie dye shirt with my hair up in a high ponytail.

I yawned again which signaled my decision. The couch was quite small but the one upstairs was a worse fit size-wise and had less privacy, therefore we settled for downstairs. It would fit one person across yet even that would be a squeeze.

"Um, here do you- maybe we could- like just.." I mumbled trying to think of way for both of us to fit seeing as the floor was cold hardwood.

Jc was curled up in the covers, lying down already but I couldn't lie down opposite of him without having his feet in my face or falling.

"I have a solution." Jc explained as he patted the empty space next to him. He couldn't be serious. There's no way.

I debated my options quickly, knowing that each wouldn't be pleasurable.

"Fine, but don't you dare try to make another move like earlier." I sighed, getting in next to him. Half of me was on the couch and I was falling off until Jc put his arms around me, saving me from hitting the ground. "Thanks."

He nodded, pulling me back up on to the couch, securing me into his arms, "Just so you don't fall off in the middle of the night."

I felt him pull me in tighter so I lightly placed a hand on his shoulder.

Jc's POV-

I woke up to next day with Alex's head on my shoulder along with her arms draped around my neck. She was still asleep so I wouldn't be able to move at all. She was harmless though when she slept, so I knew it meant nothing.

I could hear Trevor shouting down to us that it was time for breakfast meaning that I would have to wake Alex, I could already tell that this wasn't going to end well.

I shook her lightly, hoping that it would wake her up without making her angry.

Her eyes opened, allowing her to see her arms wrapped around me. She immediately let go. "What happened?"

I got up, tossing a black SnapBack on my matted hair, not wanting to change out of my pajama's which consisted of a pair of red plaid flannel pants and a gray shirt. "Nothing, why?"

"I just have this major headache." She explained, pulling on one of my black sweatshirts the seemed to hang loosely over one of her shoulders.

I gave her a funny look, "That's mine Princess."

She shrugged, "Not anymore." We laughed as we ran up the stairs ready to eat.

Connor, Ricky, Trevor, Sam, Jack, and Kian all stood there changed into everyday clothes as we approached the kitchen in our pajamas.

"Look who decided to show up." Ricky said comically making us all laugh.

Alex and I both grabbed plates, heading toward the buffet of eggs, bacon, and hash browns that they boys had already dug into. Shortly after breakfast, we decided to film a ton of videos for all our main channels along with Trevor's weekly video on O2L.

Alex's POV-

I was doing videos with all the guys. Sam, Kian, and I were doing the tin can challenge for Kian's channel. Connor and I were doing the YouTuber impersonations game. Ricky and I decided to do the chicken nugget challenge along with Jack. Trevor wanted to do some singing thing with me for his other channel with will be quite interesting. Lastly, Jc and I have to film a video and we have no clue what it's going to be.

First up was the YouTuber impersonations game with Connor. The rest of the guys put down a ton of names down on index cards and got the camera all set up.

After Connor did the introduction, I lost rock, paper, scissors so I had to guess first. Trevor handed me a light blue index card which I placed on my forehead.

"Oh, this is a good one. Okay." Connor started as he began to act out the person on my card. He ran around until he scooped up Wishbone in his arms and screamed about Spider-Man.

"Hmm, tough one. Would it happen to be Jenna Marbles?" I replied scratching Wishbone's head with one hand before checking the card.

We went on for 10 minutes until Connor had to act out this certain card that Ricky had handed me as the boys around all laughed.

"So just remember, you're Alex." Connor began before yelling at me about random things.

I turned a little red thinking about how Jc and I have been constantly fighting over the time I've been here mainly for our little revenge on Kian and Jack but still fighting.

"Mr. Jc Caylen." I announced with a smile as he winked at me when none of the guys were looking. Once I pulled the card down I saw that it said
'Jc+Alex forever' along with hearts surrounding it. "Really?"

"Well you and Jc do make the perfect couple, you're both funny, kind, and all around pretty cool. It's like a match made in heaven." Trevor explained as I rolled my eyes.

Connor ended the video, meaning it was time for the next one which was with Trevor. It went by quickly along with the tin can challenge with my best friends Sam and Kian. Jack, Ricky, and I killed that chicken nugget challenge by finishing all of it without puking. He had just finished the exit.

Ricky decided to add a question to the end of his video, "So now for this dare I need two volunteers?" He glanced around the room before continuing, "Alex and Jc."

Jc and I stood up, him standing on my right. "Now for this you must bring back your inner arms while making circles with your outer arms." Ricky explained, pointing the camera at us.

"What kind of dare is this?" I asked, puzzled on what he was making us do.

Ricky raised his eyebrows, "You'll see soon enough."

I followed Jc's lead by moving my arms into the proper positions when Ricky dropped the camera that had been off the whole time during the dare as I felt cool metal close around my wrist.

I turned around to see that Kian and Jack had handcuffed me to Jc. My right hand was practically stuck to his left hand. Oh god, now Jc and I still have a video to do. I bet it'll be a vlog now.

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