Forbidden Love at Waterloo Ro...

By imfeelinghappynow

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When the Barry family move to Waterloo Road, Mr Byrne's daughter, Kaitlin becomes fascinated by the eldest so... More

Forbidden Love at Waterloo Road
Chapter 2: Going back to school and ending up in hospital
Chapter 3: The party and the kiss
Chapter 4: There's a first time for everything
Chapter 5: The return of an old face
Chapter 6: Birthday engagement
Chapter 7: Dad's opinion
Chapter 8: Sian's goodbye
Chapter 9: Exams and Easter holidays
Chapter 10: The school house
Chapter 11: First day blues
Chapter 12: Moving in
Chapter 13: Running away
Chapter 14: Josh
Chapter 15: First treatment
Chapter 16: Steve-O arrested
Chapter 17: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Chapter 18: Good bye father
Chapter 19: Wayne
Chapter 20: Kyle's back
A Sequel
Sequel: Family is only skin deep
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 2
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 3
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 4
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 5
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 6
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 7
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 8
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 9
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 10
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 11
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 12 - Christmas!
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 13
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 14
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 15
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 16
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 17
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 18
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 19
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 20
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 22
Family is only skin deep: Epilogue
New story
10 years later

Family is only skin deep: Chapter 21

738 7 2
By imfeelinghappynow

“Dynasty are you home?” I said down the phone to my best friend, I waited in the silence before she answered yes and told me to come over. I grabbed a couple of clothes and jumped into my car before driving round to where Dynasty’s house was, I parked in front of the house then ran up the path and knocked on the door. “She still not home yet?” Dynasty asked meaning Christine and I just shook my head before she pulled me through the door and up the stairs to her room. “I need to tell you something” I said once Dynasty had closed the door and I was sat on her bed, she looked at me then sat down beside me. “I’m pregnant…” I blurted out and she just stared at me for a second “Who’s?” she asked and I took a deep breath “Hectors”

Monday. I spent the whole weekend at Dynasty’s house, I’d texted Christine on Saturday morning to say I was staying with Dynasty but I hadn’t heard anything from her the whole two days. At half past 8 on Monday morning me and Dynasty said bye to Carol before getting into my car and driving over to the school house, Kyle got in the back and we drove in through the school gates. It would be the first time I’d driven my car to school so I was a little wary that it may get nicked but either way I parked it next to the car I knew to be Mr Lowsley’s and we all got out the car. Once we were in the school building I quickly left Kyle and Dynasty and went to find Mr Reid, he wasn’t hard to find since he was basically flirting with Miss Boston. Again. I clenched my jaw and walked over, he saw me coming and stood up straight a little “Sir can I have a word a minute, in private” I said and he nodded before going forwards, leading me to his office. He sat down in the chair behind in his desk and gestured for me to sit in the other seat opposite him but I didn’t. I took a deep breath and started pacing the office “I’m pregnant” I said after a few minutes of silence, I looked over at Mr Reid and saw as his eyes widened obviously in shock. “Are you sure?” he asked and I just stared at him “Course I’m fucking sure. You don’t need to worry about it I’m getting an abortion I just thought you should know” I told him, he opened his mouth to speak before quickly closing it and nodding his head. I took that as my cue to go and went to the door “I’m sorry” he suddenly said as I placed my hand on the door handle, I turned to him and nodded before walking out.

As I was walking down the corridor I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket Come down to the canteen someone’s here and they want to see you xx from  Dynasty, I frowed my eyebrow before putting my phone in my pocket and walking down the corridor again. As I was walking through the main entrance I was stopped by Mr Lowsley “Do you know where Christine is?” he asked and I shook my head, she wasn’t it work yet? Strange for Christine she’s normally on time unless something important comes up. “I haven’t been home all weekend and she hasn’t called or nothing” I told him and he nodded before walking away. I was about to walk away myself when someone shouted down the corridor and I spun round to see Kyle running towards me. “Where did you run off to this morning?” he asked me and I just stared at him, my mouth open a little not knowing what to say. “I erm I had to talk to Mr Reid about something” I told him and he nodded before I took his hand and pulled him down the corridor towards the canteen. I walked through the door and looked up and over to the table where Dynasty and “KACEY!” I shouted and ran over, she got up and ran at me as well and we hugged tightly once we met in the middle almost like a mockery of a love film scene. “Oh when did you get back?!” I asked once we’d pulled away and we were sat together at the table with Dynasty and Kyle “This morning” she said and I nodded and listened as she told me, Dynasty and Kyle all about America. After about 5 minutes we let Kacey get up and go and find some of her friends but we stayed sitting together and eventually Imogen came in and sat with us as we talked about various stuff including the fact that Dynasty was going to see Kevin later. When the bell eventually went for first period I walked with Kyle through the corridor where we saw Christine walk towards us, I watched as she dropped all of her papers she was holding on the floor but I didn't go and help her, I was quite annoyed at her really so me and Kyle just walked past and went to our first lesson which was English. We were just about to walk into the classroom when I went to pull out my coursework for English “Shit” I said once I’d realised I’d forgotten it, I walked in the door and let Kyle go in first before getting Mr Lowsley’s attention by shouting to him “Sir, I left my coursework at home can I run home and get it?” I asked, he looked at me and nodded before I quickly shut the door and ran down the stairs and through the corridor, I went outside and jumped in my car before driving back home. I quickly parked up on the street and ran up the drive to the door. Once I was inside the house I put my bag down then stopped, only just realising the music that was playing. I walked into the kitchen to find a load of men sitting around with many, many, many empty alcohol bottles. I walked over to the radio and switched it off “What the fuck’s going on?!” I shouted and one man at the table turned around, he looked me up and down before turning back around again and carrying on with his conversation “I said what the fuck is going on?! Why the hell are you in my home?!” I shouted at them all, the same man turned around again and was about to say something when I heard footsteps and turned around to see Christine walk through the door. “Hey! Here she is” the same man shouted when he saw Christine, she looked at me then over at the man. “What are all this lot doing here?” Christine asked, I stood there and watched them both talking and eventually Christine got them all to leave. She came back into the kitchen and came over “Kaitlin I-“ she started but I held up my hand “Don’t bother” I said and I went upstairs, I walked into my bedroom and grabbed my coursework off the side before walking out the house and driving back to school.

By the time I got back to school there was only 5 minutes left until break time so I quickly got out of the car and ran through the school up to Mr Lowsley’s classroom “Sorry sir” I said through pants and I passed him the coursework before going over to Kyle for the last couple of minutes. When the bell went for the end of the period I slipped my hand in Kyle’s and we walked out of the classroom, as we were walking down the corridor to go to the canteen we passed Christine but I didn’t say anything, I quickened my pace and pulled Kyle along behind me, he kept his mouth closed and didn’t say anything as we went into the canteen. We quickly over to Carol and got a drink each before sitting together at a table until the bell went and we walked into the auditorium where Gabriella was giving a presentation. I groaned when the snob herself walked out and started to set everything up and I put my head on the desk as she began. “Gabriella, would you mind if we postponed your presentation?” Mr Reid said when he walked through the door, I looked up and breathed a sigh of “yes” out of relief and smiled at Kacey as she walked behind my PE teacher, I saw him glance at me then turn to the whole class again. “Kacey is back from the states. She’s going to be talking today” he said and I cheered a little earning a glare from Gabriella, I sat and watched as Gabriella made a fuss about her presentation and smiled wickedly at her as she stood at the side. I sat and waited for Kacey to start but we were interrupted by the doors opening and I looked to see Dynasty wheeling Kevin in “Kevin!” I exclaimed and ran over, I heard Gabriella mimic me but I didn’t say anything as I went over to a boy I considered one of my best friends. Once we’d all marvelled over the fact that Kevin was back I sat back down next to Kyle and watched, smiling the whole time, as Kacey told us all about Miami and the boxing camp. “How about you show us some moves that you’ve learnt?” Mr Reid said and volunteered Gabriella to go up and take the punch. I sat and laughed at what Kacey was doing then laughed even more when she went to hit Kacey and missed falling flat on her arse.

After about 10 minutes the bell went signalling the end of the period and the start of lunch, I waited until everyone had walked out the hall then walked out with Kyle, Dynasty, Kacey and Kevin going towards the canteen. Me and Kyle went to get something to eat then sat down with Kacey, Kevin and Dynasty as she showed us more of her pictures and told us about the awards she’d gotten. “And I heard for a while you WERE a boy” Gabriella suddenly piped up, we all turned around to her “I heard for a while you were an idiot” Dynasty snapped back and I smirked a little at her comment. “Oh, wait there, you still are!” Dynasty added, I was just sat watching them argue at each other I couldn’t be bothered to get involved, not now anyway. “Carry on Kace” Kevin said once Gabriella hadn’t retaliated and I looked over Kevin’s shoulder again as Kacey started explaining all the pictures again and telling us about the things she’d done. “Completely unaccredited certificates how amazing” Gabriella piped up and I huffed out in annoyance of her presence still even being there net alone her not shutting up “It’s not really about the certificates, it’s about what they represent” Kacey said to her and I watched as Dynasty smirked at Gabriella, but I was literally getting so bored I ignored the argument and looked over Kevin’s shoulder again, looking at the picture’s with him.

The rest of the day seemed to go quite quickly, I didn’t see Christine at all until me and Kyle were walking through the corridor and saw her being escorted towards us by the police “Oh my god” I said and put my hand to my mouth, she looked at me as went past and I could see the hurt and sorry in her eyes but I just stared at her as she went by, not knowing what I was supposed to do. I looked over to Imogen and pulled out my phone “Who are you phoning?” Imogen suddenly in front of me, I jumped and showed her the phone which was dialling Connor’s number “She didn’t want me to call him!” she pretty much snapped at me and went to grab the phone “Yeah, she didn’t want YOU to call him. Hi Connor” I said and I walked away from Imogen to talk to my “brother” Erm Christine’s just been arrested…She’s drinking again” I told him. Me and Connor stayed on the phone for about 10 minutes before we hung up and I walked away, I ignored everyone and walked out the school door and down the steps, I looked over at the police car and watched as it drove out the school gates and I got into my own car. I drove away from the school and parked it on the drive. Once I was inside I cleaned up the kitchen, putting all the empty bottles in the recycling then put on my pyjamas and ordered a pizza. It was when I was sat eating on the sofa when I realised…I didn’t want to kill my baby, as much as it was wrong what had happened between me and Mr Reid it was still my child growing inside of me, Ashleigh’s little brother or sister and I couldn’t kill it. I couldn’t.

Sorry the chapter's a bit shitty and took me so long to update but coursework and revision and work and ew

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