I'm His Secret. (Zarry/Ziam)...


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"Do as I say not as I do." Yes I'm sixteen but I've had to grow up fast. "I'm going to leave them both soon."... More

I'm His Secret. (Zarry/Ziam)
Chapter 1. Why is the sky blue?
Ch.2 Invitation.
Ch.3 Beg.
Ch.4. Pink Floyd and Tattoos
Ch. 5 A.B.C.
Ch.6 You make me wanna.
Ch.7 I can't stand you.
Ch.8 I need to feel it.
Ch.9 Sign.
Ch. 10 otherside.
Ch.12 like a pro.
Ch. 13 Tame.
Ch.14 Let me show you what its like to be mine.
Ch.15 empire state of mind.
Ch.16 Take me to the moon.
Ch.17 So Close Yet So Far Away.
Ch. 18 The way you lie kills him.
Ch.19 When I Think About You.
Ch.20 Forgive me But I Want You. Alone.
Ch.21 Road Tripping With My Allies.
Ch.22 Snow.
What Do you My readers want to Read!!!!
Ch.23 Rehabilitation
Last Update on a story...for good.
Ch. 24 styxs.
Ch. 25 Try.
Ch.26 Stop Crying.
Ch 27. Lion.
Ch. 28. Its life.
I know I said I wouldn't :/: IMPORTANT
Ch. 29 What It's like to be gone.
Ch.30. Deal.
You guys don"t even read the news letter!!!LOL
Ch. 32 Carry On.
Ch.33 Let It be.
Ch. 34 Secret.

Ch.11 Guilt and jealousy.

6.2K 215 61

"Ok so what's the game plan?" Louis asked as they arrive back at the school.

"ugh, Louis you're still worried about this Ashton thing...he probably forgot by now." harry says not in the mood to deal with petty drama.

"Harry please my pretty face can't be bruised, I'm not like you ok it takes a lot for me to look good and I don't feel like having bruises....plus they hurt." Louis replies grabbing onto harrys shoulders in desperation.

Harry rolls his eyes before he began to think of a way to help his endangered friend.

"well, there's really only two options in this situation." harry says a smirk playing on his lips.

"and what's that?" Louis asked his stomach feeling a bit uneasy.

"1. you transfer schools and hide out in Alaska or some shit or 2. you just face him and get your beating don and over with." Harry enthuses smiling as if his plan or ideas were relevant.

"I'm not doing either..why did I Have to get caught I'm too young to die." Louis complains putting his head in his hands.

Harry was about to comment about how Louis was being over dramatic once again but that idea vanished as soon as they both heard a hard bang on the window.

" Open the fucking door Tomlinson!" ashoton shouts his voice sounding slightly muffled from inside of the car.

Louis thought about clicking his heels together and repeating there's no place like home in hopes of disappearing from the situation but he looked down and visually reminded himself that he didnt have ruby slippers on.

"Ashton leave the poor boy alone, stop being such a dick." harry hears a voice that he swears he heard before but not enough to put the voice to a name.

"Liam what the hell are you doing here?" Ashton asked turning around to see his Uncle (by marriage).

"Youre mom wanted me to stop by and give you you're cleats for practice." liam says coming into view of louis and Harry.

Harry immediately sat back in the passenger seat sucking in his breath in hopes to evaporate in thin air.

"Curly how are you?" liam asked acknowledgeing harrys presence.

This whole conversation thing through a car was a bit odd and since liam showed up Louis decided it would be safe to get out.

"no Louis stay in the car." harry whispers, before giving liam a quick wave.

"no, this may be the only chance I get to escape." Louis replies getting out of the car.

"You're fucking dead!" Ashton yells slamming louis up against his car.

Harry got out of the car at this point intending to help his friend but he froze in his foot steps, remembering that liam was outside.

"Ashton stop what the hell is wrong with you?" liam asked and demanded.

but Harry noticed how liam kept his distance as if he was scared to get involved with violence.

"This faggot was staring at me in the sho-" Ashton begins stopping once he realizes the foul word that left his mouth.

"Uncle Li I'm-" Ashton begins.

liam shook his head at his nephew 1. because he wasn't really offended by the word he said but because Ashton called him uncle...liam hated it. He was only 24.

"I know you're sorry but uh let him go." liam says sighing motioning to Louis with his keys.

Ashton does as he says but not without slamming a scared Louis up against the car one more time.

Harry still staid in his place on the other side of the car not wanting any of his love bites to be noticeable.

Liam hands Ashton his cleats before turning to walk back to the range rover where justice sat in her car seat.

"Wait, liam you're not going to tell my mum you know about this." Ashtons Australian accent asked.

liam stopped in his foot steps before turning around almost the way zayn did when harry first met him but more calm and caring like.

"I suppose not...as long as you bring Louis with you to Zayn and I's wedding rehearsal tommorow." liam says a smirk on his face.

"No its alright, I just want to stay out of his way." Louis admits looking down at his shoes.

Harry on the other hand was convinced liam brought up his engagement to zayn just to piss him off.

"No, Louis he has no choice it'll be fun free dinner...oh and harry Ofcourse you're invited." liam smiles and before anyone could object liam was walking back to his car.

Ashton glared at both harry and Louis who was still dazed by being man handled by his long term crush before he turned away jogging into the school.

"Woh, I don't know who that liam guy was but thank god he showed up." Louis sighed out smiling.

"That's Zayns fiance." harry mumbles out as they make their way inside the school.

"Holy shit, if they had a kid together that baby would be fucking beautiful!" Louis exclaims his normal personality coming back.

"shut the fuck up." harry spits getting legit mad at the pathetic truth.

"shit, chill I didn't mean to piss you off that bad.....stop acting like such a baby." Louis says throwing the baby subject back in harrys face before running off a chuckling mess.

harry shook his head in annoyance.




"Liam are you home?" Zayn shouted his voice echoing through an empty house.

Zayn took a breath, happy that liam was still gone at Justices doctors appointment.

Zayn slipped out of his vans and padded through his expensive home quickly finding his way to a mirror to see the damage harrys left on his neck.

Zayn nearly choked on his own saliva when he saw the huge purple hickeys that the inexperienced boy left on his neck.

"Damn kid." Zayn says to himself as he traces the marks that sent memories racing through his skin.

Zayn definately knew Harry was a virgin, it was told through how submissive he was, but zayn liked it that way.

But. Ofcourse that was just not ok, it was not fair to Liam or Harry. Zayn just couldn't have it his way or everyone would get hurt.

Zayn strolled to his bedroom so he could retrieve a turtle neck sweater, its been a while since Zayn had to do this.

to be honest the 25 year old felt so down at this point if he had to be completely honest with himself he'd have to admit that he was almost afraid of losing control.

Yet, everytime he was around harry he couldn't hold it together. It seems like god created Harry as an angel, and the devil created zayn just to ruin him.

Zayn walked into the dining room of his empty home and he couldn't help but wonder if this is how liam always felt....lonely, because when you're alone in a house this big you can't help but feel a bit isolated.

Anything that could make zayn feel more guilty was appearing, yes he's hurting his soon to be husband but he can't even imagine what long term affect this could have on his daughter.

Zayn makes himself a drink with the Intention of getting drunk and he sipped on it as he checks his voicemail.

"you have two new messages." the robotic women voice informed a numb zayn.

message 1: "heyy babe its liam me and justice stopped by my sisters house for a late lunch and now we have to drop off ashtons cleats..be back later...love you lots...justice say Love you." Liams sweet voice says.

"love you puppa." justice screams.

(end of first message)

"I love you too" zayn mumbles back to the machine before swallowing the rest of his liquor.

message 2: "Zayn its Yaeser your father, I got the Invitation to you're wedding." the man's voice informed zayn.

zayn straightened up respectfully but unintentionally, its just something Zayns father conditioned him to do when he was spoken to.

"I would like to inform you that the family will not be attending the wedding that is unless you apologize." yaeser finished without a goodbye.

Zayn wanted to throw the answering machine across the room in anger but he couldn't because his hand was reaching for the bottle of jack instead.

he turned on music and he began to sing the lyrics of the song carelessly taking breaks here and there just to take another gulp of the bottle filled with his alcoholic cryptonite.

When he was to drunk to slur the lyrics together he drank and drank until he was almost passed out on the couch, The last pink Floyd song blasted through the surround sound speakers that cost zayn 3000$ to install.

Zayns skin was on fire and he felt spacey, he liked it this way, he liked not feeling like himself.

"Puppa we homes!" justice yelled through her home as she held on to Liams hand.

Zayn heard his daughter and sat straight up turning the music down and rubbing his eyes trying to see straight.

"Zayn, you home?" he heard liam ask.

"One ssssec." zayn mumbled out in his drunk state.

"We have a few bags in the car could you get them?" liam asked as he enters the living room his eyes slowly closing as he sees Zayns state.

" justice go pick up the toys in your room for daddy please." liam says lightly to justice.

but the beautiful dark haired little girl wasn't having it she immediately fell to her bottom and began to kick her feet screaming and crying.

"Justice please." liam begged kneeling down to his daughters side trying to calm her down.

but she ignored her fathers request and continued to have a tantrum.

" Justice go clean your toys up now." Zayn yelled startling both liam and justice.

but justice stopped crying and crawled to her room a pout on her face.

Liam stayed in his kneeling position confused on how to react.

"You can't yell at her like that." liam finally says.

"Liam don't start you cant just let her get away with that shit she'll grow up acting like a brat." Zayn replies rubbing his temples.

"Wow you sound like your-" liam starts but he stops.

"I sound like my father?" zayn asked turning to look at his significant other.

"Zayn you're drunk let's go-" liam tries again getting a bad gut feeling.

" my father didn't yell he forced, he punched, he choked,he threw....Yaeser hurt me for my own good." Zayn chuckled out rolling to the floor.

"What's wrong why'd you drink so much?" liam asked slowly moving to take zayn and hold him in his arms.

Zayn felt no right to be angry at his fiance so he let liam embrace him.

"I love you so much...I don't ever want to hurt you ok." Zayn whispers into Liams shoulder.

"I know babe, we all make mistakes but its in the past." liam says holding a drunk zayn in his arms as they lean up against the couch.

" my family isn't coming to the wedding." zayn mumbles into his fiances shoulder.

Liam knew Zayn just needed to be held because yes everyone knew Zayn as the hard headed businessman, but liam is the only one and I mean the only one who ever sees Zayn this way.

"I fuck up way to much I just can't do anything right." zayn groans out holding Liam a bit tighter, but liam didn't mind because this is the the most passionate Zayn has been in a while about anything.

"daddy me done." justice says entering the living room taking one of her hands and moving her hair from her face.

"Thank you love,come give daddies a hug." liam says holding his arms out to his daughter.

Justice eagerly runs to her parents her small feet making the sound of rain drops falling on a tin roof.

"puppas sorry he yelled at you." zayn apologizes kissing her forehead.

"is ok." she mumbles back cuddling in the middle of zayn and Liams hold.

Liam wasn't naive to the fact that zayn was wearing a turtle neck when the house was too warm,he just chose to ignore the obvious, he refuses to go back to the way things used to be, and if that means pretending then he'll do it for his family for his daughter for his heart.


A/N : not too long of a chapter but I am soooooo excited to write the next chapter a.k.a the wedding rehersal...sooo much planned for that chapter :p

Zayn is toxic to himself and as you can see he's a bit of a alcoholic.

and what's the beef between him and his father????

Does liam know somethings up?

Is Ashton trying to deny something?

and the biggest question of all!!!

What's gonna happen at the wedding rehersal?




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