Adopted by the gang leader

By Nightcoremadness

114K 2.4K 360

Maexiine and her 7 brothers being together in an orphanage, alongside her best friend Lacey. Being put into t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
New characters
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

11.4K 266 25
By Nightcoremadness

As we walked out of the building, I got a couple of mean glares, curious looks, and smiles. It dawned on me that I'm actually leaving, I'm not coming back, hopefully. There was always that little tiny piece of me that wanted to stay, but now we have to go. Knowing I have my brothers and my best friend with me helped though. I was lost in my train of thought until someone said something that peaked my interest.

"...our pack is the Blood Lust Pack..." That's all I heard, and all I needed to hear. 

I looked around, and saw everyone's reaction. They were shocked, and they were asking questions left and right, "The one that's ran by the Alpha King?" My brother Trevor said. His question got him glared at by the scrawny dude who was talking to us. 

"Do you not realize he has been with you guys the whole time?" He said dumfounded that we didn't know.

We shook our head all at once, not knowing at all. I didn't think it was him. Maybe it was the man that seemed familiar? The man who spoke to everyone in the building? He was big in build, and had a hard demeaner. I looked ahead at that man, who was looking at us as well. 

"Sorry, we haven't been in an actual pack since we were born, we have been cut off from almost everything. We are rogues, and have no mindlink." My other brother named Treyton said.  

To this information they nodded, and kept on walking. We were walking to the car, but to courtyard was huge so it was a long walk. As we walked, we were making small talk. Mainly about how we felt being adopted, and how we lived life together. Suddenly we got the question that none of us were ready for. 

"Do any of you have a mate? I didn't pay attention to the age list." The Alpha King said.

We all looked at each other confused on what a 'mate' was. We never learned about anything of our kind, so this was kind of interesting to say the least. 

"No Alpha King, we don't. Do you mind explaining what a 'mate' is? We are only 15." Lacey said in a soft voice.

He chucked and said something about 'I'll have Bentley tell you everything with them'. Whatever that means. I'm guessing Bentley is someone that works for him, or someone that is walking with us right now. Finally reaching the car, it was 3 nice cars. We dispersed  into different cars. Me, Lacey, and Trevor in one car. Troye, Tony, and Trent in the other, and Treyton and the other two in the last one. 

"It is quite a drive, you guys are able to sleep if you want." The man who was driving us said. The Alpha King was in Treyton's car, we got the man that looked young. He hasn't spoken a word, or at least none that I've heard. 

"Lacey, try to get some rest." I said calmly to her, to which she nodded and curled up. 

In my situation, I could sleep, watch over Lacey, or make small talk to try to get that guy to talk. Trevor was already passed our beside me, his head on my shoulder. Lacey curled up in a ball, slowly dozing off. I decided to talk to them man and the driver. 

"So, whose Bentley?" I asked the burning question that was on my mind. "He works for the Alpha King, he is the man in the other car." The driver said in a rough voice, but with a smile at the end. 

I nodded, and sat back in my chair. My spine touching the fabric all over. I wanted the other man to speak, but I didn't want to be rude. Maybe if I ask  a question directed at him? Yeah, I'll try that. What question though? As if he could hear my distress he handed me a piece of paper. 'My names Ajax, my voice is gone. I could tell what you were going to ask by the way you kept looking at me.' It said. 

I smiled sheepishly and went back to my thoughts. So his name is Ajax, odd but nice name. Nodding my head with that thought, Trevor slowly woke up, groaning. 

"Are we there yet?" He asked rubbing his eyes. "Almost, we have about another hour and a half." The driver said. 

Nodding, he laid back down but this time against the window. The only pillow I will be is for Lacey and Trevor. Knowing Tyler he is having a panic attack in the car with Treyton and Titan. I wish we could mindlink so I could check up on him, especially since he don't have phones. 

"Tori, what time is it?" Lacey said, using my human name. I replied the time as she apologized for using that name. 

With a wolf, you have a human name and a wolf name. My wolf name is Maexiimillian, but Maexiine fits better. Now, we have all wolf names that starts with an M. Something about being identical Octuplets or whatever. 

"Stop thinking so hard, you should some rest before he get there" Lacey said with a smug smile. 

I chucked, but took her on her words. I was getting quite tired. Curling up, laying my head on Lacey's shoulder. Soon I dozed off, entering my dreams. 


Short chapter I know, I have a lot of ideas for this book now. I hope you guys do enjoy it. I'm taking criticism in the comments :)

Have a good day and remember you are beautiful!!

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