When Everything Is Said And D...

By msprettypink123

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By msprettypink123

Giovanni pov

Me and James are going to school today and I'm so happy because I get to see all my friends.

"Come on James get up so we can go to school." I slapped him on top of his head. Haha.

"Ok mommy just a little longer" he fanned me away. "I'm not your momma boy..it's me Giovanni." I tried to get him up again.

"Go away Giovanni I wanna sleep longer." I stared crying because I'm really mad at him because he won't get up.

"BUBBAAAA" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

He peeked his eyes open and hopped up really fast, it was funny

Bubba bust open the door looking scared.

"What? Are you ok? What's going on? Why are you crying?" She said really fast.

"James not get up and him making me really angry bubba" I cross my arms.

"Vanni you can't be scaring me like that I thought something happened to you and James get up and get ready for school little boy." Then she walked out.

"James ?" He not answer me, is he mad at me?

James didn't talk to me all morning. I think he not my friend anymore. "Y'all have a good day, come give me some love." Bubba was dropping us off at school.

James didn't even walk me to class like he do everyday. I walk myself to class said hey to ms. Jacobs and sat down in my sign seat.

"Look who it y'all, it's the gorilla" Kayla said and every one start beating their chest and pointing at me laughing.

I just laid my head down on my desk and cried.

"Hey leave her alone or I'm telling on all of you" I raised my head and smile a little.

"Thanks Annie you didn't have to do that." I quickly wiped my tears.
"No it isn't okay that they treat you like that and no problem I know how it feels." I look down.

"I'm really sorry again Annie I should not have said those bad things to you." She hugged me. "It's okay because we are bestfriends forever now."

I smiled

I never had a bestfriend before, how do this work ohhh maybe we can have little play time together that would be fun..☺️

"Hey Annie" I tapped her. " yes Giovanni?" She turned towards me. "How do being bestfriends work like do we get to play at each other house all the time or ..." she tapped her chin. "I think so, I'm not sure I never had a bestfriend before." I sat back.

James pov

Im so mad at Giovanni because for one she woke me up out of my sleep and she got me in trouble with my sister.

She know I don't like it when Stacey yells at me.

"Aye bro I just walked pass Giovanni class and they were making fun of her and I think I saw a couple of tears fall." My friend josh told me and my blood boiled.

"Thanks bro I gotta go" i walked down to Vanni class.

"Who was messing with Giovanni?" Everybody got quite and vanni looked embarrassed but I don't care they not gonna mess with her and not hear from me.

"It was all of them James" Annie spoke up.

"Well this all I gotta say since nobody wanna speak up if I hear any of y'all messing with her again it won't be pretty"

"JAMES GONZALES go to the principal office NOW!"

I walked over to Giovanni and hugged and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you James" she kiss my cheek.

"Y'all heard what I said now try me" I bucked at them and they jumped.

Punks 😂

I walked down to Ms. Carter office and waited for her to come out and get me.

"Come on in James" I got up and walk into her office.

"Why are you in Ms. Jacobs room disrupting her class when you suppose to be on your hall in class ?" I clear my throat and told her what happened .

"Well she a big girl she can handle herself as for you, I'm going to call your guardian because this behavior has gone to far."

I huffed

Stacey pov

I can tell promise has been trying but I have question that I have yet have the answer to and today she has another appointment and I hope she cooperate with us because I don't t like seeing her like this.

"You ready ?" She nodded and we was on our way to the appointment.

"Promise ?" Ms. King called out and we got up and walked to the back with her.

"So how is everyone today?"
Ms. King greeted us. "I'm fine and your self ?" I greeted back.

"God woke me up this morning so I couldn't complain, how do you feel this morning promise ?"
Ms. King handed her a white board, marker and eraser.

She hesitated but took it and actually begin writing down how she felt.

I looked at Ms. King and she looked at me and we both smiled but soon stopped once promise  finished writing and looked up.

"May I read it out loud ?" Promise slowly nodded her head.

" Today I feel lost, I feel hurt, I feel abandoned, I feel stupid, I feel like shit, I feel used and useless, I feel alone, I feel like a bad mother, I feel like a bad sister but most of all I feel like I don't wanna be here no more." Ms. King looked up from the board unfazed.

But I'm in shock and confused what she mean mother ?

"May I ask why you feel like this promise ?" Ms. King questioned

Promise closed her eyes for a second than opened them and begin writing. When she was done she handed the board back to doc.

"Can I read this out loud also or no ?" Promise looked at me then Ms. King like she was contemplating on if Ms. King should read it out loud or not.

But she nodded her head and doc begin reading.

"Well ever since I was 10 my mother use to let her friends...umm she use to let her friends touch me and I thought maybe she love me and she just letting them do that to punish me because she love me but when I turned 14 I realized what she was doing was wrong and I stopped it when I turned 16 but from 14 to 16 she use to sell me to anybody she could to get money for drugs or for drugs but it's one man I remember out of all of them, he was like an uncle to me and I remember on my birthday I was just turning 13 and he said he bought me a gift but left it in his car, so he told me to follow him to his car to get it but when we got out there he open the door and through me into the car, I kicked, screamed and punched but it didn't work because all he did was hit me and told me to shut up and that it would feel good and that I deserve it. He unzipped his pants and lifted my dress pulling down my panties and I begged him not to but he kept saying he gonna make me feel like a women. When he forced his self into me I cried out and I seen my mother coming out the house searching for me but when she got closer to the car and saw what he was doing she just stared and smirked then walked back into the house and I didn't understand it, that night I cried my self to sleep.
About 2 months ago my sister and I were in my room sleeping because I don't trust my sister sleeping in her room by her self. my sister woke me up crying because my mothers boyfriend at the time tried to bust in my room. I  packed some clothes for us and some money I had saved up and left, they chased us down the street but we made it over the fence before they could reached us and I haven't seen them since the day we ran into Stacey and she been letting us stay with her ever since."

By the time Ms. King was finish reading we were all in tears.

I'm glad she opened up because now I understand where she's coming from now.

"Can I say something?" I blurted out.

All eye was on me.

"Why did you lie to me, why didn't you just tell me what was going on?" I turned to her.

She took the white board.

"I think this is enough for today" she wrote done and gave the marker, board and eraser back, she stood then walked out.

"Today was a lot better then the last couple sessions she opened up a lot today and it got a little to overwhelming for her but I think we're doing good so far." Ms. King wrote down her next appointment.

I thanked her and walked out to the car.

Buzzz.. buzzz... buzz-

"Hello ?"

"Hey...sissy umm...I think Ms. Carter wanna speak to you."

"What did you do James ?"

"Umm...nothing but hold on"

"Hey Stacey I have a problem with James today he was in another class on another hall causing disruption to a class I want you to be aware of the situation."

"I'm on the way"


Thanks for reading ❤😘

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