Moving in with the

By lolilita2

3.7K 24 11

Vannessa is moving. Moving in with the enemy, the player a whole town a away while her mother walks the stree... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7

Part 6

180 5 2
By lolilita2

As you can see I changed Dave’s name to Jace because Dave sounds old....

Anyway, I’ve been meaning to update so let the creativeness flow

Read on fellow friends. Okay song has nothing to do with story, I have updated the slideshow and the external link is to their outfits for the mall look at them please because they are stylish, at least I think they are...

Lolilita2 x


I met up with everyone at Lunch. What a Lunch it was. The cafeteria was crawling with people and bursting with noise. On the far side was a long row of different food sin the form of a buffet. Dinner ladies standing by to make sure that when the food finished they could stock it up again. There was a very, very large lady at the end grabbing money and giving it out. She looked pretty jolly unlike the other dinner ladies that were gossiping with sour faces.

“Come on,” Charlotte urged me “Their doing Buffalo wings with free fries and the milkshakes are half price! Believe it or not our school sells some awesome food!”

“Okay, okay I’m coming!” I laughed at her excited face and let her pull me to the line.

We were chatting about the mall when we were joined by the other girls who were more than happy to talk about their favourite shopping spot.

“Well the mall is basically where everyone one hangs, they have an indoor pool, bowling alley, cinema and the best restaurants in town! Plus my mum store is right in the middle; it’s the biggest and we’re allowed discounts anytime.” Nadine babbled clearly proud of her mother’s store.

“The store is amazing there are even booths where you can design you own fashions, give them a price and if their good enough they get sent to Naddie’s mom and they’ll be tweaked and put in the next collection, I tried it and I got $150 for it! It was amazing!” Summer chattered excitedly

“We so have to take you’ll, the prices are reasonable and the fashion is amazing, but the only thing is it’s always crowded and everyone fights over everything” Christina said frowning at the last bit.

By the time she said that we had gotten to the fast food place of the buffet. I was just about the grab a bag of chips when a manly hand pushed me back making me bump into Charlotte and grabbed my chips.

“Thanks!” smiled Jace, I should of known. The jerk!

“Jace.” I spat “What an unpleasant surprise” I said with a sarcastic smile.

“Nice to see you too Vani” He said fake cheerfully

I furrowed my eyebrows. Vani? What the hell, that is a rubbish nickname.

“You know, in the human world, when there’s a line you go to the back of it, instead of going anywhere you please.” I told him as if he was a small boy I was educating.

“Awww, but what’s the fun in that, babe? Don’t you want me around?” He pouted putting an arm around me.

I shrugged it off.

”No” I said bluntly “and I would like my chips back please” I added sickly sweetly.

Jace sighed pitifully shaking his head. He clutched the chips to his heart and strutted to the front of the line where his friends were.

“You’ll regret not jumping at me darling,” He yelled over his shoulder at me while girls swooned over him then shot envious glares my way. Meanwhile boys eyed me up looking impressed and...lustful? Ewwww.

I sighed and picked up my lunch of a bag of chips, a milkshake and a pot of grapes. The girls shuffled behind me and Charlotte grabbed her food piling her tray with Buffalo wings and chips.

After we had all paid I followed them to a big table in the corner next to a huge bay window.

“So what’s up with you and the hottie of the school?” Summer asked as soon as my tray clattered onto the table.

“Nothing!” I protested and distracted myself by stuffing my face with chips.

“Uh – huh, so, is that the reason he’s looking over here and completely ignoring his usual fling, Lily?” Summer retorted

I turned and found Summer was right about her accusation, Jace was looking straight at us. Once I turned and our eyes connected. Two other things connected. His and Lily’s lips. Ugh PDA! Get a room people!

“I just live with him, my godmother is his mom and my mom has gone to Chicago for a holiday and left me with my godmother and the jerk.” I finally spilled.

“Oh.” Summer said slowly chewing an apple

“So have you seen any of his boxers yet?” Shontelle teased me with a devious smirk.

I chocked on my vanilla and strawberry swirl milkshake but managed to force the sweet liquid down.

“No!” I practically screamed attracting the attention of the two tables next to us. “Of course I haven’t.” I said in a quieter tone.

“Oh really?” Charlotte joined in, cocking an eyebrow in amusement.

“Really.” I said defiantly playfully glaring at the sniggering girls around me.

Before they could respond and embarrass me further Aiden and Luke came strutting up to our table.

“Hello ladies!” Luke said cheerfully before plopping himself between Shontelle and me. Aiden just rolled his eyes and squeezed in between me and Charlotte. Smiling at everyone and then shaking his head at his friend.

“What’s up?” Aiden asked the table to no one in particular.

“Well, we have found out that Vannessa is living with Jace, cut hasn’t seen his boxers yet.” Christina piped up. How could she! She was supposed to be the nice one!

“Oh really?” The two boys said in unison, devilish smirks appearing on their faces.

“Yes, but it’s true I haven’t, you’ve got to believe me, I’ve only been here for only like 2 days!” I said desperately, fed up with the false accusation.

“Okay guys I think we should back off now” Charlotte laughed. “What is also up is that we’re going to the mall today, do you guys want to tag along?” Charlotte said directing the question to the boys.

“Sure!” They said in unison before scarfing down food faster than I thought was humanly possible.

“Well, we ought to go, Coach has us doing extra practice today in about 40 seconds so, see ya!”  Luke said. He ran around the table giving each girl a hard squeeze. When he got to me though he lingered and whispered in my ear:

“See ya later girly” With that he was gone, him and Aiden running out the hall as girls eyes followed them, most likely checking out their rear ends. Teenage girls these days, can’t control themselves – Oh wait, I just insulted myself!

We were at the last lesson of the day and all the girls had this one. We sat together in a circle with me in the middle. Charlotte to my left, Nadine to my right, Christina and Summer in front of us and Shontelle behind. We had this class with Mr Vincent, a young but pervy teacher. He kept glancing at us and was basically gawking at us when it was working time and he thought we didn’t see him.

This school was awesome because they had this multi thingy lesson which was basically all projects about a thing, you could do any area about that thing. So when Mr Vincent said to get into a group of our choice and do a project on at least one area in this country and present the project when we like all of us linked our hands before he could even say go. The classroom burst with noise and we connected our desks grinning wildly at each other.

“So, what areas girls” Charlotte asked us.

“Chicago!” I put in quickly wanting to know more on my mom new area.

“Hollywood!” Shontelle said bouncing up and down in her seat out of sheer excitement

“LA, baby!” Nadine sung.

“Beverly Hills and New York” Summer said going off into dream land thinking about the juicy stories she could get out of them.

“Texas,” Christina said softly.

“And I want to do Florida!” Charlotte said “That’s 7 places; we’re all going to have to work hard,”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“Very hard, but we can pull it off, can’t we girls?” I said

“To-ta-ly!” They all sang back at me in unison, okay I’m starting to think they go to each others houses and practice that.

I smiled at them as they all giggled at their apparently spontaneous unison word. 

“I’ll be in charge of Fashion in all the places!” Nadine called quickly, blurting it out with shimmering eyes; you could basically see the designs running through her head and fashion boards making themselves.

“I call entertainment” Yelled Shontelle clearly thinking about putting her dreams together with school work.

“News and gossip is mine” beamed Summer wiggling in her seat, probably with big headlines in her head already.

“Scenery and nature,” smiled Christina, sighing softly content on researching animals and nature that surrounded us.

“I’ll do people and history and Nessa you can do organization and extras,” Charlotte said taking charge with her loud and zappy personality. We all slumped back in our seats after sorting that all out, we smiled contently happy with getting the baseline of our project done.

I was pretty happy with my job, I loved organizing things and tweaking them to make them amazing. That’s why I was advents manager at my old school.

Mr Vincent walked over to our and leaned over the back of my chair and I was very aware of his beady eyes on my chest.

 We’re not going to lie and say he was ugly because he wasn’t. He didn’t have a fan club running from freshmen to seniors for nothing! He had tousled dark chestnut hair that was nearly black, hot chocolate pools for eyes that glinted in the sun. Mr Vincent had smooth peachy skin that was a bit on the pale side and soft rosy pink lip. He had a good sense of style as well. Right now he was wearing a tight plain black T-shirt and dark blue demin jeans with blacks vans to top it off.

“I expect a lot from you guys, are you going to be covering fashion?” He asked

“Yes, Mr Vincent.” Nadine replied sarcastically sweetly

“Well make sure to show the diversity of styles within our society. Like between teenagers that are high on the high school chain and business women,” He said missing Nadine’s sarcasm, in other words he wanted to see some slutty clothes in there as well so he could check us out.

“Of course Mr Vincent, we won’t let you down!” Summer said in sugar sing song voice.

Mr Vincent smiled, obviously happy with himself for getting us to ‘agree’.

“Very well, I will be looking forwards to your presentation.” With a sweeping gaze over all our chest he left to an all boys group where we could hear him being a lot ruder and sounding like his actual age.

“Ewwwwww!” We all chorused

“I hate him”

“He’s disgusting”

“Someone should file a restraining order on him against us….wait I that the right way round or is it against him, I mean both just roll of your tongue as if their rig-‘

“Charlotte!” We all yelled including me. Yes I was fitting in!

“Sowwy…” She said sheepishly pouting and giving bambi eyes.

Just then the bell rang. We all got up excitedly remembering our day at the mall now.

“I suggest we all go home and change because I need to tell Debbie where I’m going.” I tell them as we walk down the halls after stopping at our lockers. The girls agreed

“I’ll pick you up in like an hour” Charlotte told me as we walked out the doors.

“Don’t you need to know where I live?” I asked puzzled.

“Honey, you live with Jace, everyone knows the address because of the parties he throws, but you have just reminded me we have to exchange phone numbers!” Charlotte told me.

The girls formed a circle and my phone was passed from one to the other until it came back to me.

“See you guys later!” I yelled over my shoulder as I walked to the parking lot and stood by Jace’s car.

I got bored after a while and starting reapplying my lip gloss. Jace thought he could scare me but I saw him coming in the mirror I was using.

“Hah!” I rubbed in his face

“Just get in the car…” He grumbled before shooting off to the house.

Before he had even stopped the car I was out running through the halls to my room yelling to Debbie that my friend was coming to pick me up soon so we could go to the mall.

“Okay sweetie, have fun!”

“Will do!” I yelled already in my room. I ripped off my clothes and ran into the walk-in closet filled to the brim with clothes. I came out soon after with a cool tube top and grey/silvery jeans.

“Whoa! If you wanted me in your bed so bad you could have just asked” Jace smirked from the doorway while leaning casually.

“Get out!” I yelled desperately trying to cover myself with the bunched up clothes I had. 

“Nahh, I like it here thank you very much,” He smiled

I let out a groan of frustration and glanced at the clock. 7 minutes! I ran into the closet and rushed putting on my clothes. I curled my hair in record time and put it neatly over my shoulder. That’s when I heard the car honking outside. I grabbed a pair of high heels and pulled them on while hopping down the stairs.

Let me warn you. It is not a very good idea.

Once I picked myself up from the floor and showed a laughing Jace a very naughty finger. I stalked out the door only to have him follow me.

“Can I go, please” He pouted and pleading.

My face softened and I stepped closer to him.

“No.” I said slamming the door shut in his face.

I walked to the car which I saw was crowed with everyone including Aiden and Luke.

“Hey guys” I said happily to my friends admiring their fashion sense.

“To the mall!” Nadine yelled

Soon enough we got to the mall and I was pulled everywhere. They were right it was an amazing mall. Beautiful too.

“Are you ready to see the official Ferza family shop?” Nadine asked me in a fake presenter’s voice pausing every few words.

“I am ready Sensei.” I bowed giggling when she bowed back.

“Then onwards my noble army, onwards!” She yelled as we stampeded in.

Everyone was right it was amazing in here and very sweaty seeing the amount of people in here. I spotted touch screen computers in the corner and made a mad dash there with everyone else not that far behind me. We all sat down in a circled table with the touch screen computers on so we could see each others. We started messing around making the most atrocious of clothes before getting down to business and making some actually good clothes although not as good as Nadine’s. You know when I said everyone stopped messing around, yeah all the girls stopped messing around. Aiden and Luke made lingerie.

“Hey Vannessa maybe you could wear this?” Luke laughed as he and Aiden high fived showing me the lacy and very skimpy bra and panty set with black see through stockings that they had created on their screen.

“Ha ha, you guys are so funny” I laughed sarcastically

“Are lottie could wear this!” Aiden showed us a long sack. Truthfully it was a sack, I looked closer and saw that they had written the word potato on it.

I burst out laughing as Charlotte lunged at Aiden raining down with full wrath on him.

After everyone had laughed enough we decided to eat and ended up with us buying pretzels and milkshakes to go.

“That was so cool guys; I can’t wait to come back!” I chattered excitedly as we made our way back into the car.

“Neither can we, that was so awesome, but then again the Mall is always awesome.” Summer said

In a flash we were outside my well I guess house now. I bid my goodbyes and slipped through the front door. Debbie was still up reading a book in the Kitchen.

“Have fun dear?” She asked giving me a warm motherly smile.

“Yeah, it was so cool. I love my new friends!” I said

“Well, that’s nice you run up along to bed now, you have to wake up early for school.” She told me softly

“Okay, goodnight Debbie.” I gave her a quick hug

“Goodnight dear.” She gave me quick kiss on the cheek.

I walked upstairs into my room stopping to look at pictures of Jace and Debbie. I couldn’t help but think that Jace was really cute when he was young.

I sighed in contentment with a huge smile on my face but it soon dropped when I saw what was happening in my room. I had opened the door softly. My heels not making a sound against the deep fluffy carpet.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?” I screeched at the amazingly bad scene in front of me.

What was happening was…


Wow nearly 8 pages on word. That took a long time I wrote all of it today soo yeah um bye…

Hope you like it and make sure to comment. Pleaseeeeeeeee?


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