Love is Patient

By EbonySolcum

102K 3.5K 3.5K

This story used to be called Newt and Tina but I've changed the name because it wasn't really much of a title... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 6

3.4K 129 71
By EbonySolcum

Tina woke up and stared at the ceiling, wondering why she was dreading that day. Then she remembered. Newt's leaving today.

Tina pulled the blanket up over her head to try to block out light that was streaming in through the window. 

"Hey, Tina," Queenie said. "Newt said he wants your help."

Tina didn't move except to pull the blanket tighter around her. I don't want him to go. 

"I know, sweetie." The covers were whisked off of her and she saw her sister grinning down at her, wand in hand. 

Tina groaned and rolled out of bed. 

"Stop reading my mind, Queenie."

"I am serious when I say Newt wants your help," Queenie answered.

"Where is he?" Tina asked sleepily.

"In his case."

Tina smiled, pulled on her shoes and walked to Newt's room. The case was sitting on the floor, opened. 

Stepping down into the case, Tina was met by a purring Minty. She scooped the kneazle up and walked out of the shed. She saw Newt talking to his animals. He looked over and indicated that she start feeding the animals. 

Tina tried to set Minty down but the kneazle jumped to her shoulder so she let her sit there and turned to start feeding the creatures. She grabbed the bucket and started the routine she had seen Newt do and had performed once before. She could feel Newt watching her but he was saying goodbye to all his creatures. 

Tina finished feeding the creatures and joined Newt in the shed. 

"You seem to know what you're doing," Newt said.

Tina smiled. Minty jumped from her shoulder into Newt's arms.

"Hey, Minty," he said. "I'm gonna miss you." He smiled at Tina. "You've got her, she'll be your mummy while I'm gone. OK?"

Minty jumped back on Tina's shoulder. "She really does like you," Newt said.

"Let's go get breakfast," Tina said. She set Minty down and climbed up the ladder after Newt. 

Newt closed the case and set it against the wall. They left the room and sat down at the table. Queenie finished making the food and sat down across from them, grinning slightly.  

Tina's thoughts began to wander and they settled on Newt again.  Why do I care so much? Why does it matter? He doesn't care, does he? 

"I wish you two could hear each other think," Queenie said.

They blushed and finished their food in silence. Queenie filled that silence by answering questions that Newt must have been thinking. 

Mercy Lewis, this is annoying, Tina thought. It's like listening to one side of a No-maj phone call.

"I'm sorry, Teenie," Queenie said. "I can let Newt ask his own questions. . . . You need to go?" 

"Uh, yes," Newt said. 

"Teen, why don't you go with Newt. If someone asks where you are I'll let them know you'll be coming."

Tina smiled slightly. Tina slipped into her room to change then joined Newt in the living room. She peeked out the door and motioned for him to follow. When they got out of the building they crossed the road and slipped into an alley. Newt held out his hand. Tina took it and apparated to an alley near the docks.

They walked the rest of the way to the docks, neither of them letting go of the other's hand. When they got to the ship they turned to each other. 

"Well, uh," Newt started. 

"Newt, thank you for coming and bringing your book and for promising to come back."

"You're welcome," Newt said. He pulled Tina into an awkward hug. She froze for a second then returned the hug. When they stepped back Newt said, "I'll see you in about three weeks then?"

"Yes," Tina said smiling. She felt tears forming in her eyes.

"Take good care of my creatures."

"I will," Tina said. They stood in silence for a minute.

"Well . . . goodbye," Newt said.

"Goodbye," Tina said, blinking back her tears. Newt reached up and tucked Tina's hair behind her ear. Tina smiled as Newt turned and walked up the ramp. He paused at the top and Tina was afraid that he would keep walking but he turned and waved. She waved back.

When Newt had disappeared into the ship, Tina turned around and walked back to where she could apparate to work. 

Tina had finished feeding Newt's creatures and was sitting in front of his shed, petting Minty, when she heard Queenie behind her.

"So he let you keep his case," she said.

"He said he'd be busy," Tina answered.

"I think it has more to do with the way he feels about you," Queenie said casually. 

Tina blushed. I doubt that has anything to do with it. 

"Teenie, you're forgetting who you're talking to," Queenie said.

Tina smiled. "I didn't say anything."

"Well . . ."

"Which means that you were reading my mind again and what you said implied that you were reading Newt's mind as well." 

"Sorry, Teenie. I can't help it."

Tina rolled her eyes and stood up.

"If you say that one more time I'll hex you."

"But it's true," Queenie protested. 

"Can you just make supper, please?" Tina asked.

"I already did, that's why I came down here." 

They climbed out of the case and sat down at the table.

"Why do you think Newt doesn't like you?" Queenie asked.

Tina glared at her sister trying not to let her hear her thoughts. Newt loves Leta. Newt loves Leta. Newt loves Leta. It was a desperate chant in her head, one she wished she wouldn't keep thinking. She didn't want to believe it.

"Newt does love Leta but he hurts because of it," Queenie said. "He doesn't want you to know yet but --"

"Queenie," Tina interrupted, "if Newt doesn't want me to know then don't tell me."


"I doubt he even told you. Does he know you know?"

Queenie looked sheepish. Tina frowned at her.

"I'm sorry, Tina, but people are easiest to read when they're hurt and Newt hurts so badly when thinking about Leta. He always feels so much better when he's with you."

Tina let a small smile creep across her face and when she went to bed that night she reminded herself. Newt came back, he left his case with you, he trusts you, he's coming back. When she heard the steady breathing that indicated that her sister was asleep she allowed herself to think the one thought that had been in the back of her mind all day. Mercy Lewis, I think I love him. 

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