Chasing family

By gwenfanatic

9.8K 126 31


The begining
Choosing to fight and fighting to stay
Slushies, smiles, and movies
20 questions
Breaking out and staying in
Taking care
Perseverance, patience, and pride
Pushing to hard
Making it official
Meet the parents
Back to the start
Life begins
Not Worth It
Let Me Love You
My inspiration
Planning Ahead
Trusting in Truth


421 7 2
By gwenfanatic

Blake walks into Starbucks, scanning the room for Chuck. He spots him at a table in the back of the room. Blake makes his way over to the table. As soon as Chuck sees him he stands to shake Blake's hand.

"Mr. Shelton it's good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too sir, but really call me Blake."

"Alright Blake. So we didn't get to far into our discussion the first time."

"No we didn't. It was a rough day for her. She wanted to see you so bad and frankly I find it really hard to say no to her." Blake chuckles to think that a year ago all he thought about was his music and now all he thinks about is Gwen

"How is she? It really scared me to see her like that."

"She's ok. She had had chemo that morning so it was an exceptionally bad day. She isn't always that sick. She misses the design studio so bad though. She says that's her safe place. I want her to have everything she wants, so it kills me that this one thing she really wants I can't give her."

"What if we can give it to her." Chuck says thinking of how to make this happen for Gwen

"She can't go into the studio though her energy doesn't hold up very long."

"Ok so we can't take her to the studio; what if we bring the studio to her."

"Can we do that?" Blake says feeling the excitement build

"Yeah I can get an easel and all of the drawing supplies she would need brought to the house. I can even have her design book brought. Do you have anywhere to set it all up?"

"Yeah Gwen and I each have a room but she doesn't use her room anymore so we could set that up as her design studio. It would be perfect if we can make this happen. I can't wait to see her face she is gonna be so happy."

"Ok well I want to get her all new top of the line supplies so give me about a week to get everything in and then I'll call you when it's here. Then we can plan how to get her out of the house for the day so we can arrange it and set it all up."

"Thank you so much sir. Gwen's gonna be so happy. I really can't thank you enough for doing this for her."

"No Blake you're the one I should be thanking. Before you came around, I thought we were losing her. Once that asshole left, she was so down and I couldn't get her to perk up. When you came along everything changed, and I, for the first time felt like she could fight this, that I wouldn't have to live through her funeral. You saved her Blake. You treat her the way she deserves to be treated. So thank you."

"I love her a ton. I've never felt the way I do when I'm with her. She is an amazing person and she deserves the world."

"She does, that she does. Now onto our reason for our meeting. My godson is 14. He wants to learn to play the guitar and I promised him I'd find someone to teach him. So you obviously play right?"

"Yep my brother taught me when I was 8. My goal is to sing country music one day it just hasn't worked out yet. Haven't met the right people I guess."

"It's a tough industry, as is fashion. It took me a while to make it too and look where I am now. You just have to keep trying. I was thinking maybe two days a week? An hour and a half to two hour sessions?"

"Yeah I can do that. Normally sessions are only an hour but at 14 I think he would be able to handle two hours if he is really into it. We could do two sessions a week, two hours each?"

"That would be fantastic. I'll give him a check to pass on to you every week for both sessions. How much were you thinking?"

"Well I've never done lessons and my brother taught me, so I'm not really sure what the going rate is."

"Well how about we go with say $75 an hour so $150 a session, $300 a week? Does that sound fair?"

"Yeah that sounds great."

"Can you start tomorrow?"

"Yes sir we can do Tuesdays and Thursdays."

Gwen sits on the couch phone in hand. She battles with wanting to call her sister-in-law Jen. She and Jen had always been super close. She convinces herself that lunch with her parents hadn't gone so bad so she needed to do it. She hits the call button and waits for her to pick up.


"Hey Jen."

"Gwen? Is it you?"

"Yeah it's me."

"Oh my gosh, it's true they did have lunch with you. Where in the hell have you been? We all miss you so much!"

"I'm sorry; after what happened the last time I saw everyone I didn't feel like I could..."

"Gwen the past is the past. Let's just forget about that ok?"

"Yeah ok."

"How have you been? Are you still working with Chuck? Where are you living? Fill me in on everything!"

"Jen are you sitting down?"

"Yeah I'm sitting on the couch watching Stella play."

"I've missed her so much I bet she doesn't remember me."

"Yeah she does Gwen. We say goodnight to your picture every night. She's five Gwen."

Jen hears Gwen sniff on the other end.

"Gwen don't cry it's ok. We can meet up sometime and you can see her."

"Jen I... I have cancer."

"What? Really? Oh my god Gwen. How bad?"

"It's a lot better now. Only a few more treatments left as long as things continue to progress the way they are."

"What kind of cancer?"

"Uterine. I can't have kids anymore. They had to take my uterus and ovaries."

"Oh Gwen I'm so sorry! What does Gavin say about everything?"

"Gavin's gone. He fled when I was diagnosed."

"I know you probably don't want to hear this but I'm glad he is gone. You deserve so much better Gwen."

"I know that now. I'm seeing someone else now and, Jen you would love him. He is seriously the most amazing man."

"Wow you sound like you really like him."

"I love him Jen. What are you and Stella doing tomorrow?"

"Nothing that I know of."

"Come see us. I want you to meet him and see where we live."

"You already moved in with him?"

"Yeah when they transitioned me into outpatient treatment I had nowhere to go and he rented a place here. We stayed in separate rooms at first but we just started sharing a room."

"Wow. When do you want us to come up?"

"How does 2 o'clock sound? It doesn't have to be right then, I'll be home all day."

"Ok yeah we can do that.  I'm really glad you called we have missed you so much."

"I missed you guys too. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Sounds good. Love you Gwen."

"Love you too."
That night Gwen lays in bed draped over Blake like normal. Blake's arm wrapped around her like he feels the need to protect her from the world. If he is being truthful, he does want to protect her. She was dealt a really crappy hand in life and no one needs to make that harder on her.

"Hey Blakey" Gwen says without lifting her head to look at him

"What's up sunshine?" He asks tightening his grip on her

"I called Jen today."

"Yeah? How did that go?"

"It went really good. She is coming over tomorrow and bringing my niece Stella."

"That's awesome sunshine. I'm glad you're reuniting with your family."

"Blake thank you. You're the reason I'm doing this and I couldn't be happier. Like I haven't felt this light or happy, since the whole blow up. Well except for when I'm with you."

"I'm really glad sunshine. You deserve to have your family. Family is such an important thing."

Gwen let out a yawn.

"Alright Gwen time to sleep you're tired and tomorrow is a big day. Goodnight Gwen. I love you."

"I love you to Blake." She says a she nestles into his chest
The next day Blake heads off to his first lesson with Josh. He was a little nervous never having done anything like this before. Gwen reassured him however that he was more than capable. He had smiled and kissed her goodbye. Jen was gonna be here any minute, she had text Gwen when they left their house in Anaheim about 35 minutes ago. Gwen was sitting on the couch jotting some design ideas down in a note book when the door bell rang. She hopped up at the sound and made her way to the door. All of her nerves went out the window the moment she opened the door and Stella screamed "Auntie Gwen" before launching herself at Gwen. Gwen laughed picking the little girl up remembering just how much she missed her. Jen had tears running down her face and Gwen's smile disappeared.

"Hey I missed you." She said leaning in to give Jen a side hug.

"We missed you too."

Both woman wiped tears from their eyes as Gwen ushered them into the living room. They talked for what seemed like minutes but Gwen quickly realized when she looked at her watch it had been hours. They discussed Gavin and what happened with him. They talked about why Gwen didn't call after Gavin left. They talked about Stella and all that Gwen had missed.

"So tell me about Blake."

"Jen I have never met a more perfect man besides dad. He is always there when I need him, even when I don't realize I need help. He basically moved here for me. He takes care of me. The look in his eyes when he looks at me. I've never felt prettier. God sent him to me when he knew I was ready and needed him."

"He sounds like a really great guy Gwen. I'm really happy for you. When do I get to meet this cowboy?"

"He should be home in about 15 minutes. He is giving Chuck's godson guitar lessons."

"Good cause I'm dying to meet him. Mom and dad really like him."

"Really? They didn't act like."

"Oh trust me they did. Him and the way he was with you was all they talked about the whole family dinner."

Suddenly they all hear a car pull into the drive way and the door shut. Blake enters the living room finding what he assumes is Gwen's  niece and sister-in-law. The first thing he does though is go over to Gwen, kiss her, and tell her he loves her. Blake sits down pulling Gwen into his lap.

"Blakey this is Jen, my brothers wife. We have always been like best friends."

"Hi ya nice to meet ya."

"Nice to meet you as well. Gwen's told me quite a bit about you." Jen smiles

"All good things I hope."

"Very good things. Thank you for taking care of her. She is an important part of our family and we have missed her like crazy."

"No problem. I love her and I would do absolutely anything for her."

Jen smiles at him seeing the love he talks about reflect in his eyes. They talked some more and some how Blake ended up on the floor playing with Stella

"Well Stella and I should head home."

"No mommy I want to stay with Auntie Gwen and Uncle Blake."

"Yeah why don't you guys stay  for dinner?"

"We don't want to impose." Jen smiled

"You're not and you are staying." Gwen tells her

Gwen watches Blake with Stella and though she doesn't want to admit it, its killing her. He is so good with her and the way she smiles at him. She knows she can never give Blake the baby he deserves. Her thoughts go around in her head the whole dinner. After they finish and everyone , including Stella helps put the dishes in the dishwasher, they move back to the living room. Blake once again is on the floor playing with Stella. The emotions pile up until she can't handle it anymore. So she gets up and runs upstairs tears streaming down her face. Blake deserves to be a father and she can't do that for him. He is so good with Stella making her laugh. She can't stay know that she is the reason he will never have kids. When Blake makes it to her room she has her suitcase out on her bed and she is packing all of her clothes.

"Woah Gwen, baby, what's going on? What happened?"

"Blake I can't do this. You deserve so much more than I can ever give you. You deserve to be a dad. I need to go stay with Jen. I can't be the reason you miss out on all of that. You want it; I call tell by the way you look at Stella. I just can't be the reason you never get that." she says

"Gwen baby please don't do this. You're more important to me than having a baby. I love you Gwen. I can't lose you. Please Gwen I'm begging you don't do this."

She ignores him while she continues to pack. This hurts so much but she keeps telling herself she is doing this for him. Her heart is breaking as she zips the suitcase up and takes it off the bed. She walks up to Blake putting her hand on his chest. He grabs her hands holding them there like it will keep her from leaving. From leaving him. He is losing the best thing to ever happen and he feels like his heart is being ripped out. Tears are now streaming down both of their faces.

"Blake you have been an angel in my life, I would have never made it this far without you. I love you more than I thought I could ever love someone. That's why I have to go. I can't be the reason your dream of being a dad never comes true. That burden would end up crushing me. I'm going to live with Jen. I'm so thankful for everything you have done for me. I love you Blake."

Tears are pouring down their cheeks as Gwen leans in and plants a kiss on the side of his cheek. She grabs her suitcase and heads for the door. Before she makes it out the door he turn around and tries one more time.

"Gwen please don't leave me." She looks back at him and smiles a broken smile before she heads down the hall, down the steps, into the living room and out of the front door.

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