Batman Meets Robin's Villain...

Por MolMcN

4.5K 224 75

What happens when Batman and Robin are out on patrol and they meet Death Stroke?! How does Robin know this gu... Más

Batman Meets Robin's Villain

4.5K 224 75
Por MolMcN

Batman pov

Batman and Robin had gotten an anonymous tip that something was going to go down at one of the warehouses in downtown Gotham. Now... most downtown areas are sketchy. But this is Gotham, it's always sketchy! So just think what downtown Gotham is like...

"Alright Robin this is it..." Batman pointed to a warehouse right in front of them and Robin nodded.

They both silently snuck onto the roof of the warehouse then crawled into a window. They barely breathed as the moved across the catwalk. Down below it seemed as if nothing was happening. Batman watched with his detective's eye but in the end Robin noticed something first. "That looks like... but why would he be here...?" Batman glanced over at him as he looked down at the boxes below. On them was a single logo an 'S' if he was reading it right.

"What is it?" he whispered but Robin just ignored him.

As they walked down the stairs they heard a voice from above them "Well now isn't this a surprise?" a man stood in the exact spot the dynamic duo had stood moments before.

Batman raised an eyebrow under his mask "Deathstroke?" What was he doing in Gotham City?

At the exact same moment Robin glared at the man above them "Slade!"

"Wait what?" Batman looked over at him confused "Who's Slade?"

Before he could answer Robin quickly pulled out his staff and ran back up the stairs. "Robin wait!" Batman was about to go after him when a bunch of Deathstroke's henchmen appeared out of nowhere. Why wasn't Robin listening to him?!

Robin pov

"Slade what are you doing in Gotham?!" Robin's staff clashed with the older man's.

"I wanted to see you." He said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You don't visit Blud Haven very much anymore."

"I was there just a week ago!"

Slade rolled his eyes under his mask "Yes but that on for your little 'team's' business. And not your old team. Honestly why did the Titans break up anyway?" that made Robin angry so he attacked Slade with everything he had.

Batman pov

Why was Robin being so stupid?! Batman hadn't given him the command to attack and now here he was stuck fighting the henchmen! He listened as it sounded like Robin and Deathstroke were having a conversation. Did they know each other?! And who were the 'titans?'

Robin pov

"Slade I'm really not in the mood for this right now so can you please tell me what you want and I'll..."

All of a sudden Batman jumped down from the catwalk. "Robin get away from him Deathstroke is dangerous! I did not give you the order to attack!"

Robin and Slade stopped fighting then gave each other a look. To Batman's confusion they started laughing. "I can't believe he keeps calling me Deathstroke!"

Robin laughed "I don't think he's figured out your real name yet."

"Oh that's funny... well if you don't mind Detective if you could leave us alone Robin and I have some things to discuss. So... you can go now." Slade shoed him away as he just stood there.

Batman pov

"What...? No Robin I won't let you fight him he is dangerous!"

Robin rolled his eyes "Bruce seriously this is embarrassing..."

"Y-you just..."

"What used your real name?" Slade chuckled "If he's Dick Grayson you had to be Bruce Wayne. I figured that out ages ago!"

"When exactly was that?" Robin mused "I always tried my hardest not to say anything."

"Oh it was when you stole that tech from Wayne Inc. I could tell you really didn't want to and I started to notice things after that."

Robin nodded "That makes since..."

"How do you know each other?!" They looked over as Batman had finally lost it.

"Oh... from the titans." They both answered simply.

"Who are the titans?!"

Slade looked over at Robin "You never told him?"

"What?! He had just disowned me I wasn't going to just call him up and tell him I'd become the leader of a new team in Blud Haven. Besides... he'd probably kill me for gelling my hair."

"Ya that was nasty..."

"It was just a phase!"

"You know you were kind of Emo too..."

"Shut up you're not my dad!"

"So wait..." they both looked back over at Batman "When Robin and I were fighting you went to Blud Haven and led a team called the Titans?"

"Well it was actually the Teen Titans but close enough..."

"And you all fought Deathstroke?"

"Actually my name is Slade Wilson so they always just called me Slade. They fought other people too though. Brother Blood, The Hive, that Goth girl's dad..."

Robin rolled his eyes "Her name is Raven! Honestly it's not that hard to remember!"

He just waved him off "I was close enough. So ya Robin and I are archenemies."

"Basically he's my Joker" Robin filled in.

"And you stole tech from Wayne Inc.?"

Robin sighed "It's a long story. But if you don't mind can you leave now? He's probably going to ask me to be his apprentice pretty soon and I need to punch him in the face for it."

"Come on we worked so well together!"

"You tortured my teammates!"

"Oh they were fine in the end!"

"You know what I'm just going to leave..." Batman walked away as they started battling again. He really needed some coffee... and maybe some wine... ya he'd just put the wine in the coffee. That sounded good right about now...

                    The End! :) 

(A/N - Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I hope you all liked it! :) Bye!) 

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