The Slytherin Equivilence of...

By SmartAleckTubaPlayer

2.7K 110 10

During fourth year for the Marauders, they gain four transfer students from Durmstrang. At first, they don't... More

The Slytherin Equivilence of the Marauders- A Marauders Fanfic


125 8 1
By SmartAleckTubaPlayer

Cora's P.O.V

Later that day, Sirius and I asked Dumbledore to make us a port key so we could visit my family.

"And why is Mr. Black going?"

"I don't think I could handle it by myself. My father is d-dying."

"Very well, where is Mr. Black?"



An hour later, we were at my house, well, my family's house.

"Cora! We weren't expecting you! And who is this?" my mother asked.

"Daddy's sick, of course I came to visit, and this is one of my new friends, Sirius Black."

"Where have I heard the name Black before? Well, anyway,  nice to meet you Sirius."

"Likewise." Sirius replied.

"I'm going to go see daddy now. Sirius, do you want to come?"

"Sure, why not." he told me.

We went into my parents bedroom where my father was.

"Cora, I thought *cough* you were still *cough* at school?"

"When mother sent me the letter, I knew I had to visit soon daddy." I said softly, setting a hand on his.

I felt a tear try to escape, and held back my emotions.

"Who is this?"

"This is my friend Sirius."

"Hello Mr. Zappin." Sirius said,  stepping forward to shake my father's hand.

"I hope you are a good friend for my little girl."

"He is." I replied.

Then, my mother called us for dinner, and Sirius left almost immediately.

I kissed my father's cheek before leaving the room.

At dinner, my brother asked who Sirius was.

"He's my friend."


Other than that he pretty much ignored us.

My father was sleeping, so instead of being in his room, we sat in the living room with my mother.

"So how long have you two been friends?" she asked.

"Since the day on the train. We're pretty good friends." I said.

I saw Sirius,  who was sitting next to me, get a mischievous glint in his eye. This worried me.

"Friends with benefits." he joked, and he began to laugh at the looks on my mother's face and mine.

"Sirius!" I exclaimed, shoving him off the couch. "Mother, don't listen to him, he's lying. It's just a rumor."

Mother was now laughing as well.

Sirius climbed back onto they couch, and squeezed my thigh again!

"Sirius! You little perv!" I exclaimed, punching him hard.

"If you two are dating, I understand-" my mother said.

"No! We aren't! I swear!" I exclaimed.

They were picking on me, so I pouted.

"Well, even though you are just friends, Take care of her Sirius. Trouble has a way of finding her.

Sirius's P.O.V

For the rest of Christmas break, we stayed at Cora's house.

We had lots of fun, and her little brother was pretty cool.

The day we were leaving, we were in her father's room saying goodbye when he got weaker.

"Cora... I don't... have... very long..."

"Daddy, I love you. Please don't leave me." she said softly.

"Cora... You're an.... amazing girl..... You deserve... the best.... You will go far...."

She was crying now, and I hate it when she cries like this.


Why would her father want to talk to me?

"Sirius.... Keep and eye.... on my little.... girl..... Don't let.... anyone...... hurt her."

"I won't. " I replied.

"Cora..... I love you."

"Daddy, I love you too, just please don't leave me."

His eyes slowly drooped, and his pulse was gone as his breath stopped.

Cora looked like she needed someone, so I embraced her, and she buried her face in my chest.

I just stroked her hair and kept an arm around her.

Her mother didn't really have a reaction because she knew it was coming.

From everything I saw while I was here, Cora was daddy's little princess, not that it was a bad thing.

I waited half an hour for her to calm down.

"Cora, it's five o'clock,  and we have classes tomorrow. Do you want to go now, or stay?" I asked gently.

"Let's go." she replied softly, drying her face.

"Are you sure?"

"If I stay it'll only hurt more."

When we got back to Hogwarts, she  said she was going to bed.

"Don't you want supper?"

"I'm not hungry. I'll see you tomorrow Sirius."

"Ok, good night Cora."

She quickly hugged me and headed for the dungeons.

I thought  about my time at her house, and what her parents told me.

When I got to the Great Hall, James practically flipped.

"Where were you?" he asked.

"Well, Missy, Austin, and Mollie need to hear this too."

They immediately payed attention as I explained why we were gone, that her dad was sick. I did not mention his death though.

Mollie's P.O.V

So that's where Cora and Sirius went.

Shad and I were walking aroud the castle....... by the way, as of Christmas,  Shad and I are dating.

Well, we were just talking about schoolwork.

"Shad, why aren't you one of the Marauders?"

"I didn't want to. It didn't interest me."


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