Travlyn *discontinued*

By midnightwolf1877

1.7K 76 80

Travis & Kateyln = Travlyn Travis and Katelyn are polar oppisites. But Travis likes Kateyln... Kateyln on the... More

The Invite
Party Part 1; Meeting tha peoples
Party Part 2; Truth or Dare
Party Part 3; Sleepover?


209 11 12
By midnightwolf1877

In the van and no one POV
"I still can't wrap my mind around the fact you 3 have NEVER been to Olive Garden!" Kateyln spoke. "I dunno we just never really had the time or desire to... do we just simply didn't go." Eli replied. "But... it's Olive Garden!" Nicole whined. Amber shrugged, "Its not that big of a deal... it's just food." Skyler and Eli looked at Amber concerned, "It's. Just. Food?!" Skyler asked Amber in a stern tone. Amber cracked a smile and tried to hold in her laugher. "I-It's giggle not that big giggle of a de-a-al!" Amber attempted to reply but burst out laughing along with Skyler and Eli. "Kawaii~Chan doesn't understand what's so funny Amber~Sama, Skyler~Sama and Eli~Sama." "It's just that giggle Amber LOOOOOVES food and when she said it d-didn't matter snort giggle we just all... laughed I guess!" Skyler stated in between giggles. "GUYS WE'RE HERE!!~" Aphmau yelled as we all sprinted out of the van. "Table for 'Aphmau party' please." Cadenza requested to the waiter." "Sure thing, right this way." The man said in a gruff voice before walking off to a room in the back of the restaurant.

Katelyn's POV
The waiter looks familiar... I just don't know where I could've seen him. His voice was really deep... but maybe... OH MY IRENEEE! It can't be... ugh not again" What would you like to drink ladies?" the 'waiter' asked politely. "I'm sorry, really quick question! What's your name?" The 'waiter' froze, " Um... m-my name is G-Gar... TEO! Yes Garteo that is my name!"
Garroth... that means the other guys are here
somewhere too... this is just great

Garroth POV
"Guys I think Katelyn's onto us." "Heh... she IS smart so I'm not surprised." Travis swooned making goo-goo eyes at her from afar. "Shut up Travis we have other issues to worry about... like getting CAUGHT!" Zane complained. "I need cokes for Amber, Katelyn, Eli, and Cadenza... pink lemonaid for KC, Aphmau and Skyler.. and a Sprite for Lucinda and Nicole." I told them. "On it!" Laurence and Dante replied immediately as they rushed off to pour the drinks. "What do we do if they catch us?" I asked worriedly. " If it's only one of them ask to go with it... if it's all of them, we're screwed." Aaron replied. "Why are you even here?" Zane snarled, "I thought you didn't do this stuff." Aaron shrugged, "I wanted a change." "Hey, their drinks are ready." Laurence interrupted placing each drink onto a large plate-like thing for me to carry. "Good luck bro." Dante whispered to me before I went out to deliver their drinks.

Aphmau's POV
Our waiter seemed really nice! He had an odd name though... Garteo... But he was really fast getting our drinks which made it less awkward between us girls 😂 "Your drinks ladies" the waiter spoke as he gave each one of us our drink. "Are you ready to order yet?" he asked politely. "YES!" Amber shouted, "ahem I mean... yes I am." We all giggled at her little outburst. "I'm ready too." I exclaimed along with Katelyn. "Kawaii~Chan is also ready to eat Garteo~Kun!" Garteo smiled, "Alright I'll take your orders."


Katelyn's POV
"Sooooo... have any of you girls found anyone you like?" Lucinda questioned Amber, Eli and Skyler. Each one of them blushed a pink-ish shade and seemed really focused on the desert menus. "Kawaii~Chan definitely ships Zyler!" KC squealed in delight as Skyler was so red a tomato would be jealous. "I- um I..." Skyler murmured at an attempt to save herself from all the attention. "OMI YESSS!!" Aphmau yelled, " Zu~Zu needs someone like you Skyler! You both love cupcakes, My Little Horsey and cuddling!" "H-How do you know I like cuddling?!" Skyler whispered with a shocked expression on her face. " Uh you and Zane were cuddling during the movie." Amber pointed out causing Skyler to blush even more! I just watch it all unfold and laughed... until much to my dismay, Lucinda turned the attention to me. "What about you Katelyn? Is Travis being good to ya?" she asked snickering slightly. I sneered before rolling my eyes, "We. Are. NOT. Dating!" I reminded her sternly. "To be honest, you guys would be cute together." Eli spoke causing Skyler and Amber to gasp. "You said they'd be cute together!" Skyler stated excitedly. "OMI!" Amber hollered, "this has never happened!" "Shut up." Eli mumbled, obviously embarrassed. "It's true though! Just think.. " Nicole popped in, "The Casanova and the Tsundre!" "NYAAA!" Kawaii~Chan yelled,  " THAT WOULD BE SO KAWAII~~" I rolled my eyes again, "Not happening." "We'll see about that." Cadenza said not convinced I wasn't going to marry him. His green eyes are really attractive though... UGH I need to stop thinking about this relationship thing again! I'm just going to get my heart broken... again
"Food's here!" Amber warned us as the waiter aka Garroth placed the food down in front of us. Since I was starving, I dug in immediately filling my face with breadsticks and pasta.

Travis' POV
She's... so... CUTEEEE~! Even when she's eating pasta! I just can't get over how her hair always falls perfectly, how her eyes twinkle in the lights and how her butt is... I MEAN heh.. her personality is the polar opposite of mine... it's like Irene made her perfect for me but... cursed me so that whatever I did would upset her. I don't know how to break her protective walls down.. but I know by the end of this Spy Mission I will know what- or who- hurt her
"TRAVIS!" someone yelled, " WE NEED TO LISTEN! STOP DAYDREAMING!" I looked at the direction the voice was coming from. It was Dante. Oh yeah.. Katelyn and her friends "Sorry bro." I responded, then began eavesdropping. I nearly immediately heard something along the lines of, " What about you and Travis?" YES "No" ugh and that was basically it... nothing 'juicy' and soon they got up and left, presumably to Aphmau, Katelyn and KC's house. "TO APH'S HOUSE!" Laurence hollered while running out the backdoor with everyone else trailing behind. Maybe we could gather more information there...

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