Life as Stefan Abingdon

By Chloe-Tron

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This story is about how Chloe and Stef,Catherine and Dru, paige and Ash get together but some unexpected twi... More

Life as Stefan Abingdon
Chapter 1 : The flight
Chapter 2 : going home
Chapter 3 : Home
Chapter 4 : Ash and Dru
Chapter 5 : Drunk
Chapter 6 : 'Sexytime'
Chapter 7 : uh oh
Chapter 8 : Horrible memories
Chapter 9 :meeting the guys
Chapter 10 : The shop
Chapter 11: Arguing still
Chapter 12 : OMG OMG OMG
Chapter 13 : Phone call
Chapter 14 : Goodbye
Chapter 15 : ....
Chapter 16 : News
Chapter 17 : Hospital
Chapter 18 : The letter
Chapter 19 :Goodbye Ashley
Chapter 20 : The text
Chapter 21 : Dead people
Chapter 22 : Traumatized
Chapter 23 : Flight home
Chapter 24 : Home
Chapter 25 : Splash!(Not in a sexual way)
Chapter 26: Suprise
Chapter 27 : Happy Birthday Dru
Chapter 28 : Happy Birthday Stef
Chapter 29 : Short chapter
Chapter 30 : Flash
Chapter 31 : Hate
Chapter 32 : What are friends for?
Chapter 33 : YOU!
Chapter 34 : Hospital again
Chapter 35 : Getting worse
Chapter 36 : Test results
Chapter 38 : A+
Chapter 39 : Signing up
Chapter 40 : Giving Blood
Chapter 41 : Blood Transfusion
Chapter 42: where did she go?
Chapter 43: Going to see Imi and Oli seriously didn't know what else to call it
Chapter 44: Just another Day
Chapter 45: Home YAY!!
Chater 46: Day with Imi and Oli
Chapter 47 : Your home!
Chapter 48 : Tea
Chapter 49: Studio
Chapter 50: Dad?!
Chapter 51: Matt the twat!
Chapter 52: Tonsillites
Chapter 53: Shopping Trip *FLICKS HANDS UP IN AIR*
Chapter 54: What have I done?
Chapter 55: finally Dru's POV!
Chapter 56: Leaving...
Chapter 57: Going to Zoe's
Chapter 58: Staying at Zoe's
Chapter 59: I need your help
Chapter 60: Please Forgive me.
Chapter 61: Back as a family.
Chapter 62: Newwwssss!!
Chapter 63: Happy End?
Authors Note

Chapter 37 : Telling the boys

83 3 0
By Chloe-Tron

*Catherine's POV*

I was just in the phone to Chloe who was crying down the phone to me.I said I would go and see her and Paige was in the background after waking up and she wanted to come with me too.So we got into Chloe's car and headed to the hospital.The ride qas silent with the radio on in the background.Ugh One direction came on, I reached out and turned the radio off as quick as possible, and continuted to drive to the hospital.We soon got there and we got out the car and went inside.We rushed to the room Chloe was in, I opened the door and she was still silently crying.

"OMG what's wrong?"I asked.

" know what I.....I.......I told"She started

"Yeah"I replied.

"Wait what did you tell her?"Paige asked.

"Can I tell her?"I asked making sure with Chloe.

"Yeah"She replied slowly stopping crying and wiping her eyes.

"Well Chloe had some tests yesterday after you guys left, because she is still loosing blood and it's to see if she has lost too much blood and needs blood transfusions"I explained.

"Oh right"Paige replied taking it all in.

"I got the results back..........and I.....I-I-I have t-t-to have a blood transfusion b-b-but they have to f-f-find someone with the same blood type first b-b-because they can't f-f-find anyone yet because I-I have a rare blood t-t-type"Chloe stuttered starting to cry again.Me and Paige both went over to hug her gently, not hurting her stomach.

"I knew this would happen"Chloe told us.

"Chloe you will be fine they will find someone promise"Paige said.

"What if they don't, they can't take blood from my mum because she is an O not an A+ and well my dad isn't well alive anymore"Chloe exclaimed.

"What about your brother?"I asked.

"He is in austrailia researching some crap with his girlfriend"She told us.

"Surely there would be someone"Paige said.

"I don't know but thanks for coming guys, I really do apprectiate it"Chloe told us.A few moments later Dru, Stef and Ash walked in.

"Shit"I heard Chloe curse under her breath.I kind of knew she didn't want to tell Stef.I could tell because if the way she said don't tell the others I don't want to worry them and especially Stef and because I can tell by looking at her eyes.

*Stef's POV*

I had just woken up, I don't remember falling asleep.I remember crying about what happened to Chloe and hugging a picture of us two from when we first met on the plane.That is when I must of fell asleep.Well I got up and walked downstairs adjusting my hat that Chloe got me for my birthday.I walked downstairs and heard Dru and Ash talking from in the lounge.I walked into the lounge.

"Sup guys"I said still half asleep.

"Finally he is awake, lets go"Ash said getting up immediatly.

"Where are we going and where are the girls?"I asked.

"Chloe was crying down the phone to Catherine and her and Paige went to see her and we said we would wait for you to wake up"Dru explained.

"Wait what she was crying!Why didn't you wake me up?"I exclaimed.

"Because we know your upset and we know you needed to sleep it off"Ash told me.

"Let's go"He added.

We all walked out the door and went to Ash's car and he drove to the hospital as fast as he could.We soon got there and all I could think about was what was wrong with Chloe? and why was she crying down the phone to Catherine.We got out the car and went into the hospital.We went to Chloe's room and walked in.Chloe looked like she had been crying.She still looked extremely pale.Awh my baby.I also noticed as we walked in she quickly pulled the duvet over her stomach.Was she hiding something or was she just cold?

"Hi Chloe"Ash and Dru both said.

"Hello guys"She replied.

"Hi baby"I said walking over to Chloe and holding her hand and sitting on the chair next to her bed.

"You alright Chloe, how come you were crying on the phone?"Ash asked.

Chloe's eyes filled up with water.

"Urrrmmmm.........."Chloe started.

"Do you want me to tell them Chlo?"Catherine asked her.

"Yes p-p-please"Chloe stuttered.

What was going on with Chloe.I'm getting proper worried now.

"Well Chloe hasn't been eating for that last few day and had some tests after she woke up yesterday, after you guys left.They are tests to see if she has lost too much blood and if she needs blood transfusions because her cuts won't stop bleeding, she didn't want you guys to worry.She got the results back today and she needs to have a blood transfusion but they can't find anyone with blood type A+, her mum is and O her dad isn't with us anymore and her brother is in Austrailia researching who knows what with his girlfriend"Catherine explained everything.At this point Chloe was under the duvet crying and she was no longer holding my hand.

Then I thought about everything Catherine said all the way up to Chloe's blood type.She was an A+.


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