Unbreakable Bond-Kol Mikaelso...

By PurdyGirl1469

201K 3.8K 227


Unbreakable Bond-Kol Mikaelson Love story
Chapter 1: Coming Home
Chapter 2: Night with Klaus
Chapter 3: New Face
Chapter 4: Mikaelson Ball
Chapter 5: Out with a Mikaelson
Chapter 6: A Day With Kol
Chapter 7: Choose
Chapter 8: Following a Gilbert
Chapter 9: Day with a Gilbert and a Mikaelson
Chapter 10: Shaking The Bed
Chapter 11: Oh Brother
Chapter 12: Where are we going?
Chapter 13: Stomach Problems
Chapter 14: I'm What?
Authors Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Authors Note

4.2K 48 7
By PurdyGirl1469

I have not made the second story yet, but I was thinking, maybe I should keep this going. The only problem is, is that I have no idea what to put, so if you want this story to keep going, comment what you think should happen. Thx love you all :).

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