Obsessed To Her Only

By haya_zee

810K 31.5K 4.1K

Enrique montario was 22, rich, arrogant and got into the most prestigious University for bachelors in New Yor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - First Encounter
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19- A Secret Confession
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's note
Chapter 22- Friends?
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author's note
Nominate if you like my book.
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's note
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
How many updates you all want in total?
Important note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 (Her Forgiveness- His Confession)
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47- YES
Chapter 48
Chapter 49-First touch
Chapter 50- Girlfriend?
Chapter 51- First Kiss
Chapter 52
Chapter 53-Intense We Were
Chapter 54
Eid Mubarak :)
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61- Broken
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Wattpad Breakdown
Chapter 64 - One Step Closer
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 - Hell Yes I Do
Chapter 67 - All I Want Is You
Chapter 68- Mine? Forever?
Author's note
Chapter 69 - Destined To Be Yours
Chapter 70 - Those Never Ending Seven days
Chapter 71- Te Amo
Author's note
Second Book Announcement
Author's Note
Remember me?

Chapter 16

13.2K 497 52
By haya_zee

Enrique's P.O.V

It's been two days since I talked to her for the first time. I am angry at her behavior, happy to finally talk to her and mesmerized how beautiful she actually is.

All this time, I followed her from a reasonable distance so I didn't actually notice her face. I just looked into her activities and stuff. But that day when I saw her all irritated being around me, I have been feeling something different.

I am still angry that she didn't give me any chance to explain myself but I literally felt my heartbeat stop when she looked at me, there was disgust and hate only but still she managed to have this effect on me. I was in my room still thinking what to do with my life.... when suddenly I heard my cellphone ringing.

"Man, where are you? Are you on drugs? Why are you shutting everyone out from your life? Or have you found some new best friend, you jerk face, I'll kill you."

Ryan asked multiple questions without even taking a breath. Whenever he talked like that, it made me laugh.

"God! Ryan why are you so dramatic? I am not on drugs and no I don't need another best friend when I already have one who talks shit and gives me severe headaches all the time."

I spoke just to make him calm otherwise I knew, he'll continue blabbering on and on.

"Haha that's my boy. I want you here with me to attend this charity auction and if you don't want to come it's okay. Because it'll give me an opportunity to visit your precious little apartment by myself where I am sure you've hidden some girl you don't want us to know about."

"Shut up Ryan, I am just comfortable alone in my apartment that's why I don't invite you guys and what charity event?"

"It's an event my mom organized but she had this urgent task to complete at work so she won't be able to go there so I am going instead. I'll text you the details. Just come quickly, I am on my way."

"Alright see you!" I ended the call and started getting ready.


I arrived at the auction after an hour. I found Ryan talking to some people, may be organizers. I started walking towards him. The event was held at someone's rest house. It was huge. There was a park on my left where I saw kids playing cheerfully. 

I have always liked kids but never picked them up or talked to them. I mean they are cute and all, but what do you talk to them about? I was looking at them fondly, they were all very cute. Probably they were the kids of 'Orphans Organization', this auction was arranged for.

Then I saw a girl playing with them excitedly. None other than....Natalie! God! Natalie why am I seeing you all the time? Hallucinations? Or are you really here? She was looking like a kid playing with them, laughing with them, talking to them, something she wouldn't want to do with me... I went near Ryan and told him to go inside, I would come in a moment.

I didn't want him to see her. He had a little crush on her back then, how can I ignore that? He told me to come fast and went inside.

I went closer to her spot. She was now sitting on a bench looking at kids with so much love and I was looking at her with more passion than I ever knew I had in me. She picked up her DSLR placed on the bench and started taking pictures of them.

She was looking like a kitten smiling like there's no tomorrow. Who would think this is the same fierce girl from university who throws daggers at me every time I am near her.

Then she started talking to someone on phone and put the strap of DSLR around her neck. She can totally pull off any look, she was looking like a professional photographer. Her back was facing me so she didn't know I was standing there. I went a little bit more close to her and I heard her talking to someone on the phone.

"Hey, don't accuse me okay? She didn't even inform me about it. She just dragged me this morning to go to this event and worst thing, she has that painting of my face which an artistic friend of mine once made for me. I mean seriously why would she think that it'll sell out as an expensive item? And even if it will, I am sure only a pervert will buy it. Aah so frustrating! My beautiful face.... and all of this just because I forgot to wish her on her birthday, so childish!!"

Hahaha I wanted to pinch her cheeks she sounded so cute whining like that.

Wait what? A painting of her face? Damn it! What if someone bought it? Shit!! I started running towards the auction venue. Thank God, they just started the bidding on the first item.

Ryan waved at me to come in front row. I sat beside him and started scanning the surrounding but there was no painting. Where is it? Have I misheard? No, I did hear her saying something about that painting...

Then the auctioneer announced that there was only one item left. I didn't pay any attention, I was still internally debating about what she was talking about. I put my hands on my eyes in frustration then I heard people bidding.

"5 million dollars"

"8 million dollars"

"15 million dollars"

"25 million dollars"

Wow! People are going high. What is it? I looked up and forgot to breathe again. It was her painting, smiling adorably wearing a black Fedora cap and black top reaching her thighs and black stockings. With red lipstick she was looking hell hot.

She was right. Perverts were ogling at the painting like they were staring at her in real. Fuck these bastards! Hell I would let anybody take this away.

"100 million dollars." I bid finally.

"W-What the hell dude? Whaat-t did you...? Oohhh my God!" Ryan was stuttering. I know it's a shock for him but I need to first claim my right on the painting, I'll explain it all later to him. I saw that even the auctioneer was confused but then she grasped at the situation.

"100 million dollars going once."
"100 million dollars going twice."
"100 million dollars going thrice."


"Dude what was that? You need to tell me this instant. I thought you hated her." Ryan sounded frustrated and confused at the same time.

"Yes I did. I just didn't like how perverts were staring at her face. She's still a girl and daughter of my father's best friend." I finally found a perfect excuse.

"Are you sure it's all because of that? You're going to pay 100 million dollars for a girl just like that? All this time I knew you, you never even bought a gift for any of your girlfriends and now so much money on a girl you don't even like?"

Ryan raised an eyebrow at me while smirking, like some policeman trapped a suspect.

"Think whatever you want, it's nothing serious. Let's go now."

I said and started walking away. Actually he was right. I spent so much on a mere painting without even thinking, just like that, but it felt like it's worth it.


Next day habitually, I was following her when I saw her going to the airport instead of going home. Oh no! Adrian is back? I don't think if I'll be able to hold back if he comes and hugs her like he did last time. Every sort of thought was coming in my head when I saw her parking the car and rushing towards the waiting area.

What the hell? Who's coming? Which bastard she's this excited for? Then I saw her searching for someone in the crowd. She waved at a guy and ran towards him. That guy picked her up and whirled her around in one swift motion. Shit! I lost it! I was completely fuming in anger and was almost there to punch that asshole when I heard her saying,

"You're the worst brother in the world. You're coming after 6 months damn it!! Did you forget you have a sister?" She was whining adorably.

Ohh... so he's her brother! I was about to turn around when his brother saw me. I started walking outside quickly.

Go to hell Enrique! You were about to punch her brother. She never would've forgiven me for something like that. Thank God! Thank God!

Sorry Natalie!... Why do I always doubt you...


I was waiting for Natalie in the morning, my eyes on the entrance gate of university. Then I saw her coming with her brother on her right side. He was half hugging her. For a minute I felt happy that she has a loving brother but I felt jealous too. Her face was a little pale, she didn't look okay.

What's wrong? Is she sick? Does she have fever? Why can't she take care of herself, damn it!

When she reached near elevator she told her brother to go back.

"Okay brother, I am in university already and I am perfectly fine so can you go now? I have a class to attend." Her voice was shaky a little bit.

"Fine! But I am picking you up later. Just text me when you're free. Don't you dare come alone."

"Haha whatever! Go now. I don't have much energy to argue with you."

"Natalie, you have a fever. Classes are not important more than your health. Okay? You're not coming tomorrow that's final."

"Waaah!! What a caring brother I got here. We'll talk later, just go already I am getting late. I'll text you."

"Good girl. Take care. Bye!"

Then he gave her a kiss on her forehead and walked away. Shit! Only if I could be the one to show affection...

I was waiting near vending machine for Natalie as I knew she always comes here after class. Then I saw my friends waving at me I went there and started talking to them. Natalie was coming out of class. A smile crept over my face. She's so cute!!

She was walking towards vending machine then I saw a guy coming in front of her then he started talking to her.

Not today! I can't control it anymore. I went near her, grabbed the guy by his neck and started punching him crazily. I didn't even realize how irrational I was. He was just talking.

But why was he even talking in the first face. Natalie tried to stop me which made me more angry. She's worried about this jerk? I punched him again then I saw Ryan and Ian trying to move me from that guy. He was bleeding badly. I've been in fights before 2 or 3 times. But never punched someone for a girl. Natalie was looking at me with bloodshot eyes. She was extremely angry.

"Who the hell you think you are? Seriously how dare you?" She asked in her usual cold tone.

"Oh I dare! He was trying to flirt with you and you didn't look interested." I shrugged my shoulders like it was no big deal.

"And what do you think you are? My bodyguard? Either I was interested or not, none of your fucking business. So next time don't you even try to interfere in my personal life."

She spoke while looking straight into my eyes. I was angry at her behavior more than I ever was. What does she think of herself?

"I'll do whatever I want. Don't dictate me." I snapped back at her with clenched jaw and fists.

"Exactly do whatever the hell you want, I don't give a damn. But me and my personal life is off limits. Make it clear in your stupid little head."

She retorted back. We were both in so much anger that we didn't notice that everyone around us was watching the drama, dumbfounded. This is the second time, after that 'juice ruining her coat incident', she was getting angry at me even though she should be thanking me.

"Then the feeling is mutual, I don't want to do anything with you either."

I finally spoke for the last time and without giving her a glance, I started walking towards the parking lot. I am never going to see her again. That's it. I've enough of her rude behavior!!

The war has begin :P
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Good night
Peace lover :)

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