Darkiplier X Reader

By Random_Reader40

71.7K 1.6K 1.6K

This is a fan fiction, for those who read my other stories and didn't know I write these. Okay well this is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36/ Epilogue
something for the sequel
answer for the sequel
Release Date for the Sequel!!

Chapter 18

1.4K 36 21
By Random_Reader40

~time skip. It has been about two weeks and you are heading home~


"I'm going to miss ye Y/N! Don't leave can't ye stay one more week," Jacks yelled in the airport. Yup that goes to show you that he is still a freaking kid, but one that I love to talk and hang out with.

"Jack she can't stay. You know she has a puppy at home to get back to, and a home. Plus probably a boyfriend," Signe says as she elbows me. Oh did I forget that she was smirking.

"Yea and that boyfriend's name is my bed, wait not it's called my food," I said while I was laughing. It isn't that I haven't been asked out before, it's just I'm waiting for the right person. I don't want hurt again.

"Okay get going ye know before I kidnap ye," Jack says. We all pull in for a group hug because we all know it will be a while.

~time skip to where you are back at your house. Also in case you forgot, no you didn't really sell your house! Okay you are at your house~

I walk through the front door, and wasn't attacked by Belle. Oh yea Sam has her at the moment. Gosh I need to go and get her. I miss my little doggy. Maybe I should get another dog. You know what I will! So that means before I call Sam I need to go to the pound and get a new dog.

Look I'm not one to buy a dog. Why you might ask. Well the reason why is because the ones in the pound are hurt and unloved. When I first got Belle she was abused. I got her when she was seven months old, and some of her fur was missing. It broke my heart so of course I took her out of every dog that was there! Now she is two and is so much healthier and happier.

Okay so right now I am on my way to the pound. I walk in and see all these puppies and kittens, and my heart breaks! Now sometime I volunteer, that's how I met Belle. Well of course I know the people who work here, and I get a discount.

"Hey there Y/N didn't know you were back in town. Are you here to volunteer," Melody says. Out of everyone she is like family, well besides Mark, Jack, and Signe.

"I just got back. Also no I was here to look at dogs," I said. I could hear the excitement in my own voice, but I couldn't help it.

"You know where the puppies, kittens, dogs, and cats are," she says as she goes back to whatever she was doing.

"No it's puppies, kittens, doggies, and kitties. Gosh Mel get it right," I said as I walked back. I heard Mel start giggling and I joined in, but I got cut off by all the barking.

I walk around the kennel for a bit, and no dog sticks out. I mean don't get me wrong I would get a cat, but no thank you. I want a pupper! I really want a dog even. So I walk over to the German Shepherds and I see this pure white one. However what really set him apart was he didn't bark at me, instead he walked up to where I was standing. He then licks the hand I had on the cage. Right there he was the one, and the best part was he is the same age as Belle. Also his name was Beast! Talk about perfect naming!

"Let me guess 'OH MY GOSH MEL! HE IS THE ONE! I NEED THIS DOG!' Am I right," Mel says, well more like mocks me. I just kind of laugh and then punch her in the shoulder.

"Yea you know it," I say as I go and get the keys off the desk. I then lay the money on the counter, then I walk back to the cage and let Beast out. Unlike Belle he goes right to my side and walk out with me.

"I'll see you later N/N (nickname). Bye Beast I am so going to miss you," she says as she scratches his ear.

"See ya Mel," and with that Beast and I were on our way home. I couldn't wait to get Belle back so she can meet her Beast. Okay that was a good joke. She won't have her furry prince, but she will have her furry Beast. I was just about to walk in the front door when I get a phone call. It is Sam on the other line, and the fact she was calling it must be important.

"Hey Sam what's up?"

"Y/N my mom just kicked me out. I need a place, so do you like want a roomie? Please," I could hear the pleading in her voice. I then start thinking about if I could handle Sam everyday, and the I remember she is one of my best friends.

"Yea I can take you in. Just don't forget Belle because I have someone I want her to meet," I say as I pour Beast his first bowl of food.

"Oh good because I'm in your drive way. I just pulled it. Also yes I have Belle," she says and then hangs up.

Next thing I know Sam opens the door and Belle runs through and jumps on me. Yup you heard me. I'm not angry because one I get my sweet Belle back, but now  I have another mouth to feed. Oh may I add that the other mouth eats more than the dogs!

"What the heck Sam?! Don't you know I have to clean?"

"Oh it's fine. Plus I was over at your house like seven times while you were gone. It's all good. So I'm going to head to the guest bedroom, and I'll be down for dinner."

I just shake my head while laughing. Only my best friend would do this to me. No one else would. She is so lucky I love her!


Hello everyone! Yes I know my updating need to work on that, I'm so sorry about being slow. A lot is been going on and if you guys would like to know please contact me. I'm really sorry that it's taking so long to update I'm trying very hard to get it out as quickly as I can. However I have another excuse besides just the whole being slow I kind a got writers block for the story and the other one but it should be gone here soon I promise. Once again I am sorry I really hope you guys took around and you don't leave I'm trying really hard.

Okay well I love you lovely Random Readers like a second family. I hope you have a lovely day! I hope to see you in the next CHAPTER!!! BYE XD!!! 💚💚💚 <3<3<3

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