Everything Changes

Door Upallnight19

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Aria had a simple life, she had her friends, her brother, and her parents. At the time she thought life could... Meer

Author's note
Chapter 1: THE BEGINNING-Opening a closed door
Chapter 2: Slice Of Sass
Chapter 3: Mall and torture time
Chapter 4: Family time
Chapter 5: Bad Memories
Chapter 6: Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Chapter 7: Is there something wrong?
Chapter 8: Make-up and torture time
Chapter 9: Thanks for the Memories
Chapter 10: Misery Loves Company
Chapter 11: Is this my own personal hell?
Chapter 13: today has already started out shitty, so why not?
Chapter 14: Who knew volleyballs could leave a mark?
Chapter 16: Ripped pants?
Chapter 17 I'd Rather Not & Time to be selfless
Chapter 18: Who knew he had a sweet side?
Chapter 19: You could be the moon and I'll be the sun
Chapter 20: Nothing more
Chapter 21: I didn't know she was THAT scary
Chapter 22: It seems my luck has run out
Chapter 23: Decisions and painful consequences
Chapter 24: Just leave me alone, Zack!
Chapter 25: Blushes with a side of cold pizza
Chapter 26: Bad Decisions, Good Intentions?
Chapter 27: Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me.
Chapter 28: The Aftermath
Chapter 29: Forgiveness
Chapter 30: Everything Changes

Chapter 12: Stop reading my texts JERK!

91 11 14
Door Upallnight19

                                  Aria's P.O.V

      To say the next day of school was easier than yesterday is a lie, but I can't say it was any worse, right? Arriving at my locker, I see Zack standing three lockers away. I wonder to myself what he's doing here until I see the pizza chick. She sauntered over and leaned against him, wrapping her arms around his neck. 

      Her eyes and lips look like she is about to stick her tongue down his throat and at that point; I feel like I'm going to hurl. I turn around instantly and run around the corner, running smack into something hard.

      "We have got to stop meeting like this, Princess. It sends me mixed signals." I was afraid to look up because even though it's only been a short time, I knew that cocky voice anywhere. 

      "Sorry! I didn't mean to, I just need to get going. Also; do not call me princess, got it?" I had to look up because he wasn't saying anything else. He had both his hands on each side of my arms from when I bumped into him, that was probably to keep me from stumbling both of us over. He had this expression on his face that looked half amused and half concerned.

      "You hurt me, P. Can't you see I just want to be your Knight in Shining Armor again?" The smile on his face made me so angry. No one other than my dad calls me Princess, and I intend to keep it that way. I move out of his arms and glare.

      "I'm serious. Fucking stop calling me that." His face fell as the mood turned sour. He shrugged with a halfhearted apologetic expression.

      "Well, you can run into my arms anytime. Just give me a warning beforehand." He said with a wink. I wanted to roll my eyes but the whole air around us felt stagnant. I grabbed my arm and looked down, cursing at myself for not being more in control. Ryder may be an ass, but there was another way of handling that before blowing up on him.

      "Look, Ryder, I'm sorry for cussing at you. It's just a very personal matter for me." I took a side step and gave him my own apologetic look. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get as far away from here as-"

      "Aria? What's going on here?" A new, yet all too familiar voice came up from behind me.

      I think I'm going to faint. Zack and I haven't spoken since the party and all I wanted to do was disappear. Suddenly, an arm wrapped over my shoulders and gave a possessive squeeze. My head snapped up to see Zack standing way too close, glaring over at Ryder. I fumbled over my words, trying to think of the fastest way out of his hold.

      "Nothing! I- I was just on my way to go find-."

      "Is this punk bothering you?"

       I didn't even turn to look at Zack because if I did, I might have burst into tears. Everything at this point was just making me so mad, nothing was going my way. It's ridiculous because I was never this type of girl to cry all the time or feel sorry for myself like this and all I want to do is go home.

      "Watch yourself, linebacker. I'd hate to be the reason you can't play football this year."

      "You got somethin' to say to me, bitch?" Zack finally let go of my shoulders and I had half a mind to stay and break those two up. I couldn't believe they were getting aggressive towards each other.

      "Oh Zack, baby~ I think I like seeing you like this." I heard a sultry voice price my ears through the gathering crowd of students. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to keep the tears in, and finally made my escape.

       I dreaded each step I took towards 3rd period. I contemplated hiding in the bathroom just to avoid dealing with Ryder. After how I left him this morning, I could only imagine he was upset for having no support again Zack. I just wished there was a way that I could ignore him for the rest of this year. 

      I may sound overdramatic or like a jerk, but I don't care; I just want my life to get back to normal as close as it can be without having him come around. He seemed to bring bad luck with him and the Lord knows I already have enough of that already. I don't get him. Who can be so nice and an ass at the same time? Whatever the reason, it needs to go away.

      As I sit down in the same chair I sat down in yesterday, I reach into my bag grabbing one of my favorite books out since class hasn't started yet. I set out to finish it for the 5th time when someone moves the chair next to me. and I look up and my hands tighten over the book. Ryder wore a smug look in his face as he slithered into the seat next to me.

      I scowl and turn away from him, trying my best to let him know I'm not engaging in conversation. I could feel his eyes on me. Why is he so damn persistent? I ended up rereading the same paragraph 2 times because I could not focus. I just had enough and gave up on the book, making a loud sigh as I slammed the book shut.

      "It's so nice to know that you can't take a hint. Are you going to say something? Why are you sitting next to me? There are plenty of other empty seats." Just to get my point across I waved my hand in front of me.

      His expression did not change and did not break eye contact. I felt as if he already had a carefully crafted, and sarcastic, explanation. "Is there a problem? What is my crime, officer?" He put one hand over his heart dramatically.

      "I'm crazy about you, Aria Nova, and I just can't help it." I went to say something, but he put his finger up to stop me. "Shhh, don't say a word. Just let me finish." I didn't know what to think at this point, but he continued after clearing his throat.

      "You are so precious to me that I just can't help but be near you and-" He didn't finish his sentence right because he busted out laughing, causing some of the people that had just arrived to look at us. 

      "Sorry! I just couldn't keep going with that bullshit, but you should have seen the look on your face. It was so priceless, my god!"

       He started laughing a little harder "Whew! Anyway, the reason I am sitting here is Mrs. Sanchez told us to move next to our partners. It was going to be our permanent seat for the remainder of the year."

       Crap, I didn't hear her say that! I turned back to my desk and banged my head against it slightly. "Woah there, Dollface, don't hurt yourself now," Ryder said. I looked up at him, raising both of my eyebrows at him. 

      "Dollface? Did you just call me dollface?" Ryder continues with his signature smile.

      "Yeah, Dollface, since you don't want me calling you princess." He winked at me FUCKING WINKED AT ME!

      "All right let's get one thing straight; I am not Dollface or Princess or whatever else you are going to call me. It's just Aria, got it?" You could tell by the way his smile grew he was getting a kick out of irritating me. 

      "Whatever you say, Dollface." I buried my face into my jacket, just hoping I could ignore him.

      Well, luck was on my side because our first assignment was just to write a brief essay about our partner. I jot down what's on the board of the guidelines we need to follow and go back to reading my book since we didn't need to do anything else for the rest of the class...

      "Psst, Bently." I looked over to see Derek trying to get Ryder's attention but Ryder was leaning back in his chair with his mouth open fast asleep. "Damnit, Ryder! You jackass."

      I watched as Derek started tearing paper in half, making little balls out of them. I watched with curiosity as he aimed at Ryder's head. "Dumbass." Nothing was waking him up until one of the papers managed to make its way into his mouth. He shot up fast, and he knew who was the culprit behind it. "What do you want, asshole?"

      If you could see the death glare he was giving Derek. Right now you would think they had been lifetime enemies instead of best friends.

      "Well, if you weren't so fucking hard to wake up, I wouldn't have to throw anything at you! Now, tonight my house: You, Erick and Me." I wonder what they were going to do.

      "Yeah sure, why not. The old man won't be home until probably 3 a.m." Wait, why should I care what they are doing? Old man? Who calls their own dad 'old man?'

      "You wanna stop by, Aria?" I looked in time to see Derek winking at me. "Uh yeah, I think I will have to take a pass on that one..." Derek looked offended, but I wouldn't think he would because I have never talked to him. Besides him drunkenly hitting on me that night, but he barely knew who I was...

      "Laaaaaaaaaaaaame!" Derek said, going back to whatever the hell he was doing. "Can't hang with the big boy's?" Ryder said, tauntingly. Ha, big boys. Yeah, more like little 10-year-olds. I don't say it, but in a way, I wanted to. "Yeah, that's it"

      He shrugs and goes back to sleep as he was doing before, not having a care in the world. Whatever they are doing tonight, it's probably illegal and not anything worth getting mixed up in. I have a bad feeling about sitting near these two for the future. I tried going back to my book, but I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Looking up to make sure Mrs. Sanchez wasn't paying attention, I looked at the screen to notice it's a text from Emma.

Em: Ugh I hate math so much! Also, what's this I hear about you running into Ryder today in the hallway?

Aria: Math does suck but how the heck did you hear about me running into Ryder?

Em: Oh Trish said she saw you shoot around a corner and BOOM smack into Ryder! Haha, you have got to stop doing that. What made you take off like that?

Aria: Yeah....well I found out who my locker neighbor is and had a little scene in front of me that just wasn't too pleasant to look at.

Em: Locker neighbor? What scene?

Aria: Oh, you know little miss bleach blonde, pretty much shoving her tongue down Zacks' throat, and I got to witness it again! YAY MEEEEEE

Em: Are you F*cking kidding me right now? WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING??? I swear I am going to have to kick her ass and his for you!

Aria: Is there something wrong with me? Did I do something in a past life? Because this past year has just been throwing a bunch of shit at me

Em: No, honey you haven't done anything wrong at all. For some reason, Zack has his head up his ass and seems to need some help removing it.

"You know- if you guys need help doing that I don't mind volunteering" My head shoots up to see that Ryder is reading my texts over my shoulder. "You know, it's rude being nosy?" He shrugged, apparently not caring. "I wasn't reading over your shoulder, more like next you. I am volunteering and also she is right, you have got to stop bumping into me."

I just ignore him and try hiding my phone better. He should know better than to be involved with other people's conversations without an invite.

Em: you know it's true!

Em: Aria?????? HELLO????

Em: You better know that it's not your fault

Aria: Sorry I got interrupted by Ryder who was reading everything next to me.

Em: HAHAHA What???? Wait, you have a class with him?

Aria: YUP English and guess what the best part is?

Em: What would that be darling?

Aria: He's my partner for the rest of the year for any project that we have that acquires one

Em: Oh, Lord you poor thing! Why didn't you tell me?

Aria: I was going to, but then I went into Gym yesterday and saw who we had that class with

Em: Yeah, I understand. Wow being partners with Mr bad boy hottie! Somewhat jealous here ;)

Aria: He is not that hot Em, he's annoying at best :P

      "Ouch, that kinda hurts." You have got to be freaking kidding me? "Are you seriously still reading my messages, dude? Don't you have something better to do?" He looked around the classroom, showing me there was nothing better to do.

        "Nope, but seriously? You don't find me just a little attractive? Man, you must be blind if you think that tool is hot and I'm just okay?"

        Why did he just bring Zack into this? "Uhhh, I don't know what to say to you." Why the hell is he bringing him up? Why did he call him a tool? There was so much hate in his voice I don't understand why. He doesn't say anything, and neither do I, but he does turn his head away from me leaning back and just ignoring me.

       He seems kind of pissed off, and I am not sure why? What could I have possibly done? Whatever. It doesn't matter anymore and I'm not going to ask because honestly, I don't care. Yes, maybe I am a jerk saying that but I don't know him, maybe he just didn't care. For all I know he just didn't see a reason why our conversation needed to go on longer. I looked at my phone and had not gotten a message back from Em, so I just put my phone back in my pocket just in time for the bell to ring.

      I feel like a zombie as I make my way down the crowded hallway on my way from math to the cafeteria. I must have zoned out completely lost in my own thoughts because the next thing I know, my arm is being tugged on. 

      "ARIA?! You okay?" I stopped in my tracks and looked up at Liam; I hadn't noticed him standing next to me. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I guess my head was somewhere else." He gave me this 'no shit' look, and it made me laugh for a second.

      "There's the Aria I know!" I rolled my eyes at him and started walking again as he caught up with me. "Well, I'm glad you laughed because I thought it would be a good time to warn you that Abby's being a serious bitch and I think you might be a target." Great, just what I want to deal because I know how petty she can be.

      I don't know what she wants from me, maybe an apology? I can see that I would owe her that much in certain ways but in some ways, she never really did understand that I needed time to myself.

      The first week after my father died she tried getting me to go with her and do all the things she wanted to do. As well as just talk about her problems. That's what I didn't want to deal with; her making it all about herself. Causing me to deal with her problems instead of fighting my own demons. She doesn't get that and likes to make it all about herself being as self-centered as she can.

      "Aria? You have got to stop zoning out on me here." Crap I did it again.. "Sorry. Honestly, she can do it if she wants. She'll probably just throw a fit until I say sorry to her and then we will be back on track after I give her a few more days to get over it."

       Usually, that's how it goes with her. Leave her alone for a bit before you say sorry and give her time to cool off and then BAM it's over like that. Fickle, yet predictable, friend. Might as well get this over with now. It just sucks that she is friends with my other friends too. I can't expect them to choose sides or make her an outcast on my behalf. This is solely my problem to handle.

      Liam just gives a slight shrug and a lopsided grin, as we make our way into the cafeteria. We spot everyone sitting at the table except for Abby, which is a surprise since I was just warned about her.

      I start looking around and then notice that she is sitting with Lisa and I'm starting to wonder if it's a permanent thing for our little group. When I sat down no one seemed to care nor acknowledge the fact that Abby wasn't there. In the past, Abby would be mad at any of us but would still sit at the table, so this was weird for even her.

     This situation is going to need more than an apology, and it's honestly just going to have to wait. "Mmm~ a lovely school friend has a spot open next to her. My day just got a lot better!" Ethan plopped down next to me, throwing his arm around me and winks. "You wish, butt-face. Now get your arm off me." I roll my eyes at him and shove him away.

      He laughs at me and just starts looking at his food like it's the love of his life. Nachos and some fancy jalapeño bread. That's what I like about Ethan, even if he can be a pig sometimes, he just lets it all roll off of him.

      "Bro, why don't you and your nachos get a room?" Liam slapped him upside his head and sat down opposite of us. Liam started laughing and Ethan just put his arms around his nachos protectively. "Maybe I will!" I rolled my eyes and looked around.

      "Where is Emma?" Right then I feel someone plop right down next to me, causing Ethan to make room for her. "Right here, darling." She sent me a slight wink.

      "Sorry, I'm late! Just had a little something to take care of." I sent a confused look at Em, but she just gave me a sly smile and started eating her food. Ethan starts making these moaning noises while eating his nachos.

      "God, put a sock in it Fitzgerald." Emma giggled, throwing one of her fries at him. This moment right here is why these people are so important to me; because they are so weird and carefree.

      "So~ I was thinking about asking Brenda out this weekend. Think she would go for me?" Ethan scanned all of our faces to see what we would say. 

       "Brenda Lee or Brenda Dawn?" Liam asked because honestly, those two are like night and day. "Brenda Lee of course! 'Cause She's the hotter one, you know?"

        At that, I had to roll my eyes because that's how he picks his girls sometimes. Yes, he can be that shallow, and no one can change him. We've tried. "Well, in that case, don't be such a pig. She doesn't like that shit. It'll be a quick way of getting slapped. If you want her to like you, show her your good side."

      Emma snorted while saying, "Because maybe- just maybe she can look past your big-headed ego and say yes to you." She isn't wrong. Brenda doesn't like guys that go for just looks. I mean, yes, she is confident in her looks and loves being fawned over, but she's not that bad, truly. 

      "Alright, maybe you are right and she probably won't go for my bullshit. But, do you think I could go for a world record in slaps-by-girls for the year?"

      Emma narrowed her eyes at Ethan, and I knew what she was about to do so I moved over closer to Liam as I watched the scene unfold next to me. "Here, let me get you started." Ethan tried to hurry and jump up, but he wasn't quick enough before Emma slapped him across the shoulder, causing Ethan to whimper like a little dog. 

      "Geeze, did you have to hit me so hard?" Rubbing his arm in the wrong place, he gave Emma the puppy dog eyes which caused us all to laugh at him.

       She just shrugged her shoulders and went back to eating her burger. This moment felt so normal to me. Laughing and chatting with my friends like old times. I guess my mind didn't want to enjoy this much longer, though.. Looking over at the little corner of our table.

      I remembered when I became this empty shell of a person. Right now I'm better than what I used to be. It always makes me realize how lucky I am that they didn't hold a grudge against me for not being here mentally. Well, almost all of them.

      Sooner than I realized, the bell that signaled the end of lunch. I was unwilling to get up from this perfect little bubble. I was on to my next class of the day, 5th period. Here goes another 45-mins for a lecture.

      I was so glad that it was the end of the day. I no longer had anyone to deal with and could go home! "Aria! Slow down." Turning around I see Zack running to catch up to me. Come on, really? Did I have to go and jynx myself? Can someone give me a break over there?

      "Wow, I forgot how fast you walk." He sounded a little out of breath, which is kind of funny since he's a football player. 

      "Yeah. Sorry, just have some homework I want to get home to do." Also, I just want to get away from you and not have feelings for you anymore. 

      "Not a problem! Don't worry, I just wanted to check up on you." What the hell does he want to check up on me for? Did he figure it out that I have been ignoring him? I would be pleasantly surprised if that's the case.

      "So, earlier you looked like you were having an uncomfortable conversation with that jackass Bently. I didn't know if he said something to you or not," He thinks that Ryder was the reason I was acting that way earlier? Boy, are you way off there Zack. 

      "Uh- no, he didn't do anything to me at all! I just wasn't in a good mood, to begin with. Nothing was his fault"

       He scanned my face with a concerned look. My chest wanted to swell from an old crush, but my head kept it under control. "What happened? Are you doing okay?" He put his hand on my arm and stared into my eyes like he was searching for something. I just wanted to ask him not to touch me anymore. I at least just wanted to move out of his reach but the moment he put his hand on me, I felt a little calm.

       "Nothing happened. I just didn't get enough sleep last night, so I wasn't ready to get up this morning." I don't know if I imagined it but I thought for just a split second his thumb started moving, rubbing my arm. He realized that he still had his hand on my arm and moved it off running, it through his hair.

      "So I uh- heard that you left the party the other night with Bently." The look of concern on his face turned to something that I couldn't pinpoint, but it didn't seem good.

      "Uhh yeah, he drove me home. I wasn't feeling well that night, it's not a big deal." He bit his lower lip like he was about to say something he shouldn't.

      "Yeah, I understand but don't make a habit out of it because he isn't someone you should be mixing up with." That right there made me angry. How the hell does he think he has the right to tell me to stay away from Ryder when he's hanging out with that pizza chick. AFTER KISSING ME!

      "Yeah, thanks for the advice but I think I am old enough to make my own decisions. There is no need for you to concern yourself with me." He looked taken aback, and I was shocked myself that those words just came out of my mouth. I have never been rude to him before.

      "Uhh... yeah. kay, wasn't trying to tell you what to do or anything but I think I am going to go." For that split second when the words were coming out of my mouth, I felt proud of myself but now I just feel kind of crappy.

     I waited by Liam's car since my brother couldn't drive me home due to football practice. I notice that Em is walking up to me and greeted her. "Hey girl, what's up?" Seeing Emma always makes my day better, which is great because that's how your best friend should make you feel.

      "Hiya! Nothing, just thought I would hitch a ride with Liam. Might just go to your house since my mom just texted me and business is going to be taking her and my dad out of town for a couple of nights."

      Emma's parents are lawyers that sometimes have to go out of town with their boss. We never know what it is since they can't tell us but whenever they do, she usually just comes to stay with me. "No problem sounds good to me! Since Andrew has football practice today and my mom working late tonight, I would be all by myself."

      I like being by myself a lot, but I hate it when I am home alone. I guess because I'm still not used to it even after all these months. "Heck yeah! So I wanted to ask, I saw Zack marching around looking like he just had a sour lemon in his mouth. Do you know what that's all about? I got worried." Know about it? Ha, I'm the cause of it.

      "Uh- well, he came to check up on me and then tried to practically warn me to stay away from Ryder and don't make it a habit to get rides from him, So I kinda told him that I'm old enough to make those choices and he doesn't need to worry about it." The look of proudness on Emma's face made me laugh, and I wasn't feeling that guilty anymore.

      "O.M.G. That is the best thing I have heard of all day! Well, other than the fact that you ran into Ryder again." I rolled my eyes at her because I know she is going to end up telling everyone later on.

      I don't know how I did it, but at the end of the day, I managed to piss Zack and Ryder off. Well, Ryder, I'm still not sure about, but I think that I did. Liam came and let us in the car a few minutes later. None of us talked, we just listened to the music, bobbing our heads to a few of them.

      We made our way into the house as I headed straight for the kitchen. Em headed upstairs to my room. It feels good not having to walk into an empty house today. It's going to be weird because it's gone after Em's parents get back. She will be going back home and then I will have to start coming home to an empty house until my brother gets home. 

      I don't like it, and I know I will never get used to it nor do I want to, but I have no choice. I reach into the fridge to grab a can of soda for both of us. Making my way to the stairs as I also grab us a snack as well.

      I walk past my parent's room- now just my mom's room. My throat felt as if it was choking on a lump... My chest was burning, waiting for me to breathe again. I had to stop myself before the tears started falling and gasped quietly. I forced myself to move past the room.

      I hand Em her drink. "So, how did Writing go with Mr. Bad?" Did she just call him Mr. Bad? "Ha! He was still reading my messages and was offended I didn't call him hot." She snorted, taking a sip of her drink. 

      "He is probably so full of himself after all the girls that fawn over him. Yet here you are not giving a shit who he is."

      She's right. He is used to girls fawning over him, but I know that he wouldn't give two cents if it's me. "Yeah I get it, but I doubt that it's me. I think it's just the fact that it's the first time he's dealt with someone rejecting his advances." She shrugged her shoulders as our conversation came. We both pull out our homework to get started while my radio plays softly in the background.

---- Well I guess things are getting a little weird for Aria xD What the hell is Zack doing with that girl and what's his problem? I think we will find out but I'm not sure about how soon that will be :P Thanks for reading, and I hope you are enjoying everything so far! Don't forget to drop a comment and tell me what you thank <3

Xoxo Night

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