Already Dead

By AbsenceOfTheMind

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There are so many ways a world can come toppling down. I always knew it could happen, but I never expected it... More



81 3 8
By AbsenceOfTheMind

Chapter 7
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I was thankful Jenny and Leena hadn't come while I was asleep; I hate people seeing me cry and I could feel the tears streaming down my face. I pulled myself up, grunts escaping me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and answered.

"Hey!" Jen said cheerfully.


"So, how was your date last night?"

"Conner's a pig. Can we just avoid him?"

"Yeah, of course."


"You're welcome."

"Look, I've kinda gotta go get dressed, so bye!"


I climbed the ladder and observed the tree house. It was perfect which was bad. I would never have made my bed! I changed and then went to unmake a bed, put a cup in the sink and made breakfast, which I ate by the window over looking the river. I didn't feel dead.

My phone buzzed. It was a text from Jenny. "Can we come over?"

"Yeah," I replied, "Feel free."


"Look, girl," Jen said, "I doubt you wanna talk about it, but what the hell happened during your date?"

"You're right," I snapped, "I don't wanna talk about it."

"Av, you okay?" Leena said quietly.

"I'm fine," I acknowledged, "it's just... I dunno man, this is just messing me up."

"Fair enough," Jen nodded, "Want a soda?" I nodded and caught it mid-air.

It was like déjà vu. Suddenly, a twig snapped and all three of us started talking. Jlen yelled something about leaving while I got up and said, "What the hell are you doing here, Conner? If you're lost again, I'm sure Jenny would be happy to take you deep, deep in to the woods then ditch you."

He looked at me. "No, I'd rather you do it."

"A chance to get you killed by a rabid bear? Gladly!"

"Well, then come along," he said.

"Av, are you sure you're thinking this through?" Leena asked.

"Yeah, if he turns up black and blue a week from now, you'll be in trouble," Jenny put in.

"I'll be fine." They nodded and I walked over to Conner. "This way," I barked pointing in a random direction.

"Okay," he said calmly, walking the way I had pointed, me following.

The second we were out of hearing range, he spoke. "I just wanted to say I was sorry. I didn't know you'd feel that way."

"Oh PA-LEASE! If anything, you did it because the freaky mask lady told you to! You were expecting me to die. Don't even bother pretending you ever cared about me. Because you never did, I was just a girl you had to kiss for your boss." I spit out the words, attacking them as they exited my lips.

"That 'freaky mask lady' owns your soul, Avery! You better watch--"

"Don't call me Avery."

"Then what do I call you?"

"Nothing. Because, after today, you are never going to talk to me, about me, or so much as look at me ever again, you got that?"

"Fine." Conner's eyes hardened. Then he swooped down and kissed me again. And I did exactly what I did before; nothing. I kinda hated myself for it. "Am I deep enough in the woods?"

I nodded, waiting until he turned away to kick at his legs, causing him to fall. "Not... so much... as a glance, Conner." I walked away, leaving him there while I inwardly tried to convince myself my heart wasn't beating at the pace of a running cheetah because I liked that he kissed me. Because I totally didn't. It's not like he's a really hot guy who's really good at kissing and happens to have a really great personality.

SO HE IS GOOD AT KISSING!!! DUN DUN DAAAAAAAA! Remember this, though, it's all a plot twist. IT'S ALL A PLOT TWIST!!! Or is it? Is telling y'all to remember stuff too much of a giveaway though? Because I can stop.... OR CAN I? Sorry, hyper as fuck right now.

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