Strange Ones

By Diamondheart37

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Alex and her friends are going to Strange Island, home of the Strange Ones, to spend their summer for a vacat... More

Strange Island
Taking the Train to Strange City
The Perfect Way To Start Our Vacation
All Over The News
Dinner with the President
Leaving the City
Truth or Slap with Strange Ones
Making Our Way to the Delta Base
The Delta Base
The Founders of Delta
Training Day
Delta Number 9
Our First Mission
Battle of the Metal Behemoths
Being Brave
Hanging with the Cat Faunus
The Message
A Night in Hotland
Into Mettaton's Room We Go
The Enemy Found
In the Garden
Strange Island's Most Wanted
Look At This Book!
Attacked in the Library
The Flower
She Ran Away...
Everything About This Place Is Crazy
There Are Blades In My Weapon!
More Than A Team
Confronted, Then Captured
Chara, the Girl with the Blade
Locked Up Together
This Is All Your Fault!
Thorax's Plan
The Lady Next Door
Journey to the Dark Ones' Base
Breaking In And Out
When The Battle Begins, We Come Around
The Battle Of Strange City
Breaking the Beacon
Finding Mr. President
Showdown with Chrysalis
Can You Hear Me?
The Whole Island Knows Of Delta
Goodbye, Strange Island
A Brand New Life
The Story Continues...

Race to Strange City

31 1 0
By Diamondheart37

After escaping the Dark Ones' base, the group decided to go to Strange City to help the others with fighting the Dark Ones. Of course, the humans were given a ride, Jonas and Nat riding with Blake on Trico, Clarissa and Ivor riding with Lloyd on his dragon, Alex and Thorax riding with Fluttershy on Kuro, Nona riding with Yang on her motorcycle, and Ren riding with Stevonnie on her lion. Thorax was still holding his map of Strange Island, and he told the others that the city is not too far from Ebott. So, they have enough time until they get there. But as they journeyed to their destination, they all suddenly found that the sky was turning red. Alex raised an eyebrow when she saw it until Blake explained that it was part of the Dark Ones' plans. Alex insisted that they needed to hurry, and the others agreed.

"So, how long until we get to the city?" Alex wanted to know.

"We're halfway there!" Thorax replied. "Just a few more miles, and we'll get there in no time!"

"Good enough."

"This is amazing!" Ivor exclaimed. "Eight of the greatest youth members of Delta has helped us escape that dark prison! Now, we are going to Strange City to help the innocent ones thrive!"

"Is he always like this?" Jonas asked with his eyes on Ivor.

"I don't know. I only knew the guy for a year." Nat said in response.

The group suddenly heard buzzing behind them as they kept running to their destination.

"Am I the only one who hears that buzzing?" Clarissa said.

"No! I hear it as well!" Lloyd replied.

The group decided to turn around, and once they did, they suddenly found themselves being chased by five changelings accompanied by a flock of griffon-like Grimm. Ren's eyes widen when he saw the griffins.

"Oh my gosh, the myths were are true!" Ren hollered.

"Griffons! They're Griffons!" Nat shouted, then started to hyperventilate.

"And worst of all, we have changelings on our tails!" Clarissa crossed her arms. "Perfect. Just perfect. Could this night get any worse?"

"Thorax, ride Kuro for me!" Fluttershy said giving Thorax the reins, then traveled to the large owl's tail.

"And what are you doing?" Alex questioned, watching as Fluttershy pulled out her blaster and twisted it until it was in halves.

The other half of Fluttershy's weapon suddenly had a handle pop out, and she grabbed it and aimed the two mini-blasters at the five changelings. Fluttershy started shooting at the changelings as they got hit by the little beams of energy and fell down. However, Fluttershy didn't aim for the griffons, but put the halves of her blaster back together and into her bag. She then pulled out a silver and orange orb that she threw at the griffons. After the orb hit one of them griffons, it exploded and pushed the other ones away. The group watched as it happened, then they hooted and hollered with joy and relief. Alex even called Fluttershy a genius ever since.

"How much longer until we get there?" Nona asked.

"Just a little more!" Thorax answered with his eyes on the map.

Suddenly, another griffon flew out of the woods and started attacking Kuro, who is fighting back while Fluttershy, Alex and Thorax were on her back. The three were trying to remain on her back, but Thorax dropped the map in the process. However, Yang was able to get it when it landed on her face, but after that, she started driving out of the control. Then, the motorcycle reached a mound of dirt that sent Yang and Nona flying, and the others stopped while Kuro was fighting the griffon. That was when Alex, Thorax and Fluttershy fell off Kuro's back and started falling until they landed on a haystack. 

As Alex lifted her head with a groan, Yang's motorcycle landed in front of her, then she watched as Yang and Nona fell through a roof of a barn. The trio's eyes were wide, but they slid off of haystack and ran to the barn. After entering the barn, they watched as Yang walked away from a haystack and removed her helmet. The three then heard a groan and turned to find Nona walk out of a chicken coop with a chicken on her head. Soon, the others joined them

"Okay, whatever that was, it was awesome." Nat couldn't help but smile. "I mean, we were being chased by changelings and Griffons and Kuro was fighting a Griffon, but still. Awesome!"

The rest suddenly gave Nat a glare.

"What? I'm just saying."

They all suddenly heard a thud outside and ran out of the barn to find a weakened Kuro lying on the ground while her eyes were on the griffon. Fluttershy gasped at the sight of the weakened Kuro, and the griffon was about to charge. That was when someone threw a rock at the griffon. The griffon suddenly picked up the rock, then it exploded as the group covered their eyes from the blinding explosion. After removing their hands and arms from their eyes, they find what was left of the griffon, a pile of dust. Then, the group turned to find a young woman with short purple hair in a blue dress and flats.

"Do you know where we are?" Stevonnie asked the woman.

"This is the countryside of Strange City." The young woman answered. "And if you were wondering about that rock I threw at that Griffon, it was a Bomb Stone. They're highly explosive once they are picked up. Even the Grimm fall for it. Oh, and the gem you have, it's a rose quartz."

Stevonnie's eyes widen when she heard her say those words. "Wow. You're good."

"Thanks. I got my degree on geology ages ago."

"And where did you say our location was again?" Yang raised an eyebrow.

"The countryside of Strange City." The woman pointed. "The city's over yonder."

The group turned to find a familiar city in the distance. It was Strange City with it's same buildings and same everything. Then, they turned back to the woman.

"Thanks, uh..." Alex held her arm.

"Just call me Maud." The woman turned to Fluttershy. "And I know it's you, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy removed her mask and revealed her wide eyes. "Um, hi?"

"If you want, I can take you all there." Maud said.

Alex sighed with relief. "Thank you. That'd be nice."

"Even with her help, how are we going to get to the city without our steeds?" Lloyd asked.

Everyone turned to find Trico, Lloyd's dragon and Stevonnie's lion walk out of the woods.

"Are you...are you alone, Maud?" Blake asked.

"Not really." Maud answered. "I have a friend who studies medicine. She will take care of your pet owl while I will drive you there."

"Perfect. Let's go!" Clarissa demanded. 

Afterward, Maud decided to drive with Alex, Thorax, Ivor, Nat and Fluttershy in her car while the others were on their steeds while the humans rode with them. For Kuro, she stayed behind while she was being healed by Maud's friend, who is revealed to be an Angel who cares for companions and steeds. Alex was very curious of Maud until she was told that she was related to Pinkie, being her older sister. She understood, then turned back to the city in front of her and everyone else. She took a deep breath and let it out, then she gulped and clenched her bandaged hand. Her hand was feeling better, but she didn't want to remove the bandage, thinking that she might look cool with it. This was it. This is the time that she and the others save the people of Strange Island for the first time of their lives.

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