The Tattooist & The Florist

By bewitchinglmj

346K 11K 2.7K

what happens when a tattooist and a florist cross paths? - cover art: @cabeyosartist More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 3
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
The Last Chapter:

Chapter 2:

16.6K 517 136
By bewitchinglmj

Lauren's POV:

"Great work today, Jauregui. I'll see you tomorrow." Luis called to me as I was gathering my stuff and tying my hair in a pony.

"Thanks, Luis. I'll see you tomorrow." I replied before giving him the peace sign and heading out just in time to see Camila closing her store. I didn't know whether or not I should stop and say hi. I assumed it would be too weird; so I just continued to walk and placed my earphones in. I must have had the music on for about 3 Mississippi's before I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder which caused me to spin around and take out my earphones.

"Oh, hey Camila." I said nonchalantly.

"Hi! How was work?" The brunette asked, her voice soft but slightly hoarse. It made me temporarily wonder if she perhaps got a lot of calls today over orders, or got a fair amount of customers and needed to be rather vibrant. She started to steadily walk alongside me...guess we were walking together then.

"It was good. I had about four clients in today. Which is quite good actually because all of them needed like two hours of work doing. How was your day?" I questioned, trying to ignore my heart beating a little faster than usual. I was praying it was just because of the fast-tempo music I'd had playing in my earphones before she had come over.

"It wasn't too bad. I had quite a few clients in today myself. I guess all that hardcore promo paid off." She laughed; causing her to lean into me slightly and making me flinch at the unexpected contact.

"Not too bad for your first day then." I smiled brightly and Camila politely reciprocated.

"Wow. Is the view this beautiful every time you walk home?" She spoke again after a few silent minutes went by and I followed her gaze towards the sunset. The beach was empty now, nothing but seagulls nibbling on left over crumbs from the people who had been there during the day. The sun was kissing the sea as it began to hide itself from the busy people of Miami.

"Yeah, it kind of is." I smiled at the view, the sky changing into a light purple and the clouds becoming a darkish pink.

"That's so beautiful." Camila whispered, her breath hitting my neck as we had subconsciously stopped to admire the sight before us. The sudden gush of hot air caused me to turn my gaze towards the smaller woman next to me and our eyes suddenly met. I cleared my throat and swallowed hard as the short moment of intimacy ended and we started walking along the sidewalk again.

"Well, here's my ride." Camila announced as we now stood on a busy sidewalk away from the quiet and comfortableness of the beach. She took her keys out her purse and I wasn't surprised to see her unlocking the grey Audi A1 which suited her so well. I kind of felt a slight disappointment in my chest after realising that she wouldn't be walking the rest of the way with me after all.

"Ah. Right." I chuckled a little, kicking some loose stones on the pavement beneath my feet and tried to hide my now low-mood. The thought of walking the rest of the way home by myself didn't seem too appealing now that I knew Camila could be accompanying me.

"Are you not driving?" Camila asked, raising an eyebrow and fumbling with her keys.

"Nah. I only live a couple of blocks away." I licked my lips and got ready to unravel my earphones which were currently in my pocket.

"I can give you a lift if you like?" She gestured towards her car with her hand.

I felt my heart begin to speed up again slightly at the suggestion and I could feel my lips forming an 'O' shape.

"I-I urm," I tried to think of away to avoid the situation. I wouldn't be able to handle being in such a tight space with Camila; not only was she too attractive but I also didn't know her well enough to be comfortable.

"I'm actually gonna go grab myself a coffee from a nearby Starbucks." I internally praised myself for remembering the Starbucks that was only a 5 minute walk away.

"Oh. Well I'll come with you." Camila smiled, locking the car and taking a couple of steps towards me before stopping abruptly, probably dedicating the change of emotion in my face.

"I mean, if you want me to." She continued, not wanting to disturb my evening I imagine.

"No! No, I do. I'd love some company." I replied a little too enthusiastically.

We made our way to the Starbucks. Our arms would graze one another every now and then and I would almost lose my shit when I'd feel her bare skin come into contact with mine. Why was I so attracted to this girl?

After ordering the drinks, I reached into my backpack to get out her purse.

"Hey no, my treat." Camila stated, placing her hand over mine in attempt to stop my movements. We argued for a couple of seconds before she practically forced me to oblige and we went to sit down. She took off her denim jacket and I cursed myself for staring at the girls flattering figure. I decided to keep my baggy grey American Apparel on.

"So what made you open up shop?" I asked curiously after taking a sip of my Caramel Frappachino, it was the only drink I liked from here.

"My mother passed away the other year and she always had a thing for flowers. We used to wander into florists and just admire the flowers. I always told her when I was young that I'd have my own florist one day. So I set my heart on it and here I am." Camila answered with a small smile though her eyes were fixed on her cup, her finger circling the rim.

"I'm sorry to hear that. It's great that you managed to open your own business though." I praised as I examined her face, trying to take in every aspect.

"Yeah, for now. I just need to pray that I survive the first year." Camila added, looking up at the ceiling as though she was trying to get a message through to God.

"I'm pretty sure you will. You've designed it so beautifully that it's just genuinely appealing to the eye. Once people see how inviting your persona is too they'll immediately feel welcome to go in and explore." I stated honestly, furrowing my eyebrows as I tried to fathom the right words for the compliment. It had apparently worked out because Camila's cheeks had gone a light shade of red and she took her bottom lip into the mouth (which I tried my best not to be attracted to).

"Thank you, Lauren. That means a lot." She said faintly and her eyes appeared to be glassy for a moment. I didn't know whether it was tears or the light reflecting in them.

"That's okay." I grinned, taking another sip of my drink and chewing on the straw.

Camila's lips dropped to my mouth for a minute. I thought it might be because I was chewing on my straw, maybe she didn't like it. I took my lips off it and pursed them but she was still staring and I could swear I noticed a slight smirk.

The moment ended and we must've sat for a good hour talking about business and everyday life before Camila yawned and I checked the time.

"Damn, it's 7. Do you wanna get going?" I asked, getting ready to reach for my backpack.

"Oh, sure okay." Camila responded, though it seemed hesitant.


Stood outside the door, I placed my hands in my pocket with a sigh.

"Well, I walk straight on from here." I said matter-of-factly, nodding my head in the direction of my shoebox apartment.

"I'll head back to my car now then." Camila lifted up her keys slightly and appeared to be nervous.

It was that kind of moment in time where you're unsure whether to hug the person you're with or not, but the growing silence was just starting to make the situation even more awkward.

With that thought in mind, I nodded to myself before stepping forward and embracing the brunette in a hug.

1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, break.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Camila flashed me a bright smile and I was glad the hug hadn't overstepped any boundaries she may have had.

"You will indeed." I chuckled before taking a few steps back.

"See ya." She called before turning on her heels and walking in the opposite direction, causing me to do the same.

I pursed my lips and smiled, looking up at the sky and thanking my lucky stars for the good hour and 30 minutes I just spent with Camila.


A/N: I know this isn't an update but I should be publishing Chapter 3 tomorrow!

Have a nice night x

- f.t

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