Batgirl: One Of The Bats

By CrystalWater26

85.1K 2.1K 99

Book One Batgirl: Break The Code Kara Mellani Gordon is Barbara's little sister who took the mantle of Batgir... More

Batgirl: Break the code (part one)
Batgirl: Break the code (part two)
Batgirl: Break the code (part three)
Batgirl: Break the code (part four)
Batgirl: Break the code (part five)
Batgirl: Break the code (part six)
Batgirl: Break the code (part seven)
Batgirl: Break the code (part nine)
Batgirl: Break the code (part ten)
Batgirl: Break the code (part eleven)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twelve)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirteen)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fourteen)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifteen)
Batgirl: Break the code (part sixteen)
Batgirl: Break the code (part seventeen)
Batgirl: Break the code (part eighteen)
Batgirl: Break the code (part nineteen)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-one)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-two)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-three)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-four)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-five)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-six)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-seven)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-eight)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-nine)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-one)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-two)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-three)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-four)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-five)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-six)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-seven)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-eight)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-nine)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-one)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-two)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-three)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-four)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-five)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-six)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-seven)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-eight)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-nine)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-one)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-two)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-three)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-four)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-five)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-six)
Batgirl and Robin: One-shot
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-seven)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-eight)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-nine)
Batgirl: Break the code (part sixty)
Batgirl: Break the code (part sixty-one)
Batgirl: Break the code (part sixty-two)
Batgirl: Break the code (part sixty-three)
Batgirl: Break the code (part sixty-four)
Batgirl: Break the code (Epilogue)
Batgirl: War is coming (part one) Sneak Peek

Batgirl: Break the code (part eight)

1.9K 48 0
By CrystalWater26

Part eight: Operation Make Jason and Dick Shut Up


|I never thought discussing with the whole Bat Family was corny. Dick and Jason would make jokes here and there and I must tell you, they're terrible.|

Kara stood in between Tim and Jason, trying her best to focus on Bruce's plan. She can understand most of his plans, but with Jason beside her, it was hard.

She folded her arms over her chest, puffing one of her cheeks. Her eyes were averted to Bruce as he discussed about the squads.

"Robin, Batgirl, and I are Alpha. We will infiltrate the castle. Nightwing, Spoiler, and Red Rebon are Beta, they'll be watching out for any spies," Batman said. "Orphan, Batwing, Red Hood, and Batwoman will be Delta, you will give us back-up if needed." He explained, going through the plan one more time.

"We need to get into the control room. Batgirl, do you know where it's located?" He asked, looking at Batgirl's figure. She nodded and rubbed her bracelets again, another giant hologram appeared with the map of the castle and she zoomed it in to show the control room.

"The control room is on the highest floor of the castle with two strong men guarding it. They're not easy to beat, but we can do it with a little.... teamwork." She said, shooting a look toward Robin's figure.

"What?" He asked and Batgirl shook her head before looking back at the hologram.

"Anyway, the system has high security and it just might be as hard as hacking into Bruce Wayne's manor."

"Was that really necessary?" Batman asked and Batgirl nodded with a small smirk. "Well, yes, but I think I exaggerated on the security part." She said.

|What I found out next was very odd.|

Another hologram popped out of Batgirl's bracelet and showed an image of various villains walking inside the castle. The whole Bat Family watched the image carefully, confused at the idea of villains in the same place at the same time. Even Jason and Dick stopped bickering.

"Did anyone knew about this?" Red Robin asked and all of them shook their heads in response. Batgirl changed the hologram into one of the CCTV cameras installed inside the castle.

"How did you have access in the castle?" Spoiler asked.

"I managed to hack into it a few days ago, but not everything." Batgirl replied, switching the footage into another one.

"That's a lot of villains." Red Hood said.

"You think we can take 'em?" Batwoman asked.

Nightwing smirked. "Of course, we can. After all, we are the Bat Family. We'll be unstoppable together." He said with a proud face.

"You're being over-confident, Grayson. But, he is right." Robin said, smirking a bit as he pulled his hood up to his head. All of them looked at him with smirks as well. Each of them knew that even without their powers, they can take the whole Justice League (exclude Batman).

"Alright, then." Batgirl sighed, looking back at the hologram. "Can I take over, Batman?"

The Big Bad Bat just nodded in response.

"Okay, so since there will be villains inside, we will still try to sneak in. The Beta team will be guarding the roof and the Delta will stay on the ground near any possible entrances in the castle," she said. "If we need back up, we'll call, but for now, you guys stay low, if that's fine for you guys."

|I was stunned when Batman agreed about my plan. It's not everyday the Dark Knight agrees on someone else's plan.|

"We will go with Batgirl's plan and rendezvous down the mountain after this simple recon mission." Batman said and all of them nodded in response. Oracle put her headset on and the others put their ear pieces on their left ear.

"Try not to die, okay?" She said to Batgirl and she gave the smallest of smiles.

"It's just recon, Babs." She said and Oracle shook her head.

"Still, try not to die."

"I promise I'll come back for late dinner." She replied and Oracle giggled.

"It's nice that you can't resist food, even at times of crisis." She said and Batgirl snorted, punching Oracle's shoulder lightly.

"Let's get going." Batman said, hopping on the Batmobile with Robin. Batwoman, Nightwing, Red Robin, Batgirl, Red Hood, Spoiler, and Orphan hopped on their motorcycles and started the engine. Batwing retracted his metal wings and prepared to fly.

"I'll need your help hacking into the castle later, Babs. Make sure that you won't lose contact with any of us." Batgirl said and Oracle nodded, wheeling her wheel chair towards the Bat computer. She placed her hands on the panel gently and sighed.

"At least technology's still with me."

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