School for Boys (EXOships Fan...

By yeolliieepop

64.2K 2.3K 417

All of them have their secrets. Could this school can change their life? Just read it and enjoy . Couples are... More

School for Boys (EXO Fanfic)
01. It just started
02. Welcome
03. The Reason
04. The Meetings part 01
05. The Meetings Part 02
07. Shocked
08. The boys
09. Danger
10. Nice Explanation?!
A gift for everybody :)
11. Luhan's past
12. Unexplained Feeling pt 1

06. Girl's talk

4.1K 175 4
By yeolliieepop

3rd person POV

They sleep well with their so called "Roomate" but there's a three people doesn't have a good morning. The Three wake up with smile on their lips but then fade when they saw that no one is in the room rather than them

After they finished everything they haved to do they praise their selves for being so perfect and all. Then all of them see each other on the hallway.

"Annyeong~ everyone" Baekhyun said

"Aigoo~ Baekkie what happened to you, you look like you didn't sleep well" Luhan said

"Aish if you know what had happened to me yesterday you understand me" Baekkie said eyeing them

Then the curiosity covers the six and listen to what Baekkie said

"I'm lost yesterday" Baekkie's story was interruped by all of them laughing "Okay I know, I know I'm not good of directions but there's a cute boy helped me" All of them eagerly want to know the story

"You really get those boys who is cute I hate you" Tao said eyeing Baekhyun

"I agree with Tao, you Baekkie stop being pretty please you will be the cause of the extinction of cute boys" Xiumin said

"Okay okay but there's more My roomate what his name again? Mmmmm?? Ah! Chanyeol. He said his my future hubby" Baekkie countinued

"Jinja? Your engaged and we didn't even know! How rude Baekkie" Kyungsoo said making his eyes big

"Aniyo, I didn't know that guy and I'm not engaged to anyone please calm down yourself and even I am I'll let you know first" Baekkie said with an assuring smile

"Aigoo~ but Baekkie that Chanyeol your talking about is he handsome or not?" Lay said

"Oh My Gosh if you just saw him you'll be head over heels on him" Baekkie said while jumping

"So our Baekkie is interested in him. Awww Love at first sight!" Luhan said earning a smack by Baekhyun

"Aniyo I'm not" Baekhyun said blushing

"Aigooo~ if your not why are you blushing" Xiumin asked with an evil smile

"Aish just stop guys" Baekkie said

"Guys me too, My roomate I didn't know his name but he is a pervert. I just get my towel that I left then I saw him smirking" Kyungsoo said

"Are you naked or not?" Baekkie said

"Naked, but I forget the towel and It is cold you know being wet without a towel" Kyungsoo defend

"Aish it's your fault big eyes, you came running naked every boy will be aroused with your perfect body" Luhan said

"But still he said so embarassing words so I kick his balls" Kyungsoo said still defending himself

"Do Kyungsoo is always be a turned off" Tao scream in the hallway then kyungsoo try to catch him

"You know guys my roomate is sweet, look at this" Luhan said while pointing his index finger with a bandage

"What happened Lulu? Did that boy hurt you?" Lay said

"Aniyo, he just treat me cause I cut myself while chopping some ingredients"Lulu explained

"Is that real? Let me pinch maybe your just making up things" the Diva Baekkie said

Then he pinch Lulu's cut and it starting to bleed again

"Aigoo Lulu I'm sorry" Baekkie said and he's about to cry

"I'm fine really" Lulu said smilling

"But wait why are you chopping ingredients didn't you eat dinner in my room?" Kyungsoo said

"I thought maybe he didn't eat yet" Lulu said

"They looked like a happy married couple" Xiumin said while shrieking

"Well me I don't know who is my roomate cause I sleep after I finished fixing my things" Tao said

"Awww why did you sleep maybe your roomate is hot! You pabo!" Baekkie said

"I couldn't help it I'm sleepy!" Tao said

"Guys you know I thought I have a mindreader roomate. Cause he reads everything in my mind" Xiumin said

"Your just Imaging things Baozi" Lay said

"Me I've just ate my roomate's ice cream without his permission is that bad?" Lay asked

"Aniyo, it his fault cause he left an Ice cream there and everybody knows everyone is nuts when you're talking about Ice Cream." Kyungsoo said

'Ring...Ring...Ring' the bell rang and they start to run cause they'll be late for school

But what they saw stop them and left them Dumbfounded.

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