
By CliffeShyna

42K 1.9K 302

Learn NOT to fall in love with the wrong guy, or get ready to be 'crushed' For love happens just once.... ***... More

When we were young....too young
The first eye contact ...
loving is being happy in his happiness
Dreams and Reality
So what it is if not love?
Goodbye kiss
Two years later
In a world unknown
A Gentleman
Unforgettable night
Losing her light, She cried in dark
Pain and Past
Life Phase - 1
Chapter 16
Part 17
Part 18
Chapter 20
Part 21
Part 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Part 19

1.9K 100 35
By CliffeShyna

Days pass and slowly weeks pass but our love and trust for each other just increases with each passing second. We still have not said the three lucky words to each other but our eyes say the words whenever we look at each other. Well my eyes do.

Today, we are going to another date - 6th to be exact - at a small coffee house which is built just outside the town.

Gavin never has a day off, he is working even on Saturdays and Sundays. It is almost six in the evening when we reach the coffee house. There is a huge crowd outside the coffeehouse. Gavin frowns, "I think they already started the shoot"

"Shoot? A movie shoot?" I ask.


I hardly watch movies. I don't own a TV and do not plan to waste my money on it. As for watching it in a theater, it was only with the guys at work once or twice a year. Hence, I do not recognize the actor or actress in the giant poster stuck on the van standing before Gavin's SUV.

"You saw 'the descendants of the moon'?"

"No. The last movie I saw was" I think for a second because I seriously could not remember the movie "Oh.. Yeah it was Hangover 3"

We are now standing outside the coffeehouse, trying to get inside it. My high heels, which I wore to impress Gavin, are not really helping.

I know you may judge me and think why I had to do things to impress him? Well, it is a life-long crush. Things are never in my hand. Never.

Somehow, we get inside the small building and Gavin excuses himself to talk with the man at reception. Few minutes later, he comes back and points at a table in the corner. Gavin is dressed in a grey henley, dark blue jeans and his black cap while I am wearing blue jeans with a crop top that showed the tiny tattoo I have on my waist. My red hair are open and straight like always and I am wearing minimal makeup. I think I look okay.

As soon as we take our seats, Gavin orders chili rubbed steak and parmesan risotto with roasted shrimp. For dessert, I order French chocolate pie. As soon as the food was served, Gavin takes my plate and starts putting pieces of steak. I am not really hungry as I had a sandwich after lunch but Gavin is ravenous. He was outside the town for some work this morning and has come only a few hours ago. 

"How's work?" he asks.

"Good. I am expecting an increase sometime soon"

"It isn't bi-yearly?" 

"Nope. The increase is actually quarterly. Mason may be a loser but he is a cool boss" I wink.

He frowns "He respects you, doesn't he?"

I shrug and say, "I guess yeah. He is unpredictable actually. Sometimes he is really kind, understanding and caring and sometimes he is just a flirt"

"Give me your phone" I raise my eyebrows but I give him my phone.

Love is bad sisters - It makes you crazy.

He takes my phone and returns it after a few seconds. I check what he did but there is no change on the screen nor did I see him writing any number.

I look at him and make my best 'what did you do' face. He is on his way to eat the first piece of steak. He stops and says, "I am your emergency contact now"

Oh, is it really possible or even normal to fall in love thousands times a day with the same person? Because if it isn't, I'm a gone case. I cannot be normal then. 

I stand and bend over to kiss him on the mouth. It was our first lip kiss in several weeks. Gavin unlike other guys liked to hold hands, hug for long durations and kiss on foreheads which was really romantic and everything but I wanted some serious stuff in our relationship now. I may be a virgin but I had no virgin streak in me, like I never wanted him to not kiss me

Yeah go ahead call me horny!

We hear a cough and I stand straight to look over my shoulder. There is a guy a little over my age staring at us.

I glare at him. I am not antisocial or anything but he seriously needed to mind his own business. I was kissing my boyfriend after weeks and it was a decent kiss, not a makeout which I was definitely craving.

I did not even open my mouth.

The guy comes straight towards us. He is wearing some really expensive clothes - a tuxedo to be exact. He stops at our table and smiles at me. Gavin stands up as well and says, "Do you need something?"

At first, I am confused about why he is wearing a tuxedo then I remember the film. Maybe he has some role to play in the film.

Gavin takes my hand in his, making me almost swoon at him. I bite my lips and try to control my heart.

Okay, so this was the first time Gavin made a boyfriend kinda gesture in front of another guy and this was so exciting.

I cannot stop smiling internally. I am biting my lips to stop them from curving.

"Hi" says the guy, who I now notice is the poster guy.

Yep, he was the one on the poster I saw outside. "The descendants of the moon" actor. He had long hair which he had tied in a small pony. He looked like an actor would. He even had makeup on his face and his hair which were brushed back in a pony that made him look older than he probably was.

I smile back and say, "Hi." I am trying to be social but I actually wanted him to leave me and Gavin alone.

"Are you alone?" he says looking directly at me. My jaw drops and eye widen in answer.

Did he not see Gavin - my boyfriend - standing with me. Is he ignoring him? Really? Does it work with other girls?

My eyes narrow. 

Who the fuck does he think he is?

Gavin who was holding my hand until now slowly loosens his grip. I tighten my grip and look at him. He isn't looking at me but at our joined hands.

I make up my response and say to the guy, "I think you need an eye specialist. I am with my boyfriend here. Now if you will please excuse us, we would love to have our space"

He is shocked. His bulging eyes and dropping jaw is saying so. He then laughs and says "Well then, I.." He looks at Gavin while continuing what he wanted to say "I am sorry"

His smile disappears when he looks at Gavin's face, "It is you. Gavin right? The guy who survived the bombing?"

Gavin nods and indicates me to sit. I sit and wait for the guy to go.

Ugh movie stars can be irritating sometimes.

The guy thumps Gavin's back and says "Honored to meet you man! People like you keep the country safe"

Gavin nods again. I am not finding the guy that irritating now but I still want him to leave the table.

Finally, receiving no answer, he leaves us alone.

"I am sorry" I say.

"What? Why?" he asks frowning.

"I should not have kissed you without your permission"

He smiles then leans in to stamp his lips on mine. I am too shocked to response. When he is back in his place, I touch my lips with my fingers.

"You just told one of the most handsome actor worldwide that I am your boyfriend"

"Well, you are. You find him handsome?" I ask.

"Almost every girl in this country finds him handsome. He was showing interest in you and you didn't even give him a crumb. Any other girl would be stuck to him by now"

I chuckle, "Well those girls may like him. I don't. I like you"


"What why?"

"Why do you like me?"

I haven't even tasted the piece of steak which he had placed on my plate before and I am too full to eat so I just look at it.

"I like you for several reasons"

He holds my fingers and says, "Tell me"

"Oh no. I don't want you to get arrogant"

He just smiles in answer and the topic ends. Gavin starts eating and when he sees me just playing with my food, he takes a piece and feeds me.

After eating it, I tell him that I had a sandwich before so I won't be able to eat anymore, except desert of course.

Around an hour later, we are outside my apartment. He hugs me like he always does and turns to go.

I feel a little disappointed. This is not the first time that a guy has flirted with me and Gavin has said nothing.

Does he not feel jealous? Furious? Possessive? Does he even like me? Is my love one-sided?

Gavin has always been a kind hearted man but still, he should have at least given some response to that guy. I turn to go inside the house, with multiple thoughts in my mind.


BTW you were just introduced to the second lead of the story.

Please follow and like for faster updates. I will be posting chapters often now as I AM LEAVING MY JOB..... YAYYAYAYAYA

Any comments?

Dedication - RozaLavigne

Love you guys,
Shyna Cliffe

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