Not A Damsel in Distress

By WriterAnisha_2307

2.3M 133K 25.8K

Previously titled as Arrogant's Smart Wife. ..... Abandoned on the next day of Marriage, Kavya is forced to l... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty Five
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Fourty Eight
Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Part Sixty Five: Their Unconditional Love
Part 66: The Raichands'
Bonus Part 1: Honeymoon Preparation
Bonus Part 2: Honeymoon - 1
Bonus Part 3: Honeymoon - 2

Chapter Fourty Four

31.2K 2.2K 405
By WriterAnisha_2307


Kavya's Room, Armaan's Mansion

The door of the room opens slowly and a cautious Armaan peeps inside to find Kavya. He scans the place to discover his wife sleeping on the bed.

He tip toes to enter the room after shutting the door and sees with the help of the dim light of one candle bulb.

Armaan takes slow yet soundless steps towards the bed. He stands at the left side and stares at his wife's peaceful face.

He thinks, 'Thank God, she is sleeping comfortably without stress.'

Armaan smiles and thinks again, 'And now I finally know, what she expects from me. Soon, everything will be perfect.'

He keeps gazing at her face for a brief moment and feels her shiver in her slumber. He frowns and shifts his gaze to the air conditioner to read 18 degree temperature.

Armaan searches around and finds the remote control near Kavya's pillow. He bends to grab it and increases the temperature to 22 degree.

He places the remote back near the pillow and moves his hands towards the end of the bed to pull the duvet. Armaan bends to cover her exposed skin completely, so she doesn't catch cold.

Suddenly Kavya turns to her left, while moving her right arm and it lands over Armaan's back, making him freeze at his spot.

He glances at her face to discover her eyes still closed with calm breathes and relaxes, sighing in relief.

Armaan thinks, 'I thought, she will punch me again.'

However, he freezes again as Kavya's hand caresses his back and moves towards the back of his neck.

Armaan stares at her face for any sign of waking up and observes her lips curling up in a small smile.

Before he can react, Kavya starts pulling him closer. He panics and attempts to hold himself back, only to fail as Kavya caresses the back of his exposed neck. He loses control over himself and starts leaning towards her.

Nearing towards her face, Armaan's eyes fall on her pouty pink lips and his intense gaze remains fixed on them.

Kavya whispers, breaking his trance, "Armaan."

Armaan realises what he is doing and tries to move back, only to feel Kavya's clenching his hair and stopping him from going away.

He stares at her face as they stay still for a few minutes. Slowly she again starts pulling him closer towards her face and he realises their lips are about to meet.

So, he turns his face to the right and keeps leaning as she continues to pull him closer.

Feeling her soft lips touch his stubble cheek, Armaan closes his eyes absorbing the new sensation caused by Kavya's innocent kiss.

This sensation felt more intense compared to the time when she touched him. It was making him crave for more, killing every rational thought, which was stopping him because Kavya is asleep.

But he takes a deep breath and clenches his fists to control himself from touching her. Today, Kavya had taken down her walls by one level, he didn't want to lose the chance, achieved after many days of efforts.

Soon Kavya loosens her hold around his neck and slowly moves her hand around his back, making him open his eyes. He stares at her face and finds her still sleeping peacefully.

Armaan whispers, "What are you doing to me, Kavya?"

He keeps gazing her face and slowly moves his hand to take a hold of Kavya's arm from his back and places it over her stomach.

Armaan straightens up, without taking his eyes off her face and takes a few step back. He touches his cheek, where Kavya had kissed and feels the touch of her lips still lingering on his skin.

Closing his eyes, Armaan takes a deep breath and murmurs after opening his eyes, "I should sleep."

Armaan turns to leave, only to stop after a step and turns back to watch Kavya. An urge to stay with her develops in his senses and he shakes his head, pushing those feelings away.

He murmurs, "She needs time....she deserves time."

Armaan controls himself and leaves the room, before those feelings overpowers his senses.

Next Morning

Living Room, Rihan's Penthouse

Rihan sits on the couch and stares at Ruhi's contact number in his phone, while debating with himself whether to call or not.

He thinks, 'Will she answer? How will she react? I think calling is a bad idea, but how will I know if she has recovered from her cold and flu or not?'

Suddenly a familiar female voice grabs his attention, "Holding the phone in hand and thinking with a confused expression, now this is something new."

Rihan smiles to himself and turns to face his mother, Manasvi standing across the room with a cup of coffee in her right hand.

She raises her eyebrows mischievously and asks with a smirk, "Who is the girl?"

He sighs and informs, "There is no girl."

She rolls her eyes, while walking closer and asks sarcastically, "Of course, there is no girl. I don't understand my own son's expressions, right?"

Rihan stands to make his mother sit on the couch and he, himself sits on the floor. He grabs the cup from her hand and places on the floor then rests the right side of his head on her lap.

He confesses with no hesitation, "There is a girl, but I don't know if she feels the same. I mean, we had hardly communicated."

She asks in response, "Who is she?"

Rihan answers with a smile, "Ruhi."

Manasvi smiled, observing the smile on her son's face and asks with interest, "Tell me more about Ruhi."

He thinks for a moment and begins, "Well, she is the best friend of Kavya, Armaan's wife and has shifted to Mumbai a month back. She works in the Helping Hand NGO and you know, she gives self defense training to females."

Manasvi gives an impressive smile and appreciates, "Wow, that's interesting."

Rihan bites his lower lip and informs sadly, "And she is an orphan."

His mother's smile drops, feeling sorry for Ruhi, but she composes herself and states cheerfully, "That's alright, I will take care of her after marriage."

Rihan chuckles and states, "Mom, control yourself. Here, we have hardly communicated and you have already reached till marriage. Let me spend some time with her."

Manasvi encourages him, "Then what are you waiting for? Go and spend an entire Sunday with her."

Rihan tilts his head to meet her gaze and asks dramatically, "You remember, you are my mother and not younger sister to give such advice?"

Manasvi responds playfully, "I am your mother with sister and best friend qualities. I am an all-rounder. So, I can give you any type of advice as per the situation."

He smiles impressively and she continues, "Plus, it's high time you get me a daughter-in-law. Even your arrogant boss got married a month back, he is settled, but you?"

Rihan chuckles and mutters under his breath, "Only if you knew, how settled he is?"

Manasvi demands after failing to catch his words, "What?"

He explains, "Mom, we just had one systematic chat till now. So, calm yourself."

She shakes her head and denies, "I am not calming down, you will be 28 years old in 4 months. Plus, I am sick of being alone when you are at work. Though Ruhi has her own work, she will give me some company. So, get out and flirt with her."

She pauses realising something and discusses with herself, "Oh, Rihan and Ruhi. You both have cute and short names, my grandchildren should also have such names."

Rihan shakes his head in disbelief and murmurs, "She is definitely my 10 year old sister and not my mom."

This earns light slap from his mother on his cheek and Manasvi states, "Stop criticizing and appreciate I am not like other moms, who start investigating and turn themselves into stalkers on their kid's love life."

Rihan states dramatically, "Oh! Thank you very much for your kindness, my mother India."

They chuckle and Manasvi enquires more about Ruhi. Every detail impresses her, making Rihan happy.

Then they together cook a light lunch for Ruhi on Manasvi's instructions when he informed about her illness.

Once lunch is prepared and packed, Rihan leaves for Ruhi's place after planting a kiss on his mother's cheek.

Kavya's Room

Kavya wakes up at 11 am after sleeping enough to relax her mind and body. She walks lazily towards the bathroom to take a shower.

She wears a summer dress as she will stay home today and combs her hair, when suddenly her phone rings with a notification.

Kavya grabs her phone and finds a reminder notification, which states- Pay the rent.

She sits on the bed, remembering it has been a month today since she knew the truth and decided to not rely on Armaan for anything.

Then she remembers the incident of day before yesterday, how Armaan consoled her and yesterday how he understood her expectations and reversed their beautiful moment.

Kavya thinks, 'Armaan is making efforts since two days, if I still pay the rent, then will it be right?'

Her chain of thoughts break when she hears a knock and she allows the person to enter.

The door opens and Kavya stands, finding Armaan at the doorstep. He smiles and walks closer to stand in front of her.

Armaan greets with a smile, "Good morning."

Kavya greets back with a smile, "Good morning."

They stand in awkward silence for a moment, at one place Armaan's eyes lands on Kavya's lip, when she lowered her gaze and he remembers her kiss from midnight. Whereas Kavya thinks, whether to pay the rent or not after seeing his efforts.

He shakes his head to compose himself and states, "Kavya."

She faces him and Armaan continues, "I came to ask for the dinner at Veer's place tonight. If you are not comfortable, then I can cancel it."

Kavya denies, "No, please don't cancel it. His wife has invited us, so it won't be correct to deny a pregnant woman's wish. We should go."

Armaan informs after a nod, "Ok, I will send a confirmation message to Veer and 7.30 pm will be fine?"

Kavya replies with a nod and Armaan informs, "I am working in the office room, will meet you at lunch."

He turns to leave and reaches for the knob to open the door, but Kavya's voice stops him.

Armaan turns to face her and she states, "One minute."

He frowns, taking a few steps inside the room and watches Kavya opening her wardrobe, then the safe. She takes some money and grabs an envelope to stuff it inside.

Kavya turns back to walk back and forwards the envelope, while informing, "My room rent for this month."

A hint of sadness and hurt flashes in Armaan's eyes, as he assumed everything has started to mend between them, but Kavya's act proved him wrong.

He glances at the envelope, then at her face and Kavya senses the hurt in his eyes, which causes her heart to ache.

She steps closer to explain, "Armaan, I am not giving rent because I don't acknowledge your efforts. Trust me, I do. But this-"

Kavya lowers her gaze to see the envelope and continues, "This is for myself, my independence and dignity."

Kavya faces Armaan's confused face and states, "When you confessed the truth and left me here, I felt suffocated. I couldn't stand at this place for a minute, I wanted to run away from this place because I had no right neither on this place, nor-"

She stares in his eyes and continues, "On the owner of this place."

Kavya lowers her gaze, but the hurt and pain in her eyes didn't go unnoticed by Armaan.

She takes a deep breath and continues, "So, I wanted a way to survive in this place and came up with this arrangement. I truly appreciate your efforts, but this is something I still don't want to stop. Please."

Armaan steps closer and takes the envelope from her grip. Kavya watches his movement and lifts her face to meet his gaze.

He states, "Alright. If paying the rent makes you happy, then I will take it."

Armaan steps more closer, staring in her eyes and leans towards her ear, making her frown.

He promises in a determined tone, "I am the reason, you had started paying for everything, so now it is my duty to stop it."

He moves back and stares in her eyes, while whispering, "Very soon."

Kavya continues to stare at Armaan and he turns to leave the room with the envelope clenched in his fist.

Ruhi's Apartment

Rihan reaches Ruhi's apartment and rings the doorbell. He hears the door being unlocked and watches it opening to reveal a scared Ruhi, holding a 5 feet stick in her left hand.

Rihan's smile drops, witnessing the fear in her eyes and he walks closer to enquire, "What happened, Ruhi? Why are you scared and why are you holding this stick?"

Ruhi gulps in fear and moves closer to inform, "There....there are two..."

Rihan panics and demands impatiently, "Two what Ruhi?"

She answers in a low voice, "Two....two gigantic rats in my kitchen."

Rihan opens his mouth to console on reflex, when he suddenly realises what she exactly said.

He repeats, "Rats?"

Ruhi nods with fearful eyes and Rihan coughs to cover up the giggles, threatening to escape from his lips.

He thinks, 'God, she is something. Being a strong woman, how can two rats scare her?'

Rihan composes himself and takes the stick from her hand, assuring, "Relax Ruhi, I will take care of those two GIGANTIC RATS, ok?"

Ruhi asks childishly, "Promise?"

Rihan smiles and assures, "Promise."

He hands her the lunch bag and asks her to sit on the couch. She obeys and pulls her legs up, hugging them to her chest and watches Rihan entering the kitchen.


Rihan covers his mouth to mute his giggles as he searches for the rats, but finds none.

He hears Ruhi's fearful voice, "Did you see the dangerous rats?"

Rihan chuckles silently and informs, "No, I didn't see the dangerous rats."

He hears faint footsteps and turns to watch Ruhi, entering the kitchen with small steps. She glances around in fear and grabs the stick in defense, which he left at the entrance.

Rihan moves closer to assure, "Relax Ruhi, they must have gone back to their home sweet home, now stop worrying and let's have lunch."

Ruhi asks with a frown, "Lunch?"

Rihan nods with a smile and informs, "You haven't completely cured and must be weak, so I got healthy lunch from home for you."

Ruhi hesitates and states, "You shouldn't have bothered, I could have managed."

Rihan replies, "Doing something for friends is not botheration."

Ruhi questions with a surprised look, "Friends?"

He nods and asks after bending two inches to meet her eye-level, "We can't be friends?"

She states thoughtfully with a nod, "We can be."

Rihan smiles and asks, while rubbing his hand together, "So, shall we eat our lunch, before it gets cold."

Ruhi nods and Rihan helps her to arrange the crockery on the small dining table in the kitchen. He gets the lunch from the living room and serves for them.

Ruhi hesitates before starting to eat, making Rihan smile and grab his spoon to eat.

Kitchen, Armaan's Mansion

Mary serves the lunch for Kavya after she pays, but she doesn't start eating and waits for Armaan, who he is attending an important call in his office room.

Kavya plays with the fork and Mary thinks to talk with her to know whether she is happy with the new changes in their relationship.

Mary moves closer to ask, "So-"

Kavya faces Mary as she continues, "Armaan has started rectifying his mistakes and is making efforts. Are you happy?"

Kavya smiles with a nod and Armaan enters the kitchen, only to stop hearing Mary's next words.

Mary asks, "Do you trust him?"

Kavya answers, "I am not scared of him now."

Her words reduces Armaan's stress and he smiles with contentment. His confidence boosts up and he knew one day, she will trust him back.

Mary smiles and assures, "He will never disappoint you, dear."

Kavya nods with a smile and hears Armaan's voice, "Sorry to keep you waiting."

She turns to face him, as he takes his seat beside her today, instead of across the table. Armaan knew, now Kavya won't object and change her seat as earlier.

He pulls his chair ahead to sit comfortably, which makes his left leg touch her right leg.

Due to her knee length dress, Kavya feels the roughness of his pant against her bare skin, makes her freeze with an unknown feeling.

However, Armaan doesn't make an attempt to move his leg and Kavya turns to face him. She find him busy eyeing the food and placing his phone aside.

Armaan faces Mary and thanked her for the serving the food, giving her a silent cue to leave them alone.

Once Mary leaves, Armaan turns to face her and gestures to eat. He grabs his spoon and starts eating, watching Kavya from the corner of his eye as she starts eating as well.

He smiles to himself, as Kavya didn't withdraw her leg and eats, gazing at her plate.

Sensing her comfort, Armaan initiates a conversation, "The call-"

Kavya faces him and he continues, "Which I was attending now, it was of my new client. He is interested in working with me."

She smiles and Armaan states, "Feels like you are truly lucky for me. Within a month, I got an old project back, the share value of the company has increased and I will sign a new project in this week."

He leans towards her and asks, "Can I propose something?"

Kavya nods wordlessly and Armaan proposes, "Will you be my secretary?"

She frowns in confusion and he continues after straightening up, "By staying in the office, you might bring more luck for me."

Kavya states with a smile, "Success depends on hard work and not on luck factors."

Armaan agrees, "Correct, but the luck factor saves you from big damages and loses. I am sure, you would agree to this."

She agrees with a smile, "Yes."

Armaan announces, "So, now two aims in life. First, keep working hard till you achieve the desired success and second-"

Kavya watches him as he leans closer and continues, "Take best care of your lucky charm."

Armaan lifts his left leg without breaking the skin contact and places it back, caressing her bare leg in the process.

He smiles and they continue to stare in each other's eyes with their legs still connected.

Ruhi's Apartment

Rihan is sitting in the living room and Ruhi is cleaning the dining table post lunch. He insisted on helping, but Ruhi denied and asked him to sit in the living room.

Ruhi moves towards her bedroom to grab some chocolates placed in the nightstand, which she loves to eat before sleeping. She grabs two chocolates bars for herself and Rihan and turns to shift in the living room.

However Ruhi freezes at her spot, watching a rat standing in front of her.

Rat moves towards her and Ruhi immediately jumps to stand on the bed and screams, "Rat...rat...rat..."

Rat runs to hide under the bed in fear before Rihan comes running to find Ruhi on the bed, screaming with her closed eyes.

She throws the chocolate bars where the rat was standing​, which hits Rihan's chest. He catches the chocolates before they fall on the floor and places on the bed.

Rihan shouts, "Ruhi, there is no rat."

Ruhi screams, while jumping on the bed, "Rat....rat....rat....rat....."

Rihan covers his ears and pleads Ruhi to be quiet, but she keeps yelling and jumping on the bed.

Because of the continuous jumping, the scared rat runs towards the wardrobe and hides under it, though Rihan gets a glimpse of the rat.

He grabs the napkin kept on the bed and Ruhi's tallest deodorant bottle placed on the dressing table. Whereas Ruhi keeps screaming with closed eyes.

Rihan kneels near the wardrobe and uses the deodorant bottle to make the rat run out of his hiding spot.

He successfully catches the rat in the napkin and runs towards the main door to release the rat outside the apartment.

Rihan takes a breath of relief after the rat runs away and sighs, hearing Ruhi's constant screaming.

He thinks, 'She will gather entire Mumbai city here, if she doesn't stop screaming now.'

Rihan moves to enter the bedroom, but gets a glimpse of another rat running from the bedroom to the kitchen. He runs to catch it and finds him hiding under the fridge.

Rihan takes the 5 feet stick and kneels to drag the rat out with the help of the stick. But the rat escapes before he can catch and watches it running to the living room.

He curses under his breath in frustration and runs towards the living room to catch the rat. He glances around, but the rat has already hidden somewhere. So, Rihan kneels on the floor and drags the stick under every furniture to find the rat.

He thinks, 'God these rats are so annoying. I will send someone tomorrow itself for pest control here.'

Rihan feels something against the stick and drags towards the end to find a tennis ball. He groans in irritation and continues to search for the rat.

Meanwhile the rat finds a safer route to escape and starts running, only to be caught by Rihan in the napkin, who pounced on it.

He holds the napkin tight and moves towards the door to release the rat outside the apartment. He takes deep breaths to control his raising heartbeats and wipes his sweat.

Rihan thinks, 'Two rats can be really problematic sometimes.'

Hearing Ruhi's screams, he sighs in helplessness and murmurs, "Doesn't her throat pain?"

Rihan enters the bedroom and shouts, "Ruhi, I have thrown the rats out of your home, now stop screaming."

Though Ruhi doesn't listen and keeps screaming by standing on the bed, making Rihan even more frustrated.

He grabs her hand and pulls her to the floor. Ruhi squeals and Rihan grabs her shoulders to turn her around and pin to the nearest wall.

He places his hand on her mouth to mute her screams and informs in a loud voice, "I have thrown the rats out of your home."

Ruhi stops struggling and slowly opens her eyes to meet his tired gaze. He nods to confirm his words and she relaxes physically, believing his honest eyes.

However, they keep staring in each other's eyes and Rihan slowly withdraws his hand from her mouth to cup her cheek. His other hand is resting on her shoulder, keeping her pinned to the wall. Ruhi's hands are resting on his chest.

The notification ringtone of Rihan's phone breaks their eye-lock and they realise their position. He takes a step back and Ruhi tucks her hair behind her ear, lowering her gaze.

They stand in awkward silence for a minute, before Rihan decides to leave.

He clears his throat and states, "I think, I should leave now."

Ruhi nods, without meeting his gaze and he turns to exit the bedroom after whispers a bye.

Ruhi follows behind and silently watches Rihan leaving, only after taking a glance of her face.

She thinks, 'What was that?'


That's all for now.....will update next part as soon as possible.....hope you liked this part, do give your reviews...till then Keep Smiling and Take Care

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Wattpad Profile - @WriterAnisha_2307
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Twitter - worldofanisha
Instagram- Anisha_23_07

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