No fair warnings |Mikey Murph...

By Cliffords_Tiger

1.1K 19 6

Michael was your average 17 year old boy. School during the day, Hanging with friends whenever possible, sque... More

One:Oh boy
Two: Early release and Beach days
Three: First impressions count
Four: Mystery mystery
5: Mystery solved?
7: Wakeups
8: bouncies

6: A litte fun on the town and a sleep over

80 1 0
By Cliffords_Tiger

We get downtown and start to wander, all the light and the starts are so pretty.

"Ooooh!" Luke and Tat yell at the same time and both somewhat jog to the Starbucks a few feet ahead of us

"Such white girls." Cris rolls his eyes

"Shut up I know your order." Tat says blankly, not even stoping to look at Cris.

"...Here's my five bucks!!" Cris soon follows after them

We all walk into the coffee joint and get what we want.

"Oh my god I can't believe you guys have it!" Tat says excitedly with Luke as they order that girly unicorn drunk.

"It's a rainbow!" Luke yells

"It's so pretty!" Tat says in awe as she's handed her huge drink, I should have known she would order the biggest one.

"Oh my god why do people hate this so much?! It taste great!" Luke laughs as he taste his, meanwhile Tatianna takes pictures

"Holy crap it does." She laughs

"Mikey taste this." She smiles holding the drink up to me, I take a drink of it and she takes a picture of her feeding it to me

"That was goals." Grayson laughs as he's Snapchating the moment

"Bitch he is goals." She says sassily back as she sips her drink

"You know what would be goals?" Ethan says with a small smirk

"What's on the pretty boys mind?" Tatianna asks smiling at him

"Tat and Luke." Ethan shrugs

"Bro so true." Grayson agrees

"How?" Cris asks as he drinks his drink

"They're literally the same person but ones a blonde boy and ones a unicorn haired female." Ethan laughs

"Liessss." Luke and tat yell at the same time then look at eachother

"Don't talk to me." They both say again, get up from they're seats next to eachother and move.

"Move." They say at the same time to the twins making them sit beside eachother and sitting on either side of them

"Hi." Once again at the same time spoken to the person next to them

"Hello." I laugh as tat sits next to me.

"Soooo." She says with a cheeky grin

"What do you want now?" I laugh as I look at her

"Well-" she begins hit Cris cuts her off

"Hey sorry to interrupt your conversation but Luke and me are going down to the shoe box, wanna come?" He asks looking at the Tatianna and me

"The shoe box?" I ask confused

"Yessss!" She gets up and cheers

"Wait what is ittt?" I whine a bit grabbing her arm

"It's like a bar but for teens and they decorate it a different scene each night, like movie themes, party themes, all sorts of things, there's a big karaoke bar, a dance floor in front of the stage, cool light, it's hella fun." She smiles as she speaks

"Mmmm, sounds lame." I laugh a bit

"Fine stay here." She rolls her eyes and walk away, sassily flipping her hair.

"You guys going?" I ask the twins

"Nope." They both reply at the same time


Luke's POV

We walk down the street and get to the place, we walk in and Tatianna screams.


"Someone's excited." A worker laughs at her reaction

"Highschool musical was an amazing time era thank you very much." She laughs as she replies

"You and Luke should sing a hsm song!" Cris laughs and pushes us to the stage

"Oh um..." I try to push back but then tat starts dragging me as well

"Hey, we'd like to sing b-" Tatianna starts but the guy cuts her off

"Sorry miss but I need a number from the book." He smiles and hands her the book

"Oh, ummmm..... p-413." She smiles

"Surprisingly the first one tonight." He laughs and hands us the mic's

"Have fun." She mumbles to me as we get on stage

"Yeah go Lucas." Cris yells from an almost awkwardly silent crowd, other than the talk from the people at the tables.

"Thanks...." I say quietly into the microphone and the song starts. Tatianna has a pretty good lead on it, considering I don't know the words. She can sing really well too.

"Luke!" Cris yells and tat nudges me and points to the screen that the words are on

"Uh, were soaring, flying! There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach!" I stumble out upon my words

"Yeah we're flying, and we're breaking free, oh, we're breaking free, oh." We 'song together.

I say 'sing' because she sings, I jumble my words and attempt

"Thank you." Tatianna smiles and laughs as we finish the song and get off stage

"That was a train wreck." I laugh walking with her

"That was great." She laughs with me

"Maybe for you." I roll my eyes

"You did good! You were confused and cute." She smiles as we approach Cris

"Well look what we have here, it's the walking goals." Cris says with his phone in our faces

"Get your damn phone outta my face." She laughs and gets real close

"Get your face outta my phone." Cris laughs too

"Fight me Oflying."

"Let's go girl who's last name I don't know." Cris says puffing his chest and to both of our surprise she just shrugged and hugged him

"Oh, okay." He smiles and hugs her back

"New goals." He snapchats a picture and then we start to talk. Not long passes before we get a table

"Mikeyyy!" I see tat get up and run in my direction but far past me

"Holaaa!" He yells and swings her around in a hug

"We for bored walking around the stores." Grayson laughs

"It's lame here." Cris laughs as well

"Looks like it." Ethan nods

"Hey mike you- oh." I start to talk but soon realize neither him or Tatianna are at the table.

"Haha dude he's still over there with tat." Cris laughs

"No dur." I roll my eyes

"Someone's jealous." Gray nudges me

"Am not." I protest

"Oh my god they're kissing!" Ethan says loudly

"whATT?!" I yell and stand up to turn around quickly

"Cheeky little shit is jealous." Cris laughs

"Your such a liar." I sit back in my seat annoyed with everyone

"Guys, Mikeys mom called. I already made up an excuse but we have to go home." Tatianna pouts as she walks over, hand in hand with Mikey dragging him along

"What was your excuse?" Gray asks

"While Him and Luke were hanging out at my house my friend needed me to pick her up but my car broke down so I needed him to come get me and jump the car. She bought it but we gotta go." She shrugs and we all get up and go

At her house- Mikey's POV

"Tatianna?" I here a familiar voice say from behind is as we walk up to her front door

"Mrs. Murphy, hi." She says as she turns around

"Just making sure." She smiles "you all okay?"

"Were fine, thank you!" She smiles back sweetly reassuring my mother and we all go inside

"Were home!" She yells as she enters her house

"Were upstairs!" A few girls yell

"I'm going to lacy's." One says as she passes us

"Going to Hannah's." Another one goes as well

"Going to Sailors." A third one goes

"Does mom or dad know?" Tat asks

"Yeah." They all reply in sequence

"Kay, have fun." She smiles as they all leave

"Are those your sisters?" Luke asks as they all exit the house

"Yup, I have 4 sisters in total and a brother. It goes Sarah, Reese, Me, Tyler, Roxane, and Jaxson." She replays as she locks the door

"Where are the rest?" Gray asks

"Either My dads or a friends." She shrugs and puts her keys away

"Wait so what are we doing?" Ethan asks, she immediately gets a huge grin on her face

"Oh my god." I mumble to myself and mentally face palm

"Okay first off, who's all staying the night?" She with a huge smile

We all just look at eachother, unsure of how to answer

"I'll take that as everyone. I know exactly what we're doing." She smiles and Marches off into her living room.

"There's let's see.... Luke, Cris, Ethan, gray, Mikey, and me? So that's 6...? Okay. Can two of you do me a huge favor and move this coffee table into the dining room?" She asks sweetly smiling

"Sure thing." Gray and Ethan grab the table and do as told

"Kay, come with me." She smiles and races up the stairs

"Oh boy." We all say in sequence and follow her

"Mikey can you grab all the blankets out of my room and Luke can you grab the pillows? Ethan and Cris, can you do the same with Sarah's room to the left of mine? There's baskets by the dryer if needed. And gray come with me please." She directs us all and we do as told

We all end up meeting in the living room with at least 30 blankets and pillows.

"Yay! Thank you!" She cheers and starts to set it up, not letting us Do anything.

"Don't you want us to help?" Luke asks in a sarcastic tone

"You did." She smiles as she continues to place things in what looks to be a very strategic way

"Well damn okay." Cris laughs

"They'res drinks and food in the kitchen if you want, Mikey you know where it is." She smiles up at us

We go to the kitchen and start to get things and talk

"She's such a girl." Grayson laughs

"I hope she doesn't make us do out nails." Ethan laughs as well

"That wouldn't be that bad, the worse she would do is make you dye your hair." Luke smirks

"I think it's cute how excited she is." I shrug

"I have arrived!" Someone yells

"Ash!" Tat yells


"I didn't go to the party either." Ash laughs and they start to talk

"Help me make this." Tat says and they continue talking

A few minutes later tat and ash run into the kitchen

"Okay it's all ready and set up, if you want some sweats or something my brother has a bunch you can borrow." Tat shrugs

"That would be nice. Thanks." Ethan smiles and we all agree except for gray who's wearing shorts already

"Okay, ash you know what your doing. Boys come with me." She directs us

We go to her brothers room and she starts to dig.

"Here we are. Shorts or sweats?" She asks us all




"Shorts." We answer and she throws us all a pair and leaves

We get downstairs and the girls have already changed into they're pajamas and have got everything set up.

"That was fast." I laugh as I walk down the stairs

"We work well together." Ash smiles up at me

"That and you take so damn long." Tat laughs

"Yeah yeah whatever." I laugh and sit next to her on the huge floor bed her and ash made. Ashlyn on her other side, luke next to Ashlyn, Cris next to Luke, and the twins on each couch.

"So what do you guys wanna watch?" She asks holding the remote

"Dude chasing Cameron." Ashlyn shakes her arm

"Oh my god! Honestly that show is amazing." Tat fangirls

"They're all so cute." Ash says almost gasping

"Oh my god and Cameron's fucking gahhh." Tat waves her arms dramatically

"Ugh why don't you just call him." Gray throws his phone at them, it already dialing

"What?" Ash says not looking st the phone but at gray


"whATTT! Ash the phone!" Tat yells as the FaceTime call was answered

"I don't want it!" Ash yells

"Gray you called him!" Tat yells

"Um, guys?"

"Um...hi..." tat says awkwardly not even holding the phone

"Who is this?"

"Not grayson Dolan obviously...." tat laughs hesitantly

"No kidding."

"Haha love you here's gray!" She yells and throws he phone at gray

"Hey sorry, they were fangirling so I just said call him and threw my phone at them already calling you." Gray shrugs


"Them." Grayson laughs flipping the camera to show up

"Fuck are yo- uh, hi!" We boy wave awkwardly

"Your incredibly hot." Tat shouts awkwardly

"I could cut my hair with Your jawline." Ashlyn shouts as well

"Your smile is more prefect than Justin Biebers singing." Tat shouts

"I have a pillow with your face on it I put on a pole I keep in bed with me because it makes me happy to think that it looks like I'm sleeping next to you even tho I'm not." Luke adds in, in a very sarcastic tone as he makes fun of the girls

"Durrr I'm Luke and I don't know the words to highschool musical, durrr I look like a dollar store version of Luke hemmings and that's how I get girls, harrr." Tatianna mocks Luke and we all die of laughter, all but Luke of course

"I don't look like Lucas hemmings!" He rolls his eyes

"Your right, because you can't get Luke hemmings at a Dollar store." Tat shrugs

"Bro she a savage."

"She's just salty." Ethan laughs

"It's 1 am let's watch something sad and go to bed!" Ash yells

"The fault in our stars, paper town, Never say never, Believe, This is us, How did we end up here, t-" Tatianna starts naming off movies as grayson says goodbye to Cameron

"Titanic." Cris says dramatically

"Never seen it." Luke and I shrug

"WHAT!" The girls yell in sequence

"Were watching it." They say again and turn it on

Half way into the movie the girls fall asleep cuddling eachother in the weirdest position, I don't understand girls.

Everyone but Cris as myself are asleep so we decide to turn off the movie and go to bed as well.

The girls are sitting up, so we attempt to scoot them so they are laying down, we try to pick them up but it doesn't end well

"What the fuck!" Tat yells and swings her leg over knocking me down and quickly spinning over to pin me

"I don't know weather to say ouch or hi." I say with a bit of fear as I lay there pinned to the ground

"What were you doing?" She laughs slightly and gets off me

"You were sitting up and looked uncomfortable so I tried to lay you down." I shrug

"Ohh." She laughs again

"Sorry." She shrugs

"You were like a ninja." Cris laughs

"And she's still passed out." I laugh at Ashlyn

"Goodnight." Tat laughs shaking her head

"Night." We all say and go to sleep

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