Some Dreams Left In Darkness...

Oleh ReneeTheVampire

17.1K 372 3.2K

Your walk through the town at night.Ever sense monsters have been free from the mountain. Staying in hiding f... Lebih Banyak

Still Hanging On To The Past
Hidden But Found
No other Choice
Clear as a Glass
Haunted Past and Old Enemies
The Fight to live or Die For The Wrong Reason
Meeting A New Face
Things Don't Seem Right
Going Back To Where It all Started
Revenge for ones that fallen
Whats In the Past Stays In The Past
Fate Has Its Ways
I Fallen For You
Its Like a Date
Not Safe
Fire and Fury
Getting Answers
Kidnapped and Tortured
Christmas Party
Blood Moon
Taking the fight to them
The Enemies base
The Office Of the boss
Devil's Don't Fly
Lovely Picnic
Got some clues
Finally Over

Lonely Life

2.1K 49 74
Oleh ReneeTheVampire

(No ones P.O.V)

Your Name is (y/n) (l/n) you been living among the humans for 500 years. Now that other monsters have been freed from Mt Ebott.You lived in abandon tunnels under the city in peace it was not always like this there was a time that you loved being around others and helping them thats was the reasons why you wanted to be a bodyguard protecting the ones you care about and trust. Everything was going great and everything was so well until you lost your best friend do to your carelessness and not being able to be strong for him and it all crashed now you walk around the city in the ally ways wail you walk you see 2 strange monsters walking around so you chose to follow them and to hear what they both are saying. But then the short one spotted you and you walked away and went thought the other parts of the allies. Just to make sure they don't follow nor bother coming after you.

'Hay boss I will be right back "The short skeleton said.


(Sans P.O.V)

I turn my head to seeing someone watching us.I then turn my head back to Papyrus to tell him something.

" Hay Boss I'll be right back" I said


I when to the ally way they was at and just follow where they lead. I then seen a shadow running by and I went after them. They seem very fast like inhuman fast. I teleported to in front of them and us my magic to pin them to the wall. They didn't even struggle or anything whats up with this person?

"Okay whatever or who ever you are.I know you been watching me and my brother I like to know why or your going to have a great time" I snarled.

As a light hit them it turns out to be a human girl.

"Oh I am going to have fun with this one" I grin at the thought.

"I'm not human" she spokes.

"You look human to me now answer why was you watching me and my brother" I repeated.

"I watch everyone not just you and your brother"She said calmly.

"And why is that"I asked her

"You picked my curiosity."She said.

"What is with her. She don't show any signs of fear of me. If I do kill her would she be afraid then"I thought

( (Y/n) P.O.V)

"If he is going to kill me he better do it. I am not afraid of death and I do not fear him at all. But for some reason he not doing it he minds as well just lets me go." I thought.

"Next time you follow me or my brother I will kill you"He snarled.

"I'm not scared of you or death. I am willing to welcome it if it would have taken me"I said calmly.

"What are you talking about kid?"He asked

"I am a monster like you. But I have lived a lot longer then any of you ever had"I said walking away.

He grabs my wrist and pins me to a building again.I cringed in pain .

"If your a monster then why do you look like you are human?"He snarled.

"You wont believe me any way if i told you now let me go before I do something I will regret"I said.

He let me go on my way though he could have just fried to kill me right then and there but he didn't i want wander why that is but in any case I went back home thinking over what all the shit just happen and all.

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