Boyfriend for the Weekend

By chchcherrybomb93

3.1M 69.9K 7.2K

Ava Baron is a young billionaire businesswoman who inherited a company with her twin brother. One morning, sh... More

Chapter 1: Twins
Chapter 2: Introducing Oliver Royce
Chapter 3: Pseudo Boyfriend Status: FOUND
Chapter 4: How We're Going to Make This Work
Chapter 5: My Road to Redemption
Chapter 6: We Have Arrived
Chapter 7: Resorts are for Families
Chapter 8: Nobody Likes the Blonde
Chapter 9: Game On!
Chapter 10: Years Ago
Chapter 11: Beach Party
Chapter 12: Getting To Know You
Chapter 13: Prom Night 2.0
Chapter 15: The Morning After
Chapter 16: Back to Reality
Chapter 17: Alcoholic Beverages and Nightmares
Chapter 18: Too Good to be True
Chapter 19: Someone's Watching Me
Chapter 20: Uneasy Feeling
Chapter 21: Very Fitting
Chapter 22: Black Ties and Not-So-White Lies
Chapter 23: Nasty Can of Worms and More
Chapter 24: Not Forgiving, Not Forgetting
Chapter 25: Lesser Evils
Chapter 26: Everything's more Romantic in the Rain
Chapter 27: Back to Normal
Chapter 28: Standing in the Dark
Chapter 29: Leverage
Chapter 30: Recovery
Chapter 31: Waiting
Chapter 32: Facing your Demons
Chapter 33: Better Late than Never
Chapter 34: Bedside Manners
Chapter 35: Done Wasting Time
Chapter 36: Unreal
Chapter 37: THE Wedding

Chapter 14: That Moment When...

97.1K 2.2K 208
By chchcherrybomb93




I couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened the door. She was standing there, looking straight at me with her piercing gray eyes. I didn’t think anyone could be more beautiful than her at that moment. Her midnight blue dress framing her body beautifully and her raven hair resting flawlessly on her shoulder.


I swallowed hard at the sight of her. I wanted to rush to her and take her in my arms, and never let her go. But clearly that was never going to happen.




The short drive to the grand hall proved to be terrifying for Ava.

We were following closely behind Todd and Hanna. As Todd's car was being driven away by the valet, it was our turn to make our entrance.

Ava exhaled loudly and pursed her lips as we stopped in fron tof the grand hall.

People slowly turned their heads in our direction, anticipation hanging heavily in the air.

I got out of the car and walked to Ava’s door. A couple of people like Jacob, Robb, Caleb, Cameron and Tom came into view and they all cheered for Ava to step out of the car.


I opened her door slowly. As the door reached its peak, I held out my hand for her.

She exhaled loudly as she took my hand. She stepped out of the car and people started to cheer and clap for her. I heard Robb’s voice from a distance saying something like stealing Ava away from me.


If only he knew. You can’t steal her away from me, Robb. Because she’s not mine to begin with.


I handed my keys to the valet and I looked at Ava.

She was standing beside me, taking in the scene before her. I offered my arm and we walked towards the former students of Blake High. They parted in the middle as we entered.

At the end of the hall, I could see Meredith shooting daggers in our direction and not far from her was Camilla who had an evil smirk on her face.


My issue with Camilla has to wait. This night is about Ava.


Just a couple more steps and the grand hall came into view.

The chosen theme was The Great Gatsby and the hall reflected the theme perfectly. With the lavish chandelier hanging from the middle of the ceiling and numerous orb-like lights that riddled the rest of the ceiling which also dangled above our heads. There was a large portion of the hall dedicated for the dance floor and the tables were set up on both sides of the hall. The dance floor was embossed with the Great Gatsby pattern and the rest of the place had the black and gold motif on it.

I looked away from Camilla and kept my attention on Ava. We spotted the registration table near the entrance. We walked towards the table and saw Nicole and Paige manning yet another registration table.


Paige smiled flirtatiously at me and then gave Ava a look that was meant to be condescending. But Ava wasn’t paying attention to her.


“Cast your votes for King and Queen!”

She said as she handed us two small pieces of paper and pens.


We looked at the list of nominees on the large board standing on the registration table



Todd Baron

Christopher Cavanaugh

Oliver Royce


Hanna Crest

Meredith Harker-Cavanaugh

Ava Baron


“What the hell,” Ava said after seeing her name on the list of nominees.

I pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head.

“Didn’t know I was coming with the future prom queen.”


She slapped my arm and sourly took the paper and pen form Paige.


“How can I be nominated when I didn’t even go to this school?”

I’m flattered but it’s a little weird.


Nicole just shrugged, “We couldn’t do anything about it. People nominated you.”


I tried to sneak a peek at Ava’s votes but she quickly hid it away after she saw my face leaning towards her.


“No peeking!”

I laughed at her. Why didn’t she want me to see? Is she voting for herself?


“Okay, okay.”


I voted for us to be King and Queen. Not sure about who she voted for. If not us, maybe Hanna and Todd.


After casting our votes, we were headed towards Camilla’s table. I steered her in a different direction. More specifically, Hanna and Todd’s table.


Hanna stood up and hugged the both of us.

“I thought you were gonna ditch me again and let me sit here alone.”


“You’re not alone here.”

Ava replied, looking around at the table.


“Yeah but Todd is here with his buddies and there is just so much I can contribute to the conversation.” She sighed and motioned for us to take our seats.


I pulled Ava’s chair and she sat beside Hanna. I took the seat beside her that was next to Robb’s.


Todd looked at our direction and his face lit up dramatically.

“Olly! Ava! You guys finally decided to sit with the cool people.”


Ava rolled her eyes at her brother and he quickly tried to save himself


“I’m just kidding. I’m just saying, sis, maybe if you did things differently this time around, prom wouldn’t suck so much.”


He sat back down and started talking to his friends again. I couldn’t help but notice Robb glancing at Ava from time to time. He must really be smitten with her.

Who wouldn’t be?


Well get in line, Robb.


I stroked her arm lightly and she turned to me, smiling.

“You okay?” I asked.


She nodded and caressed my hand, “Yes. Thank you. for this weekend.”


I kissed her hand and placed it on my chest,”I kept telling you, the pleasure’s all mine.”


She smiled and I placed my arm around her. She didn’t jolt up or make any action that indicated her surprise. She’s probably getting used to it already.


The hosts declared that food is about to be served. Waiters dressed in white came out of the back and started serving food and drinks to everyone. We were given a choice of filet mignon or salmon. I chose filet mignon while Ava opted for the latter. Champagne was served after everyone had a plate in front of them.


There was great music playing during dinner and when I saw Ava finish her food, I immediately got up and asked her to dance.

I noticed the look of disappointment on Robb’s face when I beat him to the punch.


Ava removed the napkin from her lap and took my hand. The song was still fast and I thought Ava would feel awkward dancing with me to a party song but she was the one who dragged me to the middle and started dancing.


Not bad for a former ballerina.


I’ve attended a couple of parties--fine. a lot-- where the only music they played was house music, in turn, I don’t think I did horribly.

She kept dancing and even placed her arms around my neck and we danced together.


It was probably the champagne that did this but I’m not complaining. Having her this close and not feeling like she’s being forced to be is great. Wonderful, even.

After about two party songs, a slow song came up.


Smiling, I held out my hand to her but she didn’t take it. Instead, she wrapped her arms around my neck. I responded by enveloping her in my arms. We were so close to each other, I could feel her hot breath on my neck.

I pulled her closer, her head now resting on my shoulder. I thought she would pull away but she didn’t.

She murmured into my suit, “Thank you, again.”


I tilted her chin up, “This weekend has been the best of my life.”

Her eyes widened at my response, not knowing how to take it, her mouth just hung open.

I continued, “If you tell anybody that, I’ll buy out your company.”


She threw her head back, laughing, “You can try but it’s more likely that I will buy YOU out.”

I snickered. She’s probably right.


She pulled away slightly and looked up at me. Even with heels, she’s still a lot shorter than I am.


“This is probably the champagne talking but I have to say it.”


I snorted, yeah. Maybe you should have more. I thought to myself.


“I wish you’re real.” She said with sadness in her eyes.


We continued to sway to the music while she looked at me intently, waiting for me to say something.


“Which part of me do you want to be real?”

She bit her lip before sighing,

“Everything, Oliver.”


I swallowed the big lump in my throat and pulled her close, “I can be real, Ava, if you’ll let me.”


She gently caressed my face and her eyes looked glassy, as if there were tears threatening to fall onto her cheeks, “But we can never be.”


I looked away and bit my lip. She was right. All I could do was sigh. This is probably the last time this will ever happen. I embraced her and she laid her head on my chest.


“Yes, you’re right.”


I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see who it was,

“Hey Olly!”


“Hey Ava! Mind if I steal your man for a moment?”

Ava’s arms slowly dropped down to her sides and smiled at her best friend,

“Sure, Han.”


She turned to walk away from me but there was something I wanted from her.


“Hey, no kiss?”


She rolled her eyes at me and kissed my cheek. She walked back to the table and sat down. I saw Robb move to my seat and started chatting with her.

No remorse. He’s really trying to steal her.


Hanna tapped my shoulder and when I faced her, her arms were crossed over her chest.

I completely forgot about her.




I took her hand and we started to dance slowly.


Her frown faded away from her face and a smile turned up.



She paused and looked down on her feet, avoiding my eyes.

“What’s wrong?”


“I know this is all just part of the plan” She whispers softly in my ear.

“But, is there any way that you can continue this after this weekend?”


I sighed and it’s my turn to look down.


“Han, I--”


She shook her head and stops me before I could continue.

“Don’t. I’m sorry I’m overstepping. I just--I have never seen her like this in a very long time. She’s not faking it, Olly. Trying to hide it or stop it, maybe. But faking it? I don’t think that’s the case.”


“You’re not overstepping, Hanna. I wish we could. I wish we could be like this even after this weekend but I don’t think she wants that to happen.” I paused. Not wanting to say the next thing that was about to escape my lips. I feared that saying it out loud would make it concrete.


“Not with me, at least.”


Her eyes looked washed with sadness and sympathy but I didn’t want that.



“No, Hanna, it’s fine. She deserves someone better than me, anyway.”


She held my face in her hands and we stood still in the middle of the dance floor.

“Oliver Royce. If you want something, you don’t let it get away. You go out there and fight for it. And that is what you are going to do.”


Does she really want me to pursue Ava?


“Hanna, what are you trying to say?”


“What I’m saying is that you should stop acting so defeated. You’re Oliver Royce! Women fall at your feet. And if you dare deny that you came here with Ava because you’ve always had some sort of feelings for her, I am going to crush your soul.”


She looked deep into my eyes and continued, “Oliver, you can be that man. You just have to show her that.”


I sighed heavily. She doesn’t understand.

She doesn’t understand at all.

“Hanna, I won’t be good for her. She deserves someone who will make her happy. who can make her laugh and all the other things good guys do.”


“You’re not a good guy? Really? Because last time I checked, covering for an alcoholic fiancee makes you a great guy.”


My eyes widened in shock. I pulled away from Hanna and dragged her to the other end of the hall.


“How did you know?!”

Despite my demeanor, Hanna remained calm and started telling me what she knew.


“I work for a magazine, Oliver. It would have been the biggest scoop to ever land on my lap that year.”

“But you didn’t run it?”


She leaned on the pillar and said, “Your father came by for a visit the day before the issue was to be printed. He made an offer we couldn’t refuse.”


I was dumbfounded. I didn’t know my father had to pay off a magazine to ignore the story completely. The tabloids just bought the story we fed them.


“But the tabloids ran the story. Why didn’t you?”


“Gut feeling, Olly. Something was wrong with the story. Party boy heir to a multi-million dollar company drunk driving his Lamborghini Aventador and crashing it, causing an accident with two fatalities? That wouldn’t really sell. Rich boys get into accidents all the time. You know what’s an even better story? The death of an up and coming young actress in a car crash. The more tragic and mysterious the better. There were numerous theories, Olly and the public lapped it up because any of it could be true. Bottomline is, she died. That was all that mattered at the time, nothing else. Details didn’t count for shit! When one theory came out about the her billionaire boyfriend being in the car, your father came by to see me and I knew immediately. But I also knew that he was covering up for something. That you were both were covering up for something. Nonetheless, if I ran the story,  I would have been forced to name you and since my parents owed your parents bigtime, I had to let the story go.”


“You didn’t buy what the other tabloids said?”

“Not for a second.”


“There had already been talk about her alcohol and drug problem. There was no way you could have driven that car that night and crashed. And besides, you weren’t even in the car.”


I was sweating and I was having a hard time breathing. This isn’t possible. How can two more people know about the story? This is too much.


I grabbed a glass of champagne from a waiter and downed it.


“Why didn’t you tell the truth Olly? It could have spelled the difference for that case.”


“I couldn’t…”

She touched my shoulder and I saw the sincerity in her eyes.

“Oliver, Casey had a problem. And it wasn’t yours to solve.”


I shook my head, there was nothing I could do about it now. It’s in the past and damage has already been done.


“Since you were still an up and coming businessman at the time, media didn’t feel the need to name you. The star of that accident was Casey. There were speculations and the story died down quickly.”

She continued.


“I couldn’t let her take the fall. I wanted people to remember her the way I remembered her.”



I held her hand in my hands and pleaded, “Don’t tell Ava. She doesn’t need to know. Please.”


I turned and left Hanna. I walked back to the table and saw Ava still chatting with Robb.

I laid my hand on her shoulder and she looked up at me.

“Hi Olly. I thought you left me.”


“Oh no. Just went to restroom after dancing with Hanna.”

As I took the seat beside her, the music stopped and the hosts came up the stage.


“It is time to announce this year’s prom king and queen!” They said in unison.

“We would like to ask everyone to stand up and gather here on the dance floor.”

The woman said as she looked across the hall.


I escorted to the middle of the dance floor along with Todd.

“Olly, did you see Hanna?”

“Hey!” A voice behind me called out before I could respond.

“Sorry I disappeared. Had to touch up my makeup!”

Hanna smiled at me before taking Todd’s arm. They stood beside us and we all anticipated the announcement of the king and queen.

I felt Todd nudge my arm and he whispered,

“I’m going to crush you.”

“If I win, you’re buying drinks next week.” I smirked at him.

“You’re on.”


“SHHHH!” Hanna hissed at us, pursing her lips.


We both started snickering and Todd earned an elbow to his side.


“Aaaaand for king!”

The man held out the open envelope while the woman slowly picked up the sheet of paper inside.


“Oliver Royce!”

I looked at Todd’s face and it had a very visible scowl.


“You’re buying drinks!”

I noticed Ava grinning at me and clapping.

“Wait, you’re happy about this?” I asked


“Yeah! Even if I don’t win queen, at least I’m with the king.” She shrugged and pushed me towards the stage. I jogged up the steps and I bent down as the female host placed the crown on my head.

Everyone started cheering and clapping but quickly hushed as the second envelope came into view.


“For queen!” The man announced to the crowd. I saw Meredith smiling widely, completely certain that her name was going to be called.


“Ava Baron!”

I searched the crowd for Ava and when I found her, she was in a state of shock. She honestly looked catatonic from where I was standing.

Hanna had to grab her shoulders and push her forward just to bring her back to earth.


When she reached the stage, I went down the steps to help her up. From her current state, she might have fainted on her way up.


The man carefully placed the crown on her head and pushed us beside each other.


“Now it’s time for the king and queen’s dance!” The woman hollered over the microphone.

The students opened up the dancefloor and the lights went off except for one single spotlight that illuminated a large circle in the middle.


On our way down the steps, she spotted a waiter and waved him over. He brought her a glass of champagne and she drank it in one single gulp.


We started dancing and the spotlight followed us wherever we turned.


“How does it feel to be queen?”


“I hate to say this but, great. It feels great!”

She bit her lip as she looked around the hall. All eyes were on us, watching us glide all around the dancefloor.


“Oliver,” She looked up at me with big, pleading eyes.

I waited for her to continue what she had to say. It took quite a while before she actually said anything.


“I have another proposition for you.”


I pretended to ponder about whatever proposition in mind but in reality, I was ready to do anything for her.

She was searching my eyes for any confirmation that I would listen to her offer. When I nodded, she cleared her throat before she spoke.


“Can we push our issues aside for tonight?”

“What do you mean?”

“Our differences. Our real situation. Let’s stick a pin on it for a while. For tonight.”
“You have to be more precise than that, Ava.”

I want her to say it. Just say it out loud.


“Be my real boyfriend tonight.”


I smiled crookedly and said, “I thought you’d never ask.”

She pulled me closer and I leaned down to press my lips against hers. It was the most chaste kiss that I have ever experienced in my whole entire life.

And I have had many kisses before.

Probably too many and none of them could compare to that one.


When we pulled apart, other people joined us on the dancefloor. Including Meredith and her husband Christopher.

She leaned in to us and said, “We let you win.”


Ava whipped her head and turned to Meredith’s direction,

“One slap wasn’t enough for you, Meredith?”


“You think you scare me, Baron? Just because you have a crown now?”


“I don’t need a crown to scare you. I just needed to realize that you are not someone to be feared.”

Meredith’s sly grin turned into a glare and I had to dance Ava away before she starts to slap people again.


“We are on a bitch roll, aren’t we?”

She laughed and grabbed another glass of champagne and when the second waiter passed by, she placed the empty flute on his tray.


“And we really like the champagne. What is up with you tonight?”

She smiled and sighed as she tightened her arms around my neck. “It just feels so good to finally be over everything, you know? To get to realize that you’re not shit like what other people made you believe.”


I nodded and smiled at her. She’s come a long way and I’m thrilled to have been a part of it.


“And-- I would kill you if you tell anybody this but, I’m actually glad you were here with me.”

I leaned in closer and whispered, “Your secret’s safe with me.”


“You’re actually a great boyfriend, Oliver Royce. It’s Casey’s loss, if you ask me.”

I hung my head and sighed, “Yeah, it is.”


She quickly sensed my sudden change in mood and decided to save the conversation from getting to an awkward place.

“Hey, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to--”


I shook my head and smiled, “No, it’s okay. Casey’s in the past and you are the present.” I paused.

“At least for tonight.”


She nodded and pulled me closer. “Yes, for tonight.”


Just as we were getting really close and comfortable, something wedged in between us, pulling us apart.


“Hey prom queen!” Camilla exclaimed and hugged Ava.

I bit my lip in annoyance. I don’t understand why she has to do this.

Ava smiled right back at her.

“Would you mind if I stole the king for a dance?” She asked, batting her eyelashes at the both of us.


No, not again.


Ava surprised me by wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her head on my chest. “Sorry, Cam. I kinda want him all to myself tonight.”


Camilla nodded politely and touched our arms. “Alright, you two have fun.”

And with that she walked away and started dancing with Robb.


I couldn’t help but smile and wrap my arms around her.


“Just a little.” She replied with a grin on her face. How I wished everything was like this even after this weekend.


The hosts came up to the stage and announced that there will be a surprise outside and everyone is invited to watch it.

I led Ava out into the beach where there was a large dancefloor laid out as well.

We were pushed to the front to lead everyone else into the beautiful white sand.


All of a sudden, fireworks lit up the sky. The whole night sky was illuminated with bright bursts of color courtesy of the fireworks. Ava was in front of me, looking up with wide eyes at the display. I hugged her from behind and she leaned into me while her arms rested on mine.


I whispered into her ear what I was feeling that exact moment.

“This is the best moment of my life.”

She faced me and kissed me softly.

“Mine too.”


I let go of all the inhibitions, the masks and the facade I created for myself to allow her to see me for who I really was. Or maybe still am.

I no longer felt the fear that stopped me so many times before. Nor did I feel like I was just doing this to forget the hurt that has been haunting me for so long.


When the fireworks were done, everybody went back inside the hall for the last dance and last round of drinks.


Ava didn’t let the moment pass by. She had about two more glasses of champagne and was starting to not be her usual uptight self. And it was a wonderful sight to see.

I have never seen her smile and laugh so much in all the years that I have known her.


Todd noticed too.

“Good job Oliver. You really made her night.”

He said as he watched his sister laugh with Hanna.


“Made her night? I highly doubt it Todd.”

His lips turned into a crooked smile and he crossed his arms over his chest.


“You know Olly, for a playboy without a heart, you really know how to make a woman feel like a queen.”


I pushed my hands into my pockets and sighed, “Believe it or not, Todd, that wasn’t me tonight.”


He clapped my shoulder and said, “I know. And I think my sister knows that too.”

He walked over to Hanna and waved goodbye to me. Ava started to walk towards me with her shoes in her hand.


“I was raised under the impression that shoes were worn on your feet, not your hands.” I teased.


“Shut up, Oliver.” She playfully slapped my arm before taking it.


“Ready to go?” I said as I tapped her hand on my arm.

She nodded and we walked back to the car. The valet brought it back just in time and I tipped him generously.

Tonight was wonderful. I felt the need to share the positivity I was feeling.


The moment I got into the car, I felt a pair of lips collide with my cheek.

“Thank you, my king.” She chirped as she sat back down on her seat, fiddling with her crown.


I turned to her and said, “Pleasure’s all mine, your majesty.”
She giggled all the way back to the parking lot and it was adorable.




When I helped her out of the car, she was still barefoot and insisted on walking around the beach for a while. Not wanting to destroy my shoes, I removed them as well and left them in the car with her shoes. I folded my pants and we walked hand in hand on the beach.


She looked so free and beautiful. I watched her run around the beach, waving her arms around and laughing uncontrollably. She would run to me and pull me to the water and splash around in it while she held up her dress.


“I love the beach!” She screamed on top of her lungs while she raised her hands up in the air.

I walked towards her and swept her off her feet. Literally.


“Oooohhhh!” She shrieked and her hand flew up to her head to prevent her crown from falling off of her head.


And then I realized we were still wearing crowns.

“You’re wearing a crown!” She pointed at me and started giggling.

“So are you.” I replied.


“....Yes. Because I’m royalty.” She waved at invisible subjects while I carried her to the main path of the cottages.


“You are so drunk Ava. We have to get you to bed.”

Her expression softened and she looked me in the eyes, causing me to stop.


“I’m not drunk, Olly. It’s just-- It was such a wonderful night and this part that I am about to say will be due to the courage that is brought about by alcohol. But it is true nonetheless.” She swallowed before continuing.


“This night wouldn’t have been what it was without you. And I thank you for that. I feel different, you know? Like…”


“Like what?”


Her eyes burned right through me when she faced me. Her words igniting a fire within me.

“Like I’m ready to let go.”


I looked down. I can’t believe what I am about to do.

“Ava, if you’re saying what I think you’re saying, I want you to think about it. Maybe sleep on it. You’re not thinking clearly right now and I don’t want you to do anything you are going to regret tomorrow.”


I felt my neck get pulled violently and all of a sudden, our lips were moving together in perfect harmony. I gently let her down and pulled her close.

She lightly nipped at my lower lip, causing me to lose my mind for a moment.

I pulled away and held her at arm’s length.


“Don’t do this….” I breathed.

I’m rejecting sex. This is new to me.

Hell, a lot of things are new to me right now.


She pulled my shirt and looked up at me, “Why not, Oliver?”


I slowly removed her hands from my shirt and replied, “Because I respect you and me taking advantage of you while you are in this state is not a sign of respect.”


I started to walk ahead of her and when I turned to face her,


Her expression turned serious.

“I’m not drunk Oliver, and you know that.”


“I do…” I sighed as I looked up into the sky.


She walked towards me, her hair and dress being blown by the wind. “Then what’s stopping you?”


If you only knew how much I want you right now Ava. There are no words to describe how I’m feeling and the amount of self control that I have to produce just to keep myself from dragging you to the cabin and destroying every piece of clothing on you right now.


I stared deep into her eyes, hoping she’ll get the message.

“I’m trying to be the man you want me to be, Ava. And me taking advantage of this, is the kind of man you have always expected me to be. I don’t want to be that man anymore.”

I looked away from her, fearing that she’ll be furious at me for saying those things. Instead, I feel her tug on my arm, making me face her.


“Oliver, I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t see that you are the man I want you to be,”

She inched in closer and cupped my face with her soft hands, “Kiss me, Oliver Royce.”


And like a switch, that sentence turned off my sanity.





Before I knew it, his lips captured mine and his arms locking me in a tight embrace.

When he pulled away to gauge my reaction, I manage to blurt out, “cabin” before we started stumbling to the main pathway that led to our cabin.


He had me pressed against the door, kissing me hungrily. While he was busy showering my neck with kisses, I croaked, “Oliver, door.”

I managed to forget grammar and other words that make a coherent sentence and became a person who only spoke in broken English.


He let out a groan and started to fish his pockets for the keys. He was getting frustrated when he finally reached into his suit and found our keys. He jammed them into the lock and pulled me inside with one swift movement.

We were stumbling around in dark, bumping into things and feeling for the light switch.

I managed to flick one switch on but it only lit the row of pinlights above the bed.

Giving up, I decided that those lights were all we needed anyway.


He removed his suit jacket and tossed it on the floor. We stood there for a moment, our lips never parting while I unbuttoned his shirt and peeled it off of him. My arms flew around his neck and continued to graze down his back, feeling his taut muscles. He managed to locate the hidden zipper of my dress and pulled it down. I didn’t even feel him have any difficulty with the clasp on top. He has clearly done this before.

My dress fell down and pooled around my feet and before I could even become self conscious, I was lifted off the ground and gently laid down on the bed. Oliver was on top of me, breathing heavily. I could feel the weight of his body on me but I didn’t care. The weight and pressure were probably the only two things keeping me together.


He pulled away slightly and all I could do was stare at his beautiful face and body. I can’t believe I’m doing this right now. and I can’t believe I don’t have any feelings of guilt over it.

He pushed a strand of hair away from my face and kissed me softly.

“Ava, you have to ask me to stop right now if you’ve finally come to your senses.”

He paused and swallowed hard.

“Because if you let me continue, I’m afraid you won’t be able to stop me.”

I could feel his breath on my neck and when our eyes locked, I kissed him hungrily and that set him off. There was no stopping now.

And I didn’t want him to.

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[High School Au] "The popular kid always falls for the cheerleader. Isn't that how it usually is?" (This story is based on the tv show "Arrow" but y...
23.4K 400 27
Imagine this : You and your best friend are going on a tour with The Wanted and even star in their own show. During the tour and show, one of the lad...