Found and Loved (Anna Kendric...

By chAnnakend47

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When Harper Rose Cooke finds out that The Anna Kendrick is her birth mother, her life has changed. Harper Ken... More

April 21 2003 part1
August 9 2002
April 21 2003
13 years later
Plane ride
Coming home
Shopping day
Am I missing something?
Some new news
My baby girl!
Lead up
It's Time!
All for you
Busy busy.
Bonds and learning
low key rehab
I wish to forget
Take 1
New chapter
15 and a day
Back Together
What does the future hold?
HEY GUYS! plz read

This is it

1.3K 30 1
By chAnnakend47

Annas POV

This is it, I'm back, in front of the same big brown doors I was in front of 13 years ago, leaving my baby, but now I'm getting back my baby. There are at least 7 security guards surrounding me as I knock on the door. A few seconds pass and the door opens to a middle-aged woman wearing a skirt and blouse. "Miss Kendrick. So nice to meet you. I'm Carol." She put out her hand, I shook it. "Please, call me Anna," I said with a smile. I followed her through the door to a desk. I quietly told her what I was doing here and that I would like to collect Harper. "Yes, Harper is here and has been for her whole life. She'll be thrilled about this! Yes, that is good, I'll grab Miss Cookes file" The nerves kick in. beep beep... my phone goes off. It's Brittany 'hey hun, good luck today, what eva happens, it will be fine. Luv ya XXXX -B' I smile to myself. "OK, so Harpers in Ballet right now. Shes very good you know." I smile at her in thanks. " After this, she has Hip Hop but I can get her before if you like?" "Oh I won't interrupt her class, but if her things are ready to go, that would be great, were flying to LA tonight." "Come with me, you can give me a hand" I tell the guards to stay downstairs and I follow Carol. when we reach what I assume is the door to Harper's room she turns to me, "I do know, that Harper is actually a big fan of you Anna, so I don't know what we may find..." Carol said with a serious but joking tone. "Haha OK." In her room, were two sets of bunks, only one of them was made, it was harpers. My child makes her bed? Wow. I don't,  silently joking to myself. I find one big suitcase and backpack that were hers. I took her clothes out of the drawers and into the suitcase. In one of the drawers, I found a medium sized poster of me, from the Pitch Perfect 2 shoot. Her laptop was on her bed. I accidentally knocked it, the screen showed her desktop wallpaper as a photo of me, at the Grammys in 2014, that was my favorite dress. I saw she was listening to 'On the steps of the Palace' I can't wait to meet this kid. she already seems super sweet. I wonder if she's anything like me? Carol come into the room with a book bag, a guitar and a ukelele in their cases and a container of picks. "These are her music books, instruments, and picks." "Awesome. that's everything!" I carry her bags downstairs to the reception. I can hear JLo's 'Booty' playing underneath me. "Harpers in hip hop now, that's her choice of song and her choreography she'll be dancing too. "Can I watch?" "Follow me," Carol said. I love the thought that she chose that song from my lip sync battle.

Harpers POV

 Elle, me and my friend Tabitha were in a trio in Hip Hop doing my version (Anna Kendricks version - but no one knew that) to 'Booty' Everyone was cheering us on! 

"have you seen her, On the dance floor, she got the boom shake the room, that the lightning and the thunder. you wanna meet her, you want to touch her...." 

At my favorite part, the 'All the sexy girls in the party...'  someone came in and joined in, but I don't know who. All I knew was that no one was watching us, they were watching who just joined in.  At the rap, I turned around. I screamed "WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!"

Annas POV

They were starting again, so I ran and joined in. Yes, I still remember this dance so well, I crushed Krasinski with it. Everyone's eyes were on me, I didn't stop though. When a small girl with brown hair, the exact color of mine, turned around and when she saw me screamed "WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!" I knew that was my daughter.

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