"The woman who gave birth to...

By RedRubyHood

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Regina Mills mayor of a town called Storybrooke. decided to fill her emptyness by adopting a child. This did... More

Chapter 1: "The call"
Chapter 2: "Why so soon.."
Chapter 3: "The meeting"
Chapter 4: Once in Storybrooke..
Chapter 6: Late nights like this..
Chapter 7: "The talk"
Chapter 8: "Dinner time"
chapter 9: "Quality time"
chapter 10: "Keep it friendly"
Chapter 11: The kiss
Chapter 12: The morning after
Chapter 13: Homesick
Chapter 14: Heavy dinner
Chapter 15: Goodbye
Chapter 16: Catching up
Chapter 17: Stubborn
Chapter 18: Giving in
Chapter 19: Mixed signals
Chapter 20: Selfish
Chapter 21: The truth
Chapter 22: Family
Chapter 23: The next step
Chapter 24: He called me 'mom'.
Chapter 25: Life changing
Chapter 26: For what it's worth.
Chapter 27: Declaring love
Chapter 28: The woman who gave birth to his daughter
Chapter 29: Yes!
Chapter 30: Maid of honor.
Chapter 31: Weddingplanner
Chapter 32: The big day
Chapter 33: How love should be.

Chapter 5: Strawberry Chapstick

390 19 4
By RedRubyHood

I walk back to the diner, it's almost dinner time but i'm not hungry. I'm caughed up in my own thoughts. Why was i so stupid! Regina is a homophobe, that's why she's being weird around me. I feel so stupid by thinking she was into me. I walk straight to my room and fall in my bed. I put my hands in my face and then i realize .. If Regina is a homophobe, why did she take me for a walk and show me around town? Maybe something happend between her and Ruby and it's not even about the fact that Ruby is gay. I jumped to a conclusion way too fast. "I might have ruined my time with Henry." I say to myself out loud. "Shit! I have to talk to Regina tomorrow.." me and my conclusions.. i didn't even let her speak.

I try not to think about it when i get dressed for my date. I don't really feel like it, but i should give it a chance. I put on a dark blue jeans with a white top on it. I put on some mascara but nothing more then that. I'm not really the make up kinda girl but i have my moods that i do dress up some more. Not tonight, tonight i'll be no one other then myself.
It's 7.55 PM so it's time to pick Ruby up from downstairs. She does work and live here so that's easy to find. I'll grab my wallet but nothing more. I did promise her a drink. I think to myself while walking downstairs. I arrive in the diner but Ruby isn't here yet so i take a seat at one of the tables and wait for her. After a minute or two i hear heels coming down the stairs and Ruby walks in. She's wearing a beautiful dark red dress a little above her knee, black heels en her make up is on point. Her long hair is hanging wildly across her face and i can't help but stare with a jaw drop as this beautiful woman walks in. I stand up, then she sees me and smiles with her gorgeous red lips.
"Ruby, you look..wow." i can't even speak. "Thank you Emma, i thought i would wear something else then my work outfit." She laughs. "Well i'm totally underdressed, i didn't pack the good stuff on my trip." I try to find an excuse because i'm wearing jeans, but i can see Ruby doesn't care what i'm wearing. "No Emma, you look gorgeous as always. Where are you taking me?" She grabs my arm and we walk out the diner. "I was thinking about that only bar you can find in storybrooke, but i think you know better than me if it's good." I can't take my eyes off of her as we continue walking. "Yes, let's go there for that drink you promised me. After that i'm taking you somewhere. Unlike you, Emma Swan..i came prepared." She gives me a cute and sensual look. After a short walk we arrive at the bar. "So this is where the fun happens around here?" I say loudly so Ruby can hear me. "Well, no, but they have alcohol so in that case; yes this is where the fun happens!" The music is loud but we can hear eachother laugh about the comment Ruby just made. We walk towards the bar tender where i order a beer and a white wine for my very pretty date. There aren't much people around here so we decide to sit down at one of the side tables, it's a tuesday evening so it isn't that weird..
"So mysterious lady, i think i know why you're here.." Ruby stares at me like she just solved a crime. "Yeah? and why is that?" I look back at her like we're at the police station. "You are Henry's birth mother, aren't you?!" -- "Good thinking, Sherlock! But yeah you're right...i am." She suddenly stares at me in pity. Maybe because i said it pretty sad. She shoves our glasses to the side and then reaches for my hand to hold it. She looks at me and gives me a sweet smile and asks "Why did you come back for him?" I look away, because i know i didn't come back for him, i never even searched for him. I thought i'd just forget about my baby, but i never did. i'm a horrible person.. "Ruby i-- i didn't come back for him. He found me and then Regina contacted me that he wanted to meet me. That's why i'm in storybrooke, because the child i gave up for adoption wants to know who i am." She squeezes my hand and is playing with my fingers to comfort me. "You made that decision years ago, but only you can change things. It seems that the mayor is fine with you and Henry, you can bond with him." She did comfort me with her voice and her words, she really cares and that feels good. "Yeah..maybe. I don't want to get in the way of their family..his family. I am the one who gave him up. He might hate me when he's older." -- "Let's get outta here, Em. It's time to take your mind out of it!" She stands up, walks to the other side of the table where i'm sitting and grabs ny hand. We flee out of the bar and i am surprised how well she runs on those heels..

It got very dark outside but the stars and the moon are shining bright. We run towards the edge of town and she escorts me into the forest. "Ruby where are we going, this is the forest and you're on 5 inch heels!" I stop and realize i'm panting very loud. I shouldn't work at the office so much anymore. I need to get back in the field and actually fight crime. Henry did call me a hero, after all. "Don't worry Emma, i am used to my 5 inch heels. And you need to run some more." She jokes, while getting some leaves out of the way. 'We arrived.' She says and i look right into the open field when i see some high wooden poles hammered into the ground in a square. There are a lot of light bulbs attached from one pole to the other, which gives the dark square a bright spotlight. On the ground theres a fleeceplaid, with a few lanterns with candles placed on each point. In the middle of the plaid i can see a bucket of ice with a bottle of wine in it. My eyes widen as i see this amazingly romantic sight and finally Ruby walks pass me with a small basket with strawberries and chocolate. "O my god, this is beautiful." I mumble because it's hard to say a word. Nobody ever done this for me so i have no idea how to react to this. "Well i guess you like it then? The poles are always here, so i decorated them. Come, let's have some wine." She grabs me by the hand and i just follow like a lost puppy. We sit down in the middle of the square and Ruby pores me some wine. "I didn't expect you to be such a romantic." I tell her surprised. "And i didn't expect you even liked to be romanced." She looks at me with her beautiful eyes when suddenly i can't help but only see Regina's eyes, so i look away and take a sip of my wine. What the fuck just happend? Ruby is perfect and i'm thinking about Regina. Snap out of it Swan..
The rest of the night is amazing and we talk about everything we've ever been through. It feels great to be around Ruby, it's like i know her for years just by looking at her. We lay down on our backs and look at the stars when she turns to her side. I can't help but follow and turn to my side to face her. Our eyes meet, my hand is looking for hers, i finally feel her hand holding mine and she's playing with my fingers. She bites her lip when staring at mine. She pulls my waist closer to hers and i can feel her breathing. I reconnect her eyes with mine as her face comes closer, our noses touch and finally i feel her beautiful soft lips on mine. I roll over and she lays on top of me, kissing me slowly as i feel her tongue trying to get in. I give in to the gesture and i hear her moan a little bit. I can't help but smile in between kisses and she does too. This feels so good.. i think to myself reminding that it's been a while since someone kissed me.
After 45 minutes that felt like only seconds, i hear noises coming from the shrubs. "What was that?" I ask a little frightnend. "Oh those are the wolves, they awaken at night." She says with a very serious straight face. "Are you serious? Then what are we doing here? Get behind me, i hear one over there.." i stand up and jump before Ruby facing the shrubs. After a minute it's moving faster and it makes a lot of noise. When finally it shows itself and an owl is flying away. "Really Ruby? A wolf?" I look behind me and see Ruby grin at me. "There are no wolves here Em, but it's very sweet you wanted to protect me, haha!" I turn around and fall back on the plaid next to Ruby. "You're getting punished for this" I say when i tickle her to death. "Aaaaah, no Emma quit it you!..aaahahah Aaah stop i can't handle this!" I quit tickling her and we both start laughing when i finally notice the time on my phone, so does Ruby. "Oh my god my granny is going to kill me if i show up late for work in the morning." --"Yeah, we should go. I had an amazing night, thank you for all of this." I give her a kiss on her cheek before cleaning up the square. "You too Emma. I like you.." she looks away shy, right after she said it. I pull her face back to me with my fingers. "I like you too, Ruby." I whisper as i feel her lips on mine again.

We arrive back in the diner and we say goodnight. As she walks away i grab her arm and reach in for a goodnight kiss. We both smile and calling it a day..
I'm probably gonna sleep like a rose tonight.

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