My little Delinquent

By LeeMi-Nah

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Chihiro Kugayama lives a double life: an ordinary school girl and a Gang leader. Her parents disappeared with... More

My little Delinquent
Chapter Two - Practice match
Chapter three - Don't underestimate us
Chapter Four - A little adventure never killed anyone
Chapter Five - Strength Willpower and Fight
Chapter Six - Caught up in a storm
Chapter Seven - In the unlikely event. . .
Chapter 8 - A long road ahead
Chapter Nine - Relax, let's play awhile
Chapter Ten - A parent's wish
Chapter Twelve - Values

Chapter One - Welcome to my life

1.3K 50 5
By LeeMi-Nah

"Wait my blossming darling! You have blood in your hair!" Shuugo yelled at me as he grabbed the collar of my shirt. "I am going to be late if you persist to primp me Nii - Sama." I said lightly as he dragged me over to the sink. "I can't let you go to school with blood in your hair! What the other kids would think!" He said flamboyantly. My brother is actually the complete opposite. He is strong, free spirited and can scare the living hell out of anyone who comes near him. He is my absolute roll model. I ducked down as he ran the tap, spraying my hair through. I was surprised by the large amount of red colouring that escaped my head, I didn't think I had fought that hard. "Honestly, what would you do without me?" Shuugo said as he stood me up straight, running a towel through my hair. I opened my mouth but shut it quickly as the door bell rang. "Masa! Grab the door!" My brother's booming voice commanded. "GOT IT!" Masaomi yelled as I heard him pound down the stairs. . . I live in a household of boys. . . Most of which are my age or Shuugos. This is only taking into consideration the main house. We live on a big property and the rest of the gang lives on the property in different houses. Only the members closest to us live in the main house. In addition, our gang accounts three women in total that participate in gang activities; Myself, Yuui and Hina. There are other women in the 'gang' but they are just the girlfriends or wives of some of the members. "Who is it?" I called to the man in his early twenties. "A boy named Murasakibara and this other weird boy that I've never seen before!" Masaomi yelled to me. I sighed, I had thought a member from the generation of miracles would come and pick me up. . . Ever since the day Midoriama said "The door has been opened", the boys haven't left me alone for even a second. They pester me to teach them and practice with them and though I have declined they still pushed. Akashi also wishes for me to join a high school team for basketball. I am attending Kaijo High and I have no clue if I can actually join them; probably not though. "There all perfect!" Shuugo exclaimed as he let me go, tapping me on the backside as I walked towards the front of the house. "Don't touch me like that you pervert." I snapped at him before nearly running into Fade. "Good morning Master." He greeted as he bowed to me. Fade is two years older than me. His newly given job is to come pick me up from school; Shuugo and the others tease him and call him my babysitter. He gets mad but I know he doesn't mind watching after me. "Good morning Fade - Kun. I will be seeing you later?" I asked as I continued walking down the hall. "Yes. I will be there unless ordered otherwise." "There better not be an otherwise!" Shuugo yelled to me. I let out an audible sigh and waved over my shoulder as I stepped outside. "Chii-Chin." Murasakibara greeted. I smiled at him, he's still eating sweets at this time of day. Nothing about him has changed much. "Ohayo Mura - Chan. What brings you here so early?" The large boy munched on his treat and took a swallow before answering. "Akashi - Chin had asked us all to meet up before school." This didn't surprise me too much. I had a feeling Akashi would stick his nose into our business before entering high school. "Hello. My name is Himuro Tatsuya." A boy from beside Murasakibara introduced. In all honesty I nearly forgot he was walking with us. "My name is Kugayama Chihiro. It's nice to meet you Himuro - San." I replied as I shook his outstretched hand. He seems like a nice enough boy. Himuro wears his hair long to one side, covering his eye. I ponder what colour his eyes actually are. They look that of a near grey colour but perhaps they are hazel? "What are you looking at, Chii - Kun?" Himuro asked, snapping me into attention. I had been looking at him for too long. "Nothing." I replied simply as I silently questioned his informality towards me. "You guys are late." Midoriama said from his spot on the park bench. "Aka - Kun is not even here yet. We aren't late unless he is here before us." I replied to the boy. Midoriama and I understand each other well, but we tend to argue a lot. It's not my fault that he's so pensive about everything!

A large hand suddenly landed on my head; ruffling my damp hair. Murasakibara does this when he doesn't want me to start a fight. . . There have been an occasion or two where things have gotten very violent between Akashi and I and I am sure Murasakibara doesn't want that to happen today. "It's okay. I won't start a fight today, I promise." I told the boy gently as I removed his hand from my head. None of them know about my family or that I am a gang leader; I know that they have questioned my background, but none of them have had the courage to ask me. It is not like I would tell them anyways. They would run off if I told them who I really am. "Whoever your friend is, you might want to tell him to leave before Akashi gets here." Aomine said to Murasakibara. "Chiiihiiroooicchii!" Kise screamed from somewhere rather close. Before I knew it, I stumbled backwards as Kise tackled me into a running hug. I gripped the boy tightly so I wouldn't fall. "Kise - Kun you are really energetic this morning." I laughed as I patted his head. He made this funny purring noise and rubbed his head against my abdomen. I like to reference him to my dog or cat since he follows me around everywhere. It's sorta adorable; but I would never admit that to him. "Ryota you have exactly five seconds to remove yourself from her before I do it for you." Akashi's dark voice said. The blond kitty removed himself quickly and didn't argue with the order given to him. I looked around absently and saw poor Himuro siting on a bench alone, looking down at his phone. I am going to have to apologize to him later. "What do you want Aka - Kun?" I asked lazily as I sat down beside Kuroko, who has stayed quiet as per usual. "What did I tell you about calling me that?" "Not to, but you don't scare me like you do everyone else. We've been over this Aka - Kun. You can't push me around and you will always lose against me." "Kuga - Kun." Midoriama warned me. I smirked to myself, I am pushing the boundaries now. Akashi hates losing more than anything and when I remind him how many times he has already lost to me he gets very angry. "Yeah, yeah. I'll stop for now. I made a promise not to start a fight today." I said lightly. "What are we here for?" Aomine asked, wanting to get straight to the point. "You are all joining the basketball teams at your school." The red haired boy said, a scary edge to his tone. This is not a question, it is an order. The other boys nodded as I closed my eyes and leant my head against the back of the bench. "And you Chihiro?" Akashi asked. "You do realize I can't join a boy's basketball team." I wasn't surprised when I got grabbed by the front of the shirt and pulled upwards. When I opened my eyes, I found myself looking into Akashi's red and yellow eyes. "You will join a team." "If you do not let me go in five seconds, I will hurt you." I said to him seriously. I may hide the fact that I am a gang leader, but but I do not hide my strength. Last time we fought, Akashi ended up with a broken arm. The both of us stared each other down and I can feel the tension in the others beginning to grow. "Ryota." Akashi said, not taking his eyes away from mine. "H-hai?" Kise replied. "Get this girl onto Kaijo's basketball team. I don't care what you have to do. Make it happen and as for you." He said as he now is directing me. "I want to see you at least one afternoon a week." "Do I have to?" I grumbled. "If I let you out of my sight for too long, you'll do troublesome things." He replied. This is going to be a pain. If I actually do end up on Kaijo's basketball team, I am going to have to shift my schedual around completly to accomidate my 'other' activities. "What are you my dad?" I asked mockingly. "Just do it Chirhiro." "Wednesday at Sakai Park, for one hour only." "Kansai park, Wednesday and for an hour." He countered. "Fine." He let me go then and I smoothed out my uniform. "Good. You are all dismissed then. I'll call you again if I need anything." Akashi said as he walked off. "We didn't even need to be here." Aomine whined. "You're such a complainer." I said as I waved at Himuro to come over and join us. He seemed to have been watching us. "So you are going to Kaijo?" Kuroko asked me. I am surprised he has to ask this. Considering I am wearing Kaijo's uniform. "Yeah, I got accepted there for my painting abilities." Well. . . And several other aspects but I can't tell them about those "I'm going to school. Ja ne." Aomine said, obviously bored with us. "See you." Midoriama added as he as well left. I rolled my eyes, as per usual they always strayed from our group. In middle school the generation of miracles slowly began to drift apart, but the links we have with each other are not gone. They still respect each other greatly, but now that everyone is on different teams, I can sense the uneasiness. "Himuro - San, I'm sorry you had to wait by yourself while we talked." I apologized. He smiled kindly "It's okay. It was nice to finally meet Chii - Kun." I bit my lip and kept my blush under control as I turned and motioned for Kise to follow me. "Let's go kiddo. We have classes." "Chihiroiichi is attending myyy school!" Kise cheered, snapping back into his happy self. Things are better when Akashi is not around, but if they just stood up to him, they wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.

I ran my hand right across my canvas, watching the vibrant red colour stain the white background. "Red again. . ." I sighed as I absently brushed my hair back with my paint filled hand. Classes haven't been too bad. Kise is in most of them so it is tolerable, but all the girls glare at me because he only fawns over me. The blond kitty is model and with that comes the grotesque popularity from the girls. I think he even has a fan club dedicated just to him, according to the whispering I've heard today anyways. "There you are!" Kise exclaimed as I head the classroom door open. "I wasn't hiding." I replied as I covered my paint can. "You were supposed to meet me in the gym. I convinced the coach to give you a shot." I turned and ruffled his hair before stepping out of the room. "You did now?" Kise isn't the brightest kid out there. Either the coach is a real push over or. . . "Well Kasamatsu - Senpai helped me out a little." he admitted. Ah, now that sounds more realistic. I knew he wouldn't fail; since Akashi would have killed him if he were to, but I knew he couldn't do it alone.

"Wahh! What a pretty girl!" A tall boy exclaimed as he ran over to us as we entered the gym. "Hey now! Chihiroiichi is mine." Kise said as he blocked the boy from hugging me. "So this is her?" Another boy asked. "Hai! Hai! Chihiroiichi, this is our captain Kasamatsu - Senpai." "It's nice to meet you Kugayama - San." Kasamatsu said kindly, holding his hand out to me. I took it, but my hand was quickly snatched away by the boy who tried to hug me. "I'm Moriyama. Is there anything I can do for you princess?" I felt like I was in a host club of some sort instead of in the gym. Do these guys actually know how to play? "Rebound, I'll get them all!" This boy yelled as he came over to see what was going on. "That's Hayakawa. I am sure you can guess what position he plays." Kasamatsu sighed. I nodded, that boy must be a power forward. He gives off the impression of having a lot of energy, so it would make sense if he were in that position. "My name is Kobori." A tall boy introduced, pulling me gently away from his weird girl obsessed friend. "Hello Kobori - Senpai. It is nice to meet you." I said as Kise suddenly grabbed my shoulders and steered me towards the bench. A large man sat there, it is obvious that we was watching me get introduced to the main team. Kakeuchi Genta, history teacher at Kaijo. I feel like I've seen him before. . . "Let me be clear. I am only letting you try because our ace and captain both said you are more than capable of playing. Although I highly doubt that you are, as you don't have any past history in the sport and you are only known for being the generation of miracles play toy." I stared at the man and something clicked inside my brain. He's friends with one of the gang members wives. If I remember correctly he waited too long to confess to Reina, so she got taken away by Kai. "Coach." Kasamatsu said with a warning tone. "It's fine." I said as I leant forwards so that I was looming over the fat man. "I will take any challenge of yours and crush it. You don't know me or my past. It is true that I don't know a lot about basket ball and that I have a relation ship with the boys from Teiko's middle school basket ball team, but that is none of your buisness. So shut your trap and give me my challenge before you see how scary I can really be." His large beady eyes widened and sweat began to form on his forehead. I am starting to think he remembers seeing me around the Kagayama property. Reina has let him onto the property before but he was forbidden to go anywhere near the main house. He must have seen me leaving, because his eyes show me a certain amount of recognition. "I want a one on five match. If you get one basket, you can have anything you want." "Coach!?" Hayakawa exclaimed. "Isn't that a little too hard?" Moriyama asked. I smirked then slid off my jacket. It is interesting that he has given me the same challenge Akashi did three years ago. "Fine by me." I said as I made my way out onto the court. "There is no possible way." Kasamatsu muttered as he took his position as point guard. "I am not going to lose to you again Chihirocchi." Kise said as he stood to he left of Kobori. I flashed him a get ready look. A first year on the second string toddled over with a ball. He gives me a look over before waiting for the whistle to sound. I bent myself into a crouched position then jumped as the whistle blew. Kobori jumped as well but he was just a tad bit too slow. I scooped the ball from the hair and bolted right away, cleanly swirling around him. "No way are you getting past me!" Hayakawa yelled. I rolled my eyes and tricked him, feinting right and then going left. "Hey now, it seems like you guys really don't want me on your team." I said as I dribbled on the spot. Staring down both Kise and Kasamatsu. Kise didn't say anything like he usually would, but I can see the stress lines beside his eyes. He wants to win.

I brought the ball far to my left, Kasamatsu following me as he thought I was going to push forwards but I changed directions last moment and pushed between the gap he had created for me to step through. Kise was not so gullable as he had played me in the past. He steped back swiftly and got into my path, but lucky for me, no matter how hard he has tried, he can't copy my movements. I moved up so close to him that our faces were only a few inches apart before moving to his left and driving forwards. He was taken by surprise and by the time I got around him, I was already very close to the net. Kobori stepped into my road and double teamed me again with Moriyama. "Sorry boys, but this game is going to end here." I jumped and fell backwards into a near horizontal position before shooting the ball up above the wall the two boys had created. It soared high and then landed cleanly into the net behind them. I landed on my back but then sprung up quickly and headed over to a first year boy that was holding a clipboard. "May I borrow this?" I asked him. He blushed and nodded passing it to me immediately. I scribbled on it quickly then moved towards the coach, thrusting it into his hands. "These are my terms. Remember that you were the one who said I could have whatever I wanted if I won." He read it over and I could see the gears turning in his head. "Arms up!" Kise exclaimed from behind me. I did as I was told and felt a shirt drop down on me. I looked down at the jersey he dropped down on me and noted that I am player twelve. "What did you ask for?" Kasamatsu asked as he leaned on my shoulder. "Do you agree to those terms?" I asked the man. "I have no choice in the matter." He said bitterly; obviously upset that he underestimated me. I grinned then tilted my head back to look at my teammates. "Meet your new manager, trump card and co - coach." I told them. "So you are not on the first string?" Kobori asked. "No. I will only enter games if I am desperately needed, otherwise it won't be a game anymore. I want to make you guys a strong team and I can do that if I am primarily your coach and manager." I replied. "Welcome to the team. I look forwards to working with you." Kasamatsu said as he nudged me. "I won't mope this time because me losing meant that I actually won." Kise said as he kissed my forehead. I rolled my eyes and gave high fives to the other members, maybe being on the Kaijo basketball team won't be as bad as I thought.

"Hey are you ready to go out?" Shuugo asked me as he poked his head into my room. "Yeah." I replied as I fastened my Katana to my back. My brother has accepted me being on the basketball team as long as I don't forget about my duties here with the team. "Where are we going tonight?" I asked him as I followed him down the hall and out into the yard. "There's a report that Ira is lurking around the more populated area of town. We need to insure that they don't intend to hurt any pedestrians." Ira is a highly defensive gang that will kill anyone that wanders into their territory. Most of the civilians don't know the boarders of the gang territories and it is especially hard because Ira's territory is so small, yet, they are one of the most violent gangs. "Chiii -Chan!" Yuui exclaimed as she waved me to come with her. "Yo. I missed you at school today." I told her as I brought up my mask, running along beside her. "I missed you too. It's too bad that I go to Yosen and you go to Kaijo." She said, her eyes wrinkling, telling me she is frowning behind her mask. "You two can talk about this later. We have a job to do." Akito said as he ran along beside me, his red hair flipping around in the wind. "Sure pretty boy, anything you want." I said as I jumped to another roof top. Akito lives in the main household with us. He is known as the 'pretty boy' since he is fawned over by a lot of girls. A figure moved to my far right and I could immediately tell that they were not part of our hunting party. I made a hand motion to Akito, telling him to circle wide right. He nodded silently and drifted apart from Yuui and I. "He's hunting someone. Daiki is saying that there is some teenage boys below that are about to walk into Ira territory." Yuui relayed, listening to Daiki in her earpiece. Yuui's specialty is communication and far range fighting. I have to get in there quickly because this Ira member did not come alone. "Faster Master." Kaito said through my earpiece. Kaito is our surveilance. "Yes. I got the targets." I said as I jumped down from the roof and landed in front of the pedestrians. "Oh?" A deep familiar voice asked. "Shit. It's the two guys who came by the house this morning." Kaito said to me. Even if I do turn around, they are not going to know who I am due to the heavy mask I am wearing, but still, the possiblity that they might figure me out is still there. "You need to leave." I said to them. Keeping my back to them and listening to my surroundings. "Eh? But I can get home faster if I go this way." Murasakibara whined. If they go this way? They have been through this territory before? "Who are you anyways? I don't know who you are, but I assure you that this road is safe." Himuro informed me. I had the urge to hit him over the head, this street is anything but safe, but a figure dropped down in front of us. "How many?" I asked softly. "Around your perimeters. About five. Most of the Ira moved to fight against your brother." Kaito replied. I straightened myself then pulled out my Katana, letting it hang limply at my side. "Let them through." I told the guy who was staying in the shadows. "And what if I don't 'Raven of the night'?" he asked, using my street name. I stuck my free hand out to the left as Himuro and Murisakibara tried to move around me. "If you move past me then I won't be able to protect you." I told the two boys, hoping to scare them into not stepping forwards again. It isn't as if I couldn't pull them to safety or step in front of them before that guy pulls his gun out from behind his back, but if they stayed still it would make my life easier. "She's right. If you move then you two will be the first to die." The man said, stepping into the dim light emitting from the lamp poles. His hair is absolutely erratic, blue with spots of green and yellow. This didn't surprise me too much. Ira is known for their hair colour just as we are known for our ancient weaponry. Each gang has a token that differentiates us. We have evolved since the time we used to always wear gang flags. "What?" Himuro asked. The boy on the other side smirked. "Have you never seen a gang before? We are delinquents. We hunt and we kill. Mainstream kids are too goody!" He laughed cynically then signalled the others with his hand. Five people dropped down from the rooftops and trees. I can easily see the weapons they are holding, concealed behind their backs. Himuro and Murisakibara probably cannot see them but I can now sense their uneasiness. "You have to get them out of there now!" Kaito yelled into my ear. I didn't have to be told twice. Something or someone is coming and they are approaching quickly. I turned and grabbed both the boys wrists, my hand just able to grab them both. Arrow flew down as I sped the three of us forwards. Akito is close. "What the hell! Get that bitch!" the boy cried. I cut down one of his members with my katana. "Where are we going?" Murasakibara asked. "Just shut up and move." I snapped as I turned the corner. Even though they are both athletes they are panting heavily since we are moving at a more vigorous pace than usual. I pushed them into an alley and made them sit behind a dumpster. "Promise me you won't move from here until I tell you it's safe." "I don't get what's going on but it's dangerous for a girl to go out there all alone." Himuro said, eyeying me cautiously. "I will be fine. Just stay put alright. Don't say anything and do not move under any circumstances." I ordered moving away from their hiding spot right as the Ira group found me. "You sure do run fast." One member panted, blood spread across his white tunic. There are only three boys in the alley, three must have died. "The threat is gone. Shuugo says to eliminate the ones on you and then get the boys home safely." Kaito said quietly. "Is Akito and Yuui safe?" "Yes. They will be awaiting you at home. I will meet you when you are finished to escort you home Master." I nodded to myself then turned my full attention towards the group of boys. "I'll give you a chance to leave now but I won't show you any mercy if you choose to attack." The boy from before scoffed then pulled out his gun. "I'll drag your sorry body back to my gang and then hang you up in front of our mantle." The two boys flanking him pulled out their weaponry: throwing knives and a revolver. "You asked for it." I muttered, springing forwards. The boy shot at me aiming for my heart. His aim is excellent, well above average but it's too bad that my skills are much higher than his. I brought the Katana up deflecting the bullet off to the side. "Kill her!" The main boy yelled motioning for his buddies to get into gear. The boy with the knives flew at me, slashing around like a fish out of water. "Very sloppy." I said as I cleanly cut him across the neck, cutting off one of his main arteries. Not giving the other boy too much of a chance, I cleanly finished him off too. A bullet flew towards the dumpster but luckily it only knicked the side. "That leaves just you and me." I said to the boy with blue hair. His eyes were wide with fear now; all his ulterior ego vanished. "Damn you! I'll kill you myself!" He shot at me, pulling out another gun. I had to dance around the bullets to reach him but when I got to him, I grabbed him by the front of the shirt, kneeing him in the stomach. He recoiled in pain and knelt to the ground. "I hope you are happy to have fought me, but it is unfortunate that you weren't much of a challenge." I said, plunging my katana right into his heart. He gurgled blood out of his mouth then said some profanities about me before actually dying. "Good job. Natsume will be by to dispose of the bodies." Kaito's soft voice told me. The police in our area know about the gang fights and leave us to do whatever we please. This is one of the unnamed agreements between us and them. As long as a civilian doesn't get hurt then we can go along about our business and the cops won't interfere. I pulled my Katana out of the corpse and walked over to their hiding spot. "Are you two alright?" I asked, bending down to look at Murasakibara who has his head resting on his knees. "He'll be alright. I think my ankle is twisted though." Himuro said to me. I frowned and motioned for him to show me his foot. He propped it up into my cupped hands and cringed as I inspected it. Damn it. I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt here. "Here I'll help you." I grabbed his forearm and heaved him up, swivelling him around me so that he can climb up onto my back. "What are you doing?" he asked. "I'm going to escort you home. Plus you can't walk on your swollen foot." He had probably twisted it while we were running. I hadn't noticed since I was so focused on just getting them out. I slid the case to my Katana off, sliding the weapon inside. "Come on we don't have all day." I pestered at him. He sighed then climbed up onto my petite frame. He is about a full foot taller than I am, but I am tall enough that his feet don't touch the floor. "Come on big guy." I told Murisakibara gently as I held my free hand out to him. He took it immediately without hesitating. It is weird to see him so vulnerable, he is usually so collected.

We walked in silence. My breathing is heavier than usual but it isn't uncomfortable. Murisakibara has been leading me towards the direction of his house and for once, he was not eating. "You're nearly there." Kaito told me, following along on the rooftops. I nodded absently and shifted Himuro's weight on my back. "It's here." Murasakibara said to me as he stopped. "I am going to let you down now." I told Himuro as I let him slide down gently onto one foot. "Ano. . . Thank you for saving us." Himuro said nervously as I replaced my weapon onto my back. "It's my job." I replied simply as I took my handkerchief out of my pocket and wiped some blood off his face. He must have gotten splattered by the man I cut down earlier. "Are all gang like that?"Murisakibara questioned. "No. We're not all bad." The door to his house suddenly flew open and I could see the shape of a tall woman standing at the door. She must be Murisakibara's mother. I placed the handkerchief in Himuro's hand before stepping back into the darkness. "Throw it away when you are finished with it." I told him before running down the street. "Hey wait!" Himuro hollered after me but I ignored him, I can't let myself become revealed. Kaito jumped down beside me when I was a good distance away from the house and ran along side me. "Shuugo wants to talk to you when we get in." he said. I nodded and pushed forwards. I hope everyone at home is safe.

"Chiiro." Akito greeted, using the nickname he had made for me. I smiled brightly at him while pulling down my mask. "You had some good shots back there. Your training has been proven to be helpful." He stook his tongue out at me then nudged my shoulder gently. "Chihiro. Has the deed been done?" Shuugo asked, pulling off his white shirt. "Yes. Himuro - San and Mura - Chan are home safely." My brother nodded then paced around the room while the rest of the gang watched him. Something is troubling him. "How many did you kill?" He said after a long pause. "Three." Kaito shifted on his feet beside me, which made me feel uneasy. "There was a fourth following you. Not from Ira but from Yodai." Kai said leaning agaisnt the far wall. I frowned at this: Yodai are cheaters. They are truly every gang's worst nightmare. "Why would they be following me?" "We don't know. It was a young fellow from what I could scope out. Our age probably." Kaito told me. "We need to be careful. If they are targeting us then we need to be sure to keep everyone here safe. Yuui, since you are at those two boys' school, watch over them and make sure they don't get attacked." Shuugo said as he stopped his pacing. "We are under survailence outside of our territory. Everyone be careful, keep yourself armed at all times and refrain from going anywhere alone. Chihiro, Kaito and Akito will be attending your school, please be cautious when you are at your afterschool activites." I walked forwards and gave him a hug, not caring that I am probably getting blood on his skin. His arms wrapped around me tightly then petted my head affectionately. It is moments like this where I wonder what my life would be like if I weren't scared of losing my brother. We are being hunted and I don't know what I would do if my brother were to leave. . .

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