Magi! The Hayashida Sisters

By TheGreyWolf2508

160 4 13

The Hayashida Sisters, The daughters of Balto​ Hayashida, the Red Wolf King, and Chiyoko Hayashida, the Leopa... More

The Hayashida Sisters Bio [UPDATE]
Ch. 1: The Hybrid Island [UPDATE]

Prologue: Three Miracle Sisters are Born

22 1 0
By TheGreyWolf2508

A/N: this is just a prologue of the beginning of the story, just wanna tell you now enjoy.

Dark Grey Clouds are forming... Really huge...

Thunders are clapping... Loudly...

Lighting is showing... Very bright.....

The island is called The Hybrid Island, and it's having a heavy storm around the island... From The Hybrid Island, the Queen, name Chiyoko Hayashida: the White Leopard, scream in agony since..... it's time...

she screams again in pain as her husband, the King, name Balto Hayashida: the Red Wolf, held her hand tightly to his hand as he's right next to their king and queen size bed, "You're doing good, just breath calmly in and out." Balto whispers in her leopard ear as he helps her breathing calmly which succeed but she still has that pain look on her face.

The maid is cleaning blood that is coming out of her as the other maids are getting more warm towels to help Chiyoko "I-It hurts... so much..." Chiyoko said as she cries, Balto saw this and kiss her forehead, "I know sweetheart, but you can get through this. I know you can." Balto told her courageously as he wipes her tears away and smiles at her, which she smiles weakly back.

"Alright sweetheart, you can do this, now push," Balto said as she pushes which pains her and scream really, really loud in the Castle as the lighting strike and glowed around the Castle which made the villagers turn their heads to the Castle with worry in their eyes.

"Mama, is the Queen going to be okay?" A shaken 5-year-old girl asked her mother as she gripped onto her mother's dress tightly, the mother looked at the glowing Castle then looked at her daughter and smiles softly.

"Our Queen is alright, it's just... The time has come." the mother told her daughter as she kneels to her daughter's height and pat her head, the daughter look at her mother's eyes and saw her eyes soften which made the daughter smile, and then she ran and get up on a bunch of empty crates and get everybody's attention.

"Let's help the Queen!" The mother's daughter yelled to the villagers which made them turn their heads to the 5-year-old who is standing on the huge crates "Let's give her our energy so she can make it!" the 5-year-old yelled again as she and her mother took out a golden amulet that they got from the King and Queen then raise it up in the air as it glowed yellow.

Then all the villagers took out the different color amulets that they got from the King and Queen as well. They raised the amulets up in the air as each amulet glow different colors, and then the beam of rukh went up to the air and it combines into colorful rukhs that you'll never be seen before.

They went around the Castle combining with the glow that the lighting hit, and then the rukhs shine even brighter which made the villagers cover their eyes as the light still shines really bright, then the glowing died down. Dark Grey clouds disappeared. Black yet filled with blanketed of stars sky is showing.

And year after year, the second one was born, and then the third one was born...

A few years later, in the Castle, some babies cries were echoed through the hallways, until they stopped for a bit. To the Kings and Queens bedroom...

Chiyoko's POV

There they are, one small baby in Balto's arm and another one small baby in my arms sleeping peacefully, "Look at them, they're so beautiful." I whisper since they're sleeping, "They're a miracle..." Balto whisper as we looked at their sleeping faces, our 4-year-old daughter, Seiko Snow Hayashida, was looking at her 1-year-old sister, but I didn't name her yet, "Do you want to hold her, Seiko?" I asked her quietly, she looked shocked but shakily nodded so I gave the baby to her and she carefully and gently carries her, then she smiled softly seeing her little sister peaceful face, "What should we name them?" Balto asked me as he transforms into a Red wolf so he can carry the child with his long red fluffy tail, also to keep her warm, "How about you pick a name Balto? Since you wanted to do it so badly." I said with a hint of playfulness in my voice which made Balto pout.

"I did not say that, well maybe I did but I'll choose." Balto said which made me giggle "Alright, how about the youngest will be named... Sayua Gem Hayashida..." Balto said, making me smirked a little, "So, you're naming her after your older sister?" I asked as my smirk grew wider when I saw Balto blushed a little bit, "Hey! I can't find a perfect name so I pick my sister's name. Plus... I think it suits her when she grows up, it means swift and fast, as you know, an arrow," Balto said as he looks at the youngest baby sleeping face and smiles, "What about you? What do you want to name the little girl?" Balto asked me as I think what name should I gave them until I figure it out.

"Miyuki... Miyuki Faith Hayashida..." which my husband heard me "Miyuki?" Balto asked which made me look at him and smile to him calmly, "Yes. It will be a perfect name for her. It means snow and moon." I said, looking at Miyuki's dark blue (left) and pale ruby (right) eyes who wake up, and I smile making Miyuki smile back showing her little fangs and made a tiny baby giggle sounds, which made me giggle softly at her adorable self.

"Watch out world, the Hayashida sisters will change the world!" Balto said which made me laugh, I look into Miyuki's eyes, "One day, you'll find someone that will love you just the way you are, just you wait. You two will find your loved ones too, I just know it." I said as I kiss Miyuki forehead and let her sleep in Seiko's arms which made me smile, Balto walked up to me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips still carrying a baby with his tail. 

And then all of the sudden, we saw a lot of different color rukh circling around our little ones, meaning they're not just hybrids, "Looks like they are Magi's, like my mother and me." I said as I look as Miyuki's sleeping face and seeing Seiko yawning then laying down with Miyuki by her side and both of them fall asleep immediately, "And like my old papa and me." Balto said as he looks at Sayua, then he went to the other side of our bed and lay right next to me as he looks at my light blue eyes as I look at his dark red eyes

"When they grow up, they're gonna change the world..." Balto whispered to me as he put his forehead on mine, making me giggle softly "I know Balto... I know..." I said as we put our little ones in the middle of us so we can protect them at night "Goodnight, Chiyoko." Balto whispered to me as kiss my lips, then he fell asleep, "Goodnight Balto. Goodnight my little ones..." I said as I fell asleep letting all the rukh swarming around us, glowing brightly in the night.

~One day, they'll change the world. Just you wait~

Well, I hope you guys like it, I'll do the next one but it will be long so you guys have to wait for it.
Bye-bye, my Pups!
And I hope you guys have an awesome day or night!!!

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