Forgetting About the Future (...

By nikkibrooks

621K 17.1K 15.3K

The wishing well is a very dark piece of magic that has been hidden for centuries. It has been rumored from t... More

The Wishing Well
Good Morning Death Threats
Progress...Sort Of
The Chamber
A Pang of Jealousy
Tensions Rising
Into the Forest
A Spark of the Fire
Twisted Thoughts
Falling Apart Under a Moonlit Sky
The Betrayal Begins
Making Bad Decisions
An Infatuation Of The Heart
Dirty Little Deeds
The Best of Intentions
Lets Watch the World Burn
Hymn Of The Broken Hearted
Fates Unknown
The Battle Begins
Powers Within
When All is Lost
The Future Holds No Happy Ending
Sequel Update

Lost In Time

14.2K 404 460
By nikkibrooks

Victories' POV

"Mrs. Weasley, I need to get out of here. I can't explain what happened but I'm okay. I need you to believe me." Victorie pleaded. "I don't think you understand the severity of your actions, dear. The future is not something to be messed with. Whatever you did in the past, changed things. But not for the better. Every death eater is on the lookout for you right now. Word got around about you, about all this time travel nonsense. They all want to be the one to return you to him. In our time, because of how you altered the past, Voldemort has spent all these years looking for you. He killed Harry's parents and tried to kill Harry because of a memory of you saying his name." Mrs. Weasley explained with a sort of disdain present on her face.

"I don't understand, if I altered the future, how could you remember the way it was before?" Victorie asked while tugging carefully at the restraints around her wrists. "Dumbledore is to thank for that. Before he died he gave everyone in the order a tonic. He said it was for hard times that would surely come. Whatever was in it preserved our memories. This is why you must not fall in to the hands of those death eaters. They don't know the truth. And neither does Voldemort. We've got to keep you hidden, dear. For you own safety as well as everyone else's."

"Hide me, lock me up, do whatever you must. But please don't let them kill my baby. You're a mother, Molly. Please." Victorie begged, trying anything to sway her support. "You have no idea of the mess you've got yourself in." Mrs. Weasley said walking out of the door. Victorie had run out of options and knew she would have to do something quick. She could hear many raised voiced down below all arguing over what would be the best option for handling the situation.

Victorie needed a way to call upon the Death eaters searching for her. It was by far not the best plan she ever had but at the moment it seemed to be the only solution out of this mess. She glanced down at the Dark mark on her arm and decided to give it a try. Using all of the energy she possessed, Victorie focused hard on the mark. She didn't know if this method would work or not but she had to give it a try. After a while the dark mark started burning on her arm.

The arguing downstairs raged on, from what Victorie could hear, Hermione was the only person even remotely standing up for her. Everyone else thought the baby should be killed, and some even voiced that Victorie herself could be killed or imprisoned. Victorie continued to focus on the dark mark, hoping she was reaching out to someone. It wasn't long until everyone came back into the room. This time however, a Ministry official was present too. "Victorie Davison, you are hereby under arrest of using dark magic and altering with the veil of time. You will immediately be transferred to Azkaban where you will await trial before the Ministry."

Lupin, Mr. Weasley, and Harry all surrounded the bed once the Ministry official was finished and began undoing the restraints. Once she was free from the bed, they hoisted her up and each kept a firm grip on her. Victorie fought against them the best she could trying to get free but it was no use. They dragged her to the door and down the stairs kicking and screaming. "The dementors will be here any minute to help escort her. We'll wait here until then." Lupin said shoving her onto the chair in the kitchen. Hermione sat down beside her and put a hand on her shoulder. "It'll be okay. Nobody blames you for what happened, we all know you were just trying to help. Everyone is just terrified right now of what's about to happen. They'll find a way to fix whatever he did you and you'll be set free." She said reassuringly. "You are all blinded by your ignorance." Victorie said loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. She was growing very sick of them treating her like a victimized child.

Before anyone could say anything back to her, there was what sounded to be an explosion upstairs. The immensity of it knocked many of them in the room to the ground. Before anyone could react to the situation several hooded figures walked in through the smoke now filling up the room. As they got closer Victorie recognised two of them. One was her former schoolmate, Draco Malfoy and his father. "I never thought I'd see the day where I would lower myself enough to step foot in this thing you call a home Weasley. But, it has been brought to my attention you have a very special guest with you. Where is the girl?" Lucius Malfoy said scanning the room until is eyes landed on Victorie. "You possess very strong magic my dear. No one, other than the Dark Lord himself, can send messages through the mark that way." He continued. The death eaters began circling room, surrounding Harry and the others.

"We won't let you take her, Malfoy." Mr. Weasley stated, drawing his wand. Lucius laughed and nodded his head at Draco like it was some sort of signal. "I would love to see you try and stop me." With that the whole room erupted in chaos. While they were all occupied in battling the death eaters Draco made his way to Victorie and grabbed her arm. Before she even had a chance to think they were no longer in the burrow and instead she was in what must be the Malfoy Manor. Lucius appeared shortly after her and Draco. "We need to be certain this is the right girl before we summon the Dark Lord. We can not afford any more mistakes." Lucius said and made his way over to Victorie. "I'm who you're looking for. I don't know how to explain any of this, but I'm the girl he wants. I can summon him myself if you would like. I just need a wand." Victorie could feel her pulse beating against every inch of her skin. She was improvising this whole situation and had no idea what she would do when she actually came face to face with Tom as Lord Voldemort. "Give her your wand, Draco."

Draco handed over his wand and Victorie took a deep breath and placed the tip to her skin. She wasn't completely sure how to summon Voldemort like this for she had never needed to with Tom before. Victorie closed her eyes and thought of Tom. The connection she felt through the dark mark was unbelievable. It was almost has if she could feel his presence with her. She opened her eyes and gave Draco his wand back. They all waited, standing in silence. Lord Voldemort arrived almost instantly.

The sight of him made Victorie want to cry. This was not the boy she feel in love with, this was not Tom Riddle. "Torie. It's really you. I never thought I'd see you again." He stepped closer to her and placed a hand on her cheek. As much as she wanted to recoil away from him she knew that would be a bad idea. However messed up this man was, somewhere deep down he was still Tom Riddle. "I need to go back, into the past again fix all of this." Victorie said trying to reason with him. "I finally found you, I'm not letting you go." Voldemort said in a harsh tone. "You don't understand, if I go back none of this will have happened. You have to listen to me. I don't belong here anymore. I need to go back so you never lose me to begin with." Victorie felt around in her pocket searching for the vial Tom had given her. Panic struck her when she could not find it. The vial must have fell out at the Burrow during all of the chaos.

"Keep her safe, Lucius. And do not let her out of your sight. I have something I need to go take care of and when I come back, if Victorie is no longer here, you won't live long enough to think about your mistake." Voldemort demanded, ignoring what she was saying. He took one last look at her before disaperating out of the room. "Take her to the dungeon, Draco. It's the only place we can keep her safe. Just see to it she gets appropriate accommodations." Lucius ordered. Draco walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder guiding her down to the dungeons. As she was walking tears began to stream down her face. The way things were looking she would never make it back to Tom.

Tom's POV

Tom had been in a frenzy ever since Victorie had been taken from him. It had not been five days yet but Tom could not wait. He needed to get to her. The only problem was that the potion he made her could only transport someone back to a time and place they had been to before. Meaning he could not make the same one for himself. The only reason for Victorie not returning to him immediately would be that she was in danger.

He scoured the Hogwarts library looking through every book he could find trying to find something on time travel. The few books that he could find all said the same thing, that time was not to be meddled with and that very few methods of time travel existed. Tom was running out of options so as a last resort he decided to go and see Professor Slughorn. He had helped him with information on Horcrux's that he needed. Perhaps he would be able to help with this as well.

Tom made his way to Slughorn as quickly as possible, composing himself before knocking on the door. "Tom, my boy, why on earth are you here at this hour?" Slughorn asked. "I'm sorry Professor. It's just that I was doing some homework and I came across something I found interesting. I was hoping you may be able to tell me more. You are after all, the wisest teacher here." Tom said, flatteringly. "This isn't anything like what you asked me about before, is it? Because I told you the last time I really shouldn't be talking to you about that kind of dark magic."

"No, sir. Nothing like that." Slughorn stood back and motioned for Tom to come in. "Come have a seat." He said, closing the door. "I was wondering if you knew anything about time travel." Tom asked, taking a seat. "Time travel? Why are you interested in such a thing?" Slughorn asked. "I was doing homework for History, and I was wondering. Why can't we just go back in time and fix something bad, or go to the future and discover our world at a different time? And what are some ways one could time travel?" He asked, trying to make the question seem as scholarly as possible. "Time travel is dangerous. We can not simple go back and alter the past for there would be dire consequences of doing so. Even traveling back as early as an hour could lead to unforeseen problems. As for the future, no one has ever been known to travel in time forward. There are limited ways one can even travel in time. Time turners of course are fairly well known but they can only take you so far. There are tonics that have been said to transport the drinker back in time. And of course, there are methods requiring dark magic." Slughorn explained.

"How do you learn of this?" Tom asked. "Many, many years of all sorts of research. And knowing the right people can always help." Slughorn said with a laugh. "So what are the methods using dark magic? I'm simply curious." Slughorn looked at Tom cautiously. "I fear your curiosity will one day get you in trouble, Tom." Tom forced a smile. "I crave knowledge, Professor. What's so bad about that?"

"Well how could I say no to that? If only your classmates had half your ambition to learn. Very well, there have been stories of wizards traveling through time by the use of dark magic. Again, I cannot stress enough that time is not something to be messed with. These wizards would combine magic with elements of the universe to bend time at their will. Of course these are only stories, no one knows for sure whether or not such methods are even possible." Slughorn explained, examining Tom every so often as if to make sure he wasn't taking all of this too seriously. Tom could tell he was holding back on a lot of information.

"If a person was to know of someone in the future whom they wished to get to, would that be possible? Or bringing that person to you?" Tom asked. "In theory, yes. If you were to have an object belonging to the person you could, in a way, summon the person to you. But this would require extremely dark magic and a very powerful wizard. And I'm not sure how a person would manage to get an object belonging to someone in the future. Dumbledore lent me a fascinating book once on time travel that had all of this information."

"Thank you, Professor. I think that's all I need to know for now." Tom stood up and went for the door. "You're welcome. Although, I daresay I'm scared to see what subject you'll be curious on next." Slughorn laughed and then said goodnight to Tom. Now knowing there was a possibility of him getting Victorie back he rushed to get back to the Slytherin dorms. He looked everywhere until he found the journal belonging to Victorie and headed to Dumbledore's office to steal that book Professor Slughorn mentioned. If all went well, Tom would be back with Victorie very soon.

Harry's POV

The Burrow was a complete mess when the Death eaters finally left and Victorie was gone. Because of Voldemort Harry had lost everyone in his life that he loved. He was now more determined than ever to find and destroy all of Voldemort's Horcruxs. He walked over to where Victorie had been sitting and looked around. Harry kept thinking about how he should have got to her before Malfoy.

He sat down in the chair and placed his head in his hands. Something then caught his eye on the floor. Harry bent down to pick it up. It was a small vial of liquid, shimmering slightly as he held it in the light.

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