What I'm Hiding - Horror!Edd...

By A_Spoonful_Of_Salt

60.8K 1.9K 1K

//most of this sucks// #1 in Bodyhorror 5/24/2019 "Demons are shifty and clever creatures. They find you in y... More

17. (H!E Bomb P.1)
18. (H!E Bomb P.2)
19. (H!E Bomb P.3)
20. (H!E Bomb P.4, Final)
The Phone Situation
25: Epilogue
Ending Author's Note


2.8K 96 65
By A_Spoonful_Of_Salt

//Edd's POV//

The silence was terrifying.
I could hear my heart beating. My blood pumping.
The combination left a low droning sound in my ears.

The literal sound of silence. I would've laughed if I wasn't so scared.

A sudden pain burst through my head. I tried to scream, but no sound arose.
I was left to writhe silently in the dark abyss.


//No one's POV//

Tom's pacing was interrupted by the slamming of the waiting room's door.
He glanced up at the slightly ruffled doctor.

The doctor sucked in a breath, most likely to calm himself. His gaze swept over the two worried males faces.

"Are you Edward Gold's acquaintances?"

Matt and Tom exchanged a glance.

Tom spoke up. "Yessir. Why?"

The doctor closed his eyes before looking straight into the voids that were Tom's eyes. "Your... 'friend' is experiencing a rather serious case of psychosis. He, ah, he attacked one of the nurses. She now occupies one of the rooms." His laugh was bitter and devoid of amusement, "Who new a little piece of glass could be so... lethal?"

The air around Tom suddenly got colder.

"Edd attacked someone." He repeated dumbly.

The doctor nodded. His next words were like knives through Tom and Matt's hearts.

"We're transfering Mr. Gold to a mental clinic. You won't be seeing him for a while. I'm terribly sorry." He didn't look sorry.

Matt's eyes teared up. "Mental clinic? You.. You mean an asylum, don't you?"

The doctor refused to look at the sniveling ginger, and went on with more bad news. "We also don't know what's causing the black substance, so we'll have to do a lot more 'tests' while he's in rehabilitation. Quite unfortunate, really. It'll most likely cause him more stress. He might have to stay longer than intended. Oh well."

Tom clenched  his hands into fists, keeping the onslaught of emotions at bay. Anger at the doctor's unsympathetic glare. Fear for what comes in the future. Sadness for what had become of Edd.
Matt wasn't as successful seeing as his silent tears turned into gross sobbing.

"Again, terribly sorry. Oh, and visiting time is over. Please leave the waiting room. Have a nice day." The doctor exited.

Terribly sorry, indeed.

//mmmm, you hear that? The sweet sound of readers' distress.
So delectable.
Terribly sorry, but I enjoyed writing this chapter//

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