Angel with a shotgun (on hold)

By thebigdreamer

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This is a story about an Angel, who failed his job as a protector. He messed up, so he decides to fly down to... More

Angel with a shotgun
Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
A/N Please Read!

Chapter two

825 39 10
By thebigdreamer


Since MegaxXxMonster did this cover, I´m going to dedicate this chapter to her! :)


-Are you a saint or a sinner?

Serena POV

She was preparing to punch me or something, and I closed my eyes. But the punch never really came, so I am surprised. In front of me stood that new boy, stopping Kirsten from punching me, I didn’t know what to do.

“Do you know that it’s against the law to hit someone?” he said with his deep voice. “I- I” she stuttered, wordless.

“I was just talking to her, right Serena?” she said and faked an obvious smile. Her glare said to me that I was going to be in trouble if I didn’t agree with her.

“Well, obviously, you’re faking a smile, trying to get her to agree with you” he said angry, and the girl was scared. Her face told me that he read her mind. “Well, see you later, why don’t you sit with us later, when we have lunch? You don’t want to sit next to that freak” she said in a bitchy tone, referring me.

That hurt my feelings, for some reason, I felt good around him. He was different, I guess.

“Thank you” I said, pretty quiet, unsure if he heard. “No problems” he said and smiled with that killer smile again.

“What’s your name?” he asked. “Serena” I replied, short and clear. Hope that he don’t think that I don’t like him. And I can say that my confidence is totally low, I don’t have any confidence. I was used to be told that I´m ugly, fat, a slut, good for nothing and etc. But I know that I have to believe in myself in order to get somewhere. If I didn’t love myself, who would?

I came back to reality when someone talked to me, it was him, Jacob. “Well, see you around Serena” he said and grinned. I smiled back and waved. He acted like a prince, my prince. But I didn’t want to believe it, what if he was the total opposite? Maybe it only was an act, to make me trust him, and then he will change. I don’t want to risk that

Jacob POV

I smiled, and walked away with pride. My heart was feeling warm, was it because I have done something good? I did something for her. It is almost like it’s a reward for doing a good deed. I wanted to feel that again, just one more time.

“Hey Jacob, why don’t you and I go to the school nurse? We both could have a good moment together” Kirsten said in a nasty tone and I shivered what a turnoff. She touched my chest and I pushed her away. “Kirsten, why don’t you find some man-whore instead?” I sighed, I didn’t like to use those words, but wouldn’t you freak out if you found out that a high school boy didn’t use those kinds of words?

“What did you just say?!” she said angrily.

“You heard me, I don’t want to repeat myself” I said. She walked away and I just watched her go, you heard every step she took because she wore heels that were like 5 inches and I felt bad for her feet. I was glad that I was born into a man. At the same time, I think that it would be easier to be a girl, you can just cry if you want to. If a guy cries, he will be called fag or gay. Well, there is good and bad things about everything I guess.

“Jacob back down to earth!” one of my classmates said, I didn’t remember his name.

“Yeah, come on, class is starting right now” another one said and I nodded and smiled. 

“Coming right now!” I took my books and headed into the classroom. Immediately, my eyes searched for Serena. I just had to make sure she was fine before I could take care of myself; she was my priority at the moment. It was math this hour and I liked it. I was a smart guy, above I had already learnt what I needed. This was piece of cake. Apparently, I was one of like tree students in the class that felt this way.

“Oh shit I don’t understand a fuck*n shit!” I heard some mutter and I wanted to laugh, but didn’t do so. After class, outside the classroom, everyone went to Serena. They handed her books, and what? I couldn’t believe my eyes. They were handing their homework to her.

I felt myself shake with anger, this better wasn’t true. I went to them and took the books away from her and threw the books back to them. “Hey man, what’s wrong? Just chill out …” the one who was talking was the one that talked to me earlier. “Yeah, listen to Dean, just chill out, she’s good at what she does” the other one said. So his name was Dean. “No, this is wrong! Stop it!” I said angrily and used my ability. They responded immediately, nodded, took their books and ran away, so did everyone else.

I heard her breath out in relief, and I got that warm feeling again, gosh I loved this feeling. It made me feel like I didn’t want to go back to above.

“Thank you” I heard, it was a weak one, but I heard it. “No problems, that’s what friends for” I said grinning. Her reaction was adorable; she seemed confused, but happy. “Friends?” I think I wasn’t supposed to hear that but this girl got some problems with trust, and I needed to fix that, no matter what price.

My stomach grumbled, for the second time I felt hungry. Wow, this was honestly amazing. I went to the cafeteria, got some food and settled down on a table full of guys and girls from our class. The girls seemed happy that I chose that table and the boys too. They practically bombed me with questions and I answered a few of them. I didn’t want to reveal too much of my background and stuff. It wasn’t allowed, I could get punished so I was careful with my answers. I felt someone stare at me, but every time I looked around to see, there was no one. I watched Serena, but she didn’t seem to notice me.

Serena POV

I looked at him, feeling like a stalker. Oh my gosh, what are you doing Serena? I thought for myself. He was attracting, I am not going to deny that, it was only a fact that half of the girls of our school is drooling over him – and he started here today. I saw him in the corner of my eyes everytime he turned around to look after something, or someone. Did he feel my gazes on him everytime I looked at him. I felt so stupid, but it felt right, just to look at him. Have I fallen for him? I barely know him! I told myself.

“S?” my best and probably only friend asked. Her name was Michelle, but I called her either Mitchie or M, and she called me S.

“Yeah?” I said and took a bite from my sandwich.

“Didn’t you listen to me?” she said and rolled her eyes.

“Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention” I said and threw a gaze on Jacob again. He sat with his back towards me. “I think that Mr. Hot has been checking you out” I almost choked my food.

“What?” I said. “Yeah, that new boy, Jake, or something.” She said. “Jacob” I corrected her. “Yeah, whatever, but you two would look good together” she said and smiled. “Oh, stop” I said, trying my best not to blush. How could I look good with him? He is good looking, smart, everything that I wasn’t.

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