{2}Autumn the Demigod: Legaci...


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Who would've thought I was a demigod. Sup, it's me Autumn Mitchell, daughter of Apollo. I don't know why you... Еще

yummy food
Chapter 18

Chapter 19

19 2 2

*Healing Broken Bonds*

~Nicholas's P.OV~

"Need a lift son?" Hearing his voice was sich a foreign, unatural feeling. I didn't dare look to see where it came from. 

It was Hermes, my father.

~Autumn's P.OV~

Nick was frozen, in a blank stare. "Nicholas are you okay?" He turned away, with no answer.

Small wisps appeared out of the clouds. Gracefully the flew around us, beckoning is to follow them. Nymphs. But they were different than the ones at camp. They had flowing white dresses, and small, pale faces.

"Follow us." They all said. Potato turned herself towards the nymphs and followed them. So did Shadow and Starburst.

The nymphs started to hum, their lullaby filled the air. "Stay awake..." I mumble to myself. But my exhaustion took over, and all I could hear was wind blaring in my ears. I was weightless, free from gravity. Falling.


~Nick's P.O.V~

For one second, that all it took. I turn my head for one second, and look back Autumn was nowhere to be seen. But there was, falling down.

"Autumn!" I yell. I jump off of Shadow, and fall after her. It was no use she was already a few feet below me. My shoes, were in no use of flying. I desperately try to reach for her. She was in an arm's length reach. I cat h her and pull her close to me, she was out cold.

Something catches us and we stopped falling. 

"That was a very stupid thing you did, Son of Hermes." The Air Nymph scolded me.

I didn't take offense to her comment. All I cared about was if Autumn was okay. And she was, peacefully asleep in my arms.

The Air Nymph takes us down to he ground. We landed in front of a warehouse. Strangely, the Nymph was wearing a UPS hat. I blinked with astonishment, but the hat disappeared.

"Follow me." She walked inside the warehouse. Carefully, I carried Autumn inside.

The warehouse was immensely large, conveyers belts carried large and small boxes. More Nymphs appeared to be in the warehouse, wearing beige uniforms.

"Give me your friend, I'll take her to the resting area." Said the Nymph that saved us.

"I'd rather you not." I tell the nymph.

The Nymph then scooped Autumn out of my arms whisked her away into a room.

"Hello Nicholas, how've you been?" I hear my father's voice. I turned and saw him.  He was wearing a smile on his face. How? How could he be happy, knowing that he left Mama alone with me.

The silence between him and I was unbearable. But I couldn't help it, this was my first conversation that I had with my...dad. "Erm...Hey."

Hermes took at step closer. "Its been awhile, how's Theresa?"

He doesn't even know that she's dead. What has he been doing in the past fifth teen  years? I kept a stone cold look, "She died when I was six."

Hermes stared at me with a anguished expression. "We must talk in private, follow me." He starting walking, and I followed. Even though all I wanted to do was punch Hermes, I was willing to listen to his pathetic excuses.

We walked into a large office, a gold plaque stood on the front of a desk. Supreme Manager, Hermes. Just looking at it made me want to throw up.

Hermes walked over to his seat. He had his face in his hands, and back hunched over as if he was going to sob. He sat back up and said, "H-how did she..."

"A snake bite." I answered.

"Oh gods," His face went back into his palms. "I shouldn't have left."

"Then why did you?" My tone was unexpectedly sharp.

"Because I had business to take care of." He answered back.

"Sure you did. And wile you where doing your business, Mama raised me on her own. She needed you! But no, you never came back." I choke back tears. The room was filled with silence. "Did you even had second thoughts about leaving me?"

"Of course I did, Nicholas. You and your mother were the best thing that had ever happened to me. I couldn't bear leaving you both, but I had no choice." His words were laced with pure remorse. "I'm sorry I missed seeing you grow up." Hermes sat up from chair, and walked to me. He put his hands on my shoulders. "But I'm proud to see you as a man that I knew you would be. "He let go of my shoulder. "I've seen the trials you've faced, and I've seen how you and your friends pushed through them. "

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes Nicholas, you have the wonderful personality, and humor of your mom. But you also have the strength and loyalty of a demigod." Hermes smiled.

Hearing those words filled an empty gap inside of me. So this is what it feels like to have a father.

A knock came at the door. "Come in." Hermes answered.

The Air nymph walked in, "Your friends are awake." She told me.

I nearly blew up from excitement. "Really!" I turn to Hermes, "Dad, there's someone I want you to meet."

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