Magcon Fan Fiction (Nash Grie...

By saniyya24

108K 1.4K 202

What will happen when 4 friends go to Magcon? Will they fall in love? Will hearts be broken? Will friendships... More

Magcon Fan Fiction (Nash Grier/ Taylor Caniff/ Jack Gilinsky/ Shawn Mendes)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 part 1
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24

Chapter 23

2.4K 45 0
By saniyya24

Kylie P.O.V.

I woke up this morning with tear stains on my face. Last night was probably the worst night of my life. At least I had a good day with becca and Taylor. I thought Nash was my best friend. I don't even wanna see him or talk to him. I just need to stop thinking about him and have fun on my last day with my best friends. We were gonna go shopping and then have a big beach party. I probably won't know anyone there except for my friends.

I got dressed in a strapless hot pink bandeau bikini and put on my Aaron carpenter baseball tee with black shorts and black vans. I put my hair in a ponytail and kept my glasses on.

"Aww you look so cute Kylie." Jen said while pinching my cheeks. "Um can you not pinch my cheeks?" I said to Jen, which caused us all to laugh.

We walked to the boys room to meet them before we started our day. "Awww my bae wore my shirt." Aaron said while giving me a hug. This made me laugh and I hugged back. I knew he didn't actually mean calling me his bae in flirtatious way because we call each other that all the time. I saw in the corner of my eye Nash looking at us with an annoyed look. What's his deal? I actually don't care because I'm trying to enjoy my last day here.

We all went to Starbucks and got our favorite drinks. We decided to walk outside and drink our drinks. "Guys Hannah is gonna meet us at the mall, is that cool?" We all replied with an okay but of course cameron said "I like food." This made me crack up because he always says that at the most randomest times and he could eat a lot.

We walked through the humongous mall. Us girls decided to go to Forever 21 and we would meet the guys at the Vans off the wall store. I got two flannels, a part of high waisted shorts, and a crop top. "Hey girlies." I heard someone said behind us. "Oh hey Hannah." Paige said. We finished shopping and started walking to the Vans off the wall store.

"Oh my gosh I missed you so much." Aaron said jokingly. "Missed you too." I said laughing. I was really close with Aaron, I could tell him anything. He helped me pick out 2 pairs of vans, so I got a pink pair and a turquoise pair.

"Can we get food now?" Cameron asked. Boy this kid could eat. We went to a Johnny rockets that was inside the mall. I got a burger and fries but of course, Hannah being a smartass had to say something. "Um Kylie, isn't that a little fattening?" Hannah asked as I was placing my order. "You know what Hannah-" I started by was interrupted by Jen "Hannah these salads look really good." Thank The Lord for Jen because I was about to go off on Hannah.

We finished eating and started walking back to the hotel. "We'll meet you guys at the beach." I told the boys. The other girls had to put their swimsuits on so I was waiting with Hannah. "Soo, how many guys have you slept with?" Hannah asked while I was drinking a bottle of water. I of course choked on the water because I was caught off guard by her question. "None, I'm actually saving myself for mr right." I said proudly. "Oh... So that's why Nash broke up with you. You weren't... Satisfying his needs." Hannah said. This bitch must really want me to punch her in the face. I decided not to retaliate and walked to the beach by myself.

As I was walking, Aaron caught up with me. "Hey Ky." He said. "Hey Aaron." I said. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing." I simply said. "Come on Kylie I know when something is wrong with you." He said. He grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. I told him about my little encounter with Hannah. "She's just a bitch. Ignore her and try to stay away from her." Aaron said. "Yeah you're right." I replied. We walked to the beach hand in hand, and as soon as we got there we heard the boys whistlig at us. "Calm your tits boys." I said.

We've been at the beach for a few hours. This party was pretty cool. I still haven't gotten in the water yet because I was tanning, but the sun was setting so I decided to run in. The water felt really good and refreshing. I stayed away from Nash and Hannah that night and had the best time ever. I'm really gonna miss my boys.


Tomorrow I'll be updating the last chapter :( sorry the story was kinda short but I can't wait for the sequel. :)


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