Ship Wrecked

By HaYouLookLikeATurtle

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Gabby goes on her first cruise with her father, who is also the captain of the ship. On this cruise she meets... More

Ship Wrecked
First Encounter
Does He Know?
Teenage Dirtbag
Half a Heart

Little White Lie

93 8 2
By HaYouLookLikeATurtle

I grunted in pain when I felt something heavy collide with my chest. I slowly opened my eyes.

What a great way to wake some one up, I thought angrily.

I slid one eye open to see Louis grinning down at me while he sat on my chest. I wiggled a bit before gathering enough strength to push him off.

Louis stumbled before he got his footing back on the carpeted floor. I sat up with my blanket still covering my body.

"And what do I owe this lovely visit to?" Louis pinched his eyebrows together.

"Oh don't be dumb playboy! You totally left me yesterday to go flirt with that girl!" I slammed my fists onto the bed.

Louis bit his lip and smiled. "But did you see her though. She's..she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She's nice and funny too."

I leaned back on my head board lazily.

"Oh please Lou go on...I'm dying to here more." The sarcasm was dripping from every word.

Louis plopped down on the bed next to me and pushed my shoulder.

"Gawd mom, I promise I'll let you know where I'm going next time." I giggled at him and rubbed my neck.

"Sorry, I got are like my only friend sorry." Louis poked his bottom lip out at me and made a puppy dog face.

"Aw shucks, Gabs you're making me blush." I rolled eyes at him and poked his shoulder.

"Whatever bro, now get out. I got to get ready for work."  He nodded and promised he'll stay with me the whole time today.

I shooed him out of the room and then proceeded to get ready for the rest of the day.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I shuffled over the sink and started to brush my teeth. Staring at myself in the mirror and I ruffled my hair. I sighed in disappointment.

Why can't I look like that girl, Eleanor? No one will ever call me the most beautiful girl they've ever seen. People always called me pretty or cute, but beautiful that was one word only my dad called me.

After I finally finished evaluating my face I went to the closet to pick out the outfit I would wear.

I slipped on a dark red tank top, jean shorts, brown sandals, gold stud earrings, and a pair of sunglasses.

I opened my front door and went out then put the key under the mat again. I turned away from the door only to come face to chest with Harry.

"Ooph," I grunted into his chest and looked up at him. I hadn't noticed before but Harry was kind of tall.

He brushed the hair out of my face with him thumb. The shivers traveled down my spine.

"Sorry about that. My friend told me to come get you so you wouldn't be late for your shift or whatever." I pursed your lips at him.

This guy just touched me so lovingly ,or so I thought, and now he just went on like he didn't just do it.

"Your friend?" He nodded at me.

"Mhm, his names Louis, really funny guy. You should meet him sometime." I laughed at him; he looked confused.

I waved a hand at him. "Louis is my friend already. Actually he's kind of like a brother to me."

He smiled at me with out saying anything and I rolled my lips into my mouth and poked his side.

"Are you just going stare at me all day?" He shook his curly head and rubbed his neck while laughing.

"No I just just thinking its a small world." I raised my eyebrows at him and smiled skeptically.

"Sure you were, now lets get to the deck I gotta work."

I grabbed his hand and tugged him along.

As we walked through the halls I thought about how desperate I was becoming to make contact with him.

I really liked the feeling he gave me, even if I thought we were just new found friends. I breathed in deeply as we made it to the deck.

The smell of the sea was my favorite thing.

"Don't you just love the way it smells?" Harry asked me as if he read my mind.

"Yeah I like a lot actually." He gave me a closed smile.

"So that's why you got a job here, huh? I don't think I could've done it. I heard the captain's a real tool." The corner of my mouth twitched slightly at the indirect insult to my dad.

I coughed into my hand. There's no way I was telling him that the captain was my dad now. It'll only make things more awkward between the two of us.

"Mhm, yeah that's one of the reasons." That wasn't a total lie, I reassured myself.

"Well I better shuffle on over to my station." I cringed at my own sentence.

'Shuffle on over?'

Such an idiot!

I walked away from him quickly; my arms stiff at my sides.

"Oh um bye, Gabby!" He yelled after my retreating body.

My face was beet red when I reached the station. Louis was already there waiting for me. When he saw me he tapped his finger on his wrist as if a watch was there.

"You are late missy, I even sent a guy to get you." He noticed my face and immediately became concerned.

"What happened to your face?"

I sighed and planted my head on the stand that held up my sign.

"I embarrassed myself is all." He breathed out with relief.

"Phew, so its nothing new." I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed.

"Hardy-Har-Har! Now lets get to work." He agreed with my demand.

The day went past fairly fast with the occasional little kid who couldn't find their mom and helping people find activities.

With that day two of my week of work was finished. Louis said he had a date with Eleanor later on and that I should tag along. I gave him a slap in the head and told him not to be dumb. There was no way I would going to be a third wheel. I gave him a hug and told him to have fun.

So here I was now, lounging by the pool. It was closed now, so no guests were around; just me.

"Having fun?" I jolted up from the sound of Harry's voice. I smiled widely at him.

"Yeah, I guess I was." He threw a towel down beside me and sat down on it.

"Mind if I join you?" I shook my head at him and closed my eyes.

"No by all means, sit." He laughed at my sarcasm and leaned back.

"So who are you here with?" I asked him.

"My wife and three kids." I choked on the air in my throat.

"Ah what?!"

Harry slapped his knee and fell back laughing at my reaction.

"Gabby you're so gullible! I'm here with my friends." I cleared my throat and tried to breathe easy again.

"You're a jerk off." He turned over on his side to face me.

"Am I?"

I squeaked audibly. He was staring at me so intensely his eyes were so adorable to me.

I nodded are him.

He crawled closer to me and smiled.

"You sure? I thought I was pretty nice." I gulped and pushed him away from me.

This was an ideal time to kiss him but that was not the kind of girl I was. I was much to insecure to make a move.

"Why'd you push me? I only wanted to get a sip of your drink."

My eyes widened. "MY WHAT?!"

He pointed at the orange Crush sitting beside me.

"oh." I said understanding him now.

He clicked his tongue at me. "Such a dirty mind love."

I stuck my tongue out at him and laughed; embarrassed. I stood up suddenly and Harry watched me curiously.

"Its getting late the pool cleaner with be out here soon." He agreed with me and the both off us gathered our things and left the pool area.

"Harry?" He hummed his acknowledgement.

"How did you know where I was?" He ran a hand through his locks.

"I might've asked Louis where you usually go after work." I smiled at him.

"Why did you do that?" He put his arm over my shoulder.

"Because you're my friend and I wanted to see you." I deflated at the word friend. He really couldn't read signals, could he?

"I want to go to bed now." I stated flatly.

"Oh okay, I'll take you." I waved him off.

"No I'm fine." I started to walk away from him.

"Wait!" Harry called out, I stopped.

"How do you have such a nice room, I want one too." I shrugged.

"Um luck of the draw I guess." I lied to him again. Lets hope this didn't become a habit. I told him good night and went on to the comfort of my five star room.

I felt bad for living like princess in an expensive room while Harry and his friends were probably piled up on bunk beds.

There wasn't anything I could do about that, was it?

I face palmed, of course there was. I'd ask my dad to give them better quarters in the morning. With that off my mind I slept comfortably that night.

(oi! There it is part 3. Why must she liee?!? Sorry it just makes the story a little more dramatic.. Mwah!! <3 <3..^-^!)

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