Deja vu

By _TrillQueen

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have you ever had a moment in your life and it's like you've already lived that moment? yea me too that's cal... More

candy land.


1.8K 179 17
By _TrillQueen

    Nuzuri's cries filled my ears causing me to awake out of my slumber. Sighing I reached over to tap Storm, my hand tapped the empty spot instead of his warm body.

Swinging my legs over the bed I went over to Nuzuri and grabbed her,her screaming cries instantly stopped.

"hey chocolate,where is your brother huh?" I smiled as she just stared at me with those cute eyes.

I looked back over at the bed and noticed Jas wasn't there, I heard the tv in the living room so I assumed it was either her or her brother.

Grabbing a diaper out of Zuri's baby bag I made my way to the front.Jas laid on the couch watching some show on Disney channel.

"good morning Jas,you hungry?"

She peeped over at me as I laid Zuri down to change her diaper.

"yes I am, I already brushed my teeth and washed my face too Stormy always told me I couldn't be walking around with morning breath and eye boogers"

I smiled over at her "okay cutie good job and I'll go fix us some food in just a minute"

After I finished changing Zuri I handed her over to Jas who sat watching her show while feeding her.

Warm hands wrapped around me causing me to drop the eggs that I had in my hand.

I turned around sharply and slapped Storms chest, he gave me a small smile in return.

"Sorry Dej, here I brought breakfast" he handed me a McDonald's bag.

He stepped away from me to pull off his hoodie, I reached into the bag while staring at him.

"did Jas see you?"

He sighed shaking his head while leaning against the counter,"na she was into that damn show, we'll be out of your hair today though"

Since my mom was out of town I was bound to be lonely, & since all my friends went on vacation well expect for Spud but he was working all week.

"no! why? I enjoy you guys company I'm so lonely here"

Storm chuckled while looking into my eyes,"your mom will be back in a couple days, besides we gotta find some place to live"

He's mood instantly sadden as he came to realization I felt bad for him but he wouldn't let me help him finically.

"Storm please let me help you"

"No Deja, I got this"

"Storm! stop it okay? I know you feel like I'm looking at you as a charity case but I'm not! you're a friend in need so let me help you!"

He needed help and he knew it but he was too ashamed to ask for any, he felt as if I looked at him as charity, but I didn't I wanted to help him because I care for him and if he wouldn't take my help I would force him to take it.


"I'm helping you I don't care what you say" I pushed past him with our food and into the living room.

"here you go Jas" I handed her the pancake platter along with a juice box, I grabbed Zuri out of her hands and put her in her swing.

"thank you" She smiled at something behind me, placing the food on the floor she ran over to her brother.

"Stormy! I missed you I have so much to tell you"

He smiled back at her "I missed you too Jas, you can tell me anything you want after you eat okay?"

She nodded and jumped out of his arms running back over to her food.

"you willing to let me help?" I questioned him.

He looked away from his sister and over at me "even if I tell you no you're going to do it anyway I got into some shit that I can't get out of some dangerous shit, and I can't have you getting involved so help me by being a babysitter for a couple hours,okay?"

I nodded, "okay" I said half way lying of course I would be here to watch the girls but I was going to do more to help him and the first step was calling my father.


It was a little after two, and storm left the house to handle some things, while the girls stayed with me a couple minutes ago I laid them down for a nap, so now here I am laying across my bed.

The phone rung for a while before my dads face popped up on the screen, my father was nowhere close to being a dead beat him and my mom just weren't together.

They were high school sweet hearts, everybody thought they were going to get married, get money and start a family. Only two of those things happened they both have money not rich but well off and they somewhat started a family, they both said marriage wasn't for them.

"yes little girl"

I smiled at him,"hey daddy"

He sighed already knowing I was calling to ask for something.

"you may have my looks but everything else comes from your mother and anytime she wanted something she would bring out that daddy word, and you damn sure got that from her, what you want Dej"

I frowned up my face in disgust I will never call him daddy again ew.

"I need a quick favor, well a friend of mines need a quick favor but that favor will also help me ou-"

"what dej? get to the point"

"okay so this friend is going through a lot right now, both of his parents are in the hospital and now he's left to fend for his sister and niece and due to his parents being in the hospital he doesn't have money right now so he got evicted from his apartment"

My dad gave me a stink face as he looked at me, he stayed quite for a while with that same look on his face.

"helloooo" I dragged out.

"na na I hear you but um are you fucking with me? what kind of shit okay Deja is this shit real or are you fucking with me?"

I smacked my teeth.

"dad I'm serious he's going through a lot right now"

He sighed," okay Deja what you want me to do about it?"

"well you know how you have that empty condo in me and moms building"

"oh hell no bye-"

"Dad please help him out"

He rubbed his forehead something he did when he was frustrated.

"let me meet this boy, I wanna hear his story out of his own mouth now bye fuck off my line"

He hung up causing me to smack my teeth, just rude.



"So you still don't got my fucking money huh rainbow?! do I have to put a bullet in yo sister fucking head to show you that I'm not fucking playing with you"

I clenched my teeth tightly together I wanted so badly to punch him in his fucking mouth but his bitch ass 'handy men' were holding me back.

"my name is storm, fuck nigga and don't touch my fucking sister I'll get your fucking money"

Gotti chuckled.

"yo name is rainbow whenever you in my fucking presence you got a week to get me my shit or Ima rip ya sister fucking head off like she a Barbie doll, and then I'm coming for yo ass you gone die just like yo brother did a bitch begging for mercy"

If Debo and little Debo wasn't holding me back I would fuck Gotti up, he pissed me off even more for bringing my brother into this. My brother died because of this gang shit he was trying to make sure his family was eating and for him to lie on my brothers name saying he died begging for mercy made me mad, my brother always told me not to beg for shit not even yo own life.

"I'll get your fucking money"

"yea yo mushroom head ass don't got no choice get him the fuck outta here before he be sleeping with the fishes"

I jerked away from them as they tried to push me out of the door I was tired of being treated like a fucking slave, I had to get this fucking money and I had to get it fast.

It was a little after three in the morning when I finally got back to Deja's the doorman was cool with me so he let me in without me showing him I.D or a visitors badge.

I used Deja's spare key that she gave me to open the door, she told me that she was tired of getting out of bed to open the door, lazy ass.

Kicking my shoes off I left them beside the door not wanting to track dirt inside or scuff her hard wood floors.

The tv in the living room was on so I was guessing she was up, making my way in there I saw her sitting up stuffing her face.

"it's too late to be up eating"

She shrugged "let me be great"

I chuckled.

she looked over at me and examined my face something she's been doing every day since I got beat up, she said she was just checking to see if I had any fresh wounds.

"I'm good Deja"

"hush up no you're not, but um I gotta tell you something." She started to play with the hem of her shirt, a sign that she was nervous.

"what did you do?"

"I reached out to somebody to get you some help please please don't be mad"

I wanted to be mad because I told her to stay out of this, I didn't want her to become another target if something happened to her I wouldn't know what to do with myself.


She cut me off "I know you're going to be mad but please don't just hear me out okay? My dad owns a condo in this building that he doesn't even use so-"

"Don't get your parents involved I don't need hand out-"

she cut me off again "but-"

I grabbed her body and laid her down on the couch hovering over her.

"why are you so hard headed? call your father and tell him to forget about it" my face was inches away from hers.

"I will fucking not! I am going to give you my help and you are going to accept it with a big smile on your face! now my father will be here tomorrow morning to speak to you and you are going to talk do you! understand me!?"

I looked down at her, she was said everything in one breath so now she was breathing hard.



I'm updating again today so hold on I got you

Unlike my last books I'm trying to make these chapters longer, I'm also trying to add just a little humor we can't be sad all the time 🤦🏾‍♀️. More drama is also coming give it a minute I'm not trying to rush this book.

Comment and vote thanks.💓

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