Trolls Fanfiction: Iris

By TrollsObsessed

37.1K 864 761

Characters belong to DreamWorks, plot belongs to me. (Well, Iris, Titian, and Blossom are my characters but y... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Another book?

Chapter 20

711 21 4
By TrollsObsessed

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Titian's POV >
(Because you all voted for his perspective 😉)

Titian stared through the golden metal bars that surrounded their imprisonment. They'd been locked up in here for probably five days and he was beyond tired, hungry, and overall just very miserable. He still didn't know why they were all being kept hostage here. Creek's words were blatant lies and everyone in this cage seemed to be the only ones who understood that. I guess there were a few other Trolls who didn't approve with what was happening. But why hasn't Creek locked them up with us?

A flash of sorrow scorched across the sparkly red Troll's chest as he thought of his sister Blossom. She had joined Creek and Iris. He didn't know why. Sure, Blossom had been closed-off and introverted probably her whole life and no one ever knew what was going on through her brain, but why would she betray them? They had sweet parents... Then it came to him.

Titian remembered all those days where his mother and father would complement and congratulate him on having good grades in school or helping to decorate a party. They had always shown their pride in him, but Blossom had always just been watching from the background. She was never praised for good deeds. And maybe that was her own fault, because she never came out and showed who she really was. If she had made good grades or she had helped another Troll, it went unspoken. But maybe it was also their parents' fault for not checking up on her. They usually left her to sit in her own little corner and just stare.

Titian glanced over at his parents, DJ Suki and Guy Diamond, who were sitting close together, their arms wrapped around each other and sadness in both of their gazes. Perhaps they were feeling guilty now.

Bitterness swept over Titian as he thought of Iris. He remembered trying to help her when she attempted to enter the forbidden, dangerous forest but she refused him. He had felt so hurt and she had not cared at all. Not once had he received an apology either. Ungrateful idiot! And all the complaining she did when people gave her attention. She's not gonna make a good Queen if she keeps acting like that! And oh, she seems to relish the attention Creek gives her! Stupid little Princess!

Even though the thoughts swarming the male's mind were heavily laced in negativity (which, my goodness, was so rare for a Troll!), he couldn't help but feel so nostalgic. He missed the days when him and Iris had gotten along, had laughed until they cried, had just spent countless days together. He remembered one evening they had been watching the sunset up on a hill and Titian had almost leaned in to kiss the pretty blue-skinned girl. But Branch had interrupted them, saying it was time for Iris to come home. And Titian knew he would've gotten his ass beat if he'd kissed Iris anyway, right in front of the King. Branch was very overprotective and at that time, Titian and Iris' relationship had only just begun building up. So he had to force himself to move away from her and watch her leave, a longing prick in his heart. He sighed and rested his chin between his knees, grasping his folded up legs tighter and holding them better against his chest.

"Guys, we seriously need to find a way out of here," came the voice of Queen Poppy. She rose to her feet from where she'd been sitting with Branch, sorrow and regret glimmering in her bright magenta eyes. Past teardrops made kaleidoscopes in her shiny optics and Titian couldn't help but pity the pink Troll. She'd lost her daughter to an evil jerk. He'd manipulated Iris and now Blossom and the rest of the village too.

"But how?" Biggie questioned, holding Mr. Dinkles closer to him. Everyone here was not seeming like themselves. Titian was half-surprised no one had lost their colors. Maybe it was because they all still had hope of getting out here. After all, they were Trolls, the most happiest and positive creatures the world has ever known.

But now, negative thoughts bombarded Titian's brain.

"We don't know. But it's time we stopped sitting in silence. I am your Queen and it is my duty to ensure you live happily and safely. We do not need Creek here to ruin our lives again!"

Titian felt his heart leap in his chest. Wasn't Blossom on guard duty?? She'd be able to hear them! The glittery Troll rose to his feet, staring out through the metallic bars to try and spot his little sister. But she was nowhere in sight. This came off as a surprise to him. Surely Creek would not leave them unsupervised. Isn't that how it worked when you had prisoners? Unless Blossom was there and he couldn't see her. I doubt it. She seemed pretty proud when we discovered her betrayal. She'd want her presence to be known of course.

So the red Troll turned his forest-green eyes away from where the pale pink female had once been sitting and looked at Queen Poppy once again. Branch had come to stand beside her, staring at her with admirable eyes.

Titian couldn't help but felt another flash of sorrow at this. He had once gazed at Iris this way...but now... Oh stop it! You don't look at her like that anymore! She betrayed you! She betrayed everyone! She's a criminal! But he did not believe his own words no matter how hard he tried to. He didn't think he'd ever fully recover from yelling at Iris and he of course felt guilty. Living the life of Royalty could be difficult and of course he did not understand that even if his mom and dad were some of the Queen's closest friends.

"I agree," DJ Suki backed up Poppy. "He took my baby. And I realize I was not involved in her life as much as I should've been. And I promise that, when this is all over and we've fixed everything, I will apologize to her. We've been...bad parents."

Guy Diamond moved closer to his wife, pressing his green nose to her cheek.

Titian didn't want to see his parents upset like this. He ran over to them, wrapping his arms around his mother and hugging her tightly. "It's okay, Mom," he muttered. "Blossom will forgive you. I know she will."

He pulled his face back slightly, seeing tears welling in the red female's eyes. She gave him a gentle and grateful kiss on the nose.

Titian then turned to his father, hugging him as well. "She will forgive you too, Dad," he said softly.

Guy Diamond grabbed his son's shoulders, pushing him back just so he could stare him in the eyes. "Of course. We must think positive," the silver Troll said, smiling. "Good job."

"Stop praising me for everything," Titian warned. "Blossom does good things too. You just never paid enough attention to notice. This is partly your fault. I know I was being sympathetic but if you're going to keep up that act, then I won't!" He felt rage boiling through him now.

Suki's hand pressed to his back. "Titian, please stop. We feel bad enough about what we've done. Why do you have to rub it in our faces?"

Titian scoffed and turned away, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Don't fight! We need to work together!" Branch called, angered and annoyed.

Titian looked at the King and realized how unfair he'd been. He looked at his parents and sighed. "I'm sorry," he muttered.

"We are too," Guy Diamond replied, smiling affectionately.

"Yes, of course," DJ agreed.

"Alright, everyone! We need an escape plan!" Poppy called, and everyone rushed forward, crowding together and staring at each other. Who had a good enough plan in mind that would help them?

Yay! There's Titian's perspective for you all! I'll admit, I had fun doing him for a change. I might do this more often!

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote!

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