Strange Ones

By Diamondheart37

3K 63 12

Alex and her friends are going to Strange Island, home of the Strange Ones, to spend their summer for a vacat... More

Strange Island
Taking the Train to Strange City
The Perfect Way To Start Our Vacation
All Over The News
Dinner with the President
Leaving the City
Truth or Slap with Strange Ones
Making Our Way to the Delta Base
The Delta Base
The Founders of Delta
Training Day
Delta Number 9
Our First Mission
Battle of the Metal Behemoths
Being Brave
Hanging with the Cat Faunus
The Message
A Night in Hotland
Into Mettaton's Room We Go
The Enemy Found
In the Garden
Strange Island's Most Wanted
Look At This Book!
Attacked in the Library
The Flower
She Ran Away...
Everything About This Place Is Crazy
There Are Blades In My Weapon!
More Than A Team
Chara, the Girl with the Blade
Locked Up Together
This Is All Your Fault!
Thorax's Plan
The Lady Next Door
Journey to the Dark Ones' Base
Breaking In And Out
When The Battle Begins, We Come Around
Race to Strange City
The Battle Of Strange City
Breaking the Beacon
Finding Mr. President
Showdown with Chrysalis
Can You Hear Me?
The Whole Island Knows Of Delta
Goodbye, Strange Island
A Brand New Life
The Story Continues...

Confronted, Then Captured

38 1 0
By Diamondheart37

"You know, I really had a great time today." Alex said to Nat and Thorax. "We should hang there more often."

"Yeah. I know." Nat replied. "It's just an empty lighthouse, but it's a great spot to hang out. That's why I hang out there."

"Speaking of the lighthouse, how did it even get there?"

"Who knows? It was just there when I first saw it."

"Uh, I do have a prediction about the lighthouse." Thorax said. "I would always think that it was just there before we even came to life."

"How did you guys even come to life anyway?" Alex wanted to know.

"We have some theories." Nat said. "One of them is that a meteor fell from the sky and onto this island, and blah blah blah, the Strange Ones were born."


"It's a little weird, but we're still looking for the cause of our existence ." Thorax put both his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Good to hear about, I think." Alex stared at the ground as Nat let out a chuckle.

As soon as the three went back to the base, Alex watched as Thorax and Nat left for Delta Number 5. With nothing else to do, Alex decided to hang around the base until sundown. That was when Frisk found her and brought her to her room in Delta Number 3, where they found a laughing Ren and Nona.

"What are you guys laughing about?" Alex wanted to know.

"Frisk showed us this video online, and it's really hilarious!" Nona giggled.


"Come on! You should see it." Ren said.

With a raised eyebrow, Alex walked up to Frisk's laptop and looked at the video Ren and Nona were looking at. The video showed Papyrus, but he looked younger than his current appearance. He was in red shorts and a shirt with basketballs on his shoulders. The shirt said 'Cool Dude' on it, and he wore red and yellow roller skates and a red cap. He even had braces. The video showed him roller skating in the hallway of a high school, and he said, "The Great Papyrus is a superstar!" He suddenly started skating out of control until he hit the door of a janitor's closet. Everyone in the background was laughing, and Sans, who was holding the camera, turned the camera to him and said, "Don't try this at home, kids." Alex couldn't help but laugh when the video was over, and soon everyone in the room was laughing. Meanwhile, Papyrus walked into the room and saw everyone laughing until he turned to Frisk's laptop and saw what they were laughing at. He shrieked, running to the laptop and closing it shut. Everyone stopped laughing even since.

"Hey!" Everyone who laughed shouted.

"Frisk, you said you wouldn't show that embarrassing video to anyone!" Papyrus shouted.

"Sorry. But just like Nat said, promises were made to be broken." Frisk shrugged.

Papyrus' eye twitched. "Tell me, Frisk. Who first showed you that video?"

"I think you already know." Frisk smirked.

Papyrus' eyes widen, then he glared and stomped out of the room. "Sans!"

Everyone just stared at the door for a moment until Alex spoke.

"So, where's Clarissa?"

"She said something about going to the field and practicing with her weapon." Nona said.

"What about Jonas?" Alex asked.

"There was a beach below this mountain." Ren said. "He and Blake are over there probably watching the waves crash onto the shore."

"Where can I find the beach?"

"Just follow a trail that's going down the mountain, and you'll find it." Frisk said.

"Great. Thanks, guys."

"No problem. Just be careful because the trail is steep."

Alex turned to Frisk before she reached the door. "What?"

"I'm just kidding." Frisk laughed. "The trip down is easy. Just be aware of your surroundings."

After Alex left Delta Number 3, she found the trail down and started making her way to the beach. As she looked around her surroundings, she searched for any hidden enemies waiting to strike. Fortunately, there were none, so she kept walking until she found the beach, where she found Jonas and Blake sitting next to each other and watching the waves roll on the damp sand. She couldn't help but grin, so she approached them until she got their attention.

"Hey. How did you find us?" Blake said.

"Ren said you guys were here, so I decided to find you guys." Alex crossed her arms. "What are you two doing here?"

"We were just watching the ocean hit the shore." Jonas replied. "Asriel said that if we look at the waves for an extremely long time, it's relaxing. You should try it."

"Uh, sure. Okay."

As soon as Alex sat down, she turned to the ocean. She watched as the waves crashed onto the shore and roll back into the cold water. She stared for a long time, and she was starting to feel calm.

"Wow. This is relaxing." Alex said as she stared at the ocean.

"Yep. Really relaxing." Blake agreed. "So, where have you been?"

"Nat took me to this old lighthouse on the top of the mountain to hang out. It's just a lighthouse, but the view of the ocean looked amazing from far up. We even saw a whale."

"Lucky you."

"Yeah, but it was a little bit weird."

"Why's that?" Jonas wanted to know.

"Thorax, he was there as well, asked me if I was into anyone." Alex looked at Jonas and Blake. "That made me think that he probably has a crush on me."

"I doubt that." Jonas said while scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, come on. Thorax is still learning." Blake said in response.

"True, but still." Alex stood up. "I know he's just a changeling that is still learning about the world, but I'm not sure about love. I mean, I think I just see him as a friend and that's it."

"I won't tell the guy that you said that." Jonas said.

"Cross your heart?"

"Cross my heart."

Blake couldn't help but smile as Alex turned back to the ocean, then looked up at the sky.

"You know, it's a great night." Alex said with her eyes on the stars. "Even greater to find the constellations."

"Like that one." Blake pointed to the sky until the others looked up to find a constellation in the form on an eagle.

"You mean the Aquila constellation?" Jonas stood up.

"Yeah. I once found a book about constellations." Blake stood up. "There was this one constellation that took the form of a harp. I know what it looks like, but I'm blanking on what it's called."

"That was the Lyra constellation." Alex replied.

"Huh." Blake chuckled. "I have got to show you guys that book sometime."

"Sure," Jonas gave Blake a nudge. "Nerd."

Blake let out a soft laugh, then the trio turned back to the sky. They gazed at the stars, which they felt like a long time. Suddenly, their time was interrupted when they heard a voice.

"So, how was stargazing?"

Each of them flinched and turned around to find Clarissa leaning on a rock.

"Clarissa?" Blake raised an eyebrow. "How long were you-"

"Long enough that you guys started looking at stars and talking about them." Clarissa stopped leaning on the rock and approached them. "And if you guys were wondering, I just came here to check on three of the greatest friends I've ever had."

"Aw, Clarissa. You shouldn't have-" Alex was cut off.

"Wait. Clarissa, where did you get that locket?" Jonas pointed to the gold heart-shaped locket around her neck. "And why did you call us the greatest friends you've ever had. You usually don't call us that."

"Are...are you sick?" Blake was concerned.

Alex raised an eyebrow when Clarissa looked down and reached for behind her. She squinted her eyes until Clarissa's eyes suddenly glowed red. She pulled out a knife that glowed red and created a red slash that passed by the three. With caution, Alex pulled out her weapon and aimed at her.

"Blake, get help!" Alex started shooting at Clarissa, who had used the knife to block the little lights.

Meanwhile, Blake ran off until Clarissa noticed. She was about to throw her knife, but Jonas pulled out his blaster and shot the knife out of her grasp. The knife landed in the wet sand as Clarissa glared at Jonas. Her body started glowing red and the light swirled around her arm, creating a long stream of red light in her right hand.

"Clarissa?" Alex said, seeing a menacing grin appear on Clarissa's face.

She suddenly disappeared, then came back behind Alex until she noticed. She threw the stream of light at her, but Alex dodged, only making the stream hit the shoulder of her jacket. Meanwhile, Jonas ran to get the knife in the sand. As he did, he picked it up and started inspecting the knife's blade. That was when Clarissa noticed. Her eyes flashed red, causing the knife to fly out of Jonas' hand and back into Clarissa's. She aimed the knife at Alex, who aimed the blaster part of her weapon at her. A flash came out of the knife, knocking Alex's tiny blaster out of her hands and tipping her over. She sat up and looked at her hand, her palm looking burnt from the flash from the knife. Alex winced in pain with her hand on her right one and watched as the blade of the knife started turning into a dark shade of red.

"Clarissa, why are you-" Alex was cut off again when the world in front of her darkened until she saw a silhouette with red glowing eyes stand in front of her.

"Alex, get out of the way!" Jonas shouted, but Alex didn't respond.

"She can't hear you. I'm just going to dispose of her, then I'll be on my way. Oh, don't worry." Clarissa pointed the knife at Alex. "I'll make it quick."

Jonas then glared and pulled out his teleportation device until Clarissa let out a flash of red that flew up to Alex. Meanwhile, the world in front of Alex shifted back as she let out a scream when she saw the flash of red flying to her. Suddenly, Jonas pressed the button on the teleportation device and appeared in front of Alex, only taking the flash of red for her until his back hit the dry sand. Alex's eyes widen, so she ran up to her stepbrother and inspected him. He was still alive, but he was heavily breathing. His teleportation device rolled up to Clarissa, and she picked it up and gave it a look, then turned to the two step-siblings.

"Jonas. Don't worry." Alex pulled out her teleportation device. "I'll get us to safety. I'll take you to Delta Number 6, and they'll fix you up."

The teleportation device in Alex's hand suddenly flew out of her hand and into Clarissa's.

"Teleportation device, huh? You are wise, Alexandra, but you won't be needing these." Clarissa tossed the teleportation devices into the air and destroyed them with one slash of her knife. "Oh, are you going to cry for your lame excuse of a stepbrother?"

Alex's good hand formed into a fist. "Clarissa, why would you do that?! Why are you doing this?! What has gotten into you?!"

"That isn't Clarissa." A voice said.

Both Alex and Clarissa turned to find Frisk and Saoirse standing with their weapons in hand. They were both glaring at Clarissa.

"Saoirse, take stance." Frisk said, then started walking up to Clarissa after Saoirse went into battle stance.

Alex just watched as Frisk approached Clarissa with her sword and shield. Her good hand holding Jonas' head.

"Alex, what's...what's happening?" Jonas groaned with pain with his hand on his chest.

"Just hang in there." Alex whispered.

As Frisk finally approached Clarissa, she stopped and pointed her sword at her. "I know you are in there. Come out now, or I will have no choice but to get you out by force."

Clarissa stared back at Frisk until a shadow-like figure appeared out of nowhere and snatched the locket off her neck. Clarissa fell over without consciousness, and the figure started shifting into a girl about twelve with short brown hair and red eyes in a green and yellow sweater and black leggings under brown shorts and brown boots. The girl drifted to the ground and picked up the knife from Clarissa's hand.

"Very clever, Frisk Dreemurr." The girl said, then let out a laugh. "It appears that you remember what I'm capable of."

"I've always known of what you were capable of." Frisk growled.

"Oh. Do you also know why am I here?" The girl raised an eyebrow.

Frisk stared at the ground with her sword pointed to the girl. "I know it was you."

"Do you really?"

"I know you have been watching over them, even on their first mission." Frisk clenched her sword. "Why were you doing that?"

"It was my duty. If the humans do something heroic, I get to kill them. But I didn't have the time since I was told to fall back. But now that I'm here, I finally have the chance."

"Why?" Frisk demanded to know.

"You know I have always hated humans, Frisk." The girl pointed her knife at her. "But since I can't do my duty now, I will have to ask you and your friend to leave."

"If you want us to leave, why don't you make us leave?"

"Very well then." The girl turned to the unconscious Clarissa. "But before we fight, I need to do something."

The girl was about to slash Clarissa, but Saoirse ran and blocked the attack with her fans. Saoirse pushed the girl back, but she was still standing. As Saoirse stepped away from Clarissa, Frisk surrounded the three humans with her shield.

"So, you're their keeper now, huh?" The girl's knife started glowing. "If you wanted to protect these pitiful humans, then so be it."

A flash of red flew out of the girl's knife, but Frisk and Saoirse dodged it as it flew into the ocean. Saoirse's fans started glowing, then she started slashing ice at the girl. The girl managed to break the slashes of ice, then turned to Frisk, whose purple and blue gem on her bracelet started glowing. A purple silhouette holding a pair of blue shurikens suddenly appeared next to Frisk and ran up to the girl to fight her. The silhouette threw one of it's shurikens at the girl, who tried to block it, but got hit by it instead. The girl stumbled as the yellow gem on Frisk's bracelet glowed. The silhouette faded, and a yellow orb appeared in Frisk's hand. Frisk threw the yellow orb at the girl, and as it hit the girl, it exploded, sending her flying until she hit a rock and fell to the ground. Frisk and Saoirse walked up to the girl, and Frisk pointed her sword at her.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Frisk said, getting the girl's gaze.

"Yes." The girl grinned. "You might want to turn around."

Frisk and Saoirse raised an eyebrow until they turned around to find Flowey in the ground. Saoirse suddenly gets whacked by a vine that popped out of the ground that sent her flying to a rock.

"Saoirse!" Frisk shouted, then started to get tangled in Flowey's vines.

Flowey laughed. "Oh, you really are an idiot, are you?"

Alex's eyes widen when she witnessed what was in front of her. She suddenly felt a hand grab hers, then looked down at Jonas.

"Alex, get out of here." Jonas mumbled. "Go get help."

"No. No!" Tears started streaming from Alex's eyes. "Jonas, I am not leaving you and Clarissa here!"

"Alex!" Frisk shouted until she got her attention. "Just go! I sent a distress signal!"

With a deep breath and a nod, Alex stood up and started running to the trail. She suddenly fell over, so she turned to find one of her ankles tied into Flowey's vines. She got lifted from the ground and looked at Flowey and the girl.

"You said you wanted me to kill her, right?" Flowey asked the girl.

"Hmm, on second thought, Miss Chrysalis said that she wanted her at the base instead." The girl replied. "Let's take her home."

"If you say so."

Alex started feeling herself getting wrapped in vines. She cried for help until another vine was wrapped over her mouth. Meanwhile, Clarissa slowly opened her eyes and weakly sat up. She heard screaming, so she turned to find Flowey and the girl watching Alex getting wrapped in vines.

"Alex!" Clarissa got up on her feet and ran, but she felt something hit her in the back as she fell over.

Clarissa turned over to find Cinder slowly walking up to her. As Cinder finally approached her, she grabbed Clarissa by the shirt and gave her a punch in the face, knocking her out. That got attention from Flowey and the girl. The girl smiled at Cinder.

"Good job, Cinder." The girl said. "Let's take her as well."

After Alex's body was wrapped with vines, Flowey dropped her. Cinder did manage to carry Clarissa's unconscious body while she joined Flowey and the girl. Cinder pulled out a teleportation device, then they walked away while the girl dragged Alex's wrapped body. Flowey then wrapped himself around Cinder's left arm.

"Hey! I'm not done with you!" Frisk shouted while she struggled in the vines. "Come back and fight!"

Jonas just watched as Cinder, Flowey and the girl left. As he went on his side, he extended an arm, then suddenly blacked out.

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