The Story: Eliza and Alexande...

By _notposting_

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Mordern day Eliza and Alexander, and their journey through life. Credit: //Hamilton Lines Used// All righ... More

The Backgrounds
Meeting Her Parents
It's Been So Long
A Bigger House
Philip Hamilton
The Purest Women
A Family Dinner
A Girl
How Do You Say No
A New Start
Getting Older
The Meeting
Deja Vu
Yellow Fever
Author's Note.

Bigger News

103 4 0
By _notposting_

Eliza's POV

I woke up mainly the reason being my phone was going off like hell.  I grabbed it off the nightstand and read all the text as Alex began to rub his eyes.  I looked to the side and saw his notebook and pen in between where we were sleeping.

"Of course." I laugh looking at it.

"I'm still looking over the case, El.  Writing is apart of that." He said as he combed through my hair.

"Your going to knot my hair." I whined as I rested my head on his bare chest.  Suddenly, I looked through my texts and I gasped as I received one from Philip. "THEODOSIA'S PREGNANT!" I yelled jumping out of bed.

"Shh.  You're going to wake the kids up." Alex said then realised. "Wait, Theodosia's pregnant?" 

"Mhm, mhm mhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm!" I yelped as I sat beside Alex. "We're going to be grandparents!" Alex caressed my check as I went through more texts. "Oh my God.." I put my phone onto the bed and Alex picked it up.

"What is it-" He cut off reading it. "Mind telling Alex, I impregnated his sister? Thank you, Eliza. ;) - Thomas.." Alexander began to breath heavily as he read. "I've never wanted to not be able to read so much in my life.  Fuck him.." 

"Hey." I said sitting on top of him. "No profanity as long as we have kids here." 

"Fine, El." Alexander responded putting my phone on the nightstand. 

"It's alright Alex..  I know how much you've been through with your sister, but let her fly a bit.  Let her spread her own wings, have her own colours.  If she wants to spread her legs to Th-" He cut me off.

"Don't give me the same speech for Alyssa as you did for Philip." Alex said laughing. 

"Well I'm just saying-" I got cut off as I heard a knock on the door and I instantly fell onto the bed. 

"Come in!" Alex motioned tiredly. 

"Guys, me and Thomas are going to a party." Angelica said as I saw Thomas come into the frame. 

"Be safe, use protection." I giggled as she left the room and I sat on Alex's chest again. "Now where was I.  Oh yes - I'm just saying I know your very protective of those you love but she needs to be let loose a bit.  All you've been doing since she got back is protect her." 

"Fine, but did our daughter really have to date someone named Thomas? If I hear that name one more time I'm going to scream." Alex said jokingly.  I laughed a bit as I leaned into kiss him. 

9 Months Later       

I was about to drift asleep when I heard my phone ring.  I looked at the caller ID and saw Philip so I answered it right away.

"Ma, Theodosia's water just broke.  We're in an ambulance on our way there." Philip's shaking voice rendered through the phone.

"Downtown?" I questioned quickly grabbing Alex's arm.

"Mhm." He answered still shaky. 

"We'll be there soon." 

"Love you,"

"Love you too, Philip." I responded as Alex and I got our shoes on. "ANGELICA, YOU'RE IN CHARGED!" I yelled as we raced out the door and into the car.  We drove to the hospital and got into the waiting room as I saw a familiar face.

"Alex." I whispered grabbing his arm. "It's the nurse."

"Which nurse?" He asked.

"The nurse who we dealt with when Peggy was in the hospital." 

"Oh, no." Alex laughed.

"Wait, Philip's coming down the hall." I said releasing my grip from his arm and running towards Philip.  I hugged him. "Welcome to life your a father." I laughed as Philip's face turned red.

"Follow me, Theodosia's having contractions." He said professionally. 

"Sounds like what I said to Angelica every time Eliza was in labour." Alex chuckled as we walked down the hallway.  I saw Theodosia laying in her hospital gown and gave her a hug.

"You're doing great, my doll." I stated as Theodosia had another contraction.

"You-- think?" She replied out of breath and in agony. 

"I went through it eight times.  You'll be fine.  Is it a girl or boy?" I questioned helping her through the pain. 

"Gi-- girl." She responded.  I grabbed onto her hand and motioned for Philip to do the same as Alexander stood beside me.

"If you need to, squeeze me or Philip's hand as tight as you want." I said as Theo released her pain onto me.  I saw Aaron run into the room, disorganised. 

"She's almost at 10cm." One of the doctor's stated. "It's too late for an epidural."

"You're going to have to do a natural birth Theodosia, you'll be fine." I said encouraging her.

"What kind of birth did you have for your first?" Philip questioned looking at me.

"For you? I had to have natural as well because the ambulance was caught in  traffic and took a while to come, so it was too late for an option." I responded as Philip brushed hair off of Theodosia's face. 

"She's dilated to 10cm." The doctor said. "Let's get ready."  They put Theodosia's feet into the stands and began to do the procedure.  Alex and Aaron took a seat together as Philip and I stayed at her side. "Push for me, sweetheart." 

"You're doing great." I said once more as Theodosia pushed and screamed in agony.  Until we heard baby whales.  I looked back at Alex and then back at Philip.  They gave the baby to Theodosia and we'll all adored her for a second as they took her to be washed.

"You did it, Theo." Philip exclaimed as he kissed her forehead. I let Aaron take my spot as I backed up a bit with Alex.

"He's so much like you." I whispered into his ear.

"I know." He whispered back as we watched them bring our new granddaughter back in.  They named her Theodosia after Burr's wife since she had sadly passed away of disease.  I was able to hold her for a second.  Then, I gave her to Philip.  

"She looks so much like Theo." I added as Alex took me outside for a second.  

"Alyssa's water just broke, but Thomas doesn't want me there." Alex spoke softly and almost crying.  I put my hands on his shoulders. 

"We'll see her right af-" I cut off once again as I saw paramedics and a woman in a stretcher.  Alex and I kept watching the run down the hall as I saw Alyssa's face and Thomas run beside her.

"G'day, Hamiltons." Thomas tipped his hat in a mocking fashion as he ran past us and took a vacant hospital room down the hall.

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