war was over || camren

By arkhamangel827

83.3K 2.1K 4.8K

"Because the war was over, and I wanted nothing more than her." please note that this is fiction and not ever... More

like a q & a but not really
the prologue's letter


1.9K 54 6
By arkhamangel827

a/n: this'll probably end up being disappointing but i wanted to post something since it's been so fucking long sry :/

May, 2011

Normani's POV

I woke up with a sore spot on my neck from falling asleep in such an uncomfortable position in the damn airplane seat... those things are uncomfortable as hell but since I was on this trip for free, there was no way in hell my ass was gonna complain about flying coach.

Dinah has been a trooper so far, not complaining about the lack of leg space or anything, but that could be because she was sat with her earbuds in, staring out the window with a faraway look on her features.

Our flight wasn't crowded, so in the seat between us was empty, save for Dinah's favorite lion plushie, Simba. I reached across the old toy and gently squeezed her thigh. She was wearing old and soft flannel pajama bottoms and according to her, she looked "like a bum"; I still found her to be breathtaking. Most beautiful girl I've ever had the pleasure of calling mine (but also the only girl).

"Babe, I gotta go to the bathroom, can you come with me?" Dinah asked suddenly, pulling her earphones off her head.

I cocked my head to the side, confused. "Uh, why? You're a big girl, I'm sure you could find it on your own."

"Nooo Mani, come! I wanna ask you something, but I don't want anyone else to hear," she said quietly. The top of her ears were red and her cheeks looked slightly rosy. I reached out and poked it with a squeal. My baby is too cute ohmygod.

I stood, extending my hand to her. The smile she gave me could've lit up the darkest of dark places, and her crater-like dimples were on display. I loved them so much, and I loved it even more when she didn't try to hide it from me, which she didn't do as she grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

Seconds later we were in the tight bathroom with the door shut and locked. I looked to her expectantly.
"So, what's your question?"

"Wanna join the Mile High Club?"

Some hours later, in Hawaii
Puna District, Hawaii County

Dinah's POV

Mani and I had landed at the airport a couple of hours earlier, with huge, dopey satisfied smiles on our faces, and the second my aunt saw she had one of those knowing smirks on her face which was kind of annoying but it was whatever.

We were in Hawaii! We were there to see family and have fun making new memories, not gossiping, which my aunt loved to do, along with starting drama.

"Ayyy Dinah Jane, it's been a long while since I seen you, Cuz," Came the familiar voice of my older cousin, Maleko. He was a typical-looking guy but very handsome. He had long dark and wavy hair, lots of muscles and just as many tattoos, some tribal, and a big one of his mother's name on his right forearm.

"Malili!" I screeched as he picked me up and spun me around.

"I've told you not to call me that anymore!" He grinned, looking around jokingly. "I want you making the girls think I'm soft or something, with that baby nickname," he blushed lightly, eyeing my girl, so I put my arm around her waist and raised my eyebrows. Not today, buddy.

"Oi, I bet you haven't even heard that name in five years, since that's the last time I was here!"

He smiled and rolled his eyes good-naturedly so I knew I had been right. He looked back to Normani then.

"I'm sorry, where are my manners? My little cousin here mentioned dating someone beautiful and sweet, and I can totally see why. Pleasure to meet you, my real name is Maleko. Most people call me Mal, though," He introduced himself very politely and grabbed Mani's right hand, placing a gentle kiss on it.

He was being silly, and my girlfriend giggled in a girly way, and her cheeks darkened slightly. "It's nice to meet you too, Mal. I'm Normani; most people call me Mani, though."

She winked, and I kissed her cheek as Mal laughed. "Cheeky, charming. I like you. Yo Dinah, make sure you hold onto her."

I grinned at him before turning and looking into my favorite dark brown eyes.

"I plan to. With both hands."

Normani's POV

"I mean, I'm not afraid of heights or anything, but why do you want to jump off a cliff?" I asked, crossing my arms and shifting my weight to one foot.

"Babe, it's for fun and you'll regret it if you don't!" Dinah said as she was pulling her messy curls up into a bun. She just thinks she's so damn funny, doesn't she?

I rolled my eyes. "Right. Fun spending hours in a hospital because I broke my leg jumping 25 feet into some water. What if there are rocks under the surface?" I asked, not convinced. I mean like, a life is at stake here, along with a possible relationship coming to an abrupt end. All because I would regret not jumping off of a cliff.

I watched as my girlfriend opened her mouth to speak, but Mal jumped in, a hand out.

"If it'll convince you that the water's safe enough for you and your girl, I'll jump right now, and give you a thumbs up when everything goes smoothly. That a deal?"

I pinched my mouth to one side, pretending to think it over. I nodded and smiled. "Hope you don't die!"

"See you on the other side, Malili," Dinah said with a kissy face.

"Mata usi!"

"Love you too!"

I walked closer as he got ready to jump. He bent his knees, and just before he jumped, he turned and did a backflip! Looked really cool but hell nah.

"Oh hell nah!" Dinah yelled, saying what I had been thinking.

I squinted my eyes when I saw movement at the bright blue surface of the water.

I saw Mal emerge from the water, a megawatt smile and two thumbs on display.

"The water's fine! And I'm very much alive! Come on in!" He yelled from maybe 20 feet down. He started to swim for a large nearby rock and hauled himself up, almost slipping.

I giggled at him as I stepped slightly closer, making sure my ass wasn't falling off the damn cliff.

"Sorry but, uhh fuck that. There's absolutely no way in --" I got cut off, as I felt someone push me. I screamed, flailing my arms and legs, before desperately trying to straighten them out. I hit the water with a rather large splash, and I registered instant pain from the fall. Thankfully, the water was cool enough that I felt better after a few seconds. I came up for air, sputtering and coughing. Looking up, I saw the culprit who had pushed me in, wearing a large smile on her beautiful face-- no, Normani, you're pissed at her.

I swam over to where Mal was, and waited for Dinah to jump down. Mal grabbed my outstretched hand and pulled me up onto the warm rock. After a few minutes, the asshole appeared, jumping over us, whooping as she fell. She swam over to us, with a smile that made my heart race. She pushed herself up, and carefully made her way over to me.

"Hi baby." She grinned, slightly breathless from the fall and the swim.

"Hi baby," I scoffed at her, crossing my arms. "Fuck you, I hope you're happy with yourself because now you're sleeping on the couch."

I turned away from her, looking at the waves, which were very loud as they clashed with other rocks, but soothing.

"C'mon, Mani, it wasn't that bad!" Dinah pleaded with me, but I could still hear the laughter in her slightly hoarse voice. I rolled my eyes, heaving a loud and dramatic sigh. "Baby pleaaaaase."

I turned around to look at Dinah and I instantly shut my eyes. No, she did not get to use her cute puppy face on me. That is not allowed at all. I will not allow her to get off scot-free.

"No, I'm mad at you. Don't even think about speaking to me for ten minutes." I grumbled, still refusing to open my eyes. I felt two arms wrap themselves around me gently, and a mane of wet hair invaded my face.

"I'm sorry." Dinah murmured, nuzzling her face into my neck and leaving little pecks every few seconds. I could already feel my resolve crumbling, and goddamn it, Normani, you're getting way too weak.

I heard Mal clear his throat. "Hey guys, I'm still here..."

"Shut up, I'm trying to get my boo back." Dinah growled playfully at him. She unhooked her arms from around my waist. I heard a loud splash and a yell, then I heard Dinah cackle loudly. I couldn't help but laugh along with her infectious laughter.

I finally opened my eyes and shut them again, before slowly opening them. The sun was right in my face and I did not approve.

Mal was pulling himself up, and every time he managed to do so, Dinah was right there to push him back off. The scene warmed my heart, and I saw myself falling even more in love with Dinah. The way that she interacted with her family, the love she has for them, how protective she is of them. It's admirable and easily one of my favorite things about her. Although I must confess, everything about her is my favorite thing.

Dinah's POV

It was later in the day, more like evening, and things were winding down. After we had fun on the cliffs with my oldest cousin, Mani and I had left to go see some of my other family. I couldn't wait to introduce her to everyone, I was so excited.

Mostly it was a bunch of my aunts and uncles, and my grandparents. But my family is so big that there were plenty of little kids running around and they all wanted to meet my girl. At first I was kind of worried that she would feel overwhelmed by it all, but she was a natural with everyone, even the rowdiest of the bunch.

We were entirely too young for me to even be thinking about it, but I couldn't help myself; Normani would be the perfect mother to our children. Family is so important to me, and though we haven't spoken about things like that seriously, I feel like we would be just fine. We love and support each other, so we would do the same with our future child - unconditionally.

"What are you thinking so hard about, Dinah Jane?" Cousin Mal asked as he sat down next to me on a rock. We were overlooking the bonfire and partying that was happening below on the sand, my girl was down there too.

"Nothing much. Did you and Io gather everyone?" I asked, mentioning my other cousin who was my age. Io or Sefa were names everyone called him, though his full name was Iosefa.

"Yeah I think so."

He didn't sound sure about it though, and I picked up on it. "Well, I'll just walk through the building one more time; if more people come, Auntie will have to make more food."

"Alright, well the surf's not too bad right now, so I'm gonna head out there."

"Have fun," I replied, messing up his hair before climbing off the rock and walking down to the sand where everyone else was.

"Babe, wait up!" I heard Normani call after me. The sound of her smooth voice brought an automatic goofy grin to my face; some called it being whipped, but I just called it being in love. (And I had definitely seen Camren exchange looks that made me think that maybe they were ((whipped)) soulmates... I've shipped them together since the first time I saw Lauser interact with Camila. And that probably makes me a captain but whatever I should probably reply to my girlfriend so she doesn't think I'm ignoring her.)

"What's up? Having fun with the kids? Seth is finally old enough to play with the older kids." I say, leaning in for a kiss, which she reciprocates briefly.

"I was, they're all so cute and playful... Kinda like you. Oh, and Regina's looking after Seth. But where're you going?" she asked, falling in step with me as I walked across the beach towards the Puna Estates buildings everyone was staying in. The estate was named after the district in Hawaii of the same name that were currently in.

"Oh, I'm just checking to see if everyone in the buildings is either at the beach or coming so the guys can know how much food to cook."

"I'll come with you then," she replied, flashing me a perfectly pearly white smile, while taking my hand.

I interlaced our fingers and swung our hands a little between us, and before I knew it, we were giggling and skipping around like idiots towards the buildings.

We had sobered up enough by the time we had walked all the way through and made it to the last building. 25 minutes had come and gone, and we had coaxed a few of the elders out of their homes and towards the beach for some good food and a good time.

"Isn't that everyone? It's been awhile, I'm starting to get hungry," Mani complained, groaning playfully and leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Babe, you're always hungry. You're just like Chancho."

"Hey, you know I gotta get my energy back, I'm wiped from playing with the kids and exploring and all that jazz." She whined, and I just laughed at how exhausting she made it sound.

"Oh my god don't be so lazy! I do that everyday; I know you know how much family I have around me all the time!" I exclaim, and she giggles, nodding.

"I definitely do," She trailed off, peeling herself off of me and turning away to look at something. Confused, I turn to see what had taken her attention.

There was a slip of loose leaf paper on the ground, peeking its way out of a yellow 8x11 envelope.

"What's that?" I ask, peering down as Normani bends to pick it up. I wish I could say I didn't stare at her ass, but I don't wanna lie, tbh.

She shook her head. "Let's find out."


As it turned out, the letter was addressed to someone (big surprise there). It was a letter that seemed to be from parents to a child. But it wasn't a typical letter from the 'rents... this letter was a renouncing one; harsh and hateful words were handwritten towards a girl whose name was apparently 'Amaui'.

Some lines that stood out to me were:

"Poor excuse for a daughter,"

"I don't know how we ever loved you,"

"A disgrace to the family,"

And "Disowned."

I was in shock, and I felt my mouth hanging open.

"Room 176..." Normani read from the paper. We both looked up and realized the door we were standing front of was 176.

Acting without thinking, I knocked loudly a few times.

a/n: this isn't the full chapter

oOoOoO shit bois i forgot

Credit goes to casey/donnyjake for the cute norminah shit that i cannot wriTe
thanks boi

i'm gonna get on writing the next part and posting it as quickly as i can bc 3/4 months with no update is kinda ridiculous and i hope you're all still with me

also holy shit thanks for 54k
like, what is life


stay frosty,


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