Dark Nights In Gotham City (B...

By vnordinarylee

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Becoming part of the Bat family. I do not own some characters like Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl and others. Tho... More

Dark Nights In Gotham City
Ch. 1: The Visiting Student
Chapter 3: Scarecrow
Chapter 4: The Batcave
Chapter 5: settling at the Wayne Manor
Chapter 6: Nightmares
Chapter 7: First day at Gotham Academy
Chapter 8: starting training
Chapter 10: wednesday, training with Batgirl
Chapter 11: Jason visits the Wayne Manor.
Chapter 12: Origin stories
Chapter 13: young justice/first mission
Chapter 14: failed search.
Chapter 15: Abducted by the League of Shadows
Chapter 16: Coming home
Chapter 17: Detective skills
Chapter 18: Left out.
Chapter 19: Team up with Red Hood.
Chapter 20: A visit to Star City.
Chapter 21: Girls night out.
Chapter 22: Date at Haly's Circus.
Chapter 23: Midnight
Chapter 24: Batgirl retires
Chapter 25: Life without Barbara.
Chapter 26: Titan tower
Chapter 27: Oracle.
Chapter 28: Leader
Chapter 29: i got your back
Chapter 30: A New Batgirl
Chapter 31: Clues.
Chapter 32: Cheshire nights
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Spoiler.
Chapter 35: Babysitter
Chapter 36: Kents
Chapter 37: Life at the farm.
Chapter 38: Surprises
Chapter 39: New Identity.
Chapter 40: journey to the past.
Chapter 41: different dimension.
Chapter 42: Escape
Chapter 43: Evil twin
Chapter 44: Evil twin part 2
Chapter 45: secrets
Chapter 46: truth
Chapter 47: an important decision
Chapter 48: Conffesions
Chapter 49: plead
Chapter 50: A new addition
Announcement 1

Chapter 9: Tuesday, training with Nightwing

754 20 1
By vnordinarylee

The alarm rings at 5:30 in the morning. Once I'm up, it's time to start exercising, which is mainly doing push ups and all the other exercises just as Batman told me. I want to be ready as soon as possible. Ugh, after training I have to get ready for school, I better hurry up. The day starts with me running outside the mansion. I head for the door, opening it slowly and carefully, trying to avoid making a sound. As I make my way through the hallway, I walk past Nightwing's room. His door is half open, he is already awake, and he's doing push ups. He got ahead of me. Without wasting another second, I go outside and start running, challenging myself to run faster.

As my speed increases, the air feels cooler, drying the beads of sweat running down my forehead. According to my training schedule, I have to run at least five laps.

When I'm done I go back inside, take a shower and get ready for school.

Tim and I walk out of our rooms at the same time, we smile at each other and run down the stairs, where Nightwing is waiting to drop us off at school.

"Have a good day day guys, see you later and be careful"

"What makes you think we're going to get in trouble?" I ask Nightwing. Behind me Tim starts laughing and Nightwing smiles. "You have a good day too Nightwing" then we get out of the car and wave at him as he leaves.

"Ready for a new day at Gotham Academy?" Asks Tim with a smirk on his face and he hits my arm playfully.

"You know Tim, you are like my annoying little brother" Tim smiles and go to our classes.
The day goes by fast, and before I know it, it's lunch time. Jason waves from the other side of the cafeteria and joins us for lunch.

"Hey guys!" He says with a smirk, he also ruffles Tim's dark hair.

"Jason can you not do that? It's annoying." Tim says while fixing his hair with his fingers.

"Leave my little brother alone" I say laughing, though I must admit that Tim looks adorable.

"Little brother huh?"

"Yeah, my annoying little adoptive brother. We're all part of the bat family." the bell rings and it's time to go back to class. "You know Jason, maybe you should come visit the Manor sometime, I'm sure Bruce will be very happy to have you" I smile at him and he shrugs.

While we wait for Nightwing at the end of the day, we see Jason putting on his red helmet and leaving on his motorcycle. He is really cool.
Nightwing heads to the Bat cave as soon as we arrive at the Manor. "Don't forget you have to train." He says as we enter.

With a groan, I go upstairs and change into my training clothes. As I head to the kitchen I hear Alfred say "don't forget to eat something before you get started Miss Victoria."

The truth is that I'm really nervous, specially because it's my first day of actual combat training. Nightwing is on the mat waiting for me to get there.

"Are you ready to start training Victoria?" Asks Nightwing rubbing his hands together.

"Well somebody is in a hurry" I say putting my hands on my hips. "yes I'm ready to start."

"He's gonna beat you up, so just be careful" Tim says from his seat.

"Shut up Tim "

"Not in a hurry, but it would be nice for you to join the team as soon as possible" he smiles. Did he just say that he really wants me in the team? I think I'm dreaming....he tries to kick me but my senses awaken and I stop his kick. I'm not dreaming, this is really happening.

"Um..I wasn't expecting you to stop the kick, you seem distracted," Nightwing says with a surprised expression. "you need to focus."

"I've noticed you've being exercising, that's good, I'm sure you'll join us soon, at the end of practice I have something for you. Let's get started." he gives me a Bo staff. "First I will teach you to use the Bo staff, then I will teach you to use the escrima sticks, meaning two parts that you can put together to form one, like mine." Let the training began. Nightwing shows me some moves and I repeat them. As I move the bo staff, I hear a noise and get distracted, hitting Nightwing by accident.

When I feel my bo staff hit him I gasp. "I'm so sorry" I offer my hand to help him get up. "I got distracted." I say looking down to hide my red face.

He takes my hand and gets up. "It's okay." He says. When he sees my worried expression he repeats it again. "Don't worry Im okay, just try to focus, are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine, I just thought I heard a noise"

"I didn't hear anything" Tim says.

"Well it's hard to explain but my hearing sense is different I can hear a little more than a human but not as much as superman, that's what the doctor said."

"Interesting, well if you hear anything else make sure to stop okay? And this time try not to hit anyone." He says with a smirk.

Nightwing walks behind me, and puts his arms around me, then he grabs my hands.

"Okay." He says close to my ear. "Hold it like this and move your wrists like this, if I make you uncomfortable please tell me. "

I nod and keep letting him lead my moves. I feel his breath on my neck and my heart starts beating faster.

"You learn really fast, now let's try the escrima sticks" he takes my Bo staff and hands me the sticks. Then he shows me more moves.

After practicing for a little bit we start practicing the techniques I learned in combat. So far I'm good, I think I'm doing a great job until he does an unexpected move and hits me in the face, making me fall back in surprise.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I-i" he sits next to me to check if I'm okay.

"Don't worry Nightwing I'm okay. Besides, now we are even." I get up and stretch my arms. "Can we keep practicing?" His eyes are full of concern and he still looks shocked.

"I think you should rest, it's enough training for today, let me show you the surprise" he walks to the closet and takes out a Robin costume for me. He gives it to me "try it on"

I walk towards a change room and put it on. I LOVE it! I walk towards the mirror and spin. I look good in it, and my utility belt is ready. When I walk towards Nightwing he just stares at me.

"Uh Nightwing? You're staring at me"

"Uh sorry, it just....it looks really nice on you" he blushes a little and looks away.

"Thank you" I put my hands together, my eyes are close and I have a huge smile on my face.

"Is it okay if I take you to your room, just to make sure you're okay and to call Alfred"

"Sure, I really appreciate your concern" he walks behind me until we get to my room, then Alfred comes in and Nightwing leaves.

"Well miss Victoria, I there is no damage, maybe just a bruise, but you still need to rest"

"Thank you Alfred. " I say with a smile. He is about to leave but I stop him. "you know Alfred, I was wondering if maybe on Fridays you can teach me some stuff, you know about medicine and how to take care of the Bat family"

"That would be wonderful, just tell me you want to start and I'll be ready" he leaves with a smile on his face.

Since it was such a busy day, as soon as I close my eyes I fall asleep.


After walking Victoria to her room I head back to the Bat cave. There is an uneasy feeling inside of me. What was I thinking, she just started training, what was I thinking, I hit her in the face. I want to go back to Victoria's room and apologize. I just have to make sure that she is okay. Alfred's voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Master Dick, I just wanted to let you know that Miss Victoria is okay"

"Thank you Alfred" then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see Bruce.

"Can we talk Dick?"

"Sure Bruce"

"So what's going on between you and Victoria?" That's Bruce, he doesn't ask if anything is going on because he already knows.

"I don't know, I'm not sure"

"I'm just worried, you know I want the best for you and I don't want either of you to get hurt."

Bruce is making me nervous, he looks really serious about the subject.

"Just remember Dick, be careful and no dating." Asks Bruce and he manages a small smile.

"Don't worry, there will be plenty of time for that once the city is safe, which probably won't happen. "

"Good answer. Well goodnight Dick, I'll see you tomorrow"

I walk out of the bat-cave and walk by Victoria's room, her door is half open so I take a look inside. She is asleep, she looks very peaceful and cute, she looks younger too.

I really want to tell her my real identity but I'm going to wait for the right moment, to make it special. Well I'll see her tomorrow, for now I need to rest.

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