First Base // Ryden

By panicking-ryden

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Brendon was a boy in love. Ryan was the pitcher for the school baseball team. {Just a ryden baseball au I th... More

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Thats the end!

Bonus Chapter: Ryan's POV

6.9K 290 155
By panicking-ryden

This is it. This is the game my high school baseball career has been based on.

Regional game.

I've been here before. But now it felt like a bigger deal. I don't know why.

There's just been so many people i don't know that cheer for me. "Go Ryan! You're a great pitcher!" People I've never spoken to in my life.

Not to be cocky, but I would consider myself popular. Lots of people would. I mean, I'm no football player jock popular. But people like me. All I do is play baseball.

I've never really made real friends since I moved here freshman year. Just people who wanted to be my friend because I was popular. Spencer has really been the only one there because he likes me as a person.

But this year. This year I met some amazing people I wish would have crawled into my life 4 years ago.

Brendon being the main one.

God there was something about that guy. I didn't know what. I just wanted to make him happy at all times. I love hanging out with him, Jon, and Sarah. But Brendon. Brendon was the one i loved the most.

And maybe the guy who brings out my bisexual side.

I wanted to as him out on a date after the game. Not in front of everyone, but in private. I hope he'll say yes.

I hope that he likes me back.

"Ross! Let's go you're up to bat!" Coach shouted with a smile. I stood up making my way out of the dugout.

"yes sir!" I got up and ran out there. Let the game begin.

I took my bat. I got this one for my 18th birthday back in August. A steel one with a black coat and a silver grip, with 'Easton' written across the side in big white letters. This is the one that's gotten me this far.

I take a deep breathe and run out on the field only to have Spencer run back and pat my shoulder, "Good luck out there bud." and i nod.

I step up to home plate and tap my bat 3 times. Superstition I've had since I was 7.

I pick up the bat and look out in the bleachers hoping to find my friends there.

Sarah.. and.. Brendon's not there.

I look back to Jon who's in the dugout talking with Spencer. I turn my head back to the bleachers, only to not see him again and my heart drops.

Why wasn't he here? Why would he leave me like this. I feel my palms start to sweat.

he's never missed a game.

I look down wondering where the hell he could be. The crowd gets quieter. The lights get brighter.

And everything goes black.

{A/N:  ¯\__/¯

I've had this idea for awhile and I was bored in class so here it is.

I also guess I'm not ready to let this story go.

since there seems to be some confusion: this is ryan's pov from when he got hit in the head with the ball and went into a coma. not a continuation of the story. sorry}

{ -2 years later update- hey so i'm in the middle of rewriting this story but i get so many comments on this about the bat and stuff so i just went ahead and rewrote this part sksksks

oh and one more thing

there won't be a sequel.

bye now!

don't forget to smile :D

~ J <3 }

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