
By youngdeviant

13.1K 378 165

'with great power comes great responsibility'. Starting a new school where you have no clue what's going on... More

Chapter 1~New Year
Chapter 2~Meet and Greet
Chapter 3~ The heist
Chapter 4~ First day
Chapter 5~ Drama in Drama
Chapter 6~ The proposal
Chapter 8~ Cheerleading
Chapter 9~ The secret
Chapter 10~ Costa
Chapter 11~ Taylor and Nash
Chapter 12~ Motionless
Chapter 13~ Awake
Chapter 14~ Tell me!
Chapter 15~ A nice walk
Chapter 16~ THE Taylor Canniff!?
Chapter 17~ Why are we awake?
Chapter 18~ secrets and tours (part 1)
Chapter 18~ secrets and tours (part 2)

Chapter 7~ Fly's boyfriend

612 16 6
By youngdeviant

~~Treacherous' s POV~~

All of the girls have been looking at me weirdly ever since my sudden outburst just now. I spoke the truth though, she is quite happy and all jolly and all that and fact says that normally people would be hiding something much deeper inside.

Right now there was an awkward silence and I really had the urge to say 'AWKWARD SILENCE' out loud but decided not to. I would probably get more odd stares.

Thankfully Alaska's phone rang and she went up to go and get it. Fly found this the chance to say something to me.

"Is this about you being jealous or because you used to be a goth." She pointed out. I just looked up at her evilly and she just crossed her arms probably waiting for an answer.

"None of the above. I said that I wouldn't trust her I never ever said that I was jealous or I wanted to kill her." I said waving my hands around for emphasis. Am I jealous of her? I honestly doubt that. I mean what is there to be jealous about? She is just an ordinary girl well not really, we're all not ordinary or normal to be honest.

I could go investigating why I think that but that is pointless really. I never get jealous, there is no point in getting jealous really it isn't the nicest thing to feel and not the best state of mind to live in.

"Really treacherous?"  Ella asked raising her eyebrows in suspicion. I just rolled my eyes and went over to my bed to listen to some more Taylor swift.

"You know it's okay if you are." Hazel said to me.

"Drop it." I snapped." It's not that I don't like her, all I'm saying is that I haven't known her long enough to make a judgement." I explained putting in my ear phones to hear the lovely voice of Taylor. Before I could play the music I noticed Alaska hanging up her phone and putting on her jacket.

"Who was that and where are you going?" I asked her, watching her intently. The focus wasn't on me anymore as Hazel and Fly turned their heads to face Alaska and I'm glad. That conversation was just uncomfortable and annoying.

"Oh, I'm off to... actually I have no idea where I'm going." She answered. What? "Axel is taking me somewhere." She added. Kay, that made more sense. I awwwed at her and she just shyly smiled. Her relationship with Axel is just too cute! They are always going on dates and inviting each other over and cuddling and just being romantic.

"You are adorable." I gushed at her and she kept that smile on her face.

"I should be back before dinner...hopefully but I will text you exactly when, when I can." She said before she yelled "Seeya" And began walking out of the door.

"Remember to use protection!" Fly yelled at her before she could close the door. We burst out laughing and carried on for like another minute. We can be so funny sometimes. Ella had put in her earphones and was on her phone.

"Okay, back to you." Hazel said swivelling herself round to face me who was now up on my bed. "Don't think we forgot."

"Oh my God, guys can you leave me alone!" I burst out. Uggghhh.

"Fine." Fly huffed going back to what she was doing which was texting.

"Who are you texting?" Hazel asked leaning over her shoulder.

"NOBODY!" She exclaimed a little too quickly and slapped her phone down on her lap.

"You're blushing." Winnie pointed out finally joining the conversation. Ella had now taken out her earphones and was now back in the conversation.

"Which only means one thing..." Hazel carried on while Fly hid her face in her hands. We all looked at eachother before all screaming:

"It's a guy!"

~~Fly' s POV~~

Oh God. No! I didn't want them to find out. All they are going to do now is go on and on about him.

"Who is he?"

"Does he go to this school?"

"Is he hot?" Ella bursts out and we started laughing. I sighed and grunted in annoyance.

"Fine! I'll tell you. Just be quiet." I said waiting for them to settle down so I would have to tell them.

They all leaned in and stared at me waiting.

"His name is Taylor, Taylor Canniff. I met him at Starbucks down the road when he offered to get me a drink and I accepted. We talked for like ever and when he needed to go we exchanged numbers so we could meet up again."

"Ooooh, Fly's got a boyfriend!" Treacherous said in a childish manner. I just rolled my eyes and waited for what the other two were going to say.

"That still doesn't answer my question, is he hot?" Ella pressed. I nodded quickly. He was hot.

"Oooooooh, what power does he have?" Hazel asked. I slowly looked down. Uh oh. "Fly?" She asked.

"That's the thing..."I dragged leaving them to look at me.

"What's the thing?" Hazel asked piercing her eyes to me.

"Hehasn'tgotapowerandheisfullhuman." I said really quickly hoping they wouldn't hear what I said.

"What!?" Hazel screamed. "You know it is forbidden to be patronising with the full humans." Hazel said in just over than a whisper but still with the same amount of aggression. She probably doesn't want anyone outside to hear.

"Yeah, I know but that's a stupid rule." I huffed and crossed my arms against my chest. This is so not fair! I feel like a teen getting lectured by a parent.

"It's stupid? And what if he finds out you can fly? huh? what will happen then?" She says lecturing me further. But she does have a point.

"Fly, they have this rule for a reason." Treacherous said and I couldn't be bothered to look up at her.

"Yeah, I know." I said coldly looking at nothing in particular. "To keep us safe from publicity and danger blah blah blah..." I mumbled putting quote Mark fingers up while saying that.

Ella sighed making us look at her. "Do you like him? Like really really like him?" Ella asked me. I looked up slowly and nodded my head slowly still trying to make sure I knew my answer to that question. "Then we should help you. Come on guys, we can get them to like see each other without the school knowing right?" Ella suggested.

"You know how I feel about bending the rules Ella." Hazel told her. She just shrugged.

"It's an idea, and its not like the school has spies around." Ella pointed out waving her hands around dramatically.

"Ella' s right." Winnie spoke up and we were all looking at Hazel to finally give in.

"No. Do you know how much trouble we could get in if Draculaura finds out. We will be dead. Not literally but...oh you know what I mean!" Hazel said folding her arms over her chest not giving in.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?" We all said as if on cue. I especially wanted them to help me, Taylor's hot and he seems to like me and I really like him. This could be my first ever boyfriend.

"Yeah, This is her first boyfriend." Treacherous literally repeated what I was thinking.

Hazel huffed and thought for a few seconds before finally saying:


We all silently cheered and I could feel my knees lift off of the ground and I looked down to see that I was floating. I quickly put myself down again. I tend to float when I am happy or excited and its a little hard to control but whatevs. They are helping me and thats all that matters.

"But if we get in trouble, I'm blaming all you people." Hazel exclaimed pointing at each of us. We just shrugged it off before we heard a knock at the door."

"Who is it?" Winnie asked just about to open the door.

"Ever, Infinity and Lyla!" A voice called over the door. Winnie opened the door grunting and walked out as soon as they walked in.

"Infinity!" I screamed and got up to go and hug her.

"Fly!" she screamed back and hugged me equally as tight.

"What was that about?" Ever asked as the door slammed by Winnie's force.

"She doesn't really like you." Treacherous replied her. Lyla went over to sit with Hazel. Them two were literally inseparable and were so alike too. They were both quiet and sweet and innocent...more or less.

Ever, Lyla and Infinity are our friends. They are really good friends but we only see them like 3 or 4 times a week if we are lucky. They have literally the opposite classes that are the opposite side of the school plus we have homework schedules so it's hard to see them often.

"Where's Alaska?" Infinity asked looking around our dorm.

"She went out with Axel like 10 minutes ago." Hazel replied her.

"And what's up with this new girl erm, Chanay?" Lula asked and we giggled a little.

" Chantelle." I corrected her and she nodded. "Well, she is new and she is really nice. I think you'll like her." I replied and they just nodded taking in the info.

Just then the door opened and in came Channelled with Tyler just behind her. She was holding a couple of bags on each arm and was wearing new shoes. She stepped in and looked around at Infinity, Lyla and Ever confusingly before saying.

"Hi I'm Chantelle." She walked over to her bed to put her bags down while we all said hey back.

"Not to sound rude or anything but who are you?" She said looking over at them three.

"Oh, this is Infinity, Ever and Lyla." I introduced as I pointed to each.

"Oh okay. I like unicorns!" Chantelle shouted randomly and Infinity started jumping up excitedly.

"Oh my God! We are gonna be good friends!" Infinity screamed while Chantelle joined her in jumping and waving her hands like a spaz.


(There is the chapter you were pestering me on Oscar!)(You're welcome!)

So this was shorter than usual, sorry but I have this friend @Just_Oscar_here and he kept going "UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!" So yeah...

(Taylor's pic to the side)

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