Strange Ones

By Diamondheart37

3K 63 12

Alex and her friends are going to Strange Island, home of the Strange Ones, to spend their summer for a vacat... More

Strange Island
Taking the Train to Strange City
The Perfect Way To Start Our Vacation
All Over The News
Dinner with the President
Leaving the City
Truth or Slap with Strange Ones
Making Our Way to the Delta Base
The Delta Base
The Founders of Delta
Training Day
Delta Number 9
Our First Mission
Battle of the Metal Behemoths
Being Brave
Hanging with the Cat Faunus
The Message
A Night in Hotland
Into Mettaton's Room We Go
The Enemy Found
In the Garden
Strange Island's Most Wanted
Look At This Book!
Attacked in the Library
The Flower
She Ran Away...
Everything About This Place Is Crazy
There Are Blades In My Weapon!
Confronted, Then Captured
Chara, the Girl with the Blade
Locked Up Together
This Is All Your Fault!
Thorax's Plan
The Lady Next Door
Journey to the Dark Ones' Base
Breaking In And Out
When The Battle Begins, We Come Around
Race to Strange City
The Battle Of Strange City
Breaking the Beacon
Finding Mr. President
Showdown with Chrysalis
Can You Hear Me?
The Whole Island Knows Of Delta
Goodbye, Strange Island
A Brand New Life
The Story Continues...

More Than A Team

42 1 0
By Diamondheart37

At Delta Number 9, everyone was at the table for lunch. Over there, everyone continuously laughed at Sans' joke. Everyone except for Papyrus, who always despised of his jokes. Of course, Toriel was cooking lunch with help from Twilight. Even Nat was there for lunch. She was still recovering from the attack, but was keeping the thought off her mind for now. For Papyrus, both his legs were handcuffed to the legs of his chair.

"Okay. Okay. Here's another one." Sans said, getting everyone's attention. "This guy wanted my wallet," His hand was between two slices of bread. "But I gave him a 'knuckle' sandwich."

Everyone laughed, pounding the table and falling off their chairs. But Papyrus started moving in his chair.

"Sans! You promised no puns at lunch!" Papyrus shouted.

"Hey. Promises were made to be broken." Nat said with crossed arms. "Deal with it."

"Hey." Yang said getting the humans' attention. "We're glad that you guys actually came for lunch."

"Eh. It was nothing." Alex said.

"Also, can I ask a question?" Jonas said. "Why is Papyrus handcuffed to his chair?"

"Um, reasons." Fluttershy replied with a shrug, getting a raised eyebrow from Jonas until Blake whispered into his ear.

"Oh. Now I get it." Jonas got a nod from Blake.

"Also, I may have glued him to his chair." Pinkie whispered to Ren. "Don't tell him I told you that."

"I won't." Ren whispered back.

"Okay. Can we just stop whispering for a moment and get back to why we are here?" Kubo said.

Nat let out a huff and mumbled, "If you absolutely insist, Mr. No Fun."

"I heard that."

Nat groaned, placing her head on the table.

"Oh, come on. Can we just have a little bit of fun for now?" Frisk said. "I mean, it's lunch. Sans always cracks up his famous jokes for lunch, despite Papyrus not approving of his jokes."

Saoirse nodded with agreement. "Mm hmm."

Everyone turned to the door to find Toriel come out with Twilight, who levitated bowls full of noodle soup to the table. As she did, she and Toriel sat down and watched everyone eat.

"Wow. This is great!" Nona exclaimed.

"Um, I'd think you humans would like Zane's recipe better." Toriel said with a nervous smile. "He's a better cook than I am."

"Toriel, what are you talking about?" Alex replied. "This is good stuff!"

"Yes, but I wouldn't recommend Papyrus' recipe for noodle soup." Weiss said with a glare on Papyrus. "Last time he decided to make soup, he almost burnt Delta Number 9. I was going to call the fire department, but Nya just saved the day. I thanked her for that ever since."

"Wow." Clarissa said.

"Also, I did hold a little grudge on him when that-"

"Dude," Frisk said getting Weiss' attention. "Let it go."

Sans let out a soft chuckle. "Well, things are going smooth for us today. We're all here, the others are fine. We're all together, and the humans finally got their Clarissa back."

"Aw, shucks." Alex said in response.

"Aw, shucks indeed, kid. Aw, shucks indeed."

San picked up his bowl and started slurping at his soup. After that, everyone giggled when they saw a noodle left under his nose.

"What? What's the big laugh?" Sans raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing at all, Sensei Wu." Rainbow said, then giggled as Sans found the noodle on his face.

"Who's Sensei Wu?" Jonas asked.

"He's Lloyd's old mentor." Ruby answered.

Sans suddenly stood from his chair and picked up a skewer stick from the table. "You'll never be a great fighter unless you stop sitting on your butts and play video games as you do so."

Everyone but Papyrus suddenly started laughing, hitting the tables and falling off their chairs.

"Sans!" Papyrus shouted.

"What is that noise I hear? Laughter? Can remember the last time I laughed. I don't know about you all, but maybe someday..." Sans picked up a large bowl and placed it on his head. "You will have a hat like mine."

Everyone continued laughing as Papyrus clenched his fists. Even Saoirse was trying to stifle a laugh when she heard Sans' recent joke. As they laughed, they stopped when they saw an elderly man with a white beard in a white robe, a pair of pants and a sensei hat holding a bo staff standing behind Sans.

"Hat." Sans said. "Come on, guys. You got this before. Why aren't you all laughing?"

"It's Wu." Sunset whispered.

"Of course it's Wu. What are you talking about?"

Sunset pointed until Sans turned around to find the man. The short skeleton shrieked after he did so, throwing the bowl off his head and back on the table.

"Wu!" Sans shouted until everyone laughed.

"And you said I had high-pitched screams." Jonas said with a stifled laugh.

Sans gave the man known as Wu a weak smile. As a result, Wu whacked him on the head with his bo staff until Sans fell off his chair. Some people at the table gaped, others had wide eyes or their hands covering their mouths.

"You all think this is funny?" Wu questioned. "The Dark Ones are going to take one--no--two of us away, and you're all acting like children!"

"Wait, what?" Applejack raised an eyebrow.

"We all ignored the Dark Ones' final warning, and they're about to come for a couple of us!"

Toriel's eyes widen, then she raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Yes, it is so!" Wu said in response.

"My apologies, Wu. But I don't understand." Toriel said.

Wu suddenly pulled out a folded note from his pockets as everyone at the table raised an eyebrow. Twilight levitated the note to her, putting it in her hands and opening it. After that, she started reading the words on the paper.

You all asked for it. We're coming for you.

Everyone's eyes widen after Twilight read the note.

"Uh...what does that mean?" Asriel wanted to know with concern in his voice.

"Oh no! I better ready the defenses!" Papyrus was about to get up from his chair, but he suddenly fell over along with his chair. "Sans! Did you glue me to my chair!"

"No..." Sans groaned.

Meanwhile, Pinkie let out a whistle. The others watched as Pinkie got up from her chair and ran out of the room.

"Pinkie, wait! Your noodles!" Rarity shouted.

"Not interested!" Pinkie shouted back.

Fluttershy let out a huff. "Oh well. I'll give Pinkie's bowl to Trico later. He'll eat almost anything."

After lunch, the humans went back to their room. Over there, they discussed about the recent notes they got from the Dark Ones. Why would they give them notes with warnings? The young humans had a lot of thinking to do. As they discussed, they were found by Kai, Blake, Amethyst, Rainbow and Asgore.

"Yo! What'cha guys talkin' about?" Amethyst said as she and the others entered.

"Oh, the usual." Ren replied. "Talking about the threat notes we've been getting, the recent note that Wu guy showed us..."

"Huh. So you met Sensei, huh?" Kai couldn't help but grin.

"Yeah. The first moment we met him, he gave Sans a whack on the head." Nona said.

"Okay, can we talk about Wu later?" Jonas said. "I mean, we have a lot of discussing about the threat notes from the Dark Ones to do."

"Speaking of the notes, Sunset said she knew why we were getting them." Rainbow said.

"Talk to us." Clarissa crossed her arms. "What does she know about these 'notes'?"

"Well, she said when she got that first letter, someone has been reporting to Chrysalis." Rainbow explained. "She didn't know who it was, but she knew they were working with the Dark Ones. She said that they have went where you guys went. Remnant, Mettaton's mansion, Strange City, they were basically spying on you guys every time either one of you goes on a mission."

"The spy, what did they look like?" Alex asked.

"Like I said, Sunset doesn't know who it was. But all she knows is that the spy looked like a shadow of some sort. She was uncertain of the spy's appearance."

Jonas let out a huff. "Great. After all this time, someone has been spying on us and we were completely unaware."

"We were all completely unaware of this, yes." Asgore agreed.

"Hey, chill out." Alex said. "We will probably have a lot of stories to tell after we head home at the end of summer."

"Alex, I think the right word you were looking for was 'if'." Clarissa replied.

"Any good reason why you say so?"

"Yes. My prediction is that we're all gonna die and we're probably not coming back even after summer comes to a close."

"Clarissa, why would you even say something like that?" Blake wanted to know.

"Because, Blake, I don't think anyone back at our home even wanted us to suddenly disappear without a trace and they're probably going to give up on looking for us and we will be presumed dead, and you guys will be blamed for it, even if they never even met you."

"Doesn't that sound a little bit harsh even to you?" Amethyst asked.

"Yes, but like I said before, it's a prediction."

"Okay, just calm down." Rainbow said. "Besides, we're not going to-"

"Oh, okay. Say it in front of my face!" Clarissa stood up. "We're not going to die, this. We're not going to die, that. Then--boom! You will be dead wrong!"

A glare appears on Rainbow's face. "So, what you're trying to say is that we're not going to make it if we don't do something about this spy that has been watching over you guys since Alex saved the founder of Sky City from getting killed by Mercury Black?"

"Yes! That is what I was trying to say all along." Clarissa said with a glare.

"Oh, so you're blaming Alex for that incident near city hall?"

"No. I am blaming that Mercury Black guy for that incident near city hall."

"Okay! That's it!" Alex shouted. "I think we heard enough of our 'What will happen to us in the end?' argument, and you want to know why? Because I'm sick of all of this drama!"

"Alex, can you calm down for a moment?" Jonas replied.

"Calm down?" Alex grabbed Jonas by the shirt. "Calm down?! Clarissa thinks we're all going to die, and you want me to calm down?!"


Alex's eye twitched when she heard that, so she stepped out of the room while grumbling to herself. As she kept walking, she suddenly got Nat's attention.

"Hey, buddy." Nat said, getting Alex's attention. "How about we get out of this place and, you know, take a breather?"

"Oh, I could use a nice breath of clean air." Alex agreed.

"Great. I know a place on this mountain. It's a great spot to hang out. Thorax is there as well. You'll like the place."

Soon, Alex and Nat were making their way to an abandoned lighthouse that was on the top of the mountain. When they entered the lighthouse, it was empty. The only thing that was left there was just the stairs and the light above the lighthouse. As they climbed up the stairs, Alex was starting to grow exhausted as Nat noticed.

"Come on, you big baby. We're almost up." Nat said.

"Nat, can we just take a moment and rest?" Alex said with a tired tone. "I...I don't think...I can..."

"Hey. Get over it, will you not?"

"How come you're not tired?" Alex started crawling on the stairs.

"I'm an Inkling. We never get tired." Nat frowned. "Well, at least I think we don't."

After all of that walking up the stairs, they finally reached the top of the lighthouse. That was when Thorax noticed them, only putting on a small grin as a response. As Alex finally regained her energy, she finally got the courage to stand up again. She turned back to Nat and Thorax, both of them staring. So, she finally joined them and turned to what they were looking at. The sun was hovering above the ocean, and the light of the sun was reflecting from the surface of the water. The ocean was far away, but it made a beautiful view for the three of them. As the three stared at the ocean, they suddenly saw a giant shape jump out of the water and landed back in. Alex suddenly realized that the shape was nothing but a whale. Their moment was suddenly interrupted when they heard ringing until Nat pulled out her phone and let out a sigh.

"Hang on. I need to take this. It's my sister." Nat walked away, answering her phone and putting it against her ear. "What do you want, Veronica?"

Alex and Thorax watched as Nat went inside of the lighthouse. They could hear her shouting into her phone from outside, but they just turned back to the ocean.

"So, how often do you and Nat hang here?" Alex asked.

"Um, frequently." Thorax answered. "I do like it here, after all."

"Why's that?"

"It's really relaxing. Just watching the light of the sun gleam on the ocean's surface. Doesn't it sound nice?"

"Now that I think about it, it is nice." Alex cracked a smile. "Though, I always imagined myself living in a house hear the ocean. It would be a nice thought."

"Alex? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. Hit me."

"Are you...into anyone?" Thorax asked, seeing Alex's smile fade.

"Uh, can I ask why do you ask?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"I was just asking if you were into someone. Who do you like?"

"I...I haven't thought of that yet. Is there something you want to say to me?"

"Well, it's what Toriel wanted me to say to you." Thorax looked back at the ocean.

"What did she want you to say to me?" Alex wanted to know.

"Well, she told me to tell you..." Thorax let out a sigh. "We all know that you and your friends will be leaving the island when summer comes to an end. That means that you guys will leave us, but I hope that you will carry those memories with you once you humans leave. You and your fellow humans have been dear friends to us, and you helped us just like we helped you. If you leave, I just want to thank you for your time, Alexandra. We will remember you and your friends once you are gone."

"Thorax, what does that mean?"

"Alex..." Thorax placed both his hands on her shoulders. "What I was trying to say it that we're more that just a team. We're a family. That includes you and your friends as well."

"Wait. Are you-" Alex was cut off when she was pulled into a hug.

"This may sound like a promise, but once we get rid of the Dark Ones for good, you guys will be one of us. Well, at least that's what Asgore thinks. Toriel did agree as well."

Alex's eyes widen when she heard that, but she smiled and hugged the young changeling back. "Aw. You shouldn't have. Though, it does sound like an offer."

"I agree."

As the two broke the hug, they both turned to Nat, who was now standing outside with her phone still on her ear. She had a raised eyebrow on her face.

"Veronica, I'll call you back." Nat hung up and put her phone in her jacket pocket. "Please tell me you guys aren't in love already."

Alex and Thorax's eyes widen when they heard Nat say those words. They looked at each other, then back at Nat. "No."

Nat let out a sigh of relief. "I would've gotten a heart attack if you guys were. Come on. Let's head back to the base. I had enough air for now."

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