It's Just Acting

By Lexy_VLover

5.4K 229 172

❝could we pretend that we're in love? i'm sorry but i fell in love tonight.❞ Leon Vargas is loved by everybod... More

One : In Which He Is In Her House
Two : In Which She Calls Him An Arse
Three In Which He Says She's Conceited
Four : In Which She Slaps Him
Five : In Which He Has A Stone Cold Heart
Six In Which She Goes On A Date
Seven In Which He Sees A Rabbit On A Bicycle
Eight In Which She Faces Awkward Moments
Nine In Which He Is The Reason For Her Popularity
Ten In Which She Isn't Herself
Eleven In Which He Sees The Shore To His Beach
Twelve In Which She Plays Hide And Seek In A Closet
Thirteen In Which He Almost Punches Somebody
Fourteen In Which She Feels Like A Cliche
Fifteen In Which He Ruins Everything
Sixteen In Which He Revisits His Demons
Seventeen In Which She Meets The Fluffhead
Eighteen In Which He Bruises His Knuckles
Nineteen In Which She Kisses Without A Script
Twenty In Which He Ends Whatever They Had
Twenty One In Which She Is Sure Of Only A Few Things
Twenty Two In Which He Bends A Spoon
Twenty Three In Which She Doesn't Watch Her Step
Twenty Four In Which She Plays Matchmaker
Twenty Six In Which He Is Off The Figurative Hook
Twenty Six In Which She Decides It Is Time
Epilogue I
Epilogue 2

Twenty Seven In Which He Ends It

133 6 7
By Lexy_VLover

(I tried hard with the tweet but I could not find something to get the verification tick. So just imagine it there please. It's Leon, he's definitely verified. But you know other than I like really like it. Enjoy xx)

THAT WAS ALL they needed and two seconds later they were trending on Twitter.

Leon had become used to being half of #Leonetta, and now being half of #Leonesca was just the same. It was all fake in the end.

After they had a chat a month ago about what this breakup could do for the launch of the Violetta movie that would happen in a week's time.

Leon and Francesca had spent the last month romanticising their relationship for the press, their tweets always being lovey-dovey cliche quotes about finding your soulmate. They went out on publicised dates pretending that they were irritated by the surrounding paparazzi.

And now, on the 15th of April, Leon Vargas (mega teenage superstar and heartthrob with over 90 million followers on Twiter) posted a concise message that still managed to capture the necassary heartbreak.

The tweets that followed created new hashtags that were obviously in favour of Leon, reassuring him that he was still the apple of their eye and that she didn't deserve him. Leon's heart swelled when he saw all the comforting tweets from his fans, he really did have a great fandom behind him.

Francesca had agreed to take the fall for the breakup, he deserved it anyway. After all that she had done the least she could do was break up with him. Francesca also knew that regardless whether Leon tweeted 'I ended it' she would've gotten the hate anyway.

It wasn't long before Pablo was called by none other than Nicholas himself to schedule their next interview. Leon, now confident against the talk show host, gave Pablo the thumbs up booking an interview for later this afternoon.

Despite it being a breakup to end a fake relationship it didn't take away the heartbroken feeling in his stomach. It hurt. By tomorrow she would be walking in the park with Caio and he would be sulking in his bedroom.

Leon still hated himself for letting her in, in the first place.

He would miss his room in the Caviglia household, it was a cozy room. There was his bed against the wall with bedside tables on each side. Those tables usually held all his scripts. There was a couch against a wall, but it was there more for decoration than to be used. It wasn't at the right angle to watch TV (which was on the wall opposite to the bed: a beautiful flatscreen) and he had tried it out once; not comfortable.

There's a short series of knocks at his door and he calls for the person to enter. He wasn't doing anything anyway. Francesca walks in. She was wearing a red skirt and a blue shirt with a red cardigan, with her usual alice band on her head. He had always liked her sense of style.

"Hey," she smiles.

"Hi," he breathes. He still felt a little nervous when he was around her, she made him nervous. Her beauty, her kindness-

Stop Leon! You guys are over, completely, you need to stop thinking about her in this way.

"I just wanted to come and thank you for letting us breakup," Leon doesn't reply, he merely nods. "Still have feelings for me?" She asked, with hope that he would shake his head to lift the heavy burden on her shoulders.

"Yes," He whispers, "you can leave if you want."

He didn't want to her feel uncomfortable. And because he was shy, he just admited once again that he liked a taken girl. Francesca gets the hint and leaves the room.

Where was Diego when you need him?

LEON WALKED ONTO the stage with a confidence that he lacked the last time, but also with a sense of heartbreak.

Nicholas welcomed him on stage and Leon sent a warm wave to his fans in the crowd.

"I love you Leon!" a girl shouts, reminding him of the first time he was here.

"I love you too," He promises.

"I'm glad you're single!" Another girl yells and this time he pauses.

He shakes it off and sits on the chair next to Nicholas.

"So..." He doesn't complete his sentence, and instead projects the tweet from earlier on. Leon swallows hard.

"Yep, it happened," He says slowly and there a few gasps from the crowd.

"What happened? A month ago you guys seemed perfectly fine," Nicholas questioned.

"Well over the last month we were fine, at least I thought I was. I suppose my love her blinded me from seeing the reality of our relationship. When she broke up with three days ago I realised that our relationship ended a while ago and that we had almost no future," Leon confessed.

"And these thoughts were only from three days ago when she broke up with you?" Nicholas interrogated.

"Yes, before the break-up happened I really did believe that we were okay. In fact I could have easily imangined a future. Fran meant everything to me, and I really loved her. But I guess recently she just thought that we weren't a good fit. Who was I to force her into loving me more? I assume another reason was that next week I go on tour for the Violetta movie, and I suppose she wasn't that happy with a long-distance relationship," Leon explained, throwing in a promotion.

"So it took you three days to take the breakup to the public?" Nicholas asked.

"Yes, I guess it took me three days to come to terms with the fact. Like I said I love her, and when it happened I just spent a long time trying to convince myself that it didn't happen,that it was all a dream. But when I got no calls or texts I had to face reality. It was over," Leon said with a sigh.

He wished he could say that he was faking this anguished feeling but he wasn't.

They talked for a while longer about the highlights of his relationship, and then a bit about the movie tour. Once the interview was over Leon was exhausted. He practically collapsed into Diego.

"How did it feel?" Diego asked.


It was over.


The Almost End.

I guess there will be two epilogues! It is basically the end but you know now you guys get two epilogues so you are all very welcome!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and you must admit the tweet is pretty cool. What do you think will happen in the epilogues?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter even though Leonesca came to their public fake relationship end. Is there still hope?? Hmmm. But I mean you can use the TAE epilogue as an example where anything can happen or use any other epilogue where nothing changes. ; )

Thanks for reading 🙈 Sorry for any errors 💚

~Lexy 😈

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