Things Happen | ✓

By Corabellina

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The last place Kendall Hanks thinks she will end up is in a foster home. Let alone with the filthy-rich Mason... More

Chapter One: Why me?
Chapter Two: Meeting the Masons
Chapter Three:Bikers & Apologies
Chapter Four: Curmouth High School
Chapter Five: Mission Impossible
Chapter Six: Q is for Questions
Chapter Seven: Threats
Chapter Eight: Auditions
Chapter Nine: The Party
Chapter Ten: The Date
Chapter Eleven: Explanations
Chapter Tweleve: Suprises
Chapter Thirteen: Secrets Revealed
Chapter Fourteen: Everyone Needs a Savior
Chapter Fifteen: Truth or Dare
Chapter Sixteen: Whip Cream Facials
Chapter Seventeen: White Lies & Alibis
Chapter Eighteen: Back Home
Chapter Nineteen: E.C.T.
Chapter Twenty: Rumors Suck
Chapter Twenty-One: The Rehearsal Ball
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Campaign Ball
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Drug Lord
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Great Escape
Chapter Twenty-Five: Surfing Struggles
Chapter Twenty-Six: Absentee's and Duets
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Auditions and Phone Calls
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sophie Farnsworth
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Constellations
Chapter Thirty: Hospitals
Chapter Thirty-One: The Fight
Chapter Thirty-Two: Feels Like Loneliness
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Letter
Chapter Thirty-Five: Popcorn and M&Ms
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Numb the Pain (Will's PoV)
Chapter Thirty-Eight: On My Doorstep
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Final Return
Chapter Forty: New Beginnings

Chapter Thirty-Six: The Last Straw

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By Corabellina

I didn't feel like myself when I woke up on Monday morning. I felt different. Bolder.

I felt like I had nothing and everything to lose, all at once. And in a way, I really did.

Today would be my final day before I would leave. Tomorrow I would live with Jasmine Greenwald in Phoenix, unless Will somehow could change my mind. Today was all up to him.

Somehow, knowing that made me feel better. I could do something completely outrageous and leave tomorrow, and no one could do anything about it. Just the thought itself made me feel giddy.

When I went into my closet, I looked around at the expensive clothes that the Mason's had purchased. None of them appealed to me. No, today I was going to be the girl that no one in Curmouth knew. I was going to be the Kendall Hanks who didn't give a damn about what anyone thought of her.

I searched through my closet before I finally came across what I was looking for; my old, worn jeans that I had been wearing on the first day that I moved to Curmouth. The denim was a little washed out, and there were holes in the knees, but it was exactly what I needed to wear.

Then I picked out a plain black tee that was a little more lowcut than what I usually wore and slipped my feet into my favorite grey Converse. I left my hair in its natural half-straight, half-wavy state, not bothering to style it.

I looked in the mirror, studying my complexion. My determined hazel eyes stared back at me. I looked like myself, even if I didn't feel like it. No makeup, no hairstyle, raggedy jeans, and a determined mindset.

Today I would confront Will. Tomorrow I would leave.

With a deep breath, I stalked out of my room with my head held high. I slid down the banister of the long staircase, then I walked over to the car garage where I got into the Mercedes that I had been driving.

When I got to school, the parking lot was barely half-filled. I was early. I surveyed the campus. Only a few students were already on the grounds.

I got out of the Mercedes and walked past the parking space where Amber Tate and I had our fight. I passed the tree in the courtyard where Jack and I used to eat lunch. In the distance, behind the Language Arts building, I could even see the CHS Football Stadium where Will and I went when we ditched class.

This place was filled with memories of my life in Curmouth, some good and some bad. Either way, I was going to leave it all behind.

I steadily made my way to the front office, where I found Mrs. Gardener who had welcomed me to Curmouth on my first day. She looked up at me through her purple reading glasses, her lips pursing in surprise.

"Kendall? You're here early. Is there something I can help you with?", She asked me, her lips spreading into a huge, scary smile.

"Actually, yes. I just wanted to transfer my credits. I'm going to be switching schools.", I told her, twisting my hands nervously.

She frowned. "I'm sorry to hear that. Curmouth High is going to miss you."

I shook my head, letting out a little laugh. "No, I don't think they will."

"Nonsense!", She exclaimed, waving her hands in the air, her creepily large smile appearing again.

I laughed again. Mrs. Gardener was a bit crazy, but she was kinder than anyone else in Curmouth.

"When will you be leaving?", She asked me while she pulled up my files on her computer.

"I think this is going to be my last day.", I replied casually.

"Well, I hope your new school gives you what you need. Here are your credits and school records. You can just give them to your new school administrator, or I could fax it if you'd like?", She asked me as she handed me a freshly printed paper with all my school records on it.

"I'll just take it. Thank you.", I replied, taking the paper from her and giving her a slight smile.

"Alright. Good bye, Kendall.", She said.

"Bye Mrs. Gardener.", I replied before walking out of the administrator building.

By the time I made it out of the building, students were beginning to arrive and clutter the courtyard. As it filled, I couldn't help but feel a little nauseous at the thought of who might be coming. If I saw Jack, would he apologize or would he ignore me? And if Will showed up, would I even have the guts to confront him?

Honestly, I was already doubting how confrontation would work out. I'd probably be more heartbroken than I already was, but I needed the closure before I could leave.

I would confront Will during the hour-long lunch period. While everyone else was in the cafeteria, I could confront him. Then, I could leave.

With that thought in mind, I made my way to Mr. Goldberg's English class with a little spring in my step.

I had less than four hours before lunch where I would confront Will once and for all. I had less than four hours before I could leave Curmouth High School forever.


It's time.

That was all I could think when the bell rang in Physics class, marking the beginning of the lunch period.

Shakily, I stood up from my chair and followed all the other students into the hallway. They were all walking to the cafeteria, but I was walking to Will's locker which was the other way.

Suddenly, all my previous courage was replaced with fear. I couldn't do this. Not again. Whenever I tried to talk to Will, it ended up with me in tears.

But not today. Today was my last day unless Will changed his mind. But he wouldn't...

Despite my conflicted emotions, my legs continued to carry me farther down the hallway as I pushed past the students. I kept on moving further until I saw him. His unsuspecting back was turned to me as he put his books into his locker. His blonde hair shone like a mix of hell fire and hope.

Part of me had hoped that he skipped school again. Another part of me wanted him to apologize and beg for me to stay. I just wanted everything to be set straight again. It didn't feel right for a teenage boy to ruin me. I didn't deserve it.

With a deep breath, I walked up to him until I was standing directly behind him. He hadn't noticed me yet, and my brain was screaming for me to speak. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't find the words.

So I said his name.

"Will.", I spoke, my voice sounding neither fragile or strong.

In a split second, he whipped around, his accusing green eyes staring me down. He hated me. Still. He didn't say a word as he slammed his locker shut and began to walk quickly in the other direction of the cafeteria.

I stood in shock for a moment before I jumped into action, sprinting down the hall after him. I had to get the closure I needed. I couldn't leave if there was a chance that he still wanted me. I caught up to him just as he made it out of the building and into the courtyard.

"Will!", I shouted again, grabbing onto his sleeve.

"What do you want, Kendall?", He growled, facing me with angry eyes.

The sound of his loud, dominating voice was enough to make me freeze in place. He was so unlike the Will I knew. But I had to get through to him.

"Stop running away. I need to talk to you.", I pleaded, my eyes searching for any form of remorse in his expression.

He let out a dark chuckle, "What more could you say? I thought I made myself clear when I said that I want nothing to do with you. Clearly you can't understand that nobody wants you. No one, Kendall."

"I know you're hiding something from me, Will. I'm sorry that I hurt you, but there's something else going on, isn't there? Please, just talk to me. You can talk to me!", I said desperately.

For a split second, his façade dropped and I saw him. I saw the Will who whistled at me on my first day at Curmouth High School. I saw the Will who dared me to prank Carson Bayes' house. I saw the Will that I loved. I saw the Will who loved me.

His eyes were soft and green, and I wanted to pause the moment and admire them forever because it was that beautiful. Everything about his face spoke volumes that he was sorry and that he missed me. Every part of his face said that he wanted to be able to hold me in his arms forever.

But of course, it didn't last. His face hardened and he put his walls back up, blocking me out. He didn't let me in, and he wasn't going to.

"You're the worst thing that ever happened to me. I don't want anything to do with you.", He repeated in a dangerously low voice.

I tightened my grip on his wrist, staring deep into his eyes, determined to break through his walls. I wasn't going to leave Curmouth if I knew there was still a chance that Will was still waiting for me.

"Don't do this Will. You and I both know that we don't want this to end.", I said desperately, hoping to get to him.

"You are the most selfish, fake bitch I have ever met. I already told you, I don't want you. Are you that fucking dumb?", He yelled, ripping my hand from his wrist, and flinging me to the ground.

I fell onto the concrete sidewalk of the courtyard, looking up at him with wide, scared eyes. He had yelled, he had cussed me out, he had hurt me beyond my own capability, but he had never physically hurt me. Not until now.

He stared back at me with slight shock that was soon replaced with mad rage. He didn't care. He never cared.

But I loved him! I loved him and he hated me. I had to let him know that before I left. I had to get it out so I could move on. If he was going to verbally abuse me, then I was going to let him know the truth. I had to tell him because even if I was a million miles away, my heart could never rest until I had told him what I really felt.

I began to talk in a calm tone, "When you opened up to me, Will, I realized something-"

"You are only out for yourself! Just get out of my life. I don't care where you go, just get the fuck out of my life!", He interrupted with a roar.

"I was confused at first, but now, I understand it."

"I wish I never met you! Life would be so much easier if you never existed!", He yelled, his words slicing the air like knives. I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing the words from my mouth.

"I love you!", I finally shouted.

He stopped shouting, and looked at me. Not with love or confusion. He looked at me with pure hatred. And it was the worst feeling.

"I could never, ever, love a fake bitch like you, do you understand? Now get the fuck away from me.", He said deeply, as if he wanted the words to soak in.

Tears pooled in my eyes, rushing down the sides of my face. He broke me, but I couldn't leave. Not yet.

"Will, I'm leaving Curmouth.", I whispered.

Gritting his teeth, he looked at me one last time. "It's about damn time."

Hollowness filled my chest as I stared at him in disbelief. It was time to go.

"G-g-goodbye, Will.", I said quietly.

He didn't say anything, but he kept his glare.

Then I turned away from him and began to walk to the parking lot. I looked over my shoulder to see if he was going to chase after me. I wanted him to run after me and tell me that he was sorry. I wanted to go back to how things used to be.

But he wasn't even in the courtyard anymore. He had left me. He was gone.

And now, I was going to be gone too.

Once I was safely in my Mercedes, I pulled out my iPhone and dialed a number that I had saved in my contacts ever since I had received the letter from the Foster Care.

After a few rings, I was met with a chirpy female voice.

"Hello! This is Phoenix Foster Care and Adoption Services. How can we be of service today?"

"Hi. My name is Kendall Hanks. I'm currently being fostered by the Mason family in Curmouth, California. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to accept your offer to relocate from my current foster home to Phoenix.", I said shakily.

"Alright. Can you give me your name again?"

"Kendall Hanks. I have a relative in Phoenix named Jasmine Greenwald.", I answered, biting my lip as a tear streaked down my cheek.

After a few moments the woman spoke again. "I found you in our system. How soon would you like to relocate to Jasmine Greenwald's home here in Phoenix? A week? A month?"

"Actually, can I leave tomorrow?", I asked, digging my fingernails into the steering wheel.

"It'll be a bit of a stretch but I can get you on a flight departing from Curmouth to Phoenix at 6:00 PM tomorrow night. Will that work?", She asked.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes. Everything could be gone. I could start over. I could have family. There was nothing left here for me. There was no one left here for me.

"Yes.", I said finally. "That will work just fine."

I was leaving for real, this time. I was leaving forever.


Hello gang! Happy #MachoMonday ! What did you think of the chapter?

BIG NEWS: So I'm super, super excited for the next chapter because (*enter drumroll*) the next chapter will be from Will's POV!!! So stay tuned for that next week! It's going to give you all the feels. (The draft chapter already made me cry)

Also, if you would want to, The Starlight Awards are out and Things Happen needs your vote! The book you vote in is called The Starlight Awards and the chapter is titled Sails Away! It would be a huge help if you would vote! (Thank you so much in advance!)

What team are you on now?

•#Khon -Kendall and John

•#Kack -Kendall and Jack

•#Kill -Kendall and Will

Chapter Questions/Comments:

•The big, final fight between Will and Kendall?

•Is Will hiding something? What?

•Kendall leaving Curmouth?

•What will her new life bring?

Love you guys so much! Thank you for reading!

Love, Cora

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