Poseidon's Girl

By weedly

1M 44K 21K

[Highest Rank: #3 in Romance] "Tell me to kiss you," he whispered so quiet and husk I wouldn't have heard... More

P r e f a c e
Book Cover ?
Lol book cover again


38.9K 1.9K 829
By weedly


Alice POV

I stepped out into the halls looking both ways for any sign of life but there was none. The soft carpet on my bare-feet was soothing none the less but a sudden fear of facing Poseidon left me feeling discomfort.

I turned down a couple set of hallways only to find that they all appeared to be the exact same as the ones before. I turned one more and groaned at the similarity to the others.

If he wanted me to go crazy before whatever Ami did to my arm kills me than I guess his mission has been accomplished.

"Lost?" An accented voice asked me from the opposite wall. He leant against the fancy wooded wall and a corner of his mouth was tilted up slightly.

His hair was a dirty blonde, something along the lines of sandy colors. His eyes were blue but unlike Poseidon's you could actually look into them without feeling something.

"No," I stood up quickly and hid my hurt arm.

"Darling, no sense lying to me." He took a step closer and it wasn't as intimidating as I thought It would be.

"Who are you," I asked him.

"I am Zeus," he smiled, "I see you've made my brother quite distraught with your tantalizing tactics." His accent was unidentifiable but his words were what caught me off guard.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"Oh you know, just the fact that you're his fated love and he thinks you hate him." He stood with his arms crossed over his waist. Fated love?

"What do you mean fated love," I asked itching to know his answer.

"Oh he didn't tell you?" He took a step closer, "You're his θεά. You see all God's despite how awful we are have a special fated love, we call it a θεά. Mine has downright rejected me so I've decided to pry into you and Poseidon's little affair."

Maybe thats what Poseidon meant when he said that I was his after he'd saved me on the beach, but honestly fated love was simply a word. I had a choice in the matter and I wouldn't choose him if he chose to reject me like he did in that bar.

He placed a hand on my lower back and guided me to walk, "Walk with me, darling." He said calmly.

We walked down a few hallways when finally a banister and stair case emerged. He guided me downstairs and through a large door which led to the garden I'd seen earlier.

White roses flooded the area, it was beautiful honestly.

"Are white roses your favorite?" I asked him breaking the silence we'd previously walked in.

"No.." the ends of his mouth lifted up, "They're Nora's," he looked at me. I didn't know who she was but I assumed it was his.. fated love or however you call it. And it also meant this was Zeus's home.

"How do you know.." he looked at me, "if it's your fated love I mean," I asked him.

"You can feel them, smell them even. Hear the way their chest rises and falls.. it's quite intoxicating really." He appeared sad almost.

"So when I jumped that day.. off of that cliff. That's when he found me?" I asked him.

"Quite the mistake you made, darling." He vaguely answered.

A few hoops and hollers were heard off into the distance back in the house. Zeus looked at me and an evil look flushed his face.

"Come darling," he smiled, "I have some people I'd like you to meet."

He led me into the mansion and as we neared closer to the sound I knew exactly who they were. The boys from the field.

Zeus walked in and I hid behind him. I wasn't one to be shy but in this moment I felt vulnerable.. it was something I wasn't used to.

They were a rambunctious group of men, they all were doing reckless things like throwing darts at each other and a few of them held bottles of liquor in their hands.

In fact two boys whom I recognized as the ones from the bow and arrow dilemma were holding fire to the one boys arrow wound, I watched as it began to heal slowly, each cell of skin replacing the bloody hole in his back.

Must be some type of God that heals with fire..

Suddenly the chatter began to quiet down and succumb to a silence. Zeus had moved and left me standing there in all of my pajama glory.

"Damn," a dark haired boy said, "he didn't say you were that hot." An array of chuckles left the group of boys before me.

"Careful boys," Zeus spoke beside me in his accent, "She's Poseidon's property.. he would kill any of you if you so much as touched her."

"Yeah we saw just how much stronger he was than you on the field," the dark haired boy said again earning laughter from his friends.

Zeus's eyes lit with lighting.

I didn't see Poseidon anywhere. I wondered where he'd run off to.. Fin however was in the corner silent as ever.

"Lets teach Alice what Gods can do," Zeus smirked and the other boys agreed.

"You alright?" I heard Fin approach as I sat on the stone wall whilst all the men around me attempted to show off.

"I'm fine," I told him. "Why did you bring me here?"

"They know how to help you here," he motioned towards my arm.


"Be patient, Alice." He commanded.

How can I be patient when my arm looks like it's about to be amputated?

He began to walk away and return to the fun but I stopped him, "You still owe me pancakes, you know that right?"

The tips of his mouth toppled up and he suppressed a wide smile, "Right," he left me there on the stone wall and I watched on as they all looked like little boys trying to see who's toy car was the best.

I quickly slipped away from the raging group of boys as my mind couldn't stop wondering how this is all possible. I didn't know much about Greek Mythology and I wanted answers.

I walked into the mansion and began to look around.. If this place was even remotely predictable I would guess there would be a library.

After trying not to get lost and opening a few doors to no avail, I stumbled upon two French doors. I stopped and gently turned the handle, since it was already past dark thanks to the boys non-stop entertainment the large room was solely lit by lamps scattered across the room.

Books flooded the area, the walls higher than a two story house and shelves everywhere filled with books. I almost cried.

I closed the doors behind me and took in my surroundings. I knew Zeus must have at least one book about Greek mythology so I looked.

I started underneath the sign that read, Historical Fiction. Fiction.. My eyes scanned the binders of each lettered figure, until I hit one. My eyes did a double take.

"Poseidon: God of the Sea," the title read.

My finger wrapped around the edge and pulled it out. I was quite surprised that it was actually in historical fiction because they are obviously not fictional people...

I opened it and a large painted portrait of him was there on the front page. He was portrayed with a beard, and unruly hair, the only similarity being his eyes. Despite the lack of color you could tell his eyes were the striking blue that I'd come to recognize so well.

He held a trident and he stood upon a rock with waves crashing around him, dolphins by his side.

I flipped the page and saw the Table of Contents as my eyes fell on the words,

"Amphitrite; Poseidon's Love Pg. 43," I cringed and flipped to the page it said and began reading,

"Amphitrite was one of the sea-nymphs called the Nereids. One day the sea god Poseidon saw her dancing and fell desperately in love with her. He promptly asked her to marry him but unfortunately she refused.

Not discouraged by Amphitrite's refusal, Poseidon (Neptune) sent one of his servants, a dolphin to convince her. The dolphin pleaded Neptune's cause so well that she changed her mind. Neptune and Amphitrite married and as a reward for his help, Neptune placed the image of the dolphin among the stars as the constellation Dolphinus, the Dolphin.

He later then had multiple affairs with other woman such as Demeter, in search of his fated love, leaving Amphitrite beh—."

"I didn't know you read," a dark voice greeted me, one causing me to instantly snap the book shut and hide it behind my back.

My pulse began to rise, I could feel it in my chest. So much so I feared even he could hear it.

I looked up at Poseidon, his hair could only be described as the darkest corner in a child's room. A corner that they're afraid of.. afraid of what lies behind the shadows.

His eyes could only be defined as silver melting in a pot of water, the silver outlined the light blue bursts inside.

His lips however, there were no words. They were red, not a flustered shade of pink like most, but red. Like a melting sun.

"You don't really know me at all then," I said, snapping back to reality.

"Oh, Alice," he smirked, he traced a long masculine finger along a few misplaced books set on a table in the middle of the room, "I know you more than you know yourself." He commented.

I quickly laid the book I was holding on the table before me while he was looking away.

He took a few steps closer, coming up the small set of stairs that led into the main part of he library, meeting me eye to eye.

His blue eyes hazily trailed from my coal brown hair to my revealed chest thanks to the small lace shirt and then the shorts which left my legs bare.

I saw him swallow, hard. His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat.

He incoherently muttered something sounding like a curse word.

"You shouldn't be wearing those," his jaw clenched as his eyes finally dragged back up to mine, "Not around them." Them meaning the other boys I assumed.

"Since when do you tell me what to wear," I muttered quietly, it sounded almost sweet.. sweeter than I meant it to be.

Suddenly he was right in front of me, like he'd just appeared there just like that day on the beach. His breath lingered through my nose, he smelled of the sea. It was strangely intoxicating.

"It's a dangerous game you're playing, love." His lips so close to mine, I'd forgotten completely about Amphitrite, his wife from long ago.

"What game?" I quietly said.

He wrapped his rough long fingers around my wrists dragging them above my head and holding both of them there with one large hand.

He brought the other to my waist and the way he gripped me was sure to leave a bruise.

"Do you've any idea what you do to me?" He asked me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to answer.. either because if I did nothing would come out.. or he might tell me just exactly what he meant.

He pulled my waist into his, his fingers pressing against my hip, and I gasped at the hard object that I felt against me.

"This is your doing," he whispered in my ear.

And just like that, he left me. All lights out just like before, I was left in the darkness.. something I'd usually be afraid of but instead my mind was drooling at the thought of other matters.


Shit. Shit. Shit.

Lmao I can't wait to write the next chapter.. not going to lie I was struggling with a tiny bit of writers block but damn.. it turned out well

You guys are all SO sweet and it makes me so happy!! I doubt any of you know but my sister recently passed away and writing just lifts my spirits like none other.

And when you guys are so encouraging it makes me feel so happy!

So thank you all.

Don't forget to vote! Xoxo

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